Exemple #1
def generate_se3_from_groundtruth(groundtruth_list):
    tx = float(groundtruth_list[0])
    ty = float(groundtruth_list[1])
    tz = float(groundtruth_list[2])

    qx = float(groundtruth_list[3])
    qy = float(groundtruth_list[4])
    qz = float(groundtruth_list[5])
    qw = float(groundtruth_list[6])

    #qx *= -1
    #qy *= -1
    #qz *= -1
    #qw *= -1

    se3 = np.identity(4)

    roll, pitch, yaw = SE3.Quaternion_toEulerianRadians(qx, qy, qz, qw)
    SO3 = SE3.makeS03(roll, pitch, yaw)  #  seems to be more precise
    #SO3 = SE3.quaternion_to_s03(qx,qy,qz,qw)

    se3[0:3, 0:3] = SO3[0:3, 0:3]
    se3[0, 3] = tx
    se3[1, 3] = ty
    se3[2, 3] = tz

    return se3
Exemple #2
match_text = dataset_root + 'matches.txt'
groundtruth_text = dataset_root + 'groundtruth.txt'

groundtruth_dict = associate.read_file_list(groundtruth_text)

rgb_folder = dataset_root + rgb_folder
depth_folder = dataset_root + depth_folder

rgb_files = ListGenerator.get_files_from_directory(rgb_folder, delimiter='.')
depth_files = ListGenerator.get_files_from_directory(depth_folder,

rgb_file_total = len(rgb_files)
depth_file_total = len(depth_files)

euler = SE3.Quaternion_toEulerianRadians(0.8772, -0.1170, 0.0666, -0.4608)

ground_truth_acc = np.identity(4, Utils.matrix_data_type)
se3_estimate_acc = np.identity(4, Utils.matrix_data_type)
ground_truth_list = []
pose_estimate_list = []
ref_image_list = []
target_image_list = []
vo_twist_list = []

depth_factor = 5000.0
#depth_factor = 1.0
use_ndc = True
calc_vo = True
plot_steering = True