def train(params, x_data, y_data_l, siz_high_res, load_dir, save_dir, plotter, y_data_test): x_data = x_data y_data_train_l = y_data_l # USEFUL SIZES xsh = np.shape(x_data) yshl1 = np.shape(y_data_l)[1] ysh1 = siz_high_res z_dimension_fm = params['z_dimensions_fw'] n_weights_fm = params['n_weights_fw'] z_dimension = params['z_dimension'] bs = params['batch_size'] n_weights = params['n_weights'] lam = 1 graph = tf.Graph() session = tf.Session(graph=graph) with graph.as_default(): tf.set_random_seed(np.random.randint(0,10)) SMALL_CONSTANT = 1e-6 # PLACE HOLDERS x_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, xsh[1]], name="x_ph") bs_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int64, name="bs_ph") # batch size placeholder yt_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, ysh1], name="yt_ph") # LOAD FORWARD MODEL NEURAL NETWORKS DEC_XYlZtoYh = OELBO_decoder_difference.VariationalAutoencoder("OELBO_decoder", ysh1, z_dimension_fm+yshl1+xsh[1], n_weights_fm) # p(Yh|X,Yl,Z) ENC_XYltoZ = OELBO_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder("OELBO_encoder", yshl1+xsh[1], z_dimension_fm, n_weights_fm) # p(Z|X,Yl) ENC_XYhYltoZ = VAE_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder("vae_encoder", xsh[1]+ysh1+yshl1, z_dimension_fm, n_weights_fm) # q(Z|X,Yl,Yh) # LOAD VICI NEURAL NETWORKS autoencoder = VICI_decoder.VariationalAutoencoder("VICI_decoder", xsh[1], z_dimension+ysh1, n_weights) autoencoder_ENC = VICI_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder("VICI_encoder", ysh1, z_dimension, n_weights) autoencoder_VAE = VICI_VAE_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder("VICI_VAE_encoder", xsh[1]+ysh1, z_dimension, n_weights) # DEFINE MULTI-FIDELITY FORWARD MODEL ##################################################################################################################### SMALL_CONSTANT = 1e-6 # NORMALISE INPUTS yl_ph_n = tf_normalise_dataset(yt_ph) x_ph_n = tf_normalise_dataset(x_ph) #yl_ph_n = yt_ph #x_ph_n = x_ph # GET p(Z|X,Yl) zxyl_mean,zxyl_log_sig_sq = ENC_XYltoZ._calc_z_mean_and_sigma(tf.concat([x_ph_n,yl_ph_n],1)) rxyl_samp = ENC_XYhYltoZ._sample_from_gaussian_dist(tf.shape(x_ph_n)[0], z_dimension_fm, zxyl_mean, tf.log(tf.exp(zxyl_log_sig_sq)+SMALL_CONSTANT)) # GET p(Yh|X,Yl,Z) FROM SAMPLES Z ~ p(Z|X,Yl) reconstruction_yh = DEC_XYlZtoYh.calc_reconstruction(tf.concat([x_ph_n,yl_ph_n,rxyl_samp],1)) yh_diff = reconstruction_yh[0] yh_mean = yl_ph_n+yh_diff yh_log_sig_sq = reconstruction_yh[1] y = ENC_XYhYltoZ._sample_from_gaussian_dist(tf.shape(yt_ph)[0], tf.shape(yt_ph)[1], yh_mean, yh_log_sig_sq) # DRAW SYNTHETIC Ys TRAINING DATA # _, y = OM.forward_model(x_ph_amp,x_ph_ph) ########################################################################################################################################## # GET r(z|y) y_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, ysh1], name="y_ph") y_ph_n = tf_normalise_dataset(y_ph) #y_ph_n = y_ph zy_mean,zy_log_sig_sq = autoencoder_ENC._calc_z_mean_and_sigma(y_ph_n) # DRAW FROM r(z|y) rzy_samp = autoencoder_VAE._sample_from_gaussian_dist(bs_ph, z_dimension, zy_mean, zy_log_sig_sq) # GET r(x|z,y) from r(z|y) samples rzy_samp_y = tf.concat([rzy_samp,y_ph_n],1) reconstruction_xzy = autoencoder.calc_reconstruction(rzy_samp_y) x_mean = reconstruction_xzy[0] x_log_sig_sq = reconstruction_xzy[1] # KL(r(z|y)||p(z)) latent_loss = -0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(1 + zy_log_sig_sq - tf.square(zy_mean) - tf.exp(zy_log_sig_sq), 1) KL = tf.reduce_mean(latent_loss) # GET q(z|x,y) xy_ph = tf.concat([x_ph_n,y_ph_n],1) zx_mean,zx_log_sig_sq = autoencoder_VAE._calc_z_mean_and_sigma(xy_ph) # DRAW FROM q(z|x,y) qzx_samp = autoencoder_VAE._sample_from_gaussian_dist(bs_ph, z_dimension, zx_mean, zx_log_sig_sq) # GET r(x|z,y) qzx_samp_y = tf.concat([qzx_samp,y_ph_n],1) reconstruction_xzx = autoencoder.calc_reconstruction(qzx_samp_y) x_mean_vae = reconstruction_xzx[0] x_log_sig_sq_vae = reconstruction_xzx[1] # COST FROM RECONSTRUCTION normalising_factor_x_vae = - 0.5 * tf.log(SMALL_CONSTANT+tf.exp(x_log_sig_sq_vae)) - 0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi) square_diff_between_mu_and_x_vae = tf.square(x_mean_vae - x_ph_n) inside_exp_x_vae = -0.5 * tf.div(square_diff_between_mu_and_x_vae,SMALL_CONSTANT+tf.exp(x_log_sig_sq_vae)) reconstr_loss_x_vae = -tf.reduce_sum(normalising_factor_x_vae + inside_exp_x_vae, 1) cost_R_vae = tf.reduce_mean(reconstr_loss_x_vae) # KL(q(z|x,y)||r(z|y)) v_mean = zy_mean #2 aux_mean = zx_mean #1 v_log_sig_sq = tf.log(tf.exp(zy_log_sig_sq)+SMALL_CONSTANT) #2 aux_log_sig_sq = tf.log(tf.exp(zx_log_sig_sq)+SMALL_CONSTANT) #1 v_log_sig = tf.log(tf.sqrt(tf.exp(v_log_sig_sq))) #2 aux_log_sig = tf.log(tf.sqrt(tf.exp(aux_log_sig_sq))) #1 cost_VAE_a = v_log_sig-aux_log_sig+tf.divide(tf.exp(aux_log_sig_sq)+tf.square(aux_mean-v_mean),2*tf.exp(v_log_sig_sq))-0.5 cost_VAE_b = tf.reduce_sum(cost_VAE_a,1) KL_vae = tf.reduce_mean(cost_VAE_b) # THE VICI COST FUNCTION lam_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, name="lam_ph") COST_VAE = KL_vae+cost_R_vae COST = COST_VAE # VARIABLES LISTS var_list_VICI = [var for var in tf.trainable_variables() if"VICI")] var_list_ELBO = [var for var in tf.trainable_variables() if"ELBO")] # DEFINE OPTIMISER (using ADAM here) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(params['initial_training_rate']) minimize = optimizer.minimize(COST,var_list = var_list_VICI) # DRAW FROM q(x|y) qx_samp = autoencoder_ENC._sample_from_gaussian_dist(bs_ph, xsh[1], x_mean, SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.log(tf.exp(x_log_sig_sq))) # INITIALISE AND RUN SESSION # init = tf.variables_initializer(var_list_VICI) init = tf.initialize_all_variables() saver_ELBO = tf.train.Saver(var_list_ELBO) saver_ELBO.restore(session,load_dir) saver = tf.train.Saver() KL_PLOT = np.zeros(['num_iterations']/params['report_interval'])+1)) # vector to store test OELBO values COST_PLOT = np.zeros(['num_iterations']/params['report_interval'])+1)) # vector to store test VAE ELBO values print('Training Inference Model...') # START OPTIMISATION OF OELBO indices_generator = batch_manager.SequentialIndexer(params['batch_size'], xsh[0]) ni = -1 test_n = 100 for i in range(params['num_iterations']): next_indices = indices_generator.next_indices() yn =, feed_dict={bs_ph:bs, x_ph:x_data[next_indices, :], yt_ph:y_data_train_l[next_indices, :]}), feed_dict={bs_ph:bs, x_ph:x_data[next_indices, :], y_ph:yn, lam_ph:lam, yt_ph:y_data_train_l[next_indices, :]}) # minimising cost function if i % params['report_interval'] == 0: ni = ni+1 ynt =, feed_dict={bs_ph:test_n, x_ph:x_data[0:test_n,:], yt_ph:y_data_train_l[0:test_n,:]}) cost_value_vae, KL_VAE =[COST_VAE, KL_vae], feed_dict={bs_ph:test_n, x_ph:x_data[0:test_n,:], y_ph:ynt, lam_ph:lam, yt_ph:y_data_train_l[0:test_n,:]}) KL_PLOT[ni] = KL_VAE COST_PLOT[ni] = cost_value_vae if params['print_values']==True: print('--------------------------------------------------------------') print('Iteration:',i) print('Training Set ELBO:',-cost_value_vae) print('KL Divergence:',KL_VAE) if i % params['save_interval'] == 0: """ # ESTIMATE TEST SET RECONSTRUCTION PER-PIXEL APPROXIMATE MARGINAL LIKELIHOOD and draw from q(x|y) n_ex_s = params['n_samples'] # number of samples to save per reconstruction ns = np.maximum(100,n_ex_s) # number of samples to use to estimate per-pixel marginal XM = np.zeros((np.shape(y_data_test)[0],params['ndim_x'],ns)) XSX = np.zeros((np.shape(y_data_test)[0],params['ndim_x'],ns)) XSA = np.zeros((np.shape(y_data_test)[0],params['ndim_x'],ns)) for i in range(ns): rec_x_m =,feed_dict={y_ph:y_data_test}) rec_x_mx =,feed_dict={y_ph:y_data_test}) rec_x_s =,feed_dict={y_ph:y_data_test}) XM[:,:,i] = rec_x_m XSX[:,:,i] = rec_x_mx XSA[:,:,i] = rec_x_s pmax =,feed_dict={y_ph:y_data_test}) xm = np.mean(XM,axis=2) xsx = np.std(XSX,axis=2) xs = np.std(XM,axis=2) #XS = XSX[:,:,0:n_ex_s] XS = XSA[:,:,0:n_ex_s] # Generate overlap scatter plots plotter.rev_x = XS plotter.make_overlap_plot() """ # Save model save_path =,save_dir) return COST_PLOT, KL_PLOT
def run(params, y_data_test, siz_x_data, load_dir): # USEFUL SIZES xsh1 = siz_x_data ysh1 = np.shape(y_data_test)[1] z_dimension = params['z_dimension'] n_weights = params['n_weights'] graph = tf.Graph() session = tf.Session(graph=graph) with graph.as_default(): tf.set_random_seed(np.random.randint(0,10)) SMALL_CONSTANT = 1e-6 # LOAD VICI NEURAL NETWORKS autoencoder = VICI_decoder.VariationalAutoencoder("VICI_decoder", xsh1, z_dimension+ysh1, n_weights) autoencoder_ENC = VICI_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder("VICI_encoder", ysh1, z_dimension, n_weights) autoencoder_VAE = VICI_VAE_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder("VICI_VAE_encoder", xsh1+ysh1, z_dimension, n_weights) # GET r(z|y) y_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, ysh1], name="y_ph") y_ph_n = tf_normalise_dataset(y_ph) #y_ph_n = y_ph zy_mean,zy_log_sig_sq = autoencoder_ENC._calc_z_mean_and_sigma(y_ph_n) # DRAW FROM r(z|y) rzy_samp = autoencoder_VAE._sample_from_gaussian_dist(tf.shape(y_ph_n)[0], z_dimension, zy_mean, zy_log_sig_sq) # GET r(x|z,y) from r(z|y) samples rzy_samp_y = tf.concat([rzy_samp,y_ph_n],1) reconstruction_xzy = autoencoder.calc_reconstruction(rzy_samp_y) x_mean = reconstruction_xzy[0] x_log_sig_sq = reconstruction_xzy[1] # GET pseudo max rzy_samp_y_pm = tf.concat([zy_mean,y_ph_n],1) reconstruction_xzy_pm = autoencoder.calc_reconstruction(rzy_samp_y_pm) x_pmax = reconstruction_xzy_pm[0] # VARIABLES LISTS var_list_VICI = [var for var in tf.trainable_variables() if"VICI")] # DRAW FROM q(x|y) qx_samp = autoencoder_ENC._sample_from_gaussian_dist(tf.shape(y_ph_n)[0], xsh1, x_mean, SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.log(tf.exp(x_log_sig_sq))) # INITIALISE AND RUN SESSION init = tf.initialize_all_variables() saver_VICI = tf.train.Saver(var_list_VICI) saver_VICI.restore(session,load_dir) # ESTIMATE TEST SET RECONSTRUCTION PER-PIXEL APPROXIMATE MARGINAL LIKELIHOOD and draw from q(x|y) n_ex_s = params['n_samples'] # number of samples to save per reconstruction ns = np.maximum(100,n_ex_s) # number of samples to use to estimate per-pixel marginal XM = np.zeros((np.shape(y_data_test)[0],xsh1,ns)) XSX = np.zeros((np.shape(y_data_test)[0],xsh1,ns)) XSA = np.zeros((np.shape(y_data_test)[0],xsh1,ns)) for i in range(ns): rec_x_m =,feed_dict={y_ph:y_data_test}) rec_x_mx =,feed_dict={y_ph:y_data_test}) rec_x_s =,feed_dict={y_ph:y_data_test}) XM[:,:,i] = rec_x_m XSX[:,:,i] = rec_x_mx XSA[:,:,i] = rec_x_s pmax =,feed_dict={y_ph:y_data_test}) xm = np.mean(XM,axis=2) xsx = np.std(XSX,axis=2) xs = np.std(XM,axis=2) XS = XSX[:,:,0:n_ex_s] #XS = XSA[:,:,0:n_ex_s] return xm, xsx, XS, pmax
def compute_ELBO(params, x_data, y_data_h, load_dir): # USEFUL SIZES xsh = np.shape(x_data) ysh1 = np.shape(y_data_h)[1] z_dimension = params['z_dimension'] n_weights = params['n_weights'] lam = 1 graph = tf.Graph() session = tf.Session(graph=graph) with graph.as_default(): tf.set_random_seed(np.random.randint(0,10)) SMALL_CONSTANT = 1e-6 # PLACE HOLDERS x_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, xsh[1]], name="x_ph") bs_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int64, name="bs_ph") # batch size placeholder # LOAD VICI NEURAL NETWORKS autoencoder = VICI_decoder.VariationalAutoencoder("VICI_decoder", xsh[1], z_dimension+ysh1, n_weights) autoencoder_ENC = VICI_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder("VICI_encoder", ysh1, z_dimension, n_weights) autoencoder_VAE = VICI_VAE_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder("VICI_VAE_encoder", xsh[1]+ysh1, z_dimension, n_weights) # GET r(z|y) y_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, ysh1], name="y_ph") y_ph_n = tf_normalise_dataset(y_ph) x_ph_n = tf_normalise_dataset(x_ph) #y_ph_n = y_ph #x_ph_n = x_ph zy_mean,zy_log_sig_sq = autoencoder_ENC._calc_z_mean_and_sigma(y_ph_n) # DRAW FROM r(z|y) rzy_samp = autoencoder_VAE._sample_from_gaussian_dist(bs_ph, z_dimension, zy_mean, zy_log_sig_sq) # GET r(x|z,y) from r(z|y) samples rzy_samp_y = tf.concat([rzy_samp,y_ph_n],1) reconstruction_xzy = autoencoder.calc_reconstruction(rzy_samp_y) x_mean = reconstruction_xzy[0] x_log_sig_sq = reconstruction_xzy[1] # KL(r(z|y)||p(z)) latent_loss = -0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(1 + zy_log_sig_sq - tf.square(zy_mean) - tf.exp(zy_log_sig_sq), 1) KL = tf.reduce_mean(latent_loss) # GET q(z|x,y) xy_ph = tf.concat([x_ph_n,y_ph_n],1) zx_mean,zx_log_sig_sq = autoencoder_VAE._calc_z_mean_and_sigma(xy_ph) # DRAW FROM q(z|x,y) qzx_samp = autoencoder_VAE._sample_from_gaussian_dist(bs_ph, z_dimension, zx_mean, zx_log_sig_sq) # GET r(x|z,y) qzx_samp_y = tf.concat([qzx_samp,y_ph_n],1) reconstruction_xzx = autoencoder.calc_reconstruction(qzx_samp_y) x_mean_vae = reconstruction_xzx[0] x_log_sig_sq_vae = reconstruction_xzx[1] # COST FROM RECONSTRUCTION normalising_factor_x_vae = - 0.5 * tf.log(SMALL_CONSTANT+tf.exp(x_log_sig_sq_vae)) - 0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi) square_diff_between_mu_and_x_vae = tf.square(x_mean_vae - x_ph_n) inside_exp_x_vae = -0.5 * tf.div(square_diff_between_mu_and_x_vae,SMALL_CONSTANT+tf.exp(x_log_sig_sq_vae)) reconstr_loss_x_vae = -tf.reduce_sum(normalising_factor_x_vae + inside_exp_x_vae, 1) cost_R_vae = tf.reduce_mean(reconstr_loss_x_vae) # KL(q(z|x,y)||r(z|y)) v_mean = zy_mean #2 aux_mean = zx_mean #1 v_log_sig_sq = tf.log(tf.exp(zy_log_sig_sq)+SMALL_CONSTANT) #2 aux_log_sig_sq = tf.log(tf.exp(zx_log_sig_sq)+SMALL_CONSTANT) #1 v_log_sig = tf.log(tf.sqrt(tf.exp(v_log_sig_sq))) #2 aux_log_sig = tf.log(tf.sqrt(tf.exp(aux_log_sig_sq))) #1 cost_VAE_a = v_log_sig-aux_log_sig+tf.divide(tf.exp(aux_log_sig_sq)+tf.square(aux_mean-v_mean),2*tf.exp(v_log_sig_sq))-0.5 cost_VAE_b = tf.reduce_sum(cost_VAE_a,1) KL_vae = tf.reduce_mean(cost_VAE_b) # THE VICI COST FUNCTION lam_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, name="lam_ph") COST_VAE = KL_vae+cost_R_vae # VARIABLES LISTS var_list_VICI = [var for var in tf.trainable_variables() if"VICI")] # DRAW FROM q(x|y) qx_samp = autoencoder_ENC._sample_from_gaussian_dist(bs_ph, xsh[1], x_mean, SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.log(tf.exp(x_log_sig_sq))) # INITIALISE AND RUN SESSION init = tf.initialize_all_variables() saver_VICI = tf.train.Saver(var_list_VICI) saver_VICI.restore(session,load_dir) ynt = y_data_h cost_value_vae, KL_VAE =[COST_VAE, KL_vae], feed_dict={bs_ph:xsh[0], x_ph:x_data, y_ph:ynt, lam_ph:lam}) ELBO = -cost_value_vae KL_DIV = KL_VAE return ELBO, KL_DIV
def run(params, y_data_test, siz_x_data, y_normscale, load_dir): multi_modal = True # USEFUL SIZES xsh1 = siz_x_data if params['by_channel'] == True: ysh0 = np.shape(y_data_test)[0] ysh1 = np.shape(y_data_test)[1] else: ysh0 = np.shape(y_data_test)[1] ysh1 = np.shape(y_data_test)[2] z_dimension = params['z_dimension'] n_weights_r1 = params['n_weights_r1'] n_weights_r2 = params['n_weights_r2'] n_weights_q = params['n_weights_q'] n_modes = params['n_modes'] n_hlayers_r1 = len(params['n_weights_r1']) n_hlayers_r2 = len(params['n_weights_r2']) n_hlayers_q = len(params['n_weights_q']) n_conv_r1 = len(params['n_filters_r1']) n_conv_r2 = len(params['n_filters_r2']) n_conv_q = len(params['n_filters_q']) n_filters_r1 = params['n_filters_r1'] n_filters_r2 = params['n_filters_r2'] n_filters_q = params['n_filters_q'] filter_size_r1 = params['filter_size_r1'] filter_size_r2 = params['filter_size_r2'] filter_size_q = params['filter_size_q'] n_convsteps = params['n_convsteps'] batch_norm = params['batch_norm'] red = params['reduce'] if n_convsteps != None: ysh_conv_r1 = int(ysh1*n_filters_r1/2**n_convsteps) if red==True else int(ysh1/2**n_convsteps) ysh_conv_r2 = int(ysh1*n_filters_r2/2**n_convsteps) if red==True else int(ysh1/2**n_convsteps) ysh_conv_q = int(ysh1*n_filters_q/2**n_convsteps) if red==True else int(ysh1/2**n_convsteps) else: ysh_conv_r1 = int(ysh1) ysh_conv_r2 = int(ysh1) ysh_conv_q = int(ysh1) drate = params['drate'] maxpool_r1 = params['maxpool_r1'] maxpool_r2 = params['maxpool_r2'] maxpool_q = params['maxpool_q'] conv_strides_r1 = params['conv_strides_r1'] conv_strides_r2 = params['conv_strides_r2'] conv_strides_q = params['conv_strides_q'] pool_strides_r1 = params['pool_strides_r1'] pool_strides_r2 = params['pool_strides_r2'] pool_strides_q = params['pool_strides_q'] if params['reduce'] == True or n_filters_r1 != None: if params['by_channel'] == True: num_det = np.shape(y_data_test)[2] else: num_det = ysh0 else: num_det = None # identify the indices of different sets of physical parameters vonmise_mask, vonmise_idx_mask, vonmise_len = get_param_index(params['inf_pars'],params['vonmise_pars']) gauss_mask, gauss_idx_mask, gauss_len = get_param_index(params['inf_pars'],params['gauss_pars']) sky_mask, sky_idx_mask, sky_len = get_param_index(params['inf_pars'],params['sky_pars']) ra_mask, ra_idx_mask, ra_len = get_param_index(params['inf_pars'],['ra']) dec_mask, dec_idx_mask, dec_len = get_param_index(params['inf_pars'],['dec']) m1_mask, m1_idx_mask, m1_len = get_param_index(params['inf_pars'],['mass_1']) m2_mask, m2_idx_mask, m2_len = get_param_index(params['inf_pars'],['mass_2']) idx_mask = np.argsort(gauss_idx_mask + vonmise_idx_mask + m1_idx_mask + m2_idx_mask + sky_idx_mask) # + dist_idx_mask) masses_len = m1_len + m2_len graph = tf.Graph() session = tf.Session(graph=graph) with graph.as_default(): tf.set_random_seed(np.random.randint(0,10)) SMALL_CONSTANT = 1e-12 # PLACEHOLDERS bs_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int64, name="bs_ph") # batch size placeholder y_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, params['ndata'], num_det], name="y_ph") # LOAD VICI NEURAL NETWORKS r2_xzy = VICI_decoder.VariationalAutoencoder('VICI_decoder', vonmise_mask, gauss_mask, m1_mask, m2_mask, sky_mask, n_input1=z_dimension, n_input2=params['ndata'], n_output=xsh1, n_channels=num_det, n_weights=n_weights_r2, drate=drate, n_filters=n_filters_r2, filter_size=filter_size_r2, maxpool=maxpool_r2) r1_zy = VICI_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder('VICI_encoder', n_input=params['ndata'], n_output=z_dimension, n_channels=num_det, n_weights=n_weights_r1, # generates params for r1(z|y) n_modes=n_modes, drate=drate, n_filters=n_filters_r1, filter_size=filter_size_r1, maxpool=maxpool_r1) q_zxy = VICI_VAE_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder('VICI_VAE_encoder', n_input1=xsh1, n_input2=params['ndata'], n_output=z_dimension, n_channels=num_det, n_weights=n_weights_q, drate=drate, n_filters=n_filters_q, filter_size=filter_size_q, maxpool=maxpool_q) # reduce the y data size y_conv = y_ph # GET r1(z|y) r1_loc, r1_scale, r1_weight = r1_zy._calc_z_mean_and_sigma(y_conv) temp_var_r1 = SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp(r1_scale) # define the r1(z|y) mixture model bimix_gauss = tfd.MixtureSameFamily( mixture_distribution=tfd.Categorical(logits=r1_weight), components_distribution=tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag( loc=r1_loc, scale_diag=tf.sqrt(temp_var_r1))) # DRAW FROM r1(z|y) r1_zy_samp = bimix_gauss.sample() # GET r2(x|z,y) from r1(z|y) samples reconstruction_xzy = r2_xzy.calc_reconstruction(r1_zy_samp,y_ph) # ugly but needed for now # extract the means and variances of the physical parameter distributions r2_xzy_mean_gauss = reconstruction_xzy[0] r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_gauss = reconstruction_xzy[1] r2_xzy_mean_vonmise = reconstruction_xzy[2] r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_vonmise = reconstruction_xzy[3] r2_xzy_mean_m1 = reconstruction_xzy[4] r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_m1 = reconstruction_xzy[5] r2_xzy_mean_m2 = reconstruction_xzy[6] r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_m2 = reconstruction_xzy[7] r2_xzy_mean_sky = reconstruction_xzy[8] r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_sky = reconstruction_xzy[9] # draw from r2(x|z,y) - the masses temp_var_r2_m1 = SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp(r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_m1) # the m1 variance temp_var_r2_m2 = SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp(r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_m2) # the m2 variance joint = tfd.JointDistributionSequential([ tfd.Independent(tfd.TruncatedNormal(r2_xzy_mean_m1,tf.sqrt(temp_var_r2_m1),0,1,validate_args=True,allow_nan_stats=True),reinterpreted_batch_ndims=0), # m1 lambda b0: tfd.Independent(tfd.TruncatedNormal(r2_xzy_mean_m2,tf.sqrt(temp_var_r2_m2),0,b0,validate_args=True,allow_nan_stats=True),reinterpreted_batch_ndims=0)], # m2 validate_args=True) r2_xzy_samp_masses = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(joint.sample(),[2,-1])) # sample from the m1.m2 space # draw from r2(x|z,y) - the truncated gaussian temp_var_r2_gauss = SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp(r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_gauss) @tf.function # make this s a tensorflow function def truncnorm(idx,output): # we set up a function that adds the log-likelihoods and also increments the counter loc = tf.slice(r2_xzy_mean_gauss,[0,idx],[-1,1]) # take each specific parameter mean using slice std = tf.sqrt(tf.slice(temp_var_r2_gauss,[0,idx],[-1,1])) # take each specific parameter std using slice tn = tfd.TruncatedNormal(loc,std,0.0,1.0) # define the truncated Gaussian distribution return [idx+1, tf.concat([output,tf.reshape(tn.sample(),[bs_ph,1])],axis=1)] # return the updated index and new samples concattenated to the input # we do the loop until we've hit all the truncated gaussian parameters - i starts at 0 and the samples starts with a set of zeros that we cut out later idx = tf.constant(0) # initialise counter nsamp = params['n_samples'] # define the number of samples (MUST be a normal int NOT tensor so can't use bs_ph) output = tf.zeros([nsamp,1],dtype=tf.float32) # initialise the output (we cut this first set of zeros out later condition = lambda i,output: i<gauss_len # define the while loop stopping condition _,r2_xzy_samp_gauss = tf.while_loop(condition, truncnorm, loop_vars=[idx,output],shape_invariants=[idx.get_shape(), tf.TensorShape([nsamp,None])]) r2_xzy_samp_gauss = tf.slice(tf.reshape(r2_xzy_samp_gauss,[-1,gauss_len+1]),[0,1],[-1,-1]) # cut out the actual samples - delete the initial vector of zeros # draw from r2(x|z,y) - the vonmises part temp_var_r2_vonmise = SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp(r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_vonmise) con = tf.reshape(tf.math.reciprocal(temp_var_r2_vonmise),[-1,vonmise_len]) # modelling wrapped scale output as log variance von_mises = tfp.distributions.VonMises(loc=2.0*np.pi*(r2_xzy_mean_vonmise-0.5), concentration=con) r2_xzy_samp_vonmise = tf.reshape(von_mises.sample()/(2.0*np.pi) + 0.5,[-1,vonmise_len]) # sample from the von mises distribution and shift and scale from -pi-pi to 0-1 # draw from r2(x|z,y) - the von mises Fisher temp_var_r2_sky = SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp(r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_sky) con = tf.reshape(tf.math.reciprocal(temp_var_r2_sky),[bs_ph]) # modelling wrapped scale output as log variance - only 1 concentration parameter for all sky von_mises_fisher = tfp.distributions.VonMisesFisher( mean_direction=tf.math.l2_normalize(tf.reshape(r2_xzy_mean_sky,[bs_ph,3]),axis=1), concentration=con) # define p_vm(2*pi*mu,con=1/sig^2) xyz = tf.reshape(von_mises_fisher.sample(),[bs_ph,3]) # sample the distribution samp_ra = tf.math.floormod(tf.atan2(tf.slice(xyz,[0,1],[-1,1]),tf.slice(xyz,[0,0],[-1,1])),2.0*np.pi)/(2.0*np.pi) # convert to the rescaled 0->1 RA from the unit vector samp_dec = (tf.asin(tf.slice(xyz,[0,2],[-1,1])) + 0.5*np.pi)/np.pi # convert to the rescaled 0->1 dec from the unit vector r2_xzy_samp_sky = tf.reshape(tf.concat([samp_ra,samp_dec],axis=1),[bs_ph,2]) # group the sky samples # combine the samples r2_xzy_samp = tf.concat([r2_xzy_samp_gauss,r2_xzy_samp_vonmise,r2_xzy_samp_masses,r2_xzy_samp_sky],axis=1) r2_xzy_samp = tf.gather(r2_xzy_samp,tf.constant(idx_mask),axis=1) # VARIABLES LISTS var_list_VICI = [var for var in tf.trainable_variables() if"VICI")] # INITIALISE AND RUN SESSION init = tf.initialize_all_variables() saver_VICI = tf.train.Saver(var_list_VICI) saver_VICI.restore(session,load_dir) # ESTIMATE TEST SET RECONSTRUCTION PER-PIXEL APPROXIMATE MARGINAL LIKELIHOOD and draw from q(x|y) ns = params['n_samples'] # number of samples to save per reconstruction y_data_test_exp = np.tile(y_data_test,(ns,1))/y_normscale y_data_test_exp = y_data_test_exp.reshape(-1,params['ndata'],num_det) run_startt = time.time() xs, mode_weights =[r2_xzy_samp,r1_weight],feed_dict={bs_ph:ns,y_ph:y_data_test_exp}) run_endt = time.time() # run_startt = time.time() # xs, mode_weights =[r2_xzy_samp,r1_weight],feed_dict={bs_ph:ns,y_ph:y_data_test_exp}) # run_endt = time.time() return xs, (run_endt - run_startt), mode_weights
def train(params, x_data, y_data_h, save_dir): x_data = x_data y_data_train_l = y_data_h # USEFUL SIZES xsh = np.shape(x_data) ysh1 = np.shape(y_data_h)[1] z_dimension = params['z_dimension'] bs = params['batch_size'] n_weights = params['n_weights'] lam = 10 graph = tf.Graph() session = tf.Session(graph=graph) with graph.as_default(): tf.set_random_seed(np.random.randint(0, 10)) SMALL_CONSTANT = 1e-6 # PLACE HOLDERS x_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, xsh[1]], name="x_ph") bs_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int64, name="bs_ph") # batch size placeholder # LOAD VICI NEURAL NETWORKS autoencoder = VICI_decoder.VariationalAutoencoder( "VICI_decoder", xsh[1], z_dimension + ysh1, n_weights) autoencoder_ENC = VICI_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder( "VICI_encoder", ysh1, z_dimension, n_weights) autoencoder_VAE = VICI_VAE_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder( "VICI_VAE_encoder", xsh[1] + ysh1, z_dimension, n_weights) # GET r(z|y) x_ph_n = tf_normalise_dataset(x_ph) y_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, ysh1], name="y_ph") y_ph_n = tf_normalise_dataset(y_ph) zy_mean, zy_log_sig_sq = autoencoder_ENC._calc_z_mean_and_sigma(y_ph_n) # DRAW FROM r(z|y) rzy_samp = autoencoder_VAE._sample_from_gaussian_dist( bs_ph, z_dimension, zy_mean, zy_log_sig_sq) # GET r(x|z,y) from r(z|y) samples rzy_samp_y = tf.concat([rzy_samp, y_ph_n], 1) reconstruction_xzy = autoencoder.calc_reconstruction(rzy_samp_y) x_mean = reconstruction_xzy[0] x_log_sig_sq = reconstruction_xzy[1] # KL(r(z|y)||p(z)) latent_loss = -0.5 * tf.reduce_sum( 1 + zy_log_sig_sq - tf.square(zy_mean) - tf.exp(zy_log_sig_sq), 1) KL = tf.reduce_mean(latent_loss) # GET q(z|x,y) xy_ph = tf.concat([x_ph_n, y_ph_n], 1) zx_mean, zx_log_sig_sq = autoencoder_VAE._calc_z_mean_and_sigma(xy_ph) # DRAW FROM q(z|x,y) qzx_samp = autoencoder_VAE._sample_from_gaussian_dist( bs_ph, z_dimension, zx_mean, zx_log_sig_sq) # GET r(x|z,y) qzx_samp_y = tf.concat([qzx_samp, y_ph_n], 1) reconstruction_xzx = autoencoder.calc_reconstruction(qzx_samp_y) x_mean_vae = reconstruction_xzx[0] x_log_sig_sq_vae = reconstruction_xzx[1] # COST FROM RECONSTRUCTION normalising_factor_x_vae = -0.5 * tf.log(SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp( x_log_sig_sq_vae)) - 0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi) square_diff_between_mu_and_x_vae = tf.square(x_mean_vae - x_ph_n) inside_exp_x_vae = -0.5 * tf.div( square_diff_between_mu_and_x_vae, SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp(x_log_sig_sq_vae)) reconstr_loss_x_vae = -tf.reduce_sum( normalising_factor_x_vae + inside_exp_x_vae, 1) cost_R_vae = tf.reduce_mean(reconstr_loss_x_vae) # KL(q(z|x,y)||r(z|y)) v_mean = zy_mean #2 aux_mean = zx_mean #1 v_log_sig_sq = tf.log(tf.exp(zy_log_sig_sq) + SMALL_CONSTANT) #2 aux_log_sig_sq = tf.log(tf.exp(zx_log_sig_sq) + SMALL_CONSTANT) #1 v_log_sig = tf.log(tf.sqrt(tf.exp(v_log_sig_sq))) #2 aux_log_sig = tf.log(tf.sqrt(tf.exp(aux_log_sig_sq))) #1 cost_VAE_a = v_log_sig - aux_log_sig + tf.divide( tf.exp(aux_log_sig_sq) + tf.square(aux_mean - v_mean), 2 * tf.exp(v_log_sig_sq)) - 0.5 cost_VAE_b = tf.reduce_sum(cost_VAE_a, 1) KL_vae = tf.reduce_mean(cost_VAE_b) # THE VICI COST FUNCTION lam_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, name="lam_ph") COST_VAE = KL_vae + cost_R_vae COST = COST_VAE # VARIABLES LISTS var_list_VICI = [ var for var in tf.trainable_variables() if"VICI") ] # DEFINE OPTIMISER (using ADAM here) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(params['initial_training_rate']) minimize = optimizer.minimize(COST, var_list=var_list_VICI) # DRAW FROM q(x|y) qx_samp = autoencoder_ENC._sample_from_gaussian_dist( bs_ph, xsh[1], x_mean, SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.log(tf.exp(x_log_sig_sq))) # INITIALISE AND RUN SESSION # init = tf.variables_initializer(var_list_VICI) init = tf.initialize_all_variables() saver = tf.train.Saver() KL_PLOT = np.zeros( np.round(params['num_iterations'] / params['report_interval']) + 1)) # vector to store test OELBO values COST_PLOT = np.zeros( np.round(params['num_iterations'] / params['report_interval']) + 1)) # vector to store test VAE ELBO values print('Training CVAE Inference Model...') # START OPTIMISATION OF OELBO indices_generator = batch_manager.SequentialIndexer( params['batch_size'], xsh[0]) ni = -1 test_n = 100 for i in range(params['num_iterations']): next_indices = indices_generator.next_indices() yn = y_data_train_l[next_indices, :], feed_dict={ bs_ph: bs, x_ph: x_data[next_indices, :], y_ph: yn, lam_ph: lam }) # minimising cost function if i % params['report_interval'] == 0: ni = ni + 1 ynt = y_data_train_l[0:test_n, :] cost_value_vae, KL_VAE =[COST_VAE, KL_vae], feed_dict={ bs_ph: test_n, x_ph: x_data[0:test_n, :], y_ph: ynt, lam_ph: lam }) KL_PLOT[ni] = KL_VAE COST_PLOT[ni] = cost_value_vae if params['print_values'] == True: print( '--------------------------------------------------------------' ) print('Iteration:', i) print('Test Set ELBO:', -cost_value_vae) print('KL Divergence:', KL_VAE) if i % params['save_interval'] == 0: save_path =, save_dir) return COST_PLOT, KL_PLOT
def train(params, x_data, y_data, x_data_test, y_data_test, y_data_test_noisefree, y_normscale, save_dir, truth_test, bounds, fixed_vals, posterior_truth_test,snrs_test=None): # if True, do multi-modal multi_modal = True # USEFUL SIZES xsh = np.shape(x_data) ysh = np.shape(y_data)[1] n_convsteps = params['n_convsteps'] z_dimension = params['z_dimension'] bs = params['batch_size'] n_weights_r1 = params['n_weights_r1'] n_weights_r2 = params['n_weights_r2'] n_weights_q = params['n_weights_q'] n_modes = params['n_modes'] n_hlayers_r1 = len(params['n_weights_r1']) n_hlayers_r2 = len(params['n_weights_r2']) n_hlayers_q = len(params['n_weights_q']) n_conv_r1 = len(params['n_filters_r1']) n_conv_r2 = len(params['n_filters_r2']) n_conv_q = len(params['n_filters_q']) n_filters_r1 = params['n_filters_r1'] n_filters_r2 = params['n_filters_r2'] n_filters_q = params['n_filters_q'] filter_size_r1 = params['filter_size_r1'] filter_size_r2 = params['filter_size_r2'] filter_size_q = params['filter_size_q'] maxpool_r1 = params['maxpool_r1'] maxpool_r2 = params['maxpool_r2'] maxpool_q = params['maxpool_q'] conv_strides_r1 = params['conv_strides_r1'] conv_strides_r2 = params['conv_strides_r2'] conv_strides_q = params['conv_strides_q'] pool_strides_r1 = params['pool_strides_r1'] pool_strides_r2 = params['pool_strides_r2'] pool_strides_q = params['pool_strides_q'] batch_norm = params['batch_norm'] red = params['reduce'] if n_convsteps != None: ysh_conv_r1 = int(ysh*n_filters_r1/2**n_convsteps) if red==True else int(ysh/2**n_convsteps) ysh_conv_r2 = int(ysh*n_filters_r2/2**n_convsteps) if red==True else int(ysh/2**n_convsteps) ysh_conv_q = int(ysh*n_filters_q/2**n_convsteps) if red==True else int(ysh/2**n_convsteps) else: ysh_conv_r1 = int(ysh_r1) ysh_conv_r2 = int(ysh_r2) ysh_conv_q = int(ysh_q) drate = params['drate'] ramp_start = params['ramp_start'] ramp_end = params['ramp_end'] num_det = len(fixed_vals['det']) # identify the indices of different sets of physical parameters vonmise_mask, vonmise_idx_mask, vonmise_len = get_param_index(params['inf_pars'],params['vonmise_pars']) gauss_mask, gauss_idx_mask, gauss_len = get_param_index(params['inf_pars'],params['gauss_pars']) sky_mask, sky_idx_mask, sky_len = get_param_index(params['inf_pars'],params['sky_pars']) ra_mask, ra_idx_mask, ra_len = get_param_index(params['inf_pars'],['ra']) dec_mask, dec_idx_mask, dec_len = get_param_index(params['inf_pars'],['dec']) m1_mask, m1_idx_mask, m1_len = get_param_index(params['inf_pars'],['mass_1']) m2_mask, m2_idx_mask, m2_len = get_param_index(params['inf_pars'],['mass_2']) idx_mask = np.argsort(gauss_idx_mask + vonmise_idx_mask + m1_idx_mask + m2_idx_mask + sky_idx_mask) # + dist_idx_mask) graph = tf.Graph() session = tf.Session(graph=graph) with graph.as_default(): # PLACE HOLDERS bs_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int64, name="bs_ph") # batch size placeholder x_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, xsh[1]], name="x_ph") # params placeholder y_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, params['ndata'], num_det], name="y_ph") ramp = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32) # the ramp to slowly increase the KL contribution # LOAD VICI NEURAL NETWORKS r1_zy = VICI_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder('VICI_encoder', n_input=params['ndata'], n_output=z_dimension, n_channels=num_det, n_weights=n_weights_r1, # generates params for r1(z|y) n_modes=n_modes, drate=drate, n_filters=n_filters_r1, filter_size=filter_size_r1, maxpool=maxpool_r1) r2_xzy = VICI_decoder.VariationalAutoencoder('VICI_decoder', vonmise_mask, gauss_mask, m1_mask, m2_mask, sky_mask, n_input1=z_dimension, n_input2=params['ndata'], n_output=xsh[1], n_channels=num_det, n_weights=n_weights_r2, drate=drate, n_filters=n_filters_r2, filter_size=filter_size_r2, maxpool=maxpool_r2) q_zxy = VICI_VAE_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder('VICI_VAE_encoder', n_input1=xsh[1], n_input2=params['ndata'], n_output=z_dimension, n_channels=num_det, n_weights=n_weights_q, drate=drate, n_filters=n_filters_q, filter_size=filter_size_q, maxpool=maxpool_q) tf.set_random_seed(np.random.randint(0,10)) # reduce the y data size y_conv = y_ph # GET r1(z|y) # run inverse autoencoder to generate mean and logvar of z given y data - these are the parameters for r1(z|y) r1_loc, r1_scale, r1_weight = r1_zy._calc_z_mean_and_sigma(y_conv) temp_var_r1 = SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp(r1_scale) # define the r1(z|y) mixture model bimix_gauss = tfd.MixtureSameFamily( mixture_distribution=tfd.Categorical(logits=r1_weight), components_distribution=tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag( loc=r1_loc, scale_diag=tf.sqrt(temp_var_r1))) # DRAW FROM r1(z|y) - given the Gaussian parameters generate z samples r1_zy_samp = bimix_gauss.sample() # GET q(z|x,y) q_zxy_mean, q_zxy_log_sig_sq = q_zxy._calc_z_mean_and_sigma(x_ph,y_conv) # DRAW FROM q(z|x,y) temp_var_q = SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp(q_zxy_log_sig_sq) mvn_q = tfp.distributions.MultivariateNormalDiag( loc=q_zxy_mean, scale_diag=tf.sqrt(temp_var_q)) q_zxy_samp = mvn_q.sample() # GET r2(x|z,y) eps = tf.random.normal([bs_ph, params['ndata'], num_det], 0, 1., dtype=tf.float32) y_ph_ramp = tf.add(tf.multiply(ramp,y_conv), tf.multiply((1.0-ramp), eps)) reconstruction_xzy = r2_xzy.calc_reconstruction(q_zxy_samp,y_ph_ramp) # ugly but required for now - unpack the r2 output params r2_xzy_mean_gauss = reconstruction_xzy[0] # truncated gaussian mean r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_gauss = reconstruction_xzy[1] # truncated gaussian log var r2_xzy_mean_vonmise = reconstruction_xzy[2] # vonmises means r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_vonmise = reconstruction_xzy[3] # vonmises log var r2_xzy_mean_m1 = reconstruction_xzy[4] # m1 mean r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_m1 = reconstruction_xzy[5] # m1 var r2_xzy_mean_m2 = reconstruction_xzy[6] # m2 mean (m2 will be conditional on m1) r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_m2 = reconstruction_xzy[7] # m2 log var (m2 will be conditional on m1) r2_xzy_mean_sky = reconstruction_xzy[8] # sky mean unit vector (3D) r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_sky = reconstruction_xzy[9] # sky log var (1D) # COST FROM RECONSTRUCTION - the masses # this sets up a joint distribution on m1 and m2 with m2 being conditional on m1 # the ramp eveolves the truncation boundaries from far away to 0->1 for m1 and 0->m1 for m2 if m1_len>0 and m2_len>0: temp_var_r2_m1 = SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp(r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_m1) # the safe r2 variance temp_var_r2_m2 = SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp(r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_m2) joint = tfd.JointDistributionSequential([ # shrink the truncation with the ramp tfd.Independent(tfd.TruncatedNormal(r2_xzy_mean_m1,tf.sqrt(temp_var_r2_m1),-GAUSS_RANGE*(1.0-ramp),GAUSS_RANGE*(1.0-ramp) + 1.0),reinterpreted_batch_ndims=0), # m1 lambda b0: tfd.Independent(tfd.TruncatedNormal(r2_xzy_mean_m2,tf.sqrt(temp_var_r2_m2),-GAUSS_RANGE*(1.0-ramp),GAUSS_RANGE*(1.0-ramp) + ramp*b0),reinterpreted_batch_ndims=0)], # m2 ) reconstr_loss_masses = joint.log_prob((tf.boolean_mask(x_ph,m1_mask,axis=1),tf.boolean_mask(x_ph,m2_mask,axis=1))) # COST FROM RECONSTRUCTION - Truncated Gaussian parts # this sets up a loop over uncorreltaed truncated Gaussians # the ramp evolves the boundaries from far away to 0->1 if gauss_len>0: temp_var_r2_gauss = SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp(r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_gauss) gauss_x = tf.boolean_mask(x_ph,gauss_mask,axis=1) @tf.function def truncnorm(i,lp): # we set up a function that adds the log-likelihoods and also increments the counter loc = tf.slice(r2_xzy_mean_gauss,[0,i],[-1,1]) std = tf.sqrt(tf.slice(temp_var_r2_gauss,[0,i],[-1,1])) pos = tf.slice(gauss_x,[0,i],[-1,1]) tn = tfd.TruncatedNormal(loc,std,-GAUSS_RANGE*(1.0-ramp),GAUSS_RANGE*(1.0-ramp) + 1.0) # shrink the truncation with the ramp return [i+1, lp + tn.log_prob(pos)] # we do the loop until we've hit all the truncated gaussian parameters - i starts at 0 and the logprob starts at 0 _,reconstr_loss_gauss = tf.while_loop(lambda i,reconstr_loss_gauss: i<gauss_len, truncnorm, [0,tf.zeros([bs_ph],dtype=tf.dtypes.float32)]) # COST FROM RECONSTRUCTION - Von Mises parts for single parameters that wrap over 2pi if vonmise_len>0: temp_var_r2_vonmise = SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp(r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_vonmise) con = tf.reshape(tf.math.reciprocal(temp_var_r2_vonmise),[-1,vonmise_len]) # modelling wrapped scale output as log variance - convert to concentration von_mises = tfp.distributions.VonMises( loc=2.0*np.pi*(tf.reshape(r2_xzy_mean_vonmise,[-1,vonmise_len])-0.5), # remap 0>1 mean onto -pi->pi range concentration=con) reconstr_loss_vonmise = von_mises.log_prob(2.0*np.pi*(tf.reshape(tf.boolean_mask(x_ph,vonmise_mask,axis=1),[-1,vonmise_len]) - 0.5)) # 2pi is the von mises input range reconstr_loss_vonmise = reconstr_loss_vonmise[:,0] + reconstr_loss_vonmise[:,1] # computing Gaussian likelihood for von mises parameters to be faded away with the ramp gauss_vonmises = tfp.distributions.MultivariateNormalDiag( loc=r2_xzy_mean_vonmise, scale_diag=tf.sqrt(temp_var_r2_vonmise)) reconstr_loss_gauss_vonmise = gauss_vonmises.log_prob(tf.boolean_mask(x_ph,vonmise_mask,axis=1)) reconstr_loss_vonmise = ramp*reconstr_loss_vonmise + (1.0-ramp)*reconstr_loss_gauss_vonmise # start with a Gaussian model and fade in the true vonmises else: reconstr_loss_vonmise = 0.0 # COST FROM RECONSTRUCTION - Von Mises Fisher (sky) parts if sky_len>0: temp_var_r2_sky = SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp(r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_sky) con = tf.reshape(tf.math.reciprocal(temp_var_r2_sky),[bs_ph]) # modelling wrapped scale output as log variance - only 1 concentration parameter for all sky loc_xyz = tf.math.l2_normalize(tf.reshape(r2_xzy_mean_sky,[-1,3]),axis=1) # take the 3 output mean params from r2 and normalse so they are a unit vector von_mises_fisher = tfp.distributions.VonMisesFisher( mean_direction=loc_xyz, concentration=con) ra_sky = 2.0*np.pi*tf.reshape(tf.boolean_mask(x_ph,ra_mask,axis=1),[-1,1]) # convert the scaled 0->1 true RA value back to radians dec_sky = np.pi*(tf.reshape(tf.boolean_mask(x_ph,dec_mask,axis=1),[-1,1]) - 0.5) # convert the scaled 0>1 true dec value back to radians xyz_unit = tf.reshape(tf.concat([tf.cos(ra_sky)*tf.cos(dec_sky),tf.sin(ra_sky)*tf.cos(dec_sky),tf.sin(dec_sky)],axis=1),[-1,3]) # construct the true parameter unit vector reconstr_loss_sky = von_mises_fisher.log_prob(tf.math.l2_normalize(xyz_unit,axis=1)) # normalise it for safety (should already be normalised) and compute the logprob # computing Gaussian likelihood for von mises Fisher (sky) parameters to be faded away with the ramp mean_ra = tf.math.floormod(tf.atan2(tf.slice(loc_xyz,[0,1],[-1,1]),tf.slice(loc_xyz,[0,0],[-1,1])),2.0*np.pi)/(2.0*np.pi) # convert the unit vector to scaled 0->1 RA mean_dec = (tf.asin(tf.slice(loc_xyz,[0,2],[-1,1])) + 0.5*np.pi)/np.pi # convert the unit vector to scaled 0->1 dec mean_sky = tf.reshape(tf.concat([mean_ra,mean_dec],axis=1),[bs_ph,2]) # package up the scaled RA and dec gauss_sky = tfp.distributions.MultivariateNormalDiag( loc=mean_sky, scale_diag=tf.concat([tf.sqrt(temp_var_r2_sky),tf.sqrt(temp_var_r2_sky)],axis=1)) # use the same 1D concentration parameter for both RA and dec dimensions reconstr_loss_gauss_sky = gauss_sky.log_prob(tf.boolean_mask(x_ph,sky_mask,axis=1)) # compute the logprob at the true sky location reconstr_loss_sky = ramp*reconstr_loss_sky + (1.0-ramp)*reconstr_loss_gauss_sky # start with a Gaussian model and fade in the true vonmises Fisher cost_R = -1.0*tf.reduce_mean(reconstr_loss_gauss + reconstr_loss_vonmise + reconstr_loss_masses + reconstr_loss_sky) r2_xzy_mean = tf.gather(tf.concat([r2_xzy_mean_gauss,r2_xzy_mean_vonmise,r2_xzy_mean_m1,r2_xzy_mean_m2,r2_xzy_mean_sky],axis=1),tf.constant(idx_mask),axis=1) # put the elements back in order r2_xzy_scale = tf.gather(tf.concat([r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_gauss,r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_vonmise,r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_m1,r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_m2,r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_sky],axis=1),tf.constant(idx_mask),axis=1) # put the elements back in order log_q_q = mvn_q.log_prob(q_zxy_samp) log_r1_q = bimix_gauss.log_prob(q_zxy_samp) # evaluate the log prob of r1 at the q samples KL = tf.reduce_mean(log_q_q - log_r1_q) # average over batch # THE VICI COST FUNCTION COST = cost_R + ramp*KL #+ L1_weight_reg) # VARIABLES LISTS var_list_VICI = [var for var in tf.trainable_variables() if"VICI")] # DEFINE OPTIMISER (using ADAM here) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(params['initial_training_rate']) # optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(params['initial_training_rate']) minimize = optimizer.minimize(COST,var_list = var_list_VICI) # INITIALISE AND RUN SESSION init = tf.global_variables_initializer() saver = tf.train.Saver() print('Training Inference Model...') # START OPTIMISATION OF OELBO indices_generator = batch_manager.SequentialIndexer(params['batch_size'], xsh[0]) plotdata = [] load_chunk_it = 1 for i in range(params['num_iterations']): next_indices = indices_generator.next_indices() # if load chunks true, load in data by chunks if params['load_by_chunks'] == True and i == int(params['load_iteration']*load_chunk_it): x_data, y_data = load_chunk(params['train_set_dir'],params['inf_pars'],params,bounds,fixed_vals) load_chunk_it += 1 # Make noise realizations and add to training data next_x_data = x_data[next_indices,:] if params['reduce'] == True or n_conv_r1 != None: next_y_data = y_data[next_indices,:] + np.random.normal(0,1,size=(params['batch_size'],int(params['ndata']),len(fixed_vals['det']))) else: next_y_data = y_data[next_indices,:] + np.random.normal(0,1,size=(params['batch_size'],int(params['ndata']*len(fixed_vals['det'])))) next_y_data /= y_normscale # required for fast convergence if params['by_channel'] == False: next_y_data_new = [] for sig in next_y_data: next_y_data_new.append(sig.T) next_y_data = np.array(next_y_data_new) del next_y_data_new # restore session if wanted if params['resume_training'] == True and i == 0: print(save_dir) saver.restore(session, save_dir) # compute the ramp value rmp = 0.0 if params['ramp'] == True: if i>ramp_start: rmp = (np.log10(float(i)) - np.log10(ramp_start))/(np.log10(ramp_end) - np.log10(ramp_start)) if i>ramp_end: rmp = 1.0 else: rmp = 1.0 # train the network, feed_dict={bs_ph:bs, x_ph:next_x_data, y_ph:next_y_data, ramp:rmp}) # if we are in a report iteration extract cost function values if i % params['report_interval'] == 0 and i > 0: # get training loss cost, kl, AB_batch =[cost_R, KL, r1_weight], feed_dict={bs_ph:bs, x_ph:next_x_data, y_ph:next_y_data, ramp:rmp}) # get validation loss on test set cost_val, kl_val =[cost_R, KL], feed_dict={bs_ph:y_data_test.shape[0], x_ph:x_data_test, y_ph:y_data_test/y_normscale, ramp:rmp}) plotdata.append([cost,kl,cost+kl,cost_val,kl_val,cost_val+kl_val]) try: # Make loss plot plt.figure() xvec = params['report_interval']*np.arange(np.array(plotdata).shape[0]) plt.semilogx(xvec,np.array(plotdata)[:,0],label='recon',color='blue',alpha=0.5) plt.semilogx(xvec,np.array(plotdata)[:,1],label='KL',color='orange',alpha=0.5) plt.semilogx(xvec,np.array(plotdata)[:,2],label='total',color='green',alpha=0.5) plt.semilogx(xvec,np.array(plotdata)[:,3],label='recon_val',color='blue',linestyle='dotted') plt.semilogx(xvec,np.array(plotdata)[:,4],label='KL_val',color='orange',linestyle='dotted') plt.semilogx(xvec,np.array(plotdata)[:,5],label='total_val',color='green',linestyle='dotted') plt.ylim([-25,15]) plt.xlabel('iteration') plt.ylabel('cost') plt.legend() plt.savefig('%s/latest_%s/cost_%s.png' % (params['plot_dir'],params['run_label'],params['run_label'])) plt.ylim([np.min(np.array(plotdata)[-int(0.9*np.array(plotdata).shape[0]):,0]), np.max(np.array(plotdata)[-int(0.9*np.array(plotdata).shape[0]):,1])]) plt.savefig('%s/latest_%s/cost_zoom_%s.png' % (params['plot_dir'],params['run_label'],params['run_label'])) plt.close('all') except: pass if params['print_values']==True: print('--------------------------------------------------------------') print('Iteration:',i) print('Training -ELBO:',cost) print('Validation -ELBO:',cost_val) print('Training KL Divergence:',kl) print('Validation KL Divergence:',kl_val) print('Training Total cost:',kl + cost) print('Validation Total cost:',kl_val + cost_val) print() # terminate training if vanishing gradient if np.isnan(kl+cost) == True or np.isnan(kl_val+cost_val) == True or kl+cost > int(1e5): print('Network is returning NaN values') print('Terminating network training') if params['hyperparam_optim'] == True: save_path =,save_dir) return 5000.0, session, saver, save_dir else: exit() try: # Save loss plot data np.savetxt(save_dir.split('/')[0] + '/loss_data.txt', np.array(plotdata)) except FileNotFoundError as err: print(err) pass if i % params['save_interval'] == 0 and i > 0: if params['hyperparam_optim'] == False: # Save model save_path =,save_dir) else: pass # stop hyperparam optim training it and return KL divergence as figure of merit if params['hyperparam_optim'] == True and i == params['hyperparam_optim_stop']: save_path =,save_dir) return np.array(plotdata)[-1,2], session, saver, save_dir if i % params['plot_interval'] == 0 and i>0: n_mode_weight_copy = 100 # must be a multiple of 50 # just run the network on the test data for j in range(params['r']*params['r']): # The trained inverse model weights can then be used to infer a probability density of solutions given new measurements if params['reduce'] == True or params['n_filters_r1'] != None: XS, dt, _ =, y_data_test[j].reshape([1,y_data_test.shape[1],y_data_test.shape[2]]), np.shape(x_data_test)[1], y_normscale, "inverse_model_dir_%s/inverse_model.ckpt" % params['run_label']) else: XS, dt, _ =, y_data_test[j].reshape([1,-1]), np.shape(x_data_test)[1], y_normscale, "inverse_model_dir_%s/inverse_model.ckpt" % params['run_label']) print('Runtime to generate {} samples = {} sec'.format(params['n_samples'],dt)) # Make corner plots # Get corner parnames to use in plotting labels parnames = [] for k_idx,k in enumerate(params['rand_pars']): if np.isin(k, params['inf_pars']): parnames.append(params['cornercorner_parnames'][k_idx]) defaults_kwargs = dict( bins=50, smooth=0.9, label_kwargs=dict(fontsize=16), title_kwargs=dict(fontsize=16), truth_color='tab:orange', quantiles=[0.16, 0.84], levels=(0.68,0.90,0.95), density=True, plot_density=False, plot_datapoints=True, max_n_ticks=3) figure = corner.corner(posterior_truth_test[j], **defaults_kwargs,labels=parnames, color='tab:blue',truths=x_data_test[j,:], show_titles=True) # compute weights, otherwise the 1d histograms will be different scales, could remove this corner.corner(XS,**defaults_kwargs,labels=parnames, color='tab:red', fill_contours=True, show_titles=True, fig=figure) plt.savefig('%s/corner_plot_%s_%d-%d.png' % (params['plot_dir'],params['run_label'],i,j)) plt.savefig('%s/latest_%s/corner_plot_%s_%d.png' % (params['plot_dir'],params['run_label'],params['run_label'],j)) plt.close('all') print('Made corner plot %d' % j) return
def run(params, y_data_test, siz_x_data, y_normscale, load_dir): """ Function for producing samples from pre-trained CVAE network """ # USEFUL SIZES xsh1 = siz_x_data if params['by_channel'] == True: ysh0 = np.shape(y_data_test)[0] ysh1 = np.shape(y_data_test)[1] else: ysh0 = np.shape(y_data_test)[1] ysh1 = np.shape(y_data_test)[2] z_dimension = params['z_dimension'] n_weights_r1 = params['n_weights_r1'] n_weights_r2 = params['n_weights_r2'] n_weights_q = params['n_weights_q'] n_modes = params['n_modes'] n_hlayers_r1 = len(params['n_weights_r1']) n_hlayers_r2 = len(params['n_weights_r2']) n_hlayers_q = len(params['n_weights_q']) n_conv_r1 = len( params['n_filters_r1']) if params['n_filters_r1'] != None else None n_conv_r2 = len( params['n_filters_r2']) if params['n_filters_r2'] != None else None n_conv_q = len( params['n_filters_q']) if params['n_filters_q'] != None else None n_filters_r1 = params['n_filters_r1'] n_filters_r2 = params['n_filters_r2'] n_filters_q = params['n_filters_q'] filter_size_r1 = params['filter_size_r1'] filter_size_r2 = params['filter_size_r2'] filter_size_q = params['filter_size_q'] batch_norm = params['batch_norm'] ysh_conv_r1 = ysh1 ysh_conv_r2 = ysh1 ysh_conv_q = ysh1 drate = params['drate'] maxpool_r1 = params['maxpool_r1'] maxpool_r2 = params['maxpool_r2'] maxpool_q = params['maxpool_q'] conv_strides_r1 = params['conv_strides_r1'] conv_strides_r2 = params['conv_strides_r2'] conv_strides_q = params['conv_strides_q'] pool_strides_r1 = params['pool_strides_r1'] pool_strides_r2 = params['pool_strides_r2'] pool_strides_q = params['pool_strides_q'] if n_filters_r1 != None: if params['by_channel'] == True: num_det = np.shape(y_data_test)[2] else: num_det = ysh0 else: num_det = None # identify the indices of wrapped and non-wrapped parameters - clunky code wrap_mask, nowrap_mask, idx_mask = get_wrap_index(params) wrap_len = np.sum(wrap_mask) nowrap_len = np.sum(nowrap_mask) graph = tf.Graph() session = tf.Session(graph=graph) with graph.as_default(): tf.set_random_seed(np.random.randint(0, 10)) # PLACEHOLDERS bs_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int64, name="bs_ph") # batch size placeholder if n_filters_r1 != None: if params['by_channel'] == True: y_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, ysh1, num_det], name="y_ph") else: y_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, num_det, ysh1], name="y_ph") else: y_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, ysh1], name="y_ph") # LOAD VICI NEURAL NETWORKS r2_xzy = VICI_decoder.VariationalAutoencoder( 'VICI_decoder', wrap_mask, nowrap_mask, n_input1=z_dimension, n_input2=ysh_conv_r2, n_output=xsh1, n_weights=n_weights_r2, n_hlayers=n_hlayers_r2, drate=drate, n_filters=n_filters_r2, filter_size=filter_size_r2, maxpool=maxpool_r2, n_conv=n_conv_r2, conv_strides=conv_strides_r2, pool_strides=pool_strides_r2, num_det=num_det, batch_norm=batch_norm, by_channel=params['by_channel'], weight_init=params['weight_init']) r1_zy = VICI_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder( 'VICI_encoder', n_input=ysh_conv_r1, n_output=z_dimension, n_weights=n_weights_r1, # generates params for r1(z|y) n_modes=n_modes, n_hlayers=n_hlayers_r1, drate=drate, n_filters=n_filters_r1, filter_size=filter_size_r1, maxpool=maxpool_r1, n_conv=n_conv_r1, conv_strides=conv_strides_r1, pool_strides=pool_strides_r1, num_det=num_det, batch_norm=batch_norm, by_channel=params['by_channel'], weight_init=params['weight_init']) q_zxy = VICI_VAE_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder( 'VICI_VAE_encoder', n_input1=xsh1, n_input2=ysh_conv_q, n_output=z_dimension, n_weights=n_weights_q, n_hlayers=n_hlayers_q, drate=drate, n_filters=n_filters_q, filter_size=filter_size_q, maxpool=maxpool_q, n_conv=n_conv_q, conv_strides=conv_strides_q, pool_strides=pool_strides_q, num_det=num_det, batch_norm=batch_norm, by_channel=params['by_channel'], weight_init=params['weight_init']) # reduce the y data size y_conv = y_ph # GET r1(z|y) r1_loc, r1_scale, r1_weight = r1_zy._calc_z_mean_and_sigma(y_conv) r1_scale = tf.sqrt(SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp(r1_scale)) r1_weight = tf.squeeze(r1_weight) # define the r1(z|y) mixture model bimix_gauss = tfd.MixtureSameFamily( mixture_distribution=tfd.Categorical(logits=r1_weight), components_distribution=tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag( loc=r1_loc, scale_diag=r1_scale)) # DRAW FROM r1(z|y) r1_zy_samp = bimix_gauss.sample() # GET r2(x|z,y) from r(z|y) samples reconstruction_xzy = r2_xzy.calc_reconstruction(r1_zy_samp, y_conv) r2_xzy_mean_nowrap = reconstruction_xzy[0] r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_nowrap = reconstruction_xzy[1] if np.sum(wrap_mask) > 0: r2_xzy_mean_wrap = reconstruction_xzy[2] r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_wrap = reconstruction_xzy[3] # draw from r2(x|z,y) r2_xzy_samp_gauss = q_zxy._sample_from_gaussian_dist( tf.shape(y_conv)[0], nowrap_len, r2_xzy_mean_nowrap, tf.log(SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp(r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_nowrap))) if np.sum(wrap_mask) > 0: con = tf.reshape( tf.math.reciprocal(SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp(r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_wrap)), [-1, wrap_len ]) # modelling wrapped scale output as log variance von_mises = tfp.distributions.VonMises(loc=2.0 * np.pi * (r2_xzy_mean_wrap - 0.5), concentration=con) r2_xzy_samp_vm = von_mises.sample() / ( 2.0 * np.pi) + 0.5 # shift and scale from -pi-pi to 0-1 r2_xzy_samp = tf.concat([ tf.reshape(r2_xzy_samp_gauss, [-1, nowrap_len]), tf.reshape(r2_xzy_samp_vm, [-1, wrap_len]) ], 1) r2_xzy_samp = tf.gather(r2_xzy_samp, tf.constant(idx_mask), axis=1) r2_xzy_loc = tf.concat([ tf.reshape(r2_xzy_mean_nowrap, [-1, nowrap_len]), tf.reshape(r2_xzy_mean_wrap, [-1, wrap_len]) ], 1) r2_xzy_loc = tf.gather(r2_xzy_loc, tf.constant(idx_mask), axis=1) r2_xzy_scale = tf.concat([ tf.reshape(r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_nowrap, [-1, nowrap_len]), tf.reshape(r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_wrap, [-1, wrap_len]) ], 1) r2_xzy_scale = tf.gather(r2_xzy_scale, tf.constant(idx_mask), axis=1) else: r2_xzy_loc = r2_xzy_mean_nowrap r2_xzy_scale = r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_nowrap r2_xzy_samp = r2_xzy_samp_gauss # VARIABLES LISTS var_list_VICI = [ var for var in tf.trainable_variables() if"VICI") ] # INITIALISE AND RUN SESSION init = tf.initialize_all_variables() saver_VICI = tf.train.Saver(var_list_VICI) saver_VICI.restore(session, load_dir) # ESTIMATE TEST SET RECONSTRUCTION PER-PIXEL APPROXIMATE MARGINAL LIKELIHOOD and draw from q(x|y) ns = params['n_samples'] # number of samples to save per reconstruction if n_filters_r1 != None: y_data_test_exp = np.tile(y_data_test, (ns, 1, 1)) / y_normscale else: y_data_test_exp = np.tile(y_data_test, (ns, 1)) / y_normscale run_startt = time.time() xs, loc, scale, mode_weights = [r2_xzy_samp, r2_xzy_loc, r2_xzy_scale, r1_weight], feed_dict={y_ph: y_data_test_exp}) run_endt = time.time() return xs, loc, scale, (run_endt - run_startt), mode_weights
def train(params, x_data, y_data, x_data_test, y_data_test, y_data_test_noisefree, y_normscale, save_dir, truth_test, bounds, fixed_vals, posterior_truth_test, snrs_test=None): """ Function for training the conditional variational autoencoder (CVAE) """ # USEFUL SIZES xsh = np.shape(x_data) ysh = np.shape(y_data)[1] z_dimension = params['z_dimension'] bs = params['batch_size'] n_weights_r1 = params['n_weights_r1'] n_weights_r2 = params['n_weights_r2'] n_weights_q = params['n_weights_q'] n_modes = params['n_modes'] n_hlayers_r1 = len(params['n_weights_r1']) n_hlayers_r2 = len(params['n_weights_r2']) n_hlayers_q = len(params['n_weights_q']) n_conv_r1 = len( params['n_filters_r1']) if params['n_filters_r1'] != None else None n_conv_r2 = len( params['n_filters_r2']) if params['n_filters_r2'] != None else None n_conv_q = len( params['n_filters_q']) if params['n_filters_q'] != None else None n_filters_r1 = params['n_filters_r1'] n_filters_r2 = params['n_filters_r2'] n_filters_q = params['n_filters_q'] filter_size_r1 = params['filter_size_r1'] filter_size_r2 = params['filter_size_r2'] filter_size_q = params['filter_size_q'] maxpool_r1 = params['maxpool_r1'] maxpool_r2 = params['maxpool_r2'] maxpool_q = params['maxpool_q'] conv_strides_r1 = params['conv_strides_r1'] conv_strides_r2 = params['conv_strides_r2'] conv_strides_q = params['conv_strides_q'] pool_strides_r1 = params['pool_strides_r1'] pool_strides_r2 = params['pool_strides_r2'] pool_strides_q = params['pool_strides_q'] batch_norm = params['batch_norm'] ysh_conv_r1 = int(ysh) ysh_conv_r2 = int(ysh) ysh_conv_q = int(ysh) drate = params['drate'] ramp_start = params['ramp_start'] ramp_end = params['ramp_end'] num_det = len(fixed_vals['det']) # identify the indices of wrapped and non-wrapped parameters - clunky code wrap_mask, nowrap_mask, idx_mask = get_wrap_index(params) wrap_len = np.sum(wrap_mask) nowrap_len = np.sum(nowrap_mask) graph = tf.Graph() session = tf.Session(graph=graph) with graph.as_default(): # PLACE HOLDERS bs_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int64, name="bs_ph") # batch size placeholder x_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, xsh[1]], name="x_ph") # params placeholder if n_conv_r1 != None: if params['by_channel'] == True: y_ph = tf.placeholder( dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, ysh, len(fixed_vals['det'])], name="y_ph") # data placeholder else: y_ph = tf.placeholder( dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, len(fixed_vals['det']), ysh], name="y_ph") else: y_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, ysh], name="y_ph") # data placeholder idx = tf.placeholder(tf.int32) # LOAD VICI NEURAL NETWORKS r2_xzy = VICI_decoder.VariationalAutoencoder( 'VICI_decoder', wrap_mask, nowrap_mask, n_input1=z_dimension, n_input2=ysh_conv_r2, n_output=xsh[1], n_weights=n_weights_r2, n_hlayers=n_hlayers_r2, drate=drate, n_filters=n_filters_r2, filter_size=filter_size_r2, maxpool=maxpool_r2, n_conv=n_conv_r2, conv_strides=conv_strides_r2, pool_strides=pool_strides_r2, num_det=num_det, batch_norm=batch_norm, by_channel=params['by_channel'], weight_init=params['weight_init']) r1_zy = VICI_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder( 'VICI_encoder', n_input=ysh_conv_r1, n_output=z_dimension, n_weights=n_weights_r1, n_modes=n_modes, n_hlayers=n_hlayers_r1, drate=drate, n_filters=n_filters_r1, filter_size=filter_size_r1, maxpool=maxpool_r1, n_conv=n_conv_r1, conv_strides=conv_strides_r1, pool_strides=pool_strides_r1, num_det=num_det, batch_norm=batch_norm, by_channel=params['by_channel'], weight_init=params['weight_init']) q_zxy = VICI_VAE_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder( 'VICI_VAE_encoder', n_input1=xsh[1], n_input2=ysh_conv_q, n_output=z_dimension, n_weights=n_weights_q, n_hlayers=n_hlayers_q, drate=drate, n_filters=n_filters_q, filter_size=filter_size_q, maxpool=maxpool_q, n_conv=n_conv_q, conv_strides=conv_strides_q, pool_strides=pool_strides_q, num_det=num_det, batch_norm=batch_norm, by_channel=params['by_channel'], weight_init=params['weight_init']) # used to sample from q(z|x,y)? tf.set_random_seed(np.random.randint(0, 10)) ramp = (tf.log(tf.dtypes.cast(idx, dtype=tf.float32)) - tf.log(ramp_start)) / (tf.log(ramp_end) - tf.log(ramp_start)) ramp = tf.minimum(tf.math.maximum(0.0, ramp), 1.0) if params['ramp'] == False: ramp = 1.0 # reduce the y data size y_conv = y_ph # GET r1(z|y) # run inverse autoencoder to generate mean and logvar of z given y data - these are the parameters for r1(z|y) r1_loc, r1_scale, r1_weight = r1_zy._calc_z_mean_and_sigma(y_conv) r1_scale = tf.sqrt(SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp(r1_scale)) # get l1 loss term l1_loss_weight = ramp * 1e-3 * tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.abs(r1_weight), 1) r1_weight = ramp * tf.squeeze(r1_weight) # define the r1(z|y) mixture model bimix_gauss = tfd.MixtureSameFamily( mixture_distribution=tfd.Categorical(logits=ramp * r1_weight), components_distribution=tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag( loc=r1_loc, scale_diag=r1_scale)) # DRAW FROM r1(z|y) - given the Gaussian parameters generate z samples r1_zy_samp = bimix_gauss.sample() # GET q(z|x,y) q_zxy_mean, q_zxy_log_sig_sq = q_zxy._calc_z_mean_and_sigma( x_ph, y_conv) # DRAW FROM q(z|x,y) q_zxy_samp = q_zxy._sample_from_gaussian_dist( bs_ph, z_dimension, q_zxy_mean, tf.log(SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp(q_zxy_log_sig_sq))) # GET r2(x|z,y) reconstruction_xzy = r2_xzy.calc_reconstruction(q_zxy_samp, y_conv) r2_xzy_mean_nowrap = reconstruction_xzy[0] r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_nowrap = reconstruction_xzy[1] if np.sum(wrap_mask) > 0: r2_xzy_mean_wrap = reconstruction_xzy[2] r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_wrap = reconstruction_xzy[3] # COST FROM RECONSTRUCTION - Gaussian parts normalising_factor_x = -0.5 * tf.log( SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp(r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_nowrap)) - 0.5 * np.log( 2.0 * np.pi) # -0.5*log(sig^2) - 0.5*log(2*pi) square_diff_between_mu_and_x = tf.square( r2_xzy_mean_nowrap - tf.boolean_mask(x_ph, nowrap_mask, axis=1)) # (mu - x)^2 inside_exp_x = -0.5 * tf.divide( square_diff_between_mu_and_x, SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp(r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_nowrap)) # -0.5*(mu - x)^2 / sig^2 reconstr_loss_x = tf.reduce_sum( normalising_factor_x + inside_exp_x, axis=1, keepdims=True ) # sum_dim(-0.5*log(sig^2) - 0.5*log(2*pi) - 0.5*(mu - x)^2 / sig^2) # COST FROM RECONSTRUCTION - Von Mises parts if np.sum(wrap_mask) > 0: con = tf.reshape( tf.math.reciprocal(SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp(r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_wrap)), [-1, wrap_len ]) # modelling wrapped scale output as log variance von_mises = tfp.distributions.VonMises( loc=2.0 * np.pi * (tf.reshape(r2_xzy_mean_wrap, [-1, wrap_len]) - 0.5), concentration=con) # define p_vm(2*pi*mu,con=1/sig^2) reconstr_loss_vm = tf.reduce_sum( von_mises.log_prob( 2.0 * np.pi * (tf.reshape(tf.boolean_mask(x_ph, wrap_mask, axis=1), [-1, wrap_len]) - 0.5)), axis=1) # 2pi is the von mises input range cost_R = -1.0 * tf.reduce_mean( reconstr_loss_x + reconstr_loss_vm) # average over batch r2_xzy_mean = tf.gather(tf.concat( [r2_xzy_mean_nowrap, r2_xzy_mean_wrap], axis=1), tf.constant(idx_mask), axis=1) r2_xzy_scale = tf.gather(tf.concat( [r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_nowrap, r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_wrap], axis=1), tf.constant(idx_mask), axis=1) else: cost_R = -1.0 * tf.reduce_mean(reconstr_loss_x) r2_xzy_mean = r2_xzy_mean_nowrap r2_xzy_scale = r2_xzy_log_sig_sq_nowrap # compute montecarlo KL - first compute the analytic self entropy of q normalising_factor_kl = -0.5 * tf.log( SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp(q_zxy_log_sig_sq)) - 0.5 * np.log( 2.0 * np.pi) # -0.5*log(sig^2) - 0.5*log(2*pi) square_diff_between_qz_and_q = tf.square(q_zxy_mean - q_zxy_samp) # (mu - x)^2 inside_exp_q = -0.5 * tf.divide( square_diff_between_qz_and_q, SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.exp(q_zxy_log_sig_sq)) # -0.5*(mu - x)^2 / sig^2 log_q_q = tf.reduce_sum( normalising_factor_kl + inside_exp_q, axis=1, keepdims=True ) # sum_dim(-0.5*log(sig^2) - 0.5*log(2*pi) - 0.5*(mu - x)^2 / sig^2) log_r1_q = bimix_gauss.log_prob( q_zxy_samp) # evaluate the log prob of r1 at the q samples KL = tf.reduce_mean(log_q_q - log_r1_q) # average over batch # THE VICI COST FUNCTION COST = cost_R + ramp * KL # VARIABLES LISTS var_list_VICI = [ var for var in tf.trainable_variables() if"VICI") ] # DEFINE OPTIMISER (using ADAM here) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(params['initial_training_rate']) minimize = optimizer.minimize(COST, var_list=var_list_VICI) # INITIALISE AND RUN SESSION init = tf.global_variables_initializer() saver = tf.train.Saver() print('Training Inference Model...') # START OPTIMISATION OF OELBO indices_generator = batch_manager.SequentialIndexer( params['batch_size'], xsh[0]) plotdata = [] if params['by_channel'] == False: y_data_test_new = [] for sig in y_data_test: y_data_test_new.append(sig.T) y_data_test = np.array(y_data_test_new) del y_data_test_new load_chunk_it = 1 for i in range(params['num_iterations']): next_indices = indices_generator.next_indices() # if load chunks true, load in data by chunks if params['load_by_chunks'] == True and i == int( params['load_iteration'] * load_chunk_it): x_data, y_data = load_chunk(params['train_set_dir'], params['inf_pars'], params, bounds, fixed_vals) load_chunk_it += 1 # Make noise realizations and add to training data next_x_data = x_data[next_indices, :] if n_conv_r1 != None: next_y_data = y_data[next_indices, :] + np.random.normal( 0, 1, size=(params['batch_size'], int( params['ndata']), len(fixed_vals['det']))) else: next_y_data = y_data[next_indices, :] + np.random.normal( 0, 1, size=(params['batch_size'], int(params['ndata'] * len(fixed_vals['det'])))) next_y_data /= y_normscale # required for fast convergence if params['by_channel'] == False: next_y_data_new = [] for sig in next_y_data: next_y_data_new.append(sig.T) next_y_data = np.array(next_y_data_new) del next_y_data_new # restore session if wanted if params['resume_training'] == True and i == 0: print(save_dir) saver.restore(session, save_dir) # train to minimise the cost function, feed_dict={ bs_ph: bs, x_ph: next_x_data, y_ph: next_y_data, idx: i }) # if we are in a report iteration extract cost function values if i % params['report_interval'] == 0 and i > 0: # get training loss cost, kl, AB_batch =[cost_R, KL, r1_weight], feed_dict={ bs_ph: bs, x_ph: next_x_data, y_ph: next_y_data, idx: i }) # get validation loss on test set cost_val, kl_val = [cost_R, KL], feed_dict={ bs_ph: y_data_test.shape[0], x_ph: x_data_test, y_ph: y_data_test / y_normscale, idx: i }) plotdata.append( [cost, kl, cost + kl, cost_val, kl_val, cost_val + kl_val]) try: # Make loss plot plt.figure() xvec = params['report_interval'] * np.arange( np.array(plotdata).shape[0]) plt.semilogx(xvec, np.array(plotdata)[:, 0], label='recon', color='blue', alpha=0.5) plt.semilogx(xvec, np.array(plotdata)[:, 1], label='KL', color='orange', alpha=0.5) plt.semilogx(xvec, np.array(plotdata)[:, 2], label='total', color='green', alpha=0.5) plt.semilogx(xvec, np.array(plotdata)[:, 3], label='recon_val', color='blue', linestyle='dotted') plt.semilogx(xvec, np.array(plotdata)[:, 4], label='KL_val', color='orange', linestyle='dotted') plt.semilogx(xvec, np.array(plotdata)[:, 5], label='total_val', color='green', linestyle='dotted') plt.ylim([-25, 15]) plt.xlabel('iteration') plt.ylabel('cost') plt.legend() plt.savefig('%s/latest_%s/cost_%s.png' % (params['plot_dir'], params['run_label'], params['run_label'])) plt.ylim([ np.min( np.array(plotdata)[-int(0.9 * np.array(plotdata).shape[0]):, 0]), np.max( np.array(plotdata)[-int(0.9 * np.array(plotdata).shape[0]):, 1]) ]) plt.savefig('%s/latest_%s/cost_zoom_%s.png' % (params['plot_dir'], params['run_label'], params['run_label'])) plt.close('all') except: pass if params['print_values'] == True: print( '--------------------------------------------------------------' ) print('Iteration:', i) print('Training -ELBO:', cost) print('Validation -ELBO:', cost_val) print('Training KL Divergence:', kl) print('Validation KL Divergence:', kl_val) print('Training Total cost:', kl + cost) print('Validation Total cost:', kl_val + cost_val) print() # terminate training if vanishing gradient if np.isnan(kl + cost) == True or np.isnan(kl_val + cost_val) == True: print('Network is returning NaN values') print('Terminating network training') if params['hyperparam_optim'] == True: save_path =, save_dir) return 5000.0, session, saver, save_dir else: exit() try: # Save loss plot data np.savetxt( save_dir.split('/')[0] + '/loss_data.txt', np.array(plotdata)) except FileNotFoundError as err: print(err) pass if i % params['save_interval'] == 0 and i > 0: if params['hyperparam_optim'] == False: # Save model save_path =, save_dir) else: pass # stop hyperparam optim training it and return total loss as figure of merit if params['hyperparam_optim'] == True and i == params[ 'hyperparam_optim_stop']: save_path =, save_dir) return np.array(plotdata)[-1, 2], session, saver, save_dir if i % params['plot_interval'] == 0 and i > 0: n_mode_weight_copy = 100 # must be a multiple of 50 # just run the network on the test data for j in range(params['r'] * params['r']): # The trained inverse model weights can then be used to infer a probability density of solutions given new measurements if params['n_filters_r1'] != None: XS, loc, scale, dt, _ = params, y_data_test[j].reshape( [1, y_data_test.shape[1], y_data_test.shape[2]]), np.shape(x_data_test)[1], y_normscale, save_dir) else: XS, loc, scale, dt, _ = params, y_data_test[j].reshape([1, -1]), np.shape(x_data_test)[1], y_normscale, save_dir) print('Runtime to generate {} samples = {} sec'.format( params['n_samples'], dt)) # Get corner parnames to use in plotting labels parnames = [] for k_idx, k in enumerate(params['rand_pars']): if np.isin(k, params['inf_pars']): parnames.append(params['cornercorner_parnames'][k_idx]) defaults_kwargs = dict(bins=50, smooth=0.9, label_kwargs=dict(fontsize=16), title_kwargs=dict(fontsize=16), truth_color='tab:orange', quantiles=[0.16, 0.84], levels=(0.68, 0.90, 0.95), density=True, plot_density=False, plot_datapoints=True, max_n_ticks=3) figure = corner.corner(posterior_truth_test[j], **defaults_kwargs, labels=parnames, color='tab:blue', truths=x_data_test[j, :], show_titles=True) corner.corner(XS, **defaults_kwargs, labels=parnames, color='tab:red', fill_contours=True, show_titles=True, fig=figure) plt.savefig('%s/corner_plot_%s_%d-%d.png' % (params['plot_dir'], params['run_label'], i, j)) plt.savefig('%s/latest_%s/corner_plot_%s_%d.png' % (params['plot_dir'], params['run_label'], params['run_label'], j)) plt.close('all') print('Made corner plot %d' % j) return
def train(params, x_data, y_data, siz_high_res, save_dir, plotter, y_data_test,train_files,normscales,y_data_train_noisefree,samples,pos_test,y_normscale): x_data = x_data y_data_train_l = y_data # USEFUL SIZES xsh = np.shape(x_data) yshl1 = np.shape(y_data)[1] ysh1 = np.shape(y_data)[1] print(xsh,yshl1,ysh1) #z_dimension_fm = params['z_dimensions_fw'] #n_weights_fm = params['n_weights_fw'] z_dimension = params['z_dimension'] bs = params['batch_size'] n_weights = params['n_weights'] lam = 1 graph = tf.Graph() session = tf.Session(graph=graph) with graph.as_default(): tf.set_random_seed(np.random.randint(0,10)) SMALL_CONSTANT = 1e-6 # PLACE HOLDERS x_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, xsh[1]], name="x_ph") bs_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int64, name="bs_ph") # batch size placeholder yt_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, ysh1], name="yt_ph") # LOAD FORWARD MODEL NEURAL NETWORKS #DEC_XYlZtoYh = OELBO_decoder_difference.VariationalAutoencoder("OELBO_decoder", ysh1, z_dimension_fm+yshl1+xsh[1], n_weights_fm) # p(Yh|X,Yl,Z) #ENC_XYltoZ = OELBO_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder("OELBO_encoder", yshl1+xsh[1], z_dimension_fm, n_weights_fm) # p(Z|X,Yl) #ENC_XYhYltoZ = VAE_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder("vae_encoder", xsh[1]+ysh1+yshl1, z_dimension_fm, n_weights_fm) # q(Z|X,Yl,Yh) # LOAD VICI NEURAL NETWORKS autoencoder = VICI_decoder.VariationalAutoencoder("VICI_decoder", xsh[1], z_dimension+ysh1, n_weights) # r(x|z,y) autoencoder_ENC = VICI_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder("VICI_encoder", ysh1, z_dimension, n_weights) # generates params for r(z|y) autoencoder_VAE = VICI_VAE_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder("VICI_VAE_encoder", xsh[1]+ysh1, z_dimension, n_weights) # used to sample from r(z|y)? # DEFINE MULTI-FIDELITY FORWARD MODEL ##################################################################################################################### SMALL_CONSTANT = 1e-6 # NORMALISE INPUTS yl_ph_n = tf_normalise_dataset(yt_ph) # placeholder for normalised low-res y data x_ph_n = tf_normalise_dataset(x_ph) # placeholder for normalised x data #yl_ph_n = yt_ph #x_ph_n = x_ph #yl_ph_n = tf.Print(yl_ph_n, [yl_ph_n], first_n=1, summarize=10, message="Thss is yl_ph_n: ") #x_ph_n = tf.Print(x_ph_n, [x_ph_n], first_n=1, summarize=10, message="This is x_ph_n: ") # GET p(Z|X,Yl) - takes in x data and low res y data and returns mean and logvar of Gaussian z distribution #zxyl_mean,zxyl_log_sig_sq = ENC_XYltoZ._calc_z_mean_and_sigma(tf.concat([x_ph_n,yl_ph_n],1)) #zxyl_mean = tf.Print(zxyl_mean, [zxyl_mean], first_n=1, summarize=10, message="Thss is zxyl_mean: ") #zxyl_log_sig_sq = tf.Print(zxyl_log_sig_sq, [zxyl_log_sig_sq], first_n=1, summarize=10, message="Thss is zxyl_log_sig_sq: ") # then samples z from that distribution #rxyl_samp = ENC_XYhYltoZ._sample_from_gaussian_dist(tf.shape(x_ph_n)[0], z_dimension_fm, zxyl_mean, tf.log(tf.exp(zxyl_log_sig_sq)+SMALL_CONSTANT)) #rxyl_samp = tf.Print(rxyl_samp, [rxyl_samp], first_n=1, summarize=10, message="Thss is rxyl_samp: ") # GET p(Yh|X,Yl,Z) FROM SAMPLES Z ~ p(Z|X,Yl) # then decodes back to high res y data #reconstruction_yh = DEC_XYlZtoYh.calc_reconstruction(tf.concat([x_ph_n,yl_ph_n,rxyl_samp],1)) # = tf.Print(, [], first_n=1, summarize=10, message="Thss is : ") #reconstruction_yh = tf.Print(reconstruction_yh, [reconstruction_yh], first_n=1, summarize=10, message="Thss is reconstruction_yh: ") #yh_diff = reconstruction_yh[0] # looks like the difference between the low res y data and the mean reconstructed high res y data #yh_diff = tf.Print(yh_diff, [yh_diff], first_n=1, summarize=10, message="Thss is yh_diff: ") #yh_mean = yl_ph_n+yh_diff # the mean reconstrcted high res data #yh_mean = tf.Print(yh_mean, [yh_mean], first_n=1, summarize=10, message="Thss is yh_mean: ") #yh_log_sig_sq = reconstruction_yh[1] # the reconstructed high res y data logvar #yh_log_sig_sq = tf.Print(yh_log_sig_sq, [yh_log_sig_sq], first_n=1, summarize=10, message="Thss is yh_log_sig_sq: ") # then sample something? y doesn't seem to be used anywhere after this # this ends up being the reconstruction of the exact y data corresponding to each x data input #y = ENC_XYhYltoZ._sample_from_gaussian_dist(tf.shape(yt_ph)[0], tf.shape(yt_ph)[1], yh_mean, yh_log_sig_sq) #y = tf.Print(y, [y], first_n=1, summarize=10, message="Thss is y: ") # DRAW SYNTHETIC Ys TRAINING DATA # _, y = OM.forward_model(x_ph_amp,x_ph_ph) ########################################################################################################################################## # GET r(z|y) #y_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, ysh1], name="y_ph") # placeholder for y data #y_ph_n = tf_normalise_dataset(y_ph) # placeholder for normalised y data #y_ph = tf.Print(y_ph, [y_ph], first_n=1, summarize=10, message="Thss is y_ph: ") #y_ph_n = y_ph # run inverse autoencoder to generate mean and logvar of z given y data - these are the parameters for r(z|y) #zy_mean,zy_log_sig_sq = autoencoder_ENC._calc_z_mean_and_sigma(y_ph_n) zy_mean,zy_log_sig_sq = autoencoder_ENC._calc_z_mean_and_sigma(yl_ph_n) # DRAW FROM r(z|y) - given the Gaussian parameters generate z samples rzy_samp = autoencoder_VAE._sample_from_gaussian_dist(bs_ph, z_dimension, zy_mean, zy_log_sig_sq) # GET r(x|z,y) from r(z|y) samples #rzy_samp_y = tf.concat([rzy_samp,y_ph_n],1) rzy_samp_y = tf.concat([rzy_samp,yl_ph_n],1) reconstruction_xzy = autoencoder.calc_reconstruction(rzy_samp_y) x_mean = reconstruction_xzy[0] x_log_sig_sq = reconstruction_xzy[1] # KL(r(z|y)||p(z)) #latent_loss = -0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(1 + zy_log_sig_sq - tf.square(zy_mean) - tf.exp(zy_log_sig_sq), 1) #KL = tf.reduce_mean(latent_loss) # GET q(z|x,y) #xy_ph = tf.concat([x_ph_n,y_ph_n],1) xy_ph = tf.concat([x_ph_n,yl_ph_n],1) zx_mean,zx_log_sig_sq = autoencoder_VAE._calc_z_mean_and_sigma(xy_ph) # DRAW FROM q(z|x,y) qzx_samp = autoencoder_VAE._sample_from_gaussian_dist(bs_ph, z_dimension, zx_mean, zx_log_sig_sq) # GET r(x|z,y) #qzx_samp_y = tf.concat([qzx_samp,y_ph_n],1) qzx_samp_y = tf.concat([qzx_samp,yl_ph_n],1) reconstruction_xzx = autoencoder.calc_reconstruction(qzx_samp_y) x_mean_vae = reconstruction_xzx[0] x_log_sig_sq_vae = reconstruction_xzx[1] # COST FROM RECONSTRUCTION normalising_factor_x_vae = - 0.5 * tf.log(SMALL_CONSTANT+tf.exp(x_log_sig_sq_vae)) - 0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi) square_diff_between_mu_and_x_vae = tf.square(x_mean_vae - x_ph_n) inside_exp_x_vae = -0.5 * tf.div(square_diff_between_mu_and_x_vae,SMALL_CONSTANT+tf.exp(x_log_sig_sq_vae)) reconstr_loss_x_vae = -tf.reduce_sum(normalising_factor_x_vae + inside_exp_x_vae, 1) cost_R_vae = tf.reduce_mean(reconstr_loss_x_vae) # KL(q(z|x,y)||r(z|y)) v_mean = zy_mean #2 aux_mean = zx_mean #1 v_log_sig_sq = tf.log(tf.exp(zy_log_sig_sq)+SMALL_CONSTANT) #2 aux_log_sig_sq = tf.log(tf.exp(zx_log_sig_sq)+SMALL_CONSTANT) #1 v_log_sig = tf.log(tf.sqrt(tf.exp(v_log_sig_sq))) #2 aux_log_sig = tf.log(tf.sqrt(tf.exp(aux_log_sig_sq))) #1 cost_VAE_a = v_log_sig-aux_log_sig+tf.divide(tf.exp(aux_log_sig_sq)+tf.square(aux_mean-v_mean),2*tf.exp(v_log_sig_sq))-0.5 cost_VAE_b = tf.reduce_sum(cost_VAE_a,1) KL_vae = tf.reduce_mean(cost_VAE_b) # computes the mean over all tensor elements # THE VICI COST FUNCTION lam_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, name="lam_ph") COST_VAE = KL_vae+cost_R_vae COST = COST_VAE # VARIABLES LISTS var_list_VICI = [var for var in tf.trainable_variables() if"VICI")] var_list_ELBO = [var for var in tf.trainable_variables() if"ELBO")] # DEFINE OPTIMISER (using ADAM here) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(params['initial_training_rate']) minimize = optimizer.minimize(COST,var_list = var_list_VICI) # DRAW FROM q(x|y) qx_samp = autoencoder_ENC._sample_from_gaussian_dist(bs_ph, xsh[1], x_mean, SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.log(tf.exp(x_log_sig_sq))) # INITIALISE AND RUN SESSION # init = tf.variables_initializer(var_list_VICI) #init = tf.initialize_all_variables() init = tf.global_variables_initializer() #saver_ELBO = tf.train.Saver(var_list_ELBO) #saver_ELBO.restore(session,load_dir) saver = tf.train.Saver() KL_PLOT = np.zeros(['num_iterations']/params['report_interval'])+1)) # vector to store test OELBO values COST_PLOT = np.zeros(['num_iterations']/params['report_interval'])+1)) # vector to store test VAE ELBO values print('Training Inference Model...') # START OPTIMISATION OF OELBO indices_generator = batch_manager.SequentialIndexer(params['batch_size'], xsh[0]) ni = -1 test_n = 100 olvec = [] for i in range(params['num_iterations']): next_indices = indices_generator.next_indices() # run the session - input batchsize the x-data training batch and the y-data training batch #yn =, feed_dict={bs_ph:bs, x_ph:x_data[next_indices, :], yt_ph:y_data_train_l[next_indices, :]}), feed_dict={bs_ph:bs, x_ph:x_data[next_indices, :], y_ph:yn, lam_ph:lam, yt_ph:y_data_train_l[next_indices, :]}) # minimising cost function # Make 25 noise realizations if params['do_extra_noise']: x_data_train_l = x_data[next_indices,:] y_data_train_l = y_data_train_noisefree[next_indices,:] + np.random.normal(0,1,size=(params['batch_size'],params['ndata'])) if params['do_normscale']: y_data_train_l /= y_normscale[0] #print('generated {} elements of new training data noise'.format(params['batch_size'])), feed_dict={bs_ph:bs, x_ph:x_data_train_l, lam_ph:lam, yt_ph:y_data_train_l}) # minimising cost function else:, feed_dict={bs_ph:bs, x_ph:x_data[next_indices, :], lam_ph:lam, yt_ph:y_data_train_l[next_indices, :]}) # minimising cost function if i % params['report_interval'] == 0 and i > 0: ni = ni+1 #ynt =, feed_dict={bs_ph:test_n, x_ph:x_data[0:test_n,:], yt_ph:y_data_train_l[0:test_n,:]}) #cost_value_vae, KL_VAE =[COST_VAE, KL_vae], feed_dict={bs_ph:test_n, x_ph:x_data[0:test_n,:], y_ph:ynt, lam_ph:lam, yt_ph:y_data_train_l[0:test_n,:]}) cost_value_vae, KL_VAE =[cost_R_vae, KL_vae], feed_dict={bs_ph:test_n, x_ph:x_data_train_l[0:test_n,:], lam_ph:lam, yt_ph:y_data_train_l[0:test_n,:]}) KL_PLOT[ni] = KL_VAE COST_PLOT[ni] = cost_value_vae # plot losses plotter.make_loss_plot(COST_PLOT[:ni+1],KL_PLOT[:ni+1],params['report_interval'],fwd=False) if params['print_values']==True: print('--------------------------------------------------------------') print('Iteration:',i) print('Training Set -ELBO:',cost_value_vae) print('KL Divergence:',KL_VAE) if i % params['plot_interval'] == 0 and i>0: # The trained inverse model weights can then be used to infer a probability density of solutions given new measurements _, _, XS, _, _ =, y_data_test, np.shape(x_data)[1], "inverse_model_dir_%s/inverse_model.ckpt" % params['run_label']) # Convert XS back to unnormalized version if params['do_normscale']: for m in range(params['ndim_x']): XS[:,m,:] = XS[:,m,:]*normscales[m] # Generate final results plots plotter = plots.make_plots(params,samples,XS,pos_test) # Make corner plots plotter.make_corner_plot(sampler='dynesty1') # Make KL plot # plotter.gen_kl_plots(VICI_inverse_model,y_data_test,x_data,normscales) # Make pp plot # plotter.plot_pp(VICI_inverse_model,y_data_train_l,x_data_train,0,normscales) if i % params['save_interval'] == 0 and i > 0: # Save model save_path =,save_dir) return COST_PLOT, KL_PLOT, train_files
def resume_training(params, x_data, y_data_l, siz_high_res, save_dir, train_files,normscales,y_data_train_noisefree,y_normscale): x_data = x_data y_data_train_l = y_data_l # USEFUL SIZES xsh = np.shape(x_data) yshl1 = np.shape(y_data_l)[1] ysh1 = siz_high_res #z_dimension_fm = params['z_dimensions_fw'] #n_weights_fm = params['n_weights_fw'] z_dimension = params['z_dimension'] bs = params['batch_size'] n_weights = params['n_weights'] lam = 1 # Allow GPU growth config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True graph = tf.Graph() session = tf.Session(graph=graph,config=config) with graph.as_default(): tf.set_random_seed(np.random.randint(0,10)) SMALL_CONSTANT = 1e-6 # PLACE HOLDERS x_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, xsh[1]], name="x_ph") bs_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int64, name="bs_ph") # batch size placeholder yt_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, ysh1], name="yt_ph") # LOAD FORWARD MODEL NEURAL NETWORKS #DEC_XYlZtoYh = OELBO_decoder_difference.VariationalAutoencoder("OELBO_decoder", ysh1, z_dimension_fm+yshl1+xsh[1], n_weights_fm) # p(Yh|X,Yl,Z) #ENC_XYltoZ = OELBO_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder("OELBO_encoder", yshl1+xsh[1], z_dimension_fm, n_weights_fm) # p(Z|X,Yl) #ENC_XYhYltoZ = VAE_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder("vae_encoder", xsh[1]+ysh1+yshl1, z_dimension_fm, n_weights_fm) # q(Z|X,Yl,Yh) # LOAD VICI NEURAL NETWORKS autoencoder = VICI_decoder.VariationalAutoencoder("VICI_decoder", xsh[1], z_dimension+ysh1, n_weights) autoencoder_ENC = VICI_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder("VICI_encoder", ysh1, z_dimension, n_weights) autoencoder_VAE = VICI_VAE_encoder.VariationalAutoencoder("VICI_VAE_encoder", xsh[1]+ysh1, z_dimension, n_weights) # DEFINE MULTI-FIDELITY FORWARD MODEL ##################################################################################################################### SMALL_CONSTANT = 1e-6 # NORMALISE INPUTS yl_ph_n = tf_normalise_dataset(yt_ph) x_ph_n = tf_normalise_dataset(x_ph) #yl_ph_n = yt_ph #x_ph_n = x_ph # GET p(Z|X,Yl) #zxyl_mean,zxyl_log_sig_sq = ENC_XYltoZ._calc_z_mean_and_sigma(tf.concat([x_ph_n,yl_ph_n],1)) #rxyl_samp = ENC_XYhYltoZ._sample_from_gaussian_dist(tf.shape(x_ph_n)[0], z_dimension_fm, zxyl_mean, tf.log(tf.exp(zxyl_log_sig_sq)+SMALL_CONSTANT)) # GET p(Yh|X,Yl,Z) FROM SAMPLES Z ~ p(Z|X,Yl) #reconstruction_yh = DEC_XYlZtoYh.calc_reconstruction(tf.concat([x_ph_n,yl_ph_n,rxyl_samp],1)) #yh_diff = reconstruction_yh[0] #yh_mean = yl_ph_n+yh_diff #yh_log_sig_sq = reconstruction_yh[1] #y = ENC_XYhYltoZ._sample_from_gaussian_dist(tf.shape(yt_ph)[0], tf.shape(yt_ph)[1], yh_mean, yh_log_sig_sq) # DRAW SYNTHETIC Ys TRAINING DATA # _, y = OM.forward_model(x_ph_amp,x_ph_ph) ########################################################################################################################################## # GET r(z|y) #y_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, ysh1], name="y_ph") #y_ph_n = tf_normalise_dataset(y_ph) #y_ph_n = y_ph zy_mean,zy_log_sig_sq = autoencoder_ENC._calc_z_mean_and_sigma(yl_ph_n) # DRAW FROM r(z|y) rzy_samp = autoencoder_VAE._sample_from_gaussian_dist(bs_ph, z_dimension, zy_mean, zy_log_sig_sq) # GET r(x|z,y) from r(z|y) samples rzy_samp_y = tf.concat([rzy_samp,yl_ph_n],1) reconstruction_xzy = autoencoder.calc_reconstruction(rzy_samp_y) x_mean = reconstruction_xzy[0] x_log_sig_sq = reconstruction_xzy[1] # KL(r(z|y)||p(z)) latent_loss = -0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(1 + zy_log_sig_sq - tf.square(zy_mean) - tf.exp(zy_log_sig_sq), 1) KL = tf.reduce_mean(latent_loss) # GET q(z|x,y) xy_ph = tf.concat([x_ph_n,yl_ph_n],1) zx_mean,zx_log_sig_sq = autoencoder_VAE._calc_z_mean_and_sigma(xy_ph) # DRAW FROM q(z|x,y) qzx_samp = autoencoder_VAE._sample_from_gaussian_dist(bs_ph, z_dimension, zx_mean, zx_log_sig_sq) # GET r(x|z,y) qzx_samp_y = tf.concat([qzx_samp,yl_ph_n],1) reconstruction_xzx = autoencoder.calc_reconstruction(qzx_samp_y) x_mean_vae = reconstruction_xzx[0] x_log_sig_sq_vae = reconstruction_xzx[1] # COST FROM RECONSTRUCTION normalising_factor_x_vae = - 0.5 * tf.log(SMALL_CONSTANT+tf.exp(x_log_sig_sq_vae)) - 0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi) square_diff_between_mu_and_x_vae = tf.square(x_mean_vae - x_ph_n) inside_exp_x_vae = -0.5 * tf.div(square_diff_between_mu_and_x_vae,SMALL_CONSTANT+tf.exp(x_log_sig_sq_vae)) reconstr_loss_x_vae = -tf.reduce_sum(normalising_factor_x_vae + inside_exp_x_vae, 1) # Take sum along axis 1 cost_R_vae = tf.reduce_mean(reconstr_loss_x_vae) # Take mean along the diagonal # KL(q(z|x,y)||r(z|y)) v_mean = zy_mean #2 aux_mean = zx_mean #1 v_log_sig_sq = tf.log(tf.exp(zy_log_sig_sq)+SMALL_CONSTANT) #2 aux_log_sig_sq = tf.log(tf.exp(zx_log_sig_sq)+SMALL_CONSTANT) #1 v_log_sig = tf.log(tf.sqrt(tf.exp(v_log_sig_sq))) #2 aux_log_sig = tf.log(tf.sqrt(tf.exp(aux_log_sig_sq))) #1 cost_VAE_a = v_log_sig-aux_log_sig+tf.divide(tf.exp(aux_log_sig_sq)+tf.square(aux_mean-v_mean),2*tf.exp(v_log_sig_sq))-0.5 cost_VAE_b = tf.reduce_sum(cost_VAE_a,1) KL_vae = tf.reduce_mean(cost_VAE_b) # THE VICI COST FUNCTION lam_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, name="lam_ph") COST_VAE = KL_vae+cost_R_vae COST = COST_VAE # VARIABLES LISTS var_list_VICI = [var for var in tf.trainable_variables() if"VICI")] var_list_ELBO = [var for var in tf.trainable_variables() if"ELBO")] # DEFINE OPTIMISER (using ADAM here) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(params['initial_training_rate']) minimize = optimizer.minimize(COST,var_list = var_list_VICI) # DRAW FROM q(x|y) qx_samp = autoencoder_ENC._sample_from_gaussian_dist(bs_ph, xsh[1], x_mean, SMALL_CONSTANT + tf.log(tf.exp(x_log_sig_sq))) # INITIALISE AND RUN SESSION # init = tf.variables_initializer(var_list_VICI) init = tf.initialize_all_variables() #saver_ELBO = tf.train.Saver(var_list_ELBO) #saver_ELBO.restore(session,load_dir) saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list_VICI) saver.restore(session,save_dir) KL_PLOT = np.zeros(['num_iterations']/params['report_interval'])+1)) # vector to store test OELBO values COST_PLOT = np.zeros(['num_iterations']/params['report_interval'])+1)) # vector to store test VAE ELBO values print('Training Inference Model...') # START OPTIMISATION OF OELBO indices_generator = batch_manager.SequentialIndexer(params['batch_size'], xsh[0]) ni = -1 test_n = 100 for i in range(params['num_iterations']): next_indices = indices_generator.next_indices() # Make 25 noise realizations if params['do_extra_noise']: x_data_train_l = x_data[next_indices,:] y_data_train_l = y_data_train_noisefree[next_indices,:] + np.random.normal(0,1,size=(params['batch_size'],params['ndata'])) y_data_train_l /= y_normscale[0] #print('generated {} elements of new training data noise'.format(params['batch_size'])), feed_dict={bs_ph:bs, x_ph:x_data_train_l, lam_ph:lam, yt_ph:y_data_train_l}) # minimising cost function else: #yn =, feed_dict={bs_ph:bs, x_ph:x_data[next_indices, :], yt_ph:y_data_train_l[next_indices, :]}), feed_dict={bs_ph:bs, x_ph:x_data[next_indices, :], y_ph:yn, lam_ph:lam, yt_ph:y_data_train_l[next_indices, :]}) # minimising cost function, feed_dict={bs_ph:bs, x_ph:x_data[next_indices, :], lam_ph:lam, yt_ph:y_data_train_l[next_indices, :]}) # minimising cost function if i % params['report_interval'] == 0: ni = ni+1 #ynt =, feed_dict={bs_ph:test_n, x_ph:x_data[0:test_n,:], yt_ph:y_data_train_l[0:test_n,:]}) #cost_value_vae, KL_VAE =[COST_VAE, KL_vae], feed_dict={bs_ph:test_n, x_ph:x_data[0:test_n,:], y_ph:ynt, lam_ph:lam, yt_ph:y_data_train_l[0:test_n,:]}) cost_value_vae, KL_VAE =[COST_VAE, KL_vae], feed_dict={bs_ph:test_n, x_ph:x_data[0:test_n,:], lam_ph:lam, yt_ph:y_data_train_l[0:test_n,:]}) KL_PLOT[ni] = KL_VAE COST_PLOT[ni] = -cost_value_vae # plot losses plotter.make_loss_plot(COST_PLOT[:ni+1],KL_PLOT[:ni+1],params['report_interval'],fwd=False) if params['print_values']==True: print('--------------------------------------------------------------') print('Iteration:',i) print('Training Set ELBO:',-cost_value_vae) print('KL Divergence:',KL_VAE) if i % params['plot_interval'] == 0 and i>0: # The trained inverse model weights can then be used to infer a probability density of solutions given new measurements _, _, XS, _ =, y_data_test_h, np.shape(x_data_train)[1], "inverse_model_dir_%s/inverse_model.ckpt" % params['run_label']) # Convert XS back to unnormalized version if params['do_normscale']: for m in range(params['ndim_x']): XS[:,m,:] = XS[:,m,:]*normscales[m] # Make KL plot plotter.gen_kl_plots(VICI_inverse_model,y_data_test_h,x_data_train,normscales) # Make corner plots plotter.make_corner_plot(sampler='dynesty1') # Make KL plot plotter.gen_kl_plots(VICI_inverse_model,y_data_test_h,x_data_train,normscales) # Make pp plot # plotter.plot_pp(VICI_inverse_model,y_data_train_l,x_data_train,0,normscales) if i % params['save_interval'] == 0: save_path =,save_dir) return COST_PLOT, KL_PLOT, train_files