def registration_page(): """Page where new user accounts are made.""" try: message = None if request.method == 'POST': username = request.form['username'] password = sha256_crypt.encrypt( (str(request.form['password']))) # taking password and hashing it for protection c, conn = connection() if is_username_exist(escape_string(username)) > 0: # checking if user exists message = 'That username is already taken, please choose anot\ her' return render_template('UserAccount/register.html', message=message) else: c.execute("INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES \ (%s, %s)", (escape_string(username), escape_string (password))) # creating new user conn.commit() c.close() conn.close() session['logged_in'] = True session['username'] = username return redirect(url_for('logged_in')) return render_template('UserAccount/register.html') except Exception as e: return(str(e))
def logged_in(): """Logged in page that appears afte succesful authentication and shows bookmarks.""" try: c, conn = connection() if request.method == 'POST': title = request.form['name'] # taking input for storing bookmark url = request.form['url'] c.execute("SELECT uid FROM users WHERE username = (%s)", session['username']) # storing bookmark under the user who created it c.execute("INSERT INTO bookmarks (title, url, uid) VALUES \ (%s, %s, %s)", (escape_string(title), escape_string (url), c.fetchone()[0])) conn.commit() # database commiting changes and closing of the connection c.close() conn.close() return redirect(url_for('logged_in', message="message")) else: c.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = (%s)", session['username']) c.execute("SELECT * FROM bookmarks WHERE uid = (%s)", c.fetchone()[0]) a = list(c.fetchall()) # if get request then query the list of bookmarks and display them return render_template('UserAccount/logged_in.html', data=a) except Exception, e: return render_template('UserAccount/login.html', message=e)
def title(self, id): ratingsform = widgets.RemoteForm(fields=RatingFields(), submit_text="Rate it!") # Title.sqlmeta.addJoin(MultipleJoin('Rating',joinMethodName='ratings')) thetitle = Title.get(id) thetitle.ratings = [] same_author = [] for author in titles = """!=%s AND AND book.status ='STOCK' AND AND AND author.author_name='%s' """ % (escape_string( "%s" %, escape_string(author.author_name)), orderBy="booktitle", clauseTables=['book', 'author', 'author_title'], distinct=True) for title in titles: same_author.append(title) if thetitle.copies_in_status("STOCK") == 0: raise HTTPError(404) return dict(thetitle=thetitle, authorswidget=AuthorsWidget(), ratingsform=ratingsform, titlelistwidget=TitleListWidget(), same_author=same_author)
def transactions(self, **args): self.common() begin_date = args.get('begin_date', '') end_date = args.get('end_date', '') what = args.get('what', '') action = args.get('action', 'SALE') deleteid = args.get('deleteid', '0') if int(deleteid) > 0: Transaction.delete(deleteid) self._transactionstemplate.begin_date = begin_date self._transactionstemplate.end_date = end_date self._transactionstemplate.what = what self._transactionstemplate.action = action self._transactionstemplate.transactions = [] if begin_date and end_date: self._transactionstemplate.transactions = list(""" >= '%s' AND <= ADDDATE('%s',INTERVAL 1 DAY) AND LIKE '%%%s%%' AND transactionLog.action LIKE '%%%s%%' """ % (escape_string(begin_date), escape_string(end_date), escape_string(what), escape_string(action)))) return self._transactionstemplate.respond()
def reinventory(self, isbn="", author="", title=""): searchform = widgets.TableForm(fields=PrivateSearchFields(), submit_text="Search!") if author == "" and title == "" and isbn == "": the_titles = False else: the_titles =""" title.isbn LIKE '%%%s%%' AND AND AND author.author_name LIKE '%%%s%%' AND title.booktitle LIKE '%%%s%%' """ % (escape_string(isbn), escape_string(author), escape_string(title)), orderBy="booktitle", clauseTables=['author', 'author_title'], distinct=True) title_count = 0 try: title_count = the_titles.count() except: pass if title_count > 0: if the_titles.count() == 1: return self.title(the_titles[0].id, searchvalues=dict(author=author, title=title, isbn=isbn)) return dict(the_titles=the_titles, authorswidget=PrivateAuthorsWidget(), titlelistwidget=PrivateTitleListWidget(), searchform=searchform, values=dict(author=author, title=title, isbn=isbn))
def edit_profile(): username = session['username'] c, conn = connection() c.execute('SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_username = %s;', (escape_string(username), )) acct = c.fetchone() print(acct) if not acct: return redirect(url_for("profile")) id = acct[0] name = acct[1] abt = acct[5] if request.method == 'POST' and 'name' in request.form and 'about' in request.form: newName = request.form['name'] newAbout = request.form['about'] if not newName or not newAbout: return redirect(url_for("profile")) else: c.execute( 'UPDATE users SET user_name = %s, user_about = %s WHERE user_id = %s AND user_username = %s;', (newName, newAbout, id, escape_string(username))) conn.commit() return redirect(url_for("profile")) return render_template('edit_profile.html', name=name, about=abt)
def train(self, clas, docs): """ Trains the Bayesian Classifier with the given input data. :param clas: string representing the class :param docs: list of docs, each of which is a list of words (w/ repeats) """ cur = self.conn.cursor() clas = escape_string(clas) self._setup_db(clas) #Adds documents to database. for doc in docs: counts = Counter(doc) for term, count in counts.iteritems(): cur.execute("SELECT count from {} WHERE term = ?;".format(clas), (escape_string(term),)) currCount = cur.fetchone() if currCount != None: count = currCount[0] + count self.conn.execute("UPDATE {} SET count = ? WHERE term = ?;".format(clas), (count, escape_string(term))) else: self.conn.execute("INSERT INTO {} VALUES(?, ?);".format(clas), (escape_string(term), count)) #Update doc nums. cur.execute("SELECT count FROM doc_nums WHERE class = ?", (clas,)) num = cur.fetchone()[0] self.conn.execute("UPDATE doc_nums SET count = ? WHERE class = ?;", (num+1, clas)) self.conn.commit()
def update_user_tracking(): try: completed = str(request.args["completed"]) if completed in str(DASHBOARD_CONTENTS.values()): client_name, settings, tracking, rank = user_info() if tracking == None: tracking = completed else: if completed not in tracking: tracking = tracking + "," + completed c, conn = connection() c.execute("update users set tracking = %s where username = %s", (escape_string(tracking), escape_string(client_name))) conn.commit() c.close() conn.close() #gc.collect() client_name, settings, tracking, ranking = user_info() else: pass except Exception as e: pass
def insert_book(name, author, translator, publish, pub_date, instrution, price, pages, isbn, douban_id): """ """ time = _time_stamp() sql = """ SELECT id FROM books_book WHERE isbn='%s'""" % isbn name = escape_string(name) author = escape_string(author) translator = escape_string(translator) publish = escape_string(publish) instrution = escape_string(instrution) if db.query_one(sql): sql = """ UPDATE books_book SET name='%s',author='%s',translator='%s',publish='%s',pub_date='%s',instrution='%s',price='%s',pages=%d,douban_id=%d WHERE isbn='%s'""" % ( name, author, translator, publish, pub_date, instrution, price, pages, douban_id, isbn) else: sql = """ INSERT INTO books_book (name,author,translator,publish,pub_date,instrution,price,pages,isbn,douban_id,category_id) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s',%d,%d,%d,%d)""" % ( name, author, translator, publish, pub_date, instrution, price, int(pages), int(isbn), douban_id, 1) #print sql return db.execute(sql)
def transactions(self,**args): self.common() begin_date=args.get('begin_date','') end_date=args.get('end_date','') what=args.get('what','') action=args.get('action','SALE') deleteid=args.get('deleteid','0') if int(deleteid) >0: Transaction.delete(deleteid) self._transactionstemplate.begin_date=begin_date self._transactionstemplate.end_date=end_date self._transactionstemplate.what=what self._transactionstemplate.action=action self._transactionstemplate.transactions=[] if begin_date and end_date: self._transactionstemplate.transactions=list(""" >= '%s' AND <= ADDDATE('%s',INTERVAL 1 DAY) AND LIKE '%%%s%%' AND transactionLog.action LIKE '%%%s%%' """ % (escape_string(begin_date),escape_string(end_date),escape_string(what),escape_string(action)))) return self._transactionstemplate.respond()
def sanitize_json(json): if isinstance(json, basestring): # Escape all strings return escape_string(json) elif isinstance(json, list): return [sanitize_json(item) for item in json] elif isinstance(json, dict): return {escape_string(key):sanitize_json(value) for key,value in json.items()} else: # Int, float, True, False, None don't need to be sanitized return json
def page(thread_id): message = '' thread_id = thread_id c, conn = connection() c.execute("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE post_id = %s", (thread_id, )) thread = c.fetchone() c.execute( "SELECT * FROM comments WHERE comment_thread_id = %s ORDER BY comment_posted DESC;", (thread_id, )) comments = c.fetchall() users = [c[2] for c in comments] dates = [c[4].strftime("%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S") for c in comments] comments = [c[3] for c in comments] data = zip(users, comments, dates) c.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_username = %s;", (thread[1], )) user_id = c.fetchone()[0] if request.method == "GET": return render_template('thread_detail.html', id=thread[0], username=thread[1], bodytext=thread[2], date_posted=thread[3], data=data, message=message, user_id=user_id) elif request.method == "POST": username = session['username'] post = request.form['post'] if not post: message = 'Please enter a comment before submit!' return render_template('thread_detail.html', id=thread[0], username=thread[1], bodytext=thread[2], date_posted=thread[3], data=data, message=message, user_id=user_id) c.execute( "INSERT INTO comments (comment_thread_id, comment_username, comment_bodytext) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", ( thread_id, escape_string(username), escape_string(post), )) conn.commit() return redirect(f"/threads/{thread_id}") elif request.method == 'POST': message = 'Missing information' return redirect(f"/threads/{thread_id}")
def updateVariableDescriptionTable(self): self.memoryCode = self.fastLookupTableIfNecessary() code = ( """DELETE FROM masterVariableTable WHERE dbname="%(field)s"; INSERT INTO masterVariableTable (dbname, name, type, tablename, anchor, alias, status,description) VALUES ('%(field)s','%(field)s','%(type)s','%(finalTable)s','%(anchor)s','%(alias)s','%(status)s','') """ % self.__dict__ ) self.dbToPutIn.query(code) if not self.unique: code = self.fastSQLTable() try: parentTab = self.dbToPutIn.query( """ SELECT tablename FROM masterVariableTable WHERE dbname='%s'""" % self.fastAnchor ).fetchall()[0][0] except: parentTab = "fastcat" self.dbToPutIn.query( 'DELETE FROM masterTableTable WHERE masterTableTable.tablename="%s";' % (self.field + "heap") ) self.dbToPutIn.query( "INSERT INTO masterTableTable VALUES ('%s','%s','%s')" % (self.field + "heap", parentTab, escape_string(code)) ) if self.datatype == "categorical": # Variable Info code = ( """ DELETE FROM masterVariableTable WHERE dbname='%(field)s__id'; INSERT IGNORE INTO masterVariableTable (dbname, name, type, tablename, anchor, alias, status,description) VALUES ('%(field)s__id','%(field)s','lookup','%(fasttab)s', '%(anchor)s','%(alias)s','hidden','') """ % self.__dict__ ) self.dbToPutIn.query(code) # Separate Table Info code = self.fastLookupTableIfNecessary() self.dbToPutIn.query( 'DELETE FROM masterTableTable WHERE masterTableTable.tablename="%s";' % (self.field + "Lookup") ) self.dbToPutIn.query( "INSERT INTO masterTableTable VALUES ('%s','%s','%s')" % (self.field + "Lookup", self.fasttab, escape_string(code)) )
def profile(): username = session['username'] c, conn = connection() c.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_username = % s", (escape_string(username), )) acct = c.fetchone() name = acct[1] if name is None: name = username c.execute("UPDATE users SET user_name = %s WHERE user_username = %s", (escape_string(name), escape_string(username))) return render_template('profile.html', name=name, username=username)
def escape(self, value): """ 转义MySQL """ if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): return [self.escape(v) for v in value] elif isinstance(value, str): return escape_string(value) elif isinstance(value, unicode): return escape_string(value.encode('utf-8')) elif isinstance(value, (int, long, float)): return str(value) else: return value
def search_cards(cls, own_open_id, name, company, resources_label, resources_key, page, count_of_page): """ 搜索标签 :param own_open_id: 自己的openid :param name: 搜索的名字 :param company: 搜索的公司名 :param resources_label: 搜索的资源标签 :param resources_key: 搜索的自定义标签 :param page: 页数 :param count_of_page: 每页记录数 :return: 数据列表(list),总记录数(int),页数(int) """ if type(page) != int or type(count_of_page) != int: raise Exception('argv type error!') # 处理异常数据 if page <= 0: page = 1 # 计算偏移量 index = (page - 1) * count_of_page sql = """ select * from %s where status = 0 AND open_id != '%s' AND name like '%%%s%%' AND company like '%%%s%%' AND resources_label like '%%%s%%' AND resources_key like '%%%s%%' order by update_time desc limit %d, %d; """ % (cls.table_name, escape_string(own_open_id), escape_string(name), escape_string(company), escape_string(resources_label), escape_string(resources_key), index, count_of_page) objs = cls.get_db_lib().query_for_list(sql) objs = map(cls.handle_data_use_in_json, objs) sql = """ select count(*) as nums from %s where status = 0 AND open_id != '%s' AND name like '%%%s%%' AND company like '%%%s%%' AND resources_label like '%%%s%%' AND resources_key like '%%%s%%' order by update_time desc limit 1; """ % (cls.table_name, escape_string(own_open_id), escape_string(name), escape_string(company), escape_string(resources_label), escape_string(resources_key)) obj = cls.get_db_lib().query_for_dict(sql) max_page = obj['nums'] / count_of_page if obj['nums'] % count_of_page: max_page += 1 return objs, obj['nums'], max_page
def search(self,author="",title=""): searchform = widgets.TableForm(fields=SearchFields(), submit_text="Search!") if author == "" and title=="": the_titles=False else:""" AND book.status ='STOCK' AND AND AND author.author_name LIKE '%%%s%%' AND title.booktitle LIKE '%%%s%%' """ % (escape_string(author),escape_string(title)),orderBy="booktitle",clauseTables=['book','author','author_title'],distinct=True) return dict(the_titles=the_titles,authorswidget=AuthorsWidget(),titlelistwidget=TitleListWidget(),searchform=searchform,values=dict(author=author,title=title))
def get_all_card_in_a_group(cls, group_token, page, count_of_page, search_key, industry, role): """ 获取一个群的所有名片 :param group_token: 群凭证 :return: """ if type(page) != int or type(count_of_page) != int: raise Exception("args type error!") if page <= 0: page = 1 index = (page - 1) * count_of_page limit_str = " limit %d, %d" % (index, count_of_page) search_str = """ AND ( like '%%%s%%' OR like '%%%s%%' OR card_business_card.redundancy_labels like '%%%s%%') AND card_business_card.industry like '%%%s%%' AND card_business_card.role like '%%%s%%' """ % (escape_string(search_key), escape_string(search_key), escape_string(search_key), escape_string(industry), escape_string(role)) search_str = search_str.replace('%', '%%') sql = """ select card_business_card.* from card_group_record left join card_business_card on card_group_record.open_id = card_business_card.open_id WHERE card_group_record.group_token = %s AND card_business_card.status = 0 """ + search_str + """ order by card_business_card.name_pinyin ASC """ + limit_str objs = cls.db.query_for_list(sql, [group_token]) objs = map(cls.handle_data_use_in_json, objs) sql = """ select count(*) as nums from card_group_record left join card_business_card on card_group_record.open_id = card_business_card.open_id """ + search_str + """ WHERE card_group_record.group_token = %s AND card_business_card.status = 0 limit 1 """ obj = cls.db.query_for_dict(sql, [group_token]) max_page = obj['nums'] / count_of_page if obj['nums'] % count_of_page: max_page += 1 return { "objs": objs, "total_nums": obj['nums'], "total_page": max_page }
def sanitize_json(json): if isinstance(json, basestring): # Escape all strings return escape_string(json) elif isinstance(json, list): return [sanitize_json(item) for item in json] elif isinstance(json, dict): return { escape_string(key): sanitize_json(value) for key, value in json.items() } else: # Int, float, True, False, None don't need to be sanitized return json
def insert_table(datas): """ Just MySQL Insert function """ sql = "INSERT INTO %s (name, link, categories, price, time_capt) \ values('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', NOW())" % ( SQL_TABLE, escape_string(datas['item_name']), escape_string(datas['item_link']), escape_string( datas['item_category']), escape_string(datas['item_price'])) # print sql if cursor.execute(sql): return True else: print "Something wrong"
def insert_table(datas): sql = "INSERT INTO %s (Hash, item_name, item_price, item_link, item_category) \ values('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')" % (SQL_TABLE, hashlib.sha224(datas['item_name']).hexdigest(), escape_string(datas['item_name']), escape_string(datas['item_price']), escape_string(datas['item_link']), escape_string(datas['item_category']) ) # print sql if cursor.execute(sql): print "Inserted" else: print "Something wrong"
def user_info(): try: client_name = session["username"] guest = False except: guest = True client_name = "Guest" if not guest: try: #user = User() #user_one = user.query.filter_by(username=session["username"]).first() c, conn = connection() c.execute("select * from users where username = (%s)", [(escape_string(client_name))]) data = c.fetchone() print(data) # for debugging purposes. settings = data[4] tracking = data[5] rank = data[6] except Exception as e: pass else: settings = [0, 0] tracking = [0, 0] rank = [0, 0] return client_name, settings, tracking, rank
def login(): try: c, conn = connection() error = None if request.method == "POST": data = c.execute("select * from users where username = (%s)", [escape_string(request.form["username"])]) data = c.fetchone()[2] if pbkdf2_sha256.verify(request.form["password"], data): flash("You are Logged in.", "success") session["logged_in"] = True session["username"] = request.form["username"] # for keeping track of the users and admins. # session["rank"] = 2 return redirect(url_for("dashboard")) else: error = "Invalid credentials. Try again." gc.collect() return render_template("login.html", error=error) except Exception as e: error = "Invalid credentials. Try again." return render_template("login.html", error=error) return render_template("login.html", error=error)
def login_page(): """Home page of the application where the user can log in.""" if 'logged_in' and 'username' in session: # redirect user if already logged in return redirect(url_for('logged_in')) try: message = None c, conn = connection() if request.method == 'POST': data = c.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = (%s)", escape_string(request.form['username'])) # extracting user data = c.fetchone()[2] if sha256_crypt.verify(request.form['password'], data): # verifying hash password session['logged_in'] = True # setting session values helps keep logged in session['username'] = request.form['username'] return redirect(url_for('logged_in', message=message)) else: message = 'Invalid credentials. Try again' return render_template('UserAccount/login.html', message=message) # for get method except Exception: # catching any errors that occured in above code message = 'Invalid credentials. Try again' return redirect(url_for('/', message=message))
def gen_solution(cur, td, num, p_id): # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() global testcase_id global testcase_crawled if num == 0: column_name = 'java' elif num == 1: column_name = 'cpp' elif num == 2: column_name = 'csharp' else: column_name = 'VB' cur.execute('select %s from problem where id = %d' % (column_name, p_id)) if cur.fetchall()[0][0] != None: return p = compile('"/stat\?c=problem_solution.*?"') l = p.findall(td) if len(l) == 1: url = topcoder_site_url + unescape(l[0][1:-1]) try: page = topcoder.get_page(url) except Exception, e: print url, e return p = compile( '<TD CLASS="problemText" COLSPAN="8" VALIGN="middle" ALIGN="left">[\d\D]*?</TD>' ) try: code = escape_string(p.findall(page)[0]) except Exception, e: print 'No code found:', url, e return
def unconfirmed(self, letter=""): all_titles = [] if letter == "": all_titles ="kind_id=1", orderBy='booktitle') else: all_titles = """kind_id=1 and booktitle LIKE '%s%%'""" % (escape_string(letter)), orderBy='booktitle') unconfirmed_titles = [] for t in all_titles: if t.copies_in_status( 'STOCK') > 0: # or t.copies_in_status('UNKNOWN')>0: t.unconfirmed_books = [] for b in [ b for b in t.books if (b.status == 'STOCK' or b.status == 'UNKNOWN') ]: tags = b.get_tags( 'inventory', 'confirmation11') #needs a date eventually! if len(tags) == 0: t.unconfirmed_books.append(b) if len(t.unconfirmed_books) > 0: unconfirmed_titles.append(t) return dict(titles=unconfirmed_titles)
def insert_table(datas): """ Just MySQL Insert function """ sql = "INSERT INTO %s (name, link, categories, price, time_capt) \ values('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', NOW())" % (SQL_TABLE, escape_string(datas['item_name']), escape_string(datas['item_link']), escape_string(datas['item_category']), escape_string(datas['item_price']) ) # print sql if cursor.execute(sql): return True else: print "Something wrong"
def insert(db,table, v, step=1000, update=False,debug=False): if not v: return v = list(v) keys = v[0].keys() update_keys = ','.join(( '`%s`=values(`%s`)'%(e,e) for e in keys )) sql_base ="insert into `%s`(`%s`) values ('%%s')"%(table,'`,`'.join(keys)) for i in xrange(step): rs = v[i::step] if not rs: continue vv =([escape_string('%s'%e.get(k, 'None')) for k in keys] for e in rs) vv =( "','".join(e) for e in vv) vv = "'),('".join(vv) vv = vv.replace("'None'", "NULL") vv = sql_base%vv if bool(update): vv = '%s ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE %s' %(vv,update_keys) try: if debug: log.msg( '>>>sql_insert:%s'%(vv,), log.DEBUG) db.execute( vv ) except: db.reset()
def setBucket(bucket, userid): '''creates a new empty bucket''' MAX_BUCKETS_PER_USER = 100 conn = Connection() #Validate the bucket try: _verifyBucket(conn, bucket, False, userid) #Check if user has too many buckets query = "SELECT bucket FROM bucket WHERE userid = %s" result = conn.executeStatement(query, (int(userid))) if len(result) >= MAX_BUCKETS_PER_USER: raise BadRequestException.TooManyBucketsException() #Write bucket to database and filesystem query = "INSERT INTO bucket (bucket, userid, bucket_creation_time) VALUES (%s, %s, NOW())" conn.executeStatement(query, (escape_string(str(bucket)), int(userid))) path = Config.get('common','filesystem_path') path += str(bucket) os.mkdir(path) except: conn.cancelAndClose() raise else: conn.close()
def user_list(user_id): c, conn = connection() c.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = %s", (user_id, )) acct = c.fetchone() if not acct: return redirect(url_for("profile")) else: priv = acct[7] if priv == 1: username = acct[2] c, conn = connection() c.execute( "SELECT * FROM betlists WHERE username = %s ORDER BY bet_id DESC;", (escape_string(username), )) data = c.fetchall() bet_ids = [d[0] for d in data] bets = [] for bet_id in bet_ids: c.execute( "SELECT team1, team2, odd FROM allbets WHERE bet_id = %s;", (bet_id, )) team1, team2, odd = c.fetchone() odd = odd.replace('[[', '').replace(']]', '') odd = odd.split('], [') bets.append([team1, team2, odd]) return render_template('user_list.html', username=username, bets=bets) else: return render_template('private.html')
def term(self, field_name, operator, data): model, name = self.model.get_class_from_field_name(field_name) target_type, target_name = model.get_target_from_name(name) target_model, field = model.get_field_from_target_name(target_name) db_column = target_model._meta.db_table + '.' + field.column # Handle case-insensitive queries. if target_type == 'LCSTR': data = data.lower() name = 'LOWER(' + db_column + ')' # Generate the LIKE or "=" statement. if operator == 'equals': result = db_column + "='{}'" elif operator == 'startswith': result = db_column + " LIKE '{}%%'" elif operator == 'endswith': result = db_column + " LIKE '%%{}'" elif operator == 'contains': result = db_column + " LIKE '%%{}%%'" elif operator == 'regex': result = db_column + " REGEXP '%%{}%%'" elif operator == 'any': result = '1' else: raise Exception('unsupported operator:' + str(operator)) # Yes, I would prefer to use a prepared statement, but collecting arguments # and passing them back along the string everywhere would be awful design, # and if you prefer that, you are a bad software developer. # (Also, I didn't find any API from Django to generate a prepared statement # without already executing it, e.g. django.db.connection.execute()) return result.format(escape_string(data))
def register_page(): form = RegistrationForm(request.form) try: if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): username = email = password = c = mysql.connection.cursor() x = c.execute('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ("%s");' % escape_string(username)) if int(x) > 0: flash('That username is already taken, please choose another') return render_template('register.html', form=form) else: cur = mysql.connection.cursor() print(username) cur.execute( "INSERT INTO users VALUES (username, email, password)") mysql.connection.commit() cur.close() flash('Thanks for registering!') session['logged_in'] = True session['username'] = username return redirect(url_for('favourites_page')) return render_template('register.html', form=form) except Exception as e: return render_template('register.html', form=form)
def insertInDatabase(table, **args): """ returns valid SQL Code for insertion """ fields = ','.join(args.keys()) values = ','.join(['"%s"' % escape_string(i) for i in args.values()]) return "INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)" % (table, fields, values)
def titles(self, letter=None): alphabet = [ "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z" ] the_titles = False if letter != None: if letter in alphabet: the_titles =""" title.booktitle LIKE "%s%%" AND AND book.status ='STOCK' """ % (escape_string(letter)), orderBy="booktitle", clauseTables=['book'], distinct=True) else: the_titles =""" title.booktitle RLIKE "^[0-9]" AND AND book.status ='STOCK' """, orderBy="booktitle", clauseTables=['book'], distinct=True) return dict(authorswidget=AuthorsWidget(), titlelistwidget=TitleListWidget(), the_titles=the_titles, the_letter=letter, alphabet=alphabet) else: return dict(authorswidget=AuthorsWidget(), titlelistwidget=TitleListWidget(), the_titles=False, the_letter=letter, alphabet=alphabet)
def query(self, sql, *params): cur = self.db.cursor() sql= escape_string(sql) cur.execute(sql, *params) r = ResultSet(cur.fetchall()) cur.close() return r
def insert(db, table, v, step=1000, update=False, debug=False): if not v: return v = list(v) keys = v[0].keys() update_keys = ','.join(('`%s`=values(`%s`)' % (e, e) for e in keys)) sql_base = "insert into `%s`(`%s`) values ('%%s')" % (table, '`,`'.join(keys)) for i in xrange(step): rs = v[i::step] if not rs: continue vv = ([escape_string('%s' % e.get(k, 'None')) for k in keys] for e in rs) vv = ("','".join(e) for e in vv) vv = "'),('".join(vv) vv = vv.replace("'None'", "NULL") vv = sql_base % vv if bool(update): vv = '%s ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE %s' % (vv, update_keys) try: if debug: log.msg('>>>sql_insert:%s' % (vv, ), log.DEBUG) db.execute(vv) except: db.reset()
def get_old_message_from_user(cls, open_id, page, count_of_page, last_message_id=None): """ 获取一页资源小助手信息 :param open_id: 用户openid :param page: 页数 :param count_of_page: 每页记录数 :param last_message_id: 在那条记录之前 :return: """ cache_key = 'sign_resource_helper_' + open_id # 记录下当前阅读时间 redis_client.set(cache_key,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) able_look_time = model_manager['BusinessCardModel'].get_user_create_time(open_id) if not able_look_time: able_look_time ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") open_id = escape_string(open_id) where_str = "(((target_open_id = '%s' OR target_open_id = '') AND send_or_receive = 0) OR (source_open_id = '%s') ) AND create_time >= '%s' AND status = 0" % (open_id, open_id, able_look_time) if last_message_id is not None: where_str += (" AND id < %d" % int(last_message_id)) return cls.get_one_page_of_table(cls.table_name, where_str, page, count_of_page, order_by="create_time desc")
def updateMasterVariableTable(self): """ All the categorical variables get a lookup table; we store the create code in the databse; """ for variable in self.variables: variable.updateVariableDescriptionTable() inCatalog = self.uniques() if len(inCatalog) > 0 and self.tableName != "catalog": #catalog has separate rules handled in; so this builds #the big rectangular table otherwise. #It will fail if masterTableTable doesn't exister. fileCommand = self.uniqueVariableFastSetup() try: parentTab = self.db.query(""" SELECT tablename FROM masterVariableTable WHERE dbname='%s'""" % self.fastAnchor).fetchall()[0][0] except: if self.fastAnchor == "bookid": parentTab = "fastcat" else: print( "Unable to find a table to join the anchor (%s) against" % self.fastAnchor) raise self.db.query( 'DELETE FROM masterTableTable WHERE masterTableTable.tablename="%s";' % self.fastName) self.db.query( "INSERT IGNORE INTO masterTableTable VALUES ('%s','%s','%s')" % (self.fastName, parentTab, escape_string(fileCommand)))
def updateMasterVariableTable(self): """ All the categorical variables get a lookup table; we store the create code in the databse; """ for variable in self.variables: # Make sure the variables know who their parent is variable.fastAnchor = self.fastAnchor # Update the referents for everything variable.updateVariableDescriptionTable() inCatalog = self.uniques() if len(inCatalog) > 0 and self.tableName != "catalog": # catalog has separate rules handled in; so this builds # the big rectangular table otherwise. # It will fail if masterTableTable doesn't exister. fileCommand = self.uniqueVariableFastSetup() try: parentTab = self.db.query( """ SELECT tablename FROM masterVariableTable WHERE dbname='%s'""" % self.fastAnchor ).fetchall()[0][0] except: if self.fastAnchor == "bookid": parentTab = "fastcat" else: logging.error("Unable to find a table to join the anchor (%s) against" % self.fastAnchor) raise self.db.query('DELETE FROM masterTableTable WHERE masterTableTable.tablename="%s";' % self.fastName) self.db.query( "INSERT INTO masterTableTable VALUES ('%s','%s','%s')" % (self.fastName, parentTab, escape_string(fileCommand)) )
def _attrs_and_values(self, entity): values = [] attrs = [] # map/reduce bool changes first, then if there are changes, # continue stringifying values. for attr in value = getattr(entity, attr) # generally if a value is None it isn't required # by the index, but this is a bad assumption... if value is None: continue if isinstance(value, bool): value = str(int(value)) if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime) or \ isinstance(value, value = str(value) if isinstance(value, basestring): value = "'%s'" % escape_string(value) values.append(value) attrs.append(attr) return (attrs, values)
def gen_solution(cur, td, num, p_id): # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() global testcase_id global testcase_crawled if num == 0: column_name = 'java' elif num == 1: column_name = 'cpp' elif num == 2: column_name = 'csharp' else: column_name = 'VB' cur.execute('select %s from problem where id = %d' % (column_name, p_id)) if cur.fetchall()[0][0] != None: return p = compile('"/stat\?c=problem_solution.*?"') l = p.findall(td) if len(l) == 1: url = topcoder_site_url + unescape(l[0][1:-1]) try: page = topcoder.get_page(url) except Exception, e: print url, e return p = compile('<TD CLASS="problemText" COLSPAN="8" VALIGN="middle" ALIGN="left">[\d\D]*?</TD>') try: code = escape_string(p.findall(page)[0]) except Exception, e: print 'No code found:',url,e return
def update_index_sql(self, entity): """Only generates SQL for changed index values""" if not entity._has_changed: # immediately return if this entity hasn't even changed. return None attrs, values = self._attrs_and_values(entity) if not attrs: return None def values_have_changed(entity): def _mapper(attr): ent_value = getattr(entity, attr) orig_value = entity._original_attrs.get(attr) # True if changed, False if equal return ent_value != orig_value return _mapper bools = map(values_have_changed(entity), attrs) res = reduce(lambda x, y: x or y, bools) if not res: return updates = ['%s=%s' % (attr, value) for attr, value in zip(attrs, values)] sql = "UPDATE %s" % self.table sql+= " SET %s" % ', '.join(updates) sql+= " WHERE entity_id = '%s'" % escape_string( return sql
def index_sql(self, entity): """ Indexes are strict about only indexing entities that have all the properties required for indexing. Example: (Just an example, the actual indexer doesn't index dict objs) user_id_index = Index(table="index_user_id", properties=["user_id") ent = Entity() ent['id'] = 'foo' ent['user_id'] = 'bar' sql = user_id_index.index_sql(ent) sql: INSERT INTO index_user_id (entity_id, user_id) VALUES ( 'foo', 'bar' ) """ attrs, values = self._attrs_and_values(entity) if not attrs: return None values = ["'%s'" % escape_string(] + values sql = "INSERT INTO %s (entity_id, %s) VALUES (%s)" % ( self.table, ', '.join(attrs), ', '.join(['%s' % str(v) for v in values]) ) return sql
def test(url): import pdb pdb.set_trace() page = topcoder.get_page(url) p = compile('<a name="problem_stats"></a>[\d\D]*?</table>') divs = p.findall(page) for i in xrange(len(divs)): div = divs[i] p = compile('<tr>[\d\D]*?</tr>') trs = p.findall(div) for tr in trs: if tr.find('/stat?c=problem_statement&pm=') == -1: continue p = compile('/stat\?c=problem_statement&pm=[0-9]*&rd=[0-9]*') url = topcoder_site_url + p.findall(tr)[0] p = compile('pm=[0-9]*') p_id = p.findall(url)[0][3:] p = compile('>.*?<') name = p.findall(tr)[2][1:-1] print p_id, url, name page = topcoder.get_page(url) p = compile('<\!-- BEGIN BODY -->[\d\D]*?<\!-- END BODY -->') description = p.findall(page)[0] try: cur.execute(insert_template % (p_id, name, escape_string(description), url)) except IntegrityError: print p_id, 'Duplicate!' print
def index(): error = '' c, conn = connection() try: if request.method == "POST": input_username = request.form['username'] input_password = str(request.form['pswrd']) c.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_username = % s", (escape_string(input_username), )) data = c.fetchone() if not data: error = 'Invalid credential! Please try again.' return render_template("login.html", error=error) if input_password == data[3]: session['loggedin'] = True session['username'] = input_username return redirect(url_for("threads")) else: error = "Invalid credential! Please try again." gc.collect() return render_template("login.html", error=error) except Exception as e: error = e return render_template("login.html")
def _save_hashtbl(tbl_name, data, dbi=None): """ 將 data 存入列表,接受 body, [body...] 或 [{'body':'body'}...] 的格式 數量可能很大,因此硬寫不快取 """ from MySQLdb import escape_string from lib.util.text import md5 if (type(data) is str): _data = {'md5': md5(data), 'body': data} elif (type(data) is dict): if 'md5' not in data: data['md5'] = md5(data['body']) _data = data elif (type(data[0]) is str): _data = [{'md5': md5(x), 'body': x} for x in data] else: _data = [{ 'md5': x['md5'] if 'md5' in x else md5(x['body']), 'body': x['body'] } for x in data] sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `%s` (`body`, `hash`) VALUES " % escape_string( tbl_name) sql += "(%(body)s, UNHEX(%(md5)s))" DB.execute(sql, _data, dbi=dbi)
def search_cards(cls, own_open_id, industry, role, search_key, page, count_of_page): """ 搜索标签 :param own_open_id: 自己的openid :param industry: 搜索的行业 :param role: 搜索的职能 :param page: 页数 :param count_of_page: 每页记录数 :return: 数据列表(list),总记录数(int),页数(int) """ if type(page) != int or type(count_of_page) != int: raise Exception('argv type error!') # 处理异常数据 if page <= 0: page = 1 # 计算偏移量 index = (page - 1) * count_of_page sql = """ select * from %s where status = 0 AND open_id != '%s' AND (redundancy_labels like '%%%s%%' OR name like '%%%s%%' OR company like '%%%s%%') AND industry like '%%%s%%' AND role like '%%%s%%' order by update_time desc limit %d, %d; """ % (cls.table_name, escape_string(own_open_id), escape_string(search_key), escape_string(search_key), escape_string(search_key), escape_string(industry), escape_string(role), index, count_of_page) objs = cls.get_db_lib().query_for_list(sql) objs = map(cls.handle_data_use_in_json, objs) sql = """ select count(*) as nums from %s where status = 0 AND open_id != '%s' AND (redundancy_labels like '%%%s%%' OR name like '%%%s%%' OR company like '%%%s%%') AND industry like '%%%s%%' AND role like '%%%s%%' order by update_time desc limit 1; """ % (cls.table_name, escape_string(own_open_id), escape_string(search_key), escape_string(search_key), escape_string(search_key), escape_string(industry), escape_string(role),) obj = cls.get_db_lib().query_for_dict(sql) max_page = obj['nums'] / count_of_page if obj['nums'] % count_of_page: max_page += 1 return objs, obj['nums'], max_page
def __build_wheres(self, conditions): if len(conditions) == 0: return '' else: i = 0 string = ' WHERE' for field, condition in conditions.items(): if i > 0: field, pre_op = self.__get_precondition_tuple(field) else: pre_op = '' field, operator = self.__get_condition_tuple(field) made_pre = False made_pst = False for letter_map, tbl_name in self.table_map.items(): tbl_name_len = len(tbl_name) if not made_pre: if field[:tbl_name_len] == tbl_name: field = self.__protect_input(letter_map)+'.'+self.__protect_input(field[tbl_name_len:]) made_pre = True elif field[:2] == letter_map+'.': field = self.__protect_input(letter_map)+'.'+self.__protect_input(field[2:]) made_pre = True if not made_pst: if condition[:tbl_name_len] == tbl_name: condition = self.__protect_input(letter_map)+'.'+self.__protect_input(condition[tbl_name_len:]) made_pst = True elif condition[:2] == letter_map+'.': condition = self.__protect_input(letter_map)+'.'+self.__protect_input(condition[2:]) made_pst = True if made_pre and made_pst: break else: if not made_pre: if self.append_letter: field = '`a`.'+self.__protect_input(field) else: field = self.__protect_input(field) if not made_pst: condition = '\''+escape_string(condition)+'\'' string = string+' '+pre_op+field string = string+operator+condition i = i + 1 return string
def extract_log(self, raw): log = {} try: fields = raw.split('\t') # convert to time and back to make time valid logtime = time.strptime(fields[0] + ' ' + fields[1].split(',')[0], TIME_FORMAT) log['logtime'] = time.strftime( TIME_FORMAT, logtime) if fields[2] in LOG_LEVELS: log['level'] = escape_string(fields[2]) else: raise ValueError() log['class'] = escape_string(fields[3]) log['msg'] = escape_string(' '.join([m for m in fields[4:] if m != "NULL"])) except Exception as e: # print(e.message) return None return log
def get_uid_by_username_or_email(username_email): result = yield model.MatrixDB.query( "select user_id from user where username='******' or email = '{0}'". format(escape_string(username_email))) if len(result) == 0: raise tornado.gen.Return(None) else: raise tornado.gen.Return(result[0])
def escape(self, value): """ 转义MySQL """ if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): return [self.escape(v) for v in value] elif isinstance(value, (str, unicode)): return escape_string(value) else: return value
def uncategorized(self,letter=""): all_titles=[] if letter=="":"kind_id=1",orderBy='booktitle') else:"""kind_id=1 and booktitle LIKE '%s%%'""" % (escape_string(letter)),orderBy='booktitle') return dict(titles=[t for t in all_titles if len(list(t.sections))==0])
def outofstock(self,letter=""): all_titles=[] if letter=="":"kind_id=1",orderBy='booktitle') else:"""kind_id=1 and booktitle LIKE '%s%%'""" % (escape_string(letter)),orderBy='booktitle') return dict(titles=[t for t in all_titles if t.copies_in_status("STOCK")==0])
def get_all_card_in_a_group(cls, group_token, page, count_of_page, search_key, industry, role): """ 获取一个群的所有名片 :param group_token: 群凭证 :return: """ if type(page) != int or type(count_of_page) != int: raise Exception("args type error!") if page <= 0: page = 1 index = (page - 1) * count_of_page limit_str = " limit %d, %d" % (index, count_of_page) search_str = """ AND ( like '%%%s%%' OR like '%%%s%%' OR card_business_card.redundancy_labels like '%%%s%%') AND card_business_card.industry like '%%%s%%' AND card_business_card.role like '%%%s%%' """ % (escape_string(search_key), escape_string(search_key), escape_string(search_key), escape_string(industry), escape_string(role)) search_str = search_str.replace('%', '%%') sql = """ select card_business_card.* from card_group_record left join card_business_card on card_group_record.open_id = card_business_card.open_id WHERE card_group_record.group_token = %s AND card_business_card.status = 0 """ + search_str + """ order by card_business_card.name_pinyin ASC """ + limit_str objs = cls.db.query_for_list(sql, [group_token]) objs = map(cls.handle_data_use_in_json, objs) sql = """ select count(*) as nums from card_group_record left join card_business_card on card_group_record.open_id = card_business_card.open_id """ + search_str + """ WHERE card_group_record.group_token = %s AND card_business_card.status = 0 limit 1 """ obj = cls.db.query_for_dict(sql, [group_token]) max_page = obj['nums'] / count_of_page if obj['nums'] % count_of_page: max_page += 1 return {"objs": objs, "total_nums": obj['nums'], "total_page": max_page}
def get_all(self, datastore, **kwargs): offset = kwargs.pop('offset', None) limit = kwargs.pop('limit', None) order_by = kwargs.pop('order', None) # unquote_plus because inserting url-encoded strings is a bad # idea... python treats them as format strings. the reason # to do it here instead of all escape_string calls is because # get_all is generally used with arguments passed from the url # or forms. general rule: if you're inserting user input in your # sql, unquote and escape. values = [] shard_on_value = kwargs.pop(self.shard_on, None) if not shard_on_value: raise Exception("Index doesn't have a value to shard on") shard_on_value = escape_string(urllib.unquote_plus(shard_on_value)) values.append(shard_on_value) where_clause = [] s = "%s=" % self.shard_on s+= "%s" where_clause.append(s) for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): if k in if isinstance(v, basestring): s = "%s=" % k s+= "%s" where_clause.append(s) values.append(v) sql = "SELECT entity_id FROM %s" % self.table if values: sql += " WHERE " sql += " AND ".join(where_clause) if order_by: sql += " ORDER BY %s " % order_by if limit: sql += " LIMIT %d " % limit if offset: sql += " OFFSET %d " % offset shard = datastore.choose_shard(shard_on_value) conn = datastore.get_connection(shard) index_objs = conn.query(sql, *values) if not index_objs: return [] ids = [obj['entity_id'] for obj in index_objs] return datastore.get_list(ids)
def do_str(_in): '''deals with stringlike things''' if type(_in) is type(None): _in = 'NULL' return _in if type(_in) is not basestring: _in = '%s' % _in gg = escape_string(_in.decode('ascii',errors='replace')) return ' \' %s \' ' % gg
def safe_string(value): """ Alias to :py:data:`MySQLdb.escape_string` to match with `safe_int`: Escapes the given string to be safe to replace in SQL query :param str value: SQL string to escape :returns: Escaped string """ return escape_string(value)
def author(self,id): the_author=Author.get(id)""" AND book.status ='STOCK' AND AND AND author.author_name='%s' """ % (escape_string(the_author.author_name)),orderBy="booktitle",clauseTables=['book','author','author_title'],distinct=True) return dict(the_titles=the_titles,the_author=the_author,authorswidget=AuthorsWidget(),titlelistwidget=TitleListWidget())
def __extract_insert_data(self, insert_dict): fields = [] values = [] for field, value in insert_dict.items(): fields.append(self.__protect_input(field)) values.append(escape_string(value)) return (fields, values)