Exemple #1
NMDAgmax = 10.0 * 1e-3
NMDAalpha = 1.0 / 52.0
NMDAbeta = 1.0 / 343.0
NMDAact = 0.0
NMDAsigma = 0.2
NMDArev = 0.0
GABAgmax = 8.0 * 2e-3
GABAalpha = 1.0 / 1.25
GABAbeta = 1.0 / 18.0
GABAact = -40.0
GABAsigma = 2.0
GABArev = -80.0

# Create model
model = OBModel(mc_pgc_excitation, pgc_mc_inhibition, celsius, AMPAgmax,
                AMPAalpha, AMPAbeta, AMPAact, AMPAsigma, AMPArev, NMDAgmax,
                NMDAalpha, NMDAbeta, NMDAact, NMDAsigma, NMDArev, GABAgmax,
                GABAalpha, GABAbeta, GABAact, GABAsigma, GABArev)

# Stim parameters
tstop = 6000
time = range(0, tstop)

hz = 40  #[1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40] #frequency
c1 = 0.6  #[0.27, 0.315, 0.36, 0.405, 0.45, 0.495, 0.6] #strength
c2 = 0.18  #sets the threshold for firing at 0.18nA for the mitral cells
factor = 0.2  #PG cell input current scaled down to compensate for much higher input resistance

# Input current
input_current = np.ones(
    (tstop, )) * [np.cos((t / 1000.0) * (2 * np.pi * hz))
Exemple #2
def runOB(frequency,ExFactor,InhFactor,PGFactor,record_vars,syn_vars,directory,filename):
	celsius = 35
	AMPAgmax = ExFactor*2e-3
	AMPAalpha = 1.0
	AMPAbeta = 1.0/5.5
	AMPAact = 0.0
	AMPAsigma = 0.2
	AMPArev = 0.0
	NMDAgmax = ExFactor*1e-3
	NMDAalpha = 1.0/52.0
	NMDAbeta = 1.0/343.0
	NMDAact = 0.0
	NMDAsigma = 0.2
	NMDArev = 0.0
	GABAgmax = InhFactor*2e-3
	GABAalpha = 1.0/1.25
	GABAbeta = 1.0/18.0
	GABAact = -40.0
	GABAsigma = 2.0
	GABArev = -80.0

	# Circuit 4
	mc_pgc_excitation = True 
	pgc_mc_inhibition = True
	pgc_stim = True

	# Stim parameters
	tstop = 3000
	time = range(0, tstop)
	strength = 0.45
	c2 = 0.18 #sets the threshold for firing at 0.18nA for the mitral cells

	# Create model
	model = OBModel(mc_pgc_excitation, pgc_mc_inhibition, celsius, AMPAgmax, AMPAalpha, AMPAbeta, AMPAact, AMPAsigma, AMPArev, NMDAgmax, NMDAalpha, NMDAbeta, NMDAact, NMDAsigma, NMDArev, GABAgmax, GABAalpha, GABAbeta, GABAact, GABAsigma, GABArev)

	# Input current
	input_current = np.ones((tstop,))*[np.cos((t/1000.0)*(2*np.pi*frequency)) for t in time]*c2 + strength
	input_current[0:500] = 0.0
	# PGC stimulation
	pgc_input_current = (np.ones((tstop,))*[np.cos((t/1000.0)*(2*np.pi*frequency)) for t in time]*c2 + strength)*PGFactor
	pgc_input_current[0:500] = 0.0

	# Record membrane potential and time
	variables = model.record_membranept(record_vars)
	variables = model.record_time(variables)
	# Record synaptic current
	synvariables = model.record_syn_currents(syn_vars)

	# Run model
	model.run(variables, tstop, input_current, pgc_input_current, pgc_stim)

	# Calculate spike times and latency
	vec1 = variables[0]
	l = np.array(vec1)
	MC_spiketimes_list = model.mc_soma_spike_times(l, threshold = 0)
	if len(MC_spiketimes_list) > 0:
		MC_first_spike_latency = model.MC_first_spike_latency(MC_spiketimes_list, a = 500)
		#MC_interspike_freq = model.MC_spike_frequencies(MC_spiketimes_list)

	# Time vector
	t_vec = variables[-1]
	# Plotting synaptic currents
	if len(syn_vars) is 1:
		model.plotSynapticCurrent_mcGABA(t_vec, synvariables[0], "Synaptic Current at mcGABA", directory +filename + "SC_mcGABA.png")
	if len(syn_vars) is 2:
		model.plotSynapticCurrent_pgAMPA(t_vec, synvariables[0], "Synaptic Current at pgAMPA", directory +filename + "SC_pgAMPA.png")
		model.plotSynapticCurrent_pgNMDA(t_vec, synvariables[1], "Synaptic Current at pgNMDA", directory +filename + "SC_pgNMDA.png")
	if len(syn_vars) is 3:
		model.plotSynapticCurrent_mcGABA(t_vec, synvariables[0], "Synaptic Current at mcGABA", directory + filename +"SC_mcGABA.png")
		model.plotSynapticCurrent_pgAMPA(t_vec, synvariables[1], "Synaptic Current at pgAMPA", directory + filename +"SC_pgAMPA.png")
		model.plotSynapticCurrent_pgNMDA(t_vec, synvariables[2], "Synaptic Current at pgNMDA", directory + filename +"SC_pgNMDA.png")

	# Save the spiketimes and latency
	for i,x in enumerate(record_vars):
		variable = variables[i]
		np.save(directory +  filename +x, variable)
	np.save(directory + filename + "MC_Spiketimes", MC_spiketimes_list)
	#if len(MC_spiketimes_list) > 0:
	np.save(directory + filename + "MC_First_spike_latency", MC_first_spike_latency)
	#if len(MC_spiketimes_list) == 0:
	#	np.save(directory + filename + "MC_First_spike_latency", 0)