#!/usr/bin/env python
NLUlite is a high-level Natural Language Understanding

This file is an example of the framework. This file is released with
BSD license.

__author__  = 'NLUlite'
__version__ = '0.1.4'
__license__ = 'BSD'

from NLUlite import ServerProxy, Wisdom

server = ServerProxy('localhost', 4001)
wisdom = Wisdom(server)
plist  = server.list_exported()
for item in plist:
    print item

#!/usr/bin/env python
NLUlite is a high-level Natural Language Understanding

This file is an example of the framework. This file is released with
BSD license.

__author__  = 'NLUlite'
__version__ = '0.1.4'
__license__ = 'BSD'

from NLUlite import ServerProxy, Wisdom

server   = ServerProxy('localhost', 4001)
wisdom   = Wisdom(server)