Exemple #1
def main(options):
    infs = options.fs
    len_infs = len(infs)

    if options.mysys:
        from Mysys import read_mysys_dat
        mysys = read_mysys_dat()
        mysys = None

    if options.overlap:
        overlap = options.overlap
        assert len_infs % overlap== 0, "the num of infiles ({0}) are not even to do overlap ({1})".format(
            len_infs, overlap)
        row, col = q_acc.det_row_col(len_infs / overlap, options.morer)
        overlap = 1
        row, col = q_acc.det_row_col(len_infs, options.morer)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(24, 11))
    xs, ys, keys, axes = {}, {}, [], []
    for k, inf in enumerate(infs):
        logger.info("working on {0}".format(inf))
        if k % overlap == 0:
            ax = fig.add_subplot(row, col, k / overlap + 1)

        if options.template_for_legend:
            legend = re.compile(options.template_for_legend).search(inf).group()
            legend = inf

        if mysys:
            # need further modification to choose color in terms of solute or solvent
            group = re.compile('sq[1-9][wmepov]\d{3,4}s[0-9][0-9]').search(inf).group()
            seq = group[:3]
            color = mysys[seq].color
            marker = mysys[seq].marker
            legend = mysys[seq].seq
            color = None                # specified by matplotlib automatically
            marker = None

        key = inf                                  # use the file name as a key
        # collection of x & y will be used to determine the xlim & ylim
        x, y = ax_plot(inf, ax, legend, color, marker, options.eb)
        xs[key], ys[key] = x, y

    blegend, xlb, ylb, xb, yb, xe, ye = (options.blegend, options.xlb, options.ylb, 
                                         options.xb, options.yb, options.xe, options.ye)
    q_acc.decorate(keys, xs, ys, axes, blegend, xlb, ylb, xb, yb, xe, ye)
Exemple #2
#!/usr/bin/env python

import glob
import numpy as np
from q_acc import parse_cmd
from Mysys import read_mysys_dat

mysys = read_mysys_dat()

""" it's slow, could be improved a lot 2011-04-04"""

def outline(infile):
    with open(infile, 'r') as inf:

def get_data(inf):
    for line in inf:
        if (not line.startswith('#') and 
            not line.startswith('@') and
            yield line.strip().split()[:2]

def calc_secondary_structures(inf):
    lines = np.array(list(get_data(inf)))
    # lines = np.array(get_data(inf))
    phi = lines[:,0]
    psi = lines[:,1]

    h, phip, psip = np.histogram2d(phi, psi, bins=10)
    return h, phip, psip