Exemple #1
class MonitorCUs(MonitorPlugin):
    plot1 = {'CUs': ['impulse', 'CUs']}
    plots = [Plot(plot1, title="Concurent users", ylabel="CUs")]

    def getStat(self):
        return {}

    def parseStats(self, stats):
        if not (hasattr(stats[0], 'cvus')):
            return None
        cus = [int(x.cvus) for x in stats]

        return {'CUs': cus}
Exemple #2
class MonitorMemFree(MonitorPlugin):
    plot1 = {'MEM': ['lines lw 2', 'Memory'], 'SWAP': ['lines lw 2', 'Swap']}
    plots = [Plot(plot1, title="Memory usage", unit="kB")]

    def getStat(self):
        meminfo_fields = [
            "MemTotal", "MemFree", "SwapTotal", "SwapFree", "Buffers", "Cached"
        meminfo = open("/proc/meminfo")
        kernel_rev = self._getKernelRev()
        if kernel_rev <= 2.4:
            # Kernel 2.4 has extra lines of info, duplicate of later info
        lines = meminfo.readlines()
        meminfo_stats = {}
        for line in lines:
            line = line[:-1]
            stats = line.split()
            field = stats[0][:-1]
            if field in meminfo_fields:
                meminfo_stats[field[0].lower() + field[1:]] = stats[1]
        return meminfo_stats

    def parseStats(self, stats):
        if not (hasattr(stats[0], 'memTotal') and hasattr(stats[0], 'memFree')
                and hasattr(stats[0], 'swapTotal')
                and hasattr(stats[0], 'swapFree')):
            return None
        mem_total = int(stats[0].memTotal)
        if hasattr(stats[0], 'buffers'):
            mem_used = [
                mem_total - int(x.memFree) - int(x.buffers) - int(x.cached)
                for x in stats
            # old monitoring does not have cached or buffers info
            mem_used = [mem_total - int(x.memFree) for x in stats]
        mem_used_start = mem_used[0]
        mem_used = [x - mem_used_start for x in mem_used]
        swap_total = int(stats[0].swapTotal)
        swap_used = [swap_total - int(x.swapFree) for x in stats]
        swap_used_start = swap_used[0]
        swap_used = [x - swap_used_start for x in swap_used]
        return {'MEM': mem_used, 'SWAP': swap_used}
Exemple #3
class MonitorCPU(MonitorPlugin):
    plot1 = {
        'CPU': ['impulse lw 2', 'CPU 1=100%%'],
        'LOAD1': ['lines lw 2', 'Load 1min'],
        'LOAD5': ['lines lw 2', 'Load 5min'],
        'LOAD15': ['lines lw 2', 'Load 15min']
    plots = [Plot(plot1, title="Load average", ylabel="loadavg")]

    def getStat(self):
        return dict(self._getCPU().items() + self._getLoad().items())

    def _getCPU(self):
        """Read the current system cpu usage from /proc/stat."""
        lines = open("/proc/stat").readlines()
        for line in lines:
            #print "l = %s" % line
            l = line.split()
            if len(l) < 5:
            if l[0].startswith('cpu'):
                # cpu = sum of usr, nice, sys
                cpu = long(l[1]) + long(l[2]) + long(l[3])
                idl = long(l[4])
                return {
                    'CPUTotalJiffies': cpu,
                    'IDLTotalJiffies': idl,
        return {}

    def _getLoad(self):
        """Read the current system load from /proc/loadavg."""
        loadavg = open("/proc/loadavg").readline()
        loadavg = loadavg[:-1]
        # Contents are space separated:
        # 5, 10, 15 min avg. load, running proc/total threads, last pid
        stats = loadavg.split()
        running = stats[3].split("/")
        load_stats = {}
        load_stats['loadAvg1min'] = stats[0]
        load_stats['loadAvg5min'] = stats[1]
        load_stats['loadAvg15min'] = stats[2]
        load_stats['running'] = running[0]
        load_stats['tasks'] = running[1]
        return load_stats

    def parseStats(self, stats):
        if not (hasattr(stats[0], 'loadAvg1min')
                and hasattr(stats[0], 'loadAvg5min')
                and hasattr(stats[0], 'loadAvg15min')):
            return None
        cpu_usage = [0]
        for i in range(1, len(stats)):
            if not (hasattr(stats[i], 'CPUTotalJiffies')
                    and hasattr(stats[i - 1], 'CPUTotalJiffies')):
                dt = ((long(stats[i].IDLTotalJiffies) +
                       long(stats[i].CPUTotalJiffies)) -
                      (long(stats[i - 1].IDLTotalJiffies) +
                       long(stats[i - 1].CPUTotalJiffies)))
                if dt:
                    ttl = (float(
                        long(stats[i].CPUTotalJiffies) -
                        long(stats[i - 1].CPUTotalJiffies)) / dt)
                    ttl = None

        load_avg_1 = [float(x.loadAvg1min) for x in stats]
        load_avg_5 = [float(x.loadAvg5min) for x in stats]
        load_avg_15 = [float(x.loadAvg15min) for x in stats]
        return {
            'LOAD1': load_avg_1,
            'LOAD5': load_avg_5,
            'LOAD15': load_avg_15,
            'CPU': cpu_usage
Exemple #4
class MonitorNetwork(MonitorPlugin):
    interface = 'eth0'
    plot1 = {'NETIN': ['lines lw 2', 'In'], 'NETOUT': ['lines lw 2', 'Out']}
    plots = [Plot(plot1, title="Network traffic", ylabel="", unit="kB")]

    def __init__(self, conf):
        super(MonitorNetwork, self).__init__(conf)
        if conf != None:
            self.interface = conf.get('server', 'interface')

    def getStat(self):
        """Read the stats from an interface."""
        ifaces = open("/proc/net/dev")
        # Skip the information banner
        # Read the rest of the lines
        lines = ifaces.readlines()
        # Process the interface lines
        net_stats = {}
        for line in lines:
            # Parse the interface line
            # Interface is followed by a ':' and then bytes, possibly with
            # no spaces between : and bytes
            line = line[:-1]
            (device, data) = line.split(':')

            # Get rid of leading spaces
            device = device.lstrip()
            # get the stats
            stats = data.split()
            if device == self.interface:
                net_stats['receiveBytes'] = stats[0]
                net_stats['receivePackets'] = stats[1]
                net_stats['transmitBytes'] = stats[8]
                net_stats['transmitPackets'] = stats[9]
        return net_stats

    def parseStats(self, stats):
        if not (hasattr(stats[0], 'transmitBytes')
                or hasattr(stats[0], 'receiveBytes')):
            return None
        net_in = [None]
        net_out = [None]
        for i in range(1, len(stats)):
            if not (hasattr(stats[i], 'receiveBytes')
                    and hasattr(stats[i - 1], 'receiveBytes')):
                    (int(stats[i].receiveBytes) -
                     int(stats[i - 1].receiveBytes)) /
                    (1024 * (float(stats[i].time) - float(stats[i - 1].time))))

            if not (hasattr(stats[i], 'transmitBytes')
                    and hasattr(stats[i - 1], 'transmitBytes')):
                    (int(stats[i].transmitBytes) -
                     int(stats[i - 1].transmitBytes)) /
                    (1024 * (float(stats[i].time) - float(stats[i - 1].time))))
        return {'NETIN': net_in, 'NETOUT': net_out}