Exemple #1
class ProductDisplay(Frame):
    """Interface for product display"""
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        """Create, pack, and bind entry boxes and buttons for product display"""


        self.frameHeading = Frame(self)

        self.frameHeadingTitle = Label(self.frameHeading,
                                       text="Current inventory",
                                       font=("Arial", "12", "bold"))

        # ---Database output
        self.showInventoryFrame = Frame(self).pack()

        ##Imported table-like multilist box
        self.listBox = MultiListbox(self.showInventoryFrame,
                                    (("Product Number", 10),
                                     ("Description", 40), ("Color", 10),
                                     ("Unit cost", 5), ("Sell price", 5),
                                     ("Quantity", 5)))
        self.listBox.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)

        # ---Inventory display buttons
        self.inventoryBtnFrame = Frame(self).pack()
        self.fetchInven = Button(self.inventoryBtnFrame,
                                 text="Get inventory",

        self.modifyInven = Button(self.inventoryBtnFrame,
                                  text="Update listing",

        self.deleteInven = Button(self.inventoryBtnFrame,
                                  text="Delete entry",

        self.clearInven = Button(self.inventoryBtnFrame,
                                 text="Clear inventory",

    def getInven(self):
        """Gets products from DB and displays them.

        Opens the shelve, loops through each entry, prints the unpacked tuple
        for each record, then closes the shelve."""
        self.listBox.delete(0, END)
        self.productList = shelve.open(shelvename)
        for item in self.productList.keys():
            (self.descrip, self.colors, self.cost, self.price,
             self.quan) = self.productList[item]  # unpack tuple
            self.listBox.insert(END, (item, self.descrip, self.colors,
                                      self.cost, self.price, self.quan))

    def clearEntry(self):
        """Deletes an entry from the database.

        Gets the highlighted selection, makes a list of the the separate words,
        'pops' the product number entry, finds the product number in the shelve,
        deletes the product, then updates the inventory screen."""

        ans = askokcancel("Verify delete",
                          "Really remove item?")  # popup window
        if ans:
            self.productList = shelve.open(shelvename)
            self.getSelection = self.listBox.curselection(
            )  # get index of selection
            self.selectedEntry = self.listBox.get(
                self.getSelection)  # get tuple from selection
            (self.productNum, self.descrip, self.colors, self.cost, self.price,
             self.quan) = self.selectedEntry  # unpack tuple
            self.entry = self.selectedEntry[0]
            del self.productList[self.entry]
            showinfo(title="Product removed",
                     message="The product has been removed from inventory.")

    def changeInven(self):
        """Allows modification of a database entry.

        Called by modifyInven Button"""

        try:  # see if a selection was made
            self.getSelection = self.listBox.curselection(
            )  # get index of selection
            self.selectedEntry = self.listBox.get(
                self.getSelection)  # get tuple from selection
            (self.prodnum, self.descrip, self.colors, self.cost, self.price,
             self.quan) = self.selectedEntry  # unpack tuple

            # ---New 'edit product' window
            self.editWindow = Toplevel()
            self.editWindow.title("Edit selected entry")

            # ---Edit product window widgets
            Label(self.editWindow, text="Product Number").grid(row=0, column=0)
            Label(self.editWindow, text="Description").grid(row=0, column=1)
            Label(self.editWindow, text="Color").grid(row=0, column=2)
            Label(self.editWindow, text="Unit cost").grid(row=0, column=3)
            Label(self.editWindow, text="Sell price").grid(row=0, column=4)
            Label(self.editWindow, text="Quantity").grid(row=0, column=5)

            self.oldNum = Entry(self.editWindow, name="prodNum")
            self.oldNum.grid(row=1, column=0)
            self.oldDescrip = Entry(self.editWindow, name="descrip")
            self.oldDescrip.grid(row=1, column=1)
            self.oldColor = Entry(self.editWindow, name="color")
            self.oldColor.grid(row=1, column=2)
            self.oldCost = Entry(self.editWindow, name="cost")
            self.oldCost.grid(row=1, column=3)
            self.oldPrice = Entry(self.editWindow, name="price")
            self.oldPrice.grid(row=1, column=4)
            self.oldQuan = Entry(self.editWindow, name="quan")
            self.oldQuan.grid(row=1, column=5)

            self.update = Button(self.editWindow,
                                 text="Update product",
            self.cancel = Button(self.editWindow,

            # ---Edit product data
            self.oldNum.insert(END, self.prodnum)
            self.oldDescrip.insert(END, self.descrip)
            self.oldColor.insert(END, self.colors)
            self.oldCost.insert(END, self.cost)
            self.oldPrice.insert(END, self.price)
            self.oldQuan.insert(END, self.quan)

        except TclError:  # tell user to make a selection first
                      message="You must make a selection first!")

    def updateProduct(self):
        """Change the values of a database entry.

        Called by changeInven Button."""

        self.productList = shelve.open(shelvename)
        self.oldEntry = self.oldNum.get()
        self.newQuan = self.oldQuan.get()
        self.newCost = self.oldCost.get()
        self.newPrice = self.oldPrice.get()
        self.newRecord = [
            self.descrip, self.colors, self.newCost, self.newPrice,
        self.productList[self.oldEntry] = self.newRecord

    def cancelProduct(self):
        """Verify canceling of product update."""


    def delInven(self):
        """Deletes all entries in database."""

        ans = askokcancel("Verify delete",
                          "Really clear inventory?")  # popup window
        if ans:
            self.productList = shelve.open(shelvename)
            showinfo(title="Inventory cleared",
                     message="Your inventory database has been deleted.")
Exemple #2
class ProductDisplay(Frame):
    """Interface for product display"""
    def __init__(self, parent = None):
        """Create, pack, and bind entry boxes and buttons for product display"""
        self.frameHeading = Frame(self)
        self.frameHeadingTitle = Label(self.frameHeading, text = "Current inventory",
            font = ("Arial", "12", "bold"))
        #---Database output
        self.showInventoryFrame = Frame(self).pack()
        ##Imported table-like multilist box
        self.listBox = MultiListbox(self.showInventoryFrame, (("Product Number", 10), 
            ("Description", 40), ("Color", 10), ("Unit cost", 5), ("Sell price", 5)
            , ("Quantity", 5)))
        self.listBox.pack(expand = YES, fill = BOTH)
        #---Inventory display buttons
        self.inventoryBtnFrame = Frame(self).pack()
        self.fetchInven = Button(self.inventoryBtnFrame, text = "Get inventory",
            command = self.getInven)
        self.fetchInven.pack(side = LEFT)
        self.modifyInven = Button(self.inventoryBtnFrame, text = "Update listing",
            command = self.changeInven)
        self.modifyInven.pack(side= LEFT)
        self.deleteInven = Button(self.inventoryBtnFrame, text = "Delete entry",
            command = self.clearEntry)
        self.deleteInven.pack(side = LEFT)
        self.clearInven = Button(self.inventoryBtnFrame, text = "Clear inventory",
            command = self.delInven)
        self.clearInven.pack(side = LEFT)
    def getInven(self):
        """Gets products from DB and displays them.
        Opens the shelve, loops through each entry, prints the unpacked tuple
        for each record, then closes the shelve."""
        self.listBox.delete(0, END)
        self.productList = shelve.open(shelvename)
        for item in self.productList.keys():
            (self.descrip, self.colors, self.cost, self.price, 
                self.quan) = self.productList[item]    #unpack tuple
            self.listBox.insert(END, (item, self.descrip, self.colors, self.cost,
                self.price, self.quan))
    def clearEntry(self):
        """Deletes an entry from the database.
        Gets the highlighted selection, makes a list of the the separate words,
        'pops' the product number entry, finds the product number in the shelve,
        deletes the product, then updates the inventory screen."""
        ans = askokcancel("Verify delete", "Really remove item?")   #popup window
        if ans:
            self.productList = shelve.open(shelvename)
            self.getSelection = self.listBox.curselection() #get index of selection
            self.selectedEntry = self.listBox.get(self.getSelection)    #get tuple from selection
            (self.productNum, self.descrip, self.colors, self.cost, self.price, 
                self.quan) = self.selectedEntry    #unpack tuple
            self.entry = self.selectedEntry[0]
            del self.productList[self.entry]
            showinfo(title = "Product removed",
                message = "The product has been removed from inventory.")

    def changeInven(self):
        """Allows modification of a database entry.
        Called by modifyInven Button"""
        try:    #see if a selection was made
            self.getSelection = self.listBox.curselection() #get index of selection
            self.selectedEntry = self.listBox.get(self.getSelection)    #get tuple from selection
            (self.prodnum, self.descrip, self.colors, self.cost, self.price, 
                self.quan) = self.selectedEntry    #unpack tuple
            #---New 'edit product' window
            self.editWindow = Toplevel()    
            self.editWindow.title("Edit selected entry")
            #---Edit product window widgets
            Label(self.editWindow, text = "Product Number").grid(row = 0, column = 0)
            Label(self.editWindow, text = "Description").grid(row = 0, column = 1)
            Label(self.editWindow, text = "Color").grid(row = 0, column = 2)
            Label(self.editWindow, text = "Unit cost").grid(row = 0, column = 3)
            Label(self.editWindow, text = "Sell price").grid(row = 0, column = 4)
            Label(self.editWindow, text = "Quantity").grid(row = 0, column = 5)
            self.oldNum = Entry(self.editWindow, name = "prodNum")
            self.oldNum.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
            self.oldDescrip = Entry(self.editWindow, name = "descrip")
            self.oldDescrip.grid(row = 1, column = 1)
            self.oldColor = Entry(self.editWindow, name = "color")
            self.oldColor.grid(row = 1, column = 2)
            self.oldCost = Entry(self.editWindow, name = "cost")
            self.oldCost.grid(row = 1, column = 3)
            self.oldPrice = Entry(self.editWindow, name = "price")
            self.oldPrice.grid(row = 1, column = 4)
            self.oldQuan = Entry(self.editWindow, name = "quan")
            self.oldQuan.grid(row = 1, column = 5)
            self.update = Button(self.editWindow, text = "Update product",
                command = self.updateProduct).grid(row = 2, column = 2)
            self.cancel = Button(self.editWindow, text = "Cancel",
                command = self.cancelProduct).grid(row = 2, column = 3) 
            #---Edit product data
            self.oldNum.insert(END, self.prodnum)
            self.oldDescrip.insert(END, self.descrip)
            self.oldColor.insert(END, self.colors)
            self.oldCost.insert(END, self.cost)
            self.oldPrice.insert(END, self.price)
            self.oldQuan.insert(END, self.quan)
        except TclError:    #tell user to make a selection first
            showerror(title = "Error!", message = "You must make a selection first!")
    def updateProduct(self):
        """Change the values of a database entry.
        Called by changeInven Button."""
        self.productList = shelve.open(shelvename)
        self.oldEntry = self.oldNum.get()
        self.newQuan = self.oldQuan.get()
        self.newCost = self.oldCost.get()
        self.newPrice = self.oldPrice.get()
        self.newRecord = [self.descrip, self.colors,
            self.newCost, self.newPrice, self.newQuan]
        self.productList[self.oldEntry] = self.newRecord
    def cancelProduct(self):
        """Verify canceling of product update."""
    def delInven(self):
        """Deletes all entries in database."""
        ans = askokcancel("Verify delete", "Really clear inventory?")   #popup window
        if ans: 
            self.productList = shelve.open(shelvename)
            showinfo(title = "Inventory cleared",
                message = "Your inventory database has been deleted.")