Exemple #1
class Asset(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.mysql = Mysql()

    def createTask(self, config):
        state = 1
        ident = 0
        scan_type = 1
        dete_obj = 'ALL'
        vul_plug_id = '0'
        content_type = config
        now_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        task_name = "AUTO" + time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')
        sql1 = "insert into tbl_task (start_time,task_name,dete_obj,vul_plug_id,scan_type,content_type,add_time,state,ident) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
        _id = self.mysql.insertOne(
            sql1, (now_time, task_name, dete_obj, vul_plug_id, scan_type,
                   content_type, now_time, state, ident))
        t_id = int(_id)
        if content_type == 2:
            LeakScan().scan(dete_obj, vul_plug_id, t_id)
            AssetDiscovery().find_asset(dete_obj, content_type, vul_plug_id,
        end_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        asset_count = self.find_asset_count()
        sql2 = "update tbl_task set end_time=%s,asset_count=%s where id=%s"
        self.mysql.update(sql2, (end_time, asset_count, t_id))

    def find_asset_count(self):
        sql = "select * from tbl_asset where state=%s"
        count = self.mysql.getCount(sql, (1))
        return int(count)
Exemple #2
def dealPreR():
    # 申请资源
    mysql = Mysql()
    sql = "delete FROM pre_r"
    result = mysql.delete(sql)

    a = np.loadtxt('test_pre_r.csv', delimiter=',')
    a = np.delete(a, 0, axis=0)
    for x in a:
        mysql = Mysql()
        tmpSql = "INSERT INTO pre_r (old_index, bsum, lat, lng, bank_index, region_index, pre_r) VALUES (" + str(
            x[0]) + ',' + str(x[1]) + ',' + str(x[2]) + ',' + str(
                x[3]) + ',' + str(x[5]) + ',' + str(x[6]) + ',' + str(
                    x[7]) + ')'
        result = mysql.update(tmpSql)
        tmp = getNewLatLng(x[2], x[3], x[7])
        netSql = 'SELECT COUNT(name) AS data from bankdata_copy WHERE lat >' + str(
            tmp['minLat']) + ' AND lat <' + str(
                tmp['maxLat']) + ' AND lng >' + str(
                    tmp['minLng']) + ' AND lng <' + str(tmp['maxLng'])
        r1 = mysql.getOne(netSql)
        firmSql = 'SELECT person_num from firm_info WHERE flat >' + str(
            tmp['minLat']) + ' AND flat <' + str(
                tmp['maxLat']) + ' AND flng >' + str(
                    tmp['minLng']) + ' AND flng <' + str(tmp['maxLng'])
        r2 = mysql.getAll(firmSql)
        person_num = 0
        for k in r2:
            person_num += k['person_num']
        xqSql = 'SELECT total_house from fdd_xq WHERE lat >' + str(
            tmp['minLat']) + ' AND lat <' + str(
                tmp['maxLat']) + ' AND lng >' + str(
                    tmp['minLng']) + ' AND lng <' + str(tmp['maxLng'])
        r3 = mysql.getAll(xqSql)
        total_house = 0
        for k in r3:
            total_house += k['total_house']
        sql_r = 'UPDATE pre_r SET node_in_prer=' + str(
            r1['data']) + ',firm_in_prer=' + str(
                person_num) + ',house_in_prer=' + str(
                    total_house) + ' WHERE old_index=' + str(x[0])
        r4 = mysql.update(sql_r)
    return template('test:{{test}}', test="正在处理")
Exemple #3
def getCoverR():
    mysql = Mysql()
    nameSql = 'SELECT name FROM bankdata_copy'
    res1 = mysql.getAll(nameSql)
    for x in res:
        crSql = 'SELECT f_s_dis,flng,flat,slng,slat FROM original_data WHERE station_name=' + "'" + x[
            'name'] + "'"
        res2 = mysql.getAll(crSql)
        nodeRadius = 0
        sorted(res2.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])
        if len(res2) > 0:
            nodeRadius = res2[math.floor(len(res2) * 0.2)]['f_s_dis']
            tmp = res2[math.floor(len(res2) * 0.2)]
            k = getNewLatLng(tmp['slat'], tmp['slng'], nodeRadius)
            xqSql = 'SELECT total_house from fdd_xq WHERE lat >' + str(
                k['minLat']) + ' AND lat <' + str(
                    k['maxLat']) + ' AND lng >' + str(
                        k['minLng']) + ' AND lng <' + str(k['maxLng'])
            res3 = mysql.getAll(xqSql)
            total_house = 0
            for m in res3:
                total_house += m['total_house']

            xzlSql = 'SELECT area from biz_bld WHERE lat >' + str(
                k['minLat']) + ' AND lat <' + str(
                    k['maxLat']) + ' AND lng >' + str(
                        k['minLng']) + ' AND lng <' + str(k['maxLng'])
            res4 = mysql.getAll(xzlSql)
            total_area = 0
            for m in res3:
                total_area += m['area']

            netSql = 'SELECT COUNT(name) AS data from bankdata_copy WHERE lat >' + str(
                k['minLat']) + ' AND lat <' + str(
                    k['maxLat']) + ' AND lng >' + str(
                        k['minLng']) + ' AND lng <' + str(k['maxLng'])
            r1 = mysql.getOne(netSql)

            firmSql = 'SELECT person_num from firm_info WHERE flat >' + str(
                k['minLat']) + ' AND flat <' + str(
                    k['maxLat']) + ' AND flng >' + str(
                        k['minLng']) + ' AND flng <' + str(k['maxLng'])
            r2 = mysql.getAll(firmSql)
            person_num = 0
            for m in r2:
                person_num += m['person_num']

            sql_r = 'UPDATE bankdata_copy SET cover_r =' + str(
            ) + ',xq_house=' + str(total_house) + ',xzl_area=' + str(
                total_area) + ',near_node=' + str(
                    r1['data']) + ',firmb_in_r=' + str(
                        person_num) + ' WHERE name=' + "'" + x['name'] + "'"
            r4 = mysql.update(sql_r)
from MySqlConn import Mysql

mysql = Mysql()
sql_up = "update market.market_user set status = 0 where telephone = 18626330613"
mysql.update(sql_up, param=None)

Exemple #5
class ScanMaster(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.mysql = Mysql()

    def logs(self):
        info = sys.exc_info()
        level = 4
        lylog = log.LogMaster('scan_log', info, level)

    def identify(self, port, protocol, banner):
        vul_list = []
        sql = "select id,port,state from sys_vul"
        info = self.mysql.getAll(sql)
        for msg in info:
            if msg['state']:
                port_list = msg['port'].split(',')
                for p in port_list:
                    if str(port) == p:
        return vul_list

    def choose(self, port, vul_plug_id):
        vul_list = []
        sql = "select port from sys_vul where id=%s and state=1"
        vid_list = vul_plug_id.split(',')
        for i in vid_list:
            result = self.mysql.getOne(sql, (i))
            data = result['port']
            port_list = str(data).split(',')
            if str(port) in port_list:
        return vul_list

    def door(self, t_id, vul_plug_id, ip, port, protocol, banner, content):
        url = ''
        state = {}
        data = ''
        vid_list = []
        if vul_plug_id == '0':
                vid_list = self.identify(port, protocol, banner)
            except Exception:
                vid_list = self.choose(port, vul_plug_id)
            except Exception:
        for i in vid_list:
            s_name = 's' + str(i)
            if s_name == 's1168':
                if content and 'hikvision' not in content.lower():
            result = eval(s_name).start(ip, port, protocol)
            if result:
                state, url, data = result
            if state:
                self.insert_vullist(ip, port, url, i, data, t_id)
                self.updete_vullist(ip, port, i, t_id)

    def find_count(self, ip, port, vul_id):
        sql1 = "select * from tbl_vullist where IP=%s and port=%s and vul_id=%s"
        sql2 = "select vul_name,grade from sys_vul where id=%s"
        result = self.mysql.getOne(sql2, (vul_id))
        grade = result['grade']
        vul_name = result['vul_name']
        data_count = self.mysql.getCount(sql1, (ip, port, vul_id))
        result2 = self.mysql.getOne(sql1, (ip, port, vul_id))
        vullist_id = None
        if result2:
            vullist_id = result2['id']
        return int(data_count), vullist_id, vul_name, grade

    def change(self, ip):
        ip_list = ip.split('.')
        ip_list1 = copy.copy(ip_list)
        for i in ip_list:
            if len(i) == 2:
                ip_list1[ip_list1.index(i)] = '0' + i
            elif len(i) == 1:
                ip_list1[ip_list1.index(i)] = '00' + i
        return int(''.join(ip_list1))

    def find_area_id(self, ip):
            sql = 'select area_id,IP_location from sys_ip_location where inet_aton(IP_start) <= inet_aton(%s) AND inet_aton(IP_end)>=inet_aton(%s);'
            result = self.mysql.getOne(sql, (ip, ip))
            area_id = result['area_id']
            ip_location = result['IP_location']
            return area_id, ip_location
        except Exception:
                country, province, city, operator = location.find_location(ip)
                if country and province:
                    sql2 = 'select code from sys_administrative_area where name=%s or name=%s'
                    result = self.mysql.getOne(sql2, (city, province))
                    code = result['code']
                    ip_location2 = province + city
                    sql3 = "insert into sys_ip_location (IP_start,IP_end,IP_loc_county,IP_loc_province,IP_loc_city,IP_loc_district,operator,area_id,IP_location,aton_start,aton_end) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,inet_aton(%s),inet_aton(%s))"
                        sql3, (ip, ip, country, province, city, '', operator, code, ip_location2, ip, ip))
                    return code, ip_location2
            except Exception:
                return '', ''

    def insert_vullist(self, ip, port, url, vul_id, detail, t_id):
        count, vullist_id, vul_name, grade = self.find_count(ip, port, vul_id)
        now_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S')
        if count:
            sql = "update tbl_vullist set update_time=%s,is_repair=%s,is_newly_added=%s where IP=%s and port=%s and vul_id=%s"
            self.mysql.update(sql, (now_time, 0, 1, ip, port, vul_id))
            print '---->', ip
            area_id, IP_location = self.find_area_id(ip)
            sql = "insert into tbl_vullist (IP,port,url,vul_id,add_time,detail,vul_name,grade,t_id,area_id,IP_location) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
            vullist_id = self.mysql.insertOne(sql, (ip, port, url, vul_id, now_time, detail, vul_name, grade, t_id, area_id, IP_location))
        self.count_vul(t_id, vullist_id, vul_id, 1)

    def updete_vullist(self, ip, port, vul_id, t_id):
        count, vullist_id, vul_name, grade = self.find_count(ip, port, vul_id)
        if count:
            now_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S')
            sql = "update tbl_vullist set repair_time=%s,update_time=%s,is_repair=%s,is_newly_added=%s where IP=%s and port=%s and vul_id=%s"
            self.mysql.update(sql, (now_time, now_time, 1, 0, ip, port, vul_id))
            self.count_vul(t_id, vullist_id, vul_id, 2)

    def count_vul(self, t_id, vullist_id, vul_id, state):
        sql = "select vul_info,vul_count from tbl_task where id=%s"
        result = self.mysql.getOne(sql, (t_id))
        vul_info = result['vul_info']
        vul_count = result['vul_count']
        vul_list = vul_count.split(',')
        w_all = vul_list[0]
        w_1 = vul_list[1]
        w_2 = vul_list[2]
        w_3 = vul_list[3]
        sql2 = "select grade from tbl_vullist where id=%s"
        result = self.mysql.getOne(sql2, (vullist_id))
        grade = result['grade']
        if state == 1:
            if grade == 1:
                w_3 = str(int(w_3) + 1)
                w_all = str(int(w_all) + 1)
            elif grade == 2:
                w_2 = str(int(w_2) + 1)
                w_all = str(int(w_all) + 1)
                w_1 = str(int(w_1) + 1)
                w_all = str(int(w_all) + 1)

        insert_count = []
        new_vul_count = ','.join(insert_count)
        if state == 1:
            new_vul_info = str(vullist_id)
            if vul_info:
                new_vul_info = vul_info + ',' + str(vullist_id)

            new_vul_info = vul_info
            if vul_info:
                info_list = vul_info.split(',')
                if str(vul_id) in info_list:
                    new_vul_info = ','.join(info_list.remove(str(vul_id)))
        sql3 = "update tbl_task set vul_info=%s,vul_count=%s where id=%s"
        self.mysql.update(sql3, (new_vul_info, new_vul_count, t_id))
Exemple #6
def getscore():
    # 申请资源
    mysql = Mysql()
    sql = "SELECT station_name FROM original_data WHERE station_name!='财务部' GROUP BY station_name"
    nameList = mysql.getAll(sql)
    loanM = []
    monthBsum = []
    replaceDeg = []
    bsumGrowth = []
    xqHouse = []
    xzlArea = []
    for x in nameList:
        mysql = Mysql()
        loanOne = 0
        loanSql = 'SELECT loan_money FROM original_data WHERE station_name=' + "'" + x[
            'station_name'] + "'"
        # loanRes = mysql.getAll(loanSql)
        # for k in loanRes:
        #     if k['loan_money']!=None :
        #         loanOne += k['loan_money']
        # loanM.append(loanOne)
        bsumOne = 0
        bsumSql = 'SELECT count(_index) AS data FROM original_data WHERE station_name=' + "'" + x[
            'station_name'] + "'"
        # bsumRes = mysql.getOne(bsumSql)
        # if bsumRes['data']:
        #     monthBsum.append(bsumRes['data'])
        # else:
        #     monthBsum.append(bsumOne)
        replaceSql = 'SELECT bratio,lg_to_min FROM bankdata_copy WHERE name=' + "'" + x[
            'station_name'] + "'"
        # replaceRes = mysql.getOne(replaceSql)
        # replaceDeg.append(replaceRes)
        #网点定位 业务覆盖半径
        nodeLocSql = 'SELECT lng,lat,cover_r FROM bankdata_copy WHERE name=' + "'" + x[
            'station_name'] + "'"
        nodeLoc = mysql.getOne(nodeLocSql)
        tmp = getNewLatLng(nodeLoc['lat'], nodeLoc['lng'], nodeLoc['cover_r'])
        #网点周围新建小区 户数
        newXq = 0
        newXqSql = 'SELECT house_num from ajk_newxq WHERE lat >' + str(
            tmp['minLat']) + ' AND lat <' + str(
                tmp['maxLat']) + ' AND lng >' + str(
                    tmp['minLng']) + ' AND lng <' + str(tmp['maxLng'])
        newXqRes = mysql.getAll(newXqSql)
        if newXqRes != False:
            for k in newXqRes:
                if k['house_num'] != None:
                    newXq += k['house_num']
        #网点周围新建写字楼 面积
        newXzl = 0
        newXzlSql = 'SELECT area from ajk_newxzl WHERE lat >' + str(
            tmp['minLat']) + ' AND lat <' + str(
                tmp['maxLat']) + ' AND lng >' + str(
                    tmp['minLng']) + ' AND lng <' + str(tmp['maxLng'])
        newXzlRes = mysql.getAll(newXzlSql)
        if newXzlRes != False:
            for k in newXzlRes:
                newXzl += k['area']
    sumxq = sum(xqHouse)
    sumxzl = sum(xzlArea)
    bsumGrowthScore = []
    for i, j in enumerate(xqHouse):
        tmp = j * 0.06238087 + xzlArea[i] * 0.16797319
    maxBG = max(bsumGrowth)
    mysql = Mysql()
    for i, j in enumerate(nameList):
        tmp = round((bsumGrowth[i] / maxBG) * 100, 2)
        tmpSql = 'UPDATE node_score SET future_bsum_growth=' + str(
            tmp) + ' WHERE _name=' + "'" + j['station_name'] + "'"
Exemple #7
class AssetDiscovery(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.mysql = Mysql()

    def logs(self):
        info = sys.exc_info()
        level = 4
        lylog = log.LogMaster('scan_log', info, level)

    def find_range_ip(self, dete_obj):
        ip_list = dete_obj.split('-')
        ip_start = ip_list[0]
        ip_end = ip_list[-1]
        sql = 'select IP,detection_times,port_info from tbl_asset where inet_aton(%s)<= inet_aton(ip) AND inet_aton(%s)>=inet_aton(ip)'
        info = self.mysql.getAll(sql, (ip_start, ip_end))
        count = self.mysql.getCount(sql)
        return count, info

    def process(self, num1, num2):
        a = float(num1)
        b = float(num2)
        sche = "%.f%%" % (b / a * 100)
        return sche

    def find_asset_count(self):
        sql = "select * from tbl_asset where state=%s"
        count = self.mysql.getCount(sql, (1))
        return int(count)

    def find_asset(self, dete_obj, content_type, vul_plug_id, t_id):
        sql1 = "select IP,detection_times,port_info from tbl_asset"
        info = self.mysql.getAll(sql1)
        count = self.mysql.getCount(sql1)
        if '-' in dete_obj:
            count, info = self.find_range_ip(dete_obj)
        if count != 0:
            for index, msg in enumerate(info, 1):
                ip = msg['IP']
                print ip
                self.scan(msg, content_type, vul_plug_id, t_id)
                proces = self.process(count, index)
                asset_count = self.find_asset_count()
                sql2 = "update tbl_task set curr_process=%s,asset_count=%s where id=%s"
                self.mysql.update(sql2, (proces, asset_count, t_id))
            now_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            sql3 = "update tbl_task set end_time=%s,state=%s where id=%s"
            self.mysql.update(sql3, (now_time, 2, t_id))
            now_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            sql4 = "update tbl_task set end_time=%s,curr_process=%s,state=%s where id=%s"
            self.mysql.update(sql4, (now_time, '100%', 2, t_id))

    def update_asset(self, host, os, items, all_port, device_type, device_info):
        area_id, IP_location = self.find_area_id(host)
        detection_times = int(items) + 1
        state = 1
        if all_port:
            state = 1
            state = 0

        update_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        sql = "update tbl_asset set update_time=%s,area_id=%s,IP_location=%s,state=%s,detection_times=%s,os=%s,device_type=%s, device_info=%s where IP=%s"
        self.mysql.update(sql, (update_time, area_id, IP_location,
                                state, detection_times, os, device_type, device_info, host))

    def update_port_info(self, all_port, host):
        port_info = str(all_port)
        sql = '''update tbl_asset set port_info="%s" where IP="%s"''' % (
            port_info, host)

    def find_area_id(self, ip):
            sql = 'select area_id,IP_location from sys_ip_location where inet_aton(IP_start) <= inet_aton(%s) AND inet_aton(IP_end)>=inet_aton(%s);'
            result = self.mysql.getOne(sql, (ip, ip))
            area_id = result['area_id']
            ip_location = result['IP_location']
            return area_id, ip_location
        except Exception:
                country, province, city, operator = location.find_location(ip)
                if country and province:
                    sql2 = 'select code from sys_administrative_area where name=%s or name=%s'
                    result = self.mysql.getOne(sql2, (city, province))
                    code = result['code']
                    ip_location2 = province + city
                    sql3 = "insert into sys_ip_location (IP_start,IP_end,IP_loc_county,IP_loc_province,IP_loc_city,IP_loc_district,operator,area_id,IP_location,aton_start,aton_end) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,inet_aton(%s),inet_aton(%s))"
                        sql3, (ip, ip, country, province, city, '', operator, code, ip_location2, ip, ip))
                    return code, ip_location2
            except Exception:
                return '', ''

    def find_asset_id(self, ip):
        sql = 'select id,area_id from tbl_asset where IP=%s'
        result = self.mysql.getOne(sql, (ip))
        asset_id = result['id']
        area_id = result['area_id']
        return asset_id, area_id

    def find_protocol(self, port):
        sql = 'select protocol from sys_port where port=%s'
        result = self.mysql.getOne(sql, (port))
        protocol = result['protocol']
        return protocol

    def find_cate(self, cate_id):
        sql1 = 'select parent_id from sys_rule_cate where id=%s'
        sql2 = 'select cate_name from sys_rule_cate where id=%s'
        result1 = self.mysql.getOne(sql1, (cate_id))
        parent_id = result1['parent_id']
        result2 = self.mysql.getOne(sql2, (parent_id))
        cate_name = result2['cate_name']
        return cate_name

    def find_banner(self, content, title='', header=''):
        sql = "select id,rule_content,original_info,cate_id,cate_name from sys_rule"
        info = self.mysql.getAll(sql)
        id_list = []
        banner_list = []
        for msg in info:
            _id = str(msg['id'])
            rule_content = msg['rule_content']
            original_info = msg['original_info']
            cate_id = msg['cate_id']
            cate_name = msg['cate_name']
            rule = str(original_info).lower()
            if title:
                if rule in title.lower():
                    parent_cate_name = self.find_cate(cate_id)
            if content:
                if rule in content.lower():
                    parent_cate_name = self.find_cate(cate_id)
            if header:
                if rule in str(header).lower():
                    parent_cate_name = self.find_cate(cate_id)
            return ','.join(list(set(banner_list))), ','.join(list(set(id_list)))
        except Exception:
            return '', ''

    def find_manufacturer(self, content):
        if content:
            sql = 'select simple_name,keyword from sys_manufacturer'
            info = self.mysql.getAll(sql)
            for msg in info:
                simple_name = msg['simple_name']
                keyword = msg['keyword']
                key_list = []
                if ',' in keyword:
                    key_list = keyword.split(',')
                for key in key_list:
                    if key.lower() in content.lower():
                        return simple_name
            return ''
            return ''

    def history(self, ip, dict1, dict2):
        add_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        if not dict1:
            dict1 = '{}'
        dict1 = eval(dict1)
        if dict1 != dict2:
            if len(dict1) > len(dict2):
                for i in dict1:
                    if i in dict2:
                        sql1 = "update tbl_asset_info set history=%s where IP=%s and port=%s"
                        self.mysql.update(sql1, (1, ip, i))
                for j in dict2:
                    if j in dict1:
                        asset_id, area_id = self.find_asset_id(ip)
                        protocol = dict2[j]
                        sql2 = "insert into tbl_asset_info (IP,port,protocol,add_time,asset_id,area_id) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
                            sql2, (ip, j, protocol, add_time, asset_id, area_id))

    def telnet(self, ip, port):
        cmd = 'sudo /usr/local/bin/python /var/www/html/ngscanner/scan/send.py ' + ip + ' ' + port
        output = os.popen(cmd)
        stdoutput = output.read()
        if stdoutput:
            return stdoutput.strip()
            return ''

    def send_http(self, host, port):
        protocol = self.find_protocol(port)
        if protocol == 'https':
                res = requests.get('https://' + host + ':' + str(port),
                                   timeout=5, verify=False)
                return res
            except Exception:
                res = requests.get('http://' + host + ':' + str(port), timeout=5)
                return res
            except Exception:

    def re_title(self, content):
        content = content.lower()
        h = re.search(r'<title>[\s\S]*?</title>', content)
        if h:
            title = h.group()
            if title:
                return title.replace('<title>', '').replace('</title>', '')

    def mod_headers(self, res):
        url = res.url
        scheme = 'HTTP'
        if url.startswith('https:'):
            scheme = 'HTTPS'
        code = res.status_code
        reason = res.reason
        h = res.headers
        he = dict(h)
        data = []
        data.append(scheme + '/' + str(code) + ' ' + reason + '\n')
        for i in h:
            data.append(i + ':' + h[i] + '\n')
        header = ''.join(data).strip()
        server = ''
        if 'Server' in he:
            server = he['Server']
        return header, server

    def mod_protocol(self, port, protocol):
        sql1 = 'select protocol from sys_port where port=%s and data_source IN (3,1) order by id desc'
        sql2 = 'select protocol from sys_port where port=%s and data_source=%s'
        sql3 = "insert into sys_port (port,protocol,data_source,cate,add_time) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
        result = self.mysql.getOne(sql1, (port))
        db_protocol1 = result['protocol']
        if db_protocol1:
            return db_protocol1
            result2 = self.mysql.getOne(sql2, (port, 2))
            db_protocol2 = result2['protocol']
            if db_protocol2:
                return db_protocol2
                if protocol.lower() != 'unknown':
                    add_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
                    self.mysql.insertOne(sql3, (port, protocol, 2, 0, add_time))
                return protocol

    def decode(self, req):
        encoding = req.encoding
        if encoding == 'ISO-8859-1':
            encodings = requests.utils.get_encodings_from_content(req.text)
            if encodings:
                encoding = encodings[0]
                encoding = req.apparent_encoding
        encode_content = req.content.decode(
            encoding, 'replace').encode('utf-8', 'replace')
        return encode_content

    def scan(self, data_one, content_type, vul_plug_id, t_id):
        host = data_one['IP']
        items = data_one['detection_times']
        port_info = data_one['port_info']
        OS = ''
        all_port = {}
        device_type = ''
        device_info = ''
            all_port, OS, device_type, device_info = self.nmap_scan(host)
        except Exception:
        self.update_asset(host, OS, items, all_port, device_type, device_info)
        if all_port:
            self.history(host, port_info, all_port)
            self.update_port_info(all_port, host)
            for port, protocol in all_port.items():
                if port == '19':
                banner = ''
                print '----->', port
                add_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
                protocol = self.mod_protocol(port, protocol)
                asset_id, area_id = self.find_asset_id(host)
                res = self.send_http(host, port)
                content = None
                    content = self.decode(res)
                except Exception:
                if content:
                    print 'http'
                    title = self.re_title(content)
                    header, server = self.mod_headers(res)
                    banner, rule_id = self.find_banner(content, title, header)
                    manufacturer = self.find_manufacturer(content)
                    sql_http = "update tbl_asset_info set protocol=%s,asset_id=%s,title=%s,header=%s,html_page=%s,banner=%s,rule_id=%s,server=%s,manufacturer=%s where IP=%s and port=%s"
                    self.mysql.update(sql_http, (protocol, asset_id, title, header, content, banner, rule_id, server, manufacturer, host, port))
                    print 'telnet'
                    content = self.telnet(host, port)
                    if content:
                        banner, rule_id = self.find_banner(content)
                        manufacturer = self.find_manufacturer(content)
                        sql_telnet = "update tbl_asset_info set protocol=%s,asset_id=%s,html_page=%s,banner=%s,rule_id=%s,manufacturer=%s where IP=%s and port=%s"
                        self.mysql.update(sql_telnet, (protocol, asset_id, content, banner, rule_id, manufacturer, host, port))
                sql_time = "update tbl_asset_info set update_time=%s where IP=%s and port=%s"
                self.mysql.update(sql_time, (add_time, host, port))
                if content_type == 0:
                    ScanMaster().door(t_id, vul_plug_id, host, int(port), protocol, banner, content)
            print 'No open ports!'

    def nmap_scan(self, ip):
        cmd = 'nmap -O %s' % (ip)
        stdoutput = None
            output = os.popen(cmd)
            stdoutput = output.read()
        except Exception:
        if stdoutput and 'Nmap scan report for' in stdoutput:
            trim = stdoutput.split('\n')
            device_type = ''
            device_info = ''
            all_port = {}
            OS = ''
            for i in trim:
                line = i.lower()
                if 'open' in line and 'warning' not in line and '%' not in line and 'filtered' not in line and 'running' not in line and 'cpe:' not in line and 'nmap scan report' not in line:
                    one = i.split(' ')
                    data = []
                    for j in one:
                        if j:
                    port = data[0].split('/')[0]
                    protocol = data[-1]
                    if port.isdigit():
                        all_port[port] = protocol
                if 'Aggressive OS guesses' in stdoutput:
                    if 'Aggressive OS guesses' in i:
                        OS = self.get_os(i).strip()
                elif 'Running' in i:
                    if ',' in i:
                        i = i.split(',')[0]
                    OS = i.split(':')[-1].strip()
                if 'Device type' in i:
                    device = i.split(':')[-1]
                    if '|' in device:
                        device_list = device.split('|')
                        device_type = ','.join(device_list).strip()
                        device_info = device_list[0].strip()
                        device_type = device_info = device.strip()
            return all_port, OS, device_type, device_info
            return {}, '', '', ''

    def get_os(self, i):
        b = i.split('),')
        for i in b:
            if ',' in i or 'or' in i:
                if '(' in i:
                    os = i.split('(')[0].strip()
                    if 'Aggressive OS guesses' in os:
                        os = os.split(':')[-1]
                    return os
Exemple #8
class LeakScan(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.mysql = Mysql()

    def logs(self):
        info = sys.exc_info()
        level = 4
        lylog = log.LogMaster('scan_log', info, level)

    def Redis(self):
        pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host='localhost',
        conn = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool)
        return conn

    def mod_vul_plug_id(self, vul_plug_id):
        port_list = []
        id_list = []
        if ',' in vul_plug_id:
            id_list = vul_plug_id.split(',')
            id_list = [vul_plug_id]
        if id_list:
            for i in id_list:
                sql1 = 'select port from sys_vul where id=' + str(i)
                result = self.mysql.getOne(sql1)
                string_port = str(result['port'])
                if ',' in string_port:
                    p_list = string_port.split(',')
                    for port in p_list:
                        port = port.replace(' ', '')
                        if str(port) not in port_list:
                    if str(string_port) not in port_list:
                        port_list.append(str(string_port.replace(' ', '')))
            str_port = str(tuple(port_list))
            if len(port_list) == 1:
                str_port = str_port.replace(',', '')
            sql = "select IP,port,protocol,html_page,banner from tbl_asset_info where port IN" + str_port
            return sql
            return "select IP,port,protocol,html_page,banner from tbl_asset_info"

    def find_range_ip(self, dete_obj):
        ip_list = dete_obj.split('-')
        ip_start = ip_list[0]
        ip_end = ip_list[-1]
        sql = 'select IP,port,protocol,html_page,banner from tbl_asset_info where inet_aton(%s)<= inet_aton(ip) AND inet_aton(%s)>=inet_aton(ip)'
        info = self.mysql.getAll(sql, (ip_start, ip_end))
        count = self.mysql.getCount(sql)
        return count, info

    def find_asset_count(self):
        sql = "select * from tbl_asset where state=%s"
        count = self.mysql.getCount(sql, (1))
        return int(count)

    def process(self, num1, num2):
        a = float(num1)
        b = float(num2)
        sche = "%.f%%" % (b / a * 100)
        return sche

    def scan(self, dete_obj, vul_plug_id, t_id):
        rcon = self.Redis()
        if not rcon.hgetall(t_id):
            rcon.hmset(t_id, {'state': 0, 'count': 0})
        sql1 = "select IP,port,protocol,html_page,banner from tbl_asset_info"
        if vul_plug_id != '0':
            sql1 = self.mod_vul_plug_id(vul_plug_id)
        info = self.mysql.getAll(sql1)
        count = self.mysql.getCount(sql1)
        redis_dic = rcon.hgetall(t_id)
        state = redis_dic['state']
        now_count = int(redis_dic['count'])
        if '-' in dete_obj:
            count, info = self.find_range_ip(dete_obj)
        if count != 0:
            for index, msg in enumerate(info, 1):
                if state == '1':
                    if index <= now_count:
                rcon.hincrby(t_id, 'count', amount=1)
                ip = msg['IP']
                port = msg['port']
                protocol = msg['protocol']
                html = msg['html_page']
                banner = msg['banner']
                print ip, port
                    ScanMaster().door(t_id, vul_plug_id, ip, port, protocol,
                                      banner, html)
                except Exception:
                proces = self.process(count, index)
                asset_count = self.find_asset_count()
                sql2 = "update tbl_task set curr_process=%s,asset_count=%s where id=%s"
                self.mysql.update(sql2, (proces, asset_count, t_id))
            now_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            sql3 = "update tbl_task set end_time=%s,state=%s where id=%s"
            self.mysql.update(sql3, (now_time, 2, t_id))
            now_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            sql4 = "update tbl_task set end_time=%s,curr_process=%s,state=%s where id=%s"
            self.mysql.update(sql4, (now_time, '100%', 2, t_id))
        sql5 = 'delete from tbl_task_manage where t_id=%s'
        self.mysql.delete(sql5, (t_id))