Exemple #1
def make_face_to_contour_from():
    v1 = make_vertex(gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0))
    v2 = make_vertex(gp_Pnt(10, 0, 0))
    v3 = make_vertex(gp_Pnt(7, 10, 0))
    v4 = make_vertex(gp_Pnt(10, 20, 0))
    v5 = make_vertex(gp_Pnt(0, 20, 0))
    v6 = make_vertex(gp_Pnt(3, 10, 0))
    e1 = make_edge(v1, v2)
    e2 = make_edge(v2, v3)
    e3 = make_edge(v3, v4)
    e4 = make_edge(v4, v5)
    e5 = make_edge(v5, v6)
    e6 = make_edge(v6, v1)
    v7 = make_vertex(gp_Pnt(2, 2, 0))
    v8 = make_vertex(gp_Pnt(8, 2, 0))
    v9 = make_vertex(gp_Pnt(7, 3, 0))
    v10 = make_vertex(gp_Pnt(3, 3, 0))
    e7 = make_edge(v7, v8)
    e8 = make_edge(v8, v9)
    e9 = make_edge(v9, v10)
    e10 = make_edge(v10, v7)
    w1 = make_wire([e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6])
    f = make_face(w1)
    w2 = make_wire(e7, e8, e9, e10)
    f2 = make_face(w2)
    f3 = boolean_cut(f, f2)
    return f3
Exemple #2
def cross_sec_face(sec_profile: SectionProfile, placement: Placement,
                   solid_repre) -> Union[TopoDS_Face, TopoDS_Wire]:

    inner_shape = None

    if sec_profile.sec.type in SectionCat.tubular:
        outer_shape = make_wire(
            [make_circle(placement.origin, placement.zdir, sec_profile.sec.r)])
        inner_shape = make_wire([
            make_circle(placement.origin, placement.zdir,
                        sec_profile.sec.r - sec_profile.sec.wt)
    elif sec_profile.sec.type in SectionCat.circular:
        outer_shape = make_wire(
            [make_circle(placement.origin, placement.zdir, sec_profile.sec.r)])
    elif sec_profile.sec.type in SectionCat.general:
        radius = np.sqrt(sec_profile.sec.properties.Ax / np.pi)
        outer_shape = make_wire(
            [make_circle(placement.origin, placement.zdir, radius)])
        if sec_profile.disconnected is False:
            outer_curve = sec_profile.outer_curve
            inner_curve = sec_profile.inner_curve
            outer_curve.placement = placement
            outer_shape = outer_curve.face
            if inner_curve is not None:
                inner_curve.placement = placement
                inner_shape = inner_curve.wire
            outer_shape = []
            for curve in sec_profile.outer_curve_disconnected:
                curve.placement = placement

    if inner_shape is not None and solid_repre is True:
            face = make_face(outer_shape) if type(
                outer_shape) is not TopoDS_Face else outer_shape
            shape = make_face_w_cutout(face, inner_shape)
        except TypeError as e:
            raise TypeError(e)
        except AssertionError as e:
            raise AssertionError(e)
        shape = outer_shape
    if shape is None:
        raise ValueError("Shape cannot be None")
    return shape
    def make_shape(self):
        # 1 - retrieve the data from the UIUC airfoil data page
        foil_dat_url = 'http://m-selig.ae.illinois.edu/ads/coord_seligFmt/%s.dat' % self.profile
        # explicitly tell to not use ssl verification
        ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
        print("Connecting to m-selig, retrieving foil data")
        f = urllib2.urlopen(foil_dat_url)
        print("Building foil geometry")
        plan = gp_Pln(gp_Pnt(0., 0., 0.), gp_Dir(0., 0.,
                                                 1.))  # Z=0 plan / XY plan
        section_pts_2d = []

        for line in f.readlines()[1:]:  # The first line contains info only
            # 2 - do some cleanup on the data (mostly dealing with spaces)
            data = line.split()
            # 3 - create an array of points
            if len(data) == 2:  # two coordinates for each point
                        float(data[0]) * self.chord,
                        float(data[1]) * self.chord))

        # 4 - use the array to create a spline describing the airfoil section
        spline_2d = Geom2dAPI_PointsToBSpline(
            len(section_pts_2d) - 1,  # order min
            len(section_pts_2d))  # order max
        spline = geomapi.To3d(spline_2d.Curve(), plan)

        # 5 - figure out if the trailing edge has a thickness or not,
        # and create a Face
            #first and last point of spline -> trailing edge
            trailing_edge = make_edge(
                gp_Pnt(section_pts_2d[0].X(), section_pts_2d[0].Y(), 0.0),
                gp_Pnt(section_pts_2d[-1].X(), section_pts_2d[-1].Y(), 0.0))
            face = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(
                make_wire([make_edge(spline), trailing_edge]))
        except AssertionError:
            # the trailing edge segment could not be created, probably because
            # the points are too close
            # No need to build a trailing edge
            face = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(make_wire(make_edge(spline)))

        # 6 - extrude the Face to create a Solid
        return BRepPrimAPI_MakePrism(
            face.Face(), gp_Vec(gp_Pnt(0., 0., 0.),
                                gp_Pnt(0., 0., self.span))).Shape()
    def MakePentagonFace(self, Diameter: float, Radius: float) -> TopoDS_Face:
        tubeRadius = Diameter / 2.0
        upX     = tubeRadius * math.cos( 18 * math.pi / 180. )
        upY     = tubeRadius * math.sin( 18 * math.pi / 180. )
        downX   = tubeRadius * math.sin( 36 * math.pi / 180. )
        downY   = tubeRadius * math.cos( 36 * math.pi / 180. )

        p1 = gp_Pnt( 0.,        tubeRadius, 0. )
        p2 = gp_Pnt( upX,       upY,        0. )
        p3 = gp_Pnt( downX,     -downY,     0. )
        p4 = gp_Pnt( -downX,    -downY,     0. )
        p5 = gp_Pnt( -upX,      upY,        0. )

        ed1 = make_edge( p1, p2 )
        ed2 = make_edge( p2, p3 )
        ed3 = make_edge( p3, p4 )
        ed4 = make_edge( p4, p5 )
        ed5 = make_edge( p5, p1 )

        pln = gp_Pln( gp_Pnt( 0., 0., 0. ), gp_Dir( 0., 0., 1. ) )

        cur1 = self.__MakeFillet( ed1, ed2, pln, Radius )
        cur2 = self.__MakeFillet( ed2, ed3, pln, Radius )
        cur3 = self.__MakeFillet( ed3, ed4, pln, Radius )
        cur4 = self.__MakeFillet( ed4, ed5, pln, Radius )
        cur5 = self.__MakeFillet( ed5, ed1, pln, Radius )

        edgeList = [ed1, cur1, ed2, cur2, ed3, cur3, ed4, cur4, ed5, cur5]

        wire = make_wire( edgeList )

        return make_face( wire )
    def MakeSquareFace(self, Width: float, High: float, Radius: float) -> TopoDS_Face:
        xDis = Width / 2.0
        yDis = High / 2.0

        p1 = gp_Pnt( xDis,  yDis,   0. )
        p2 = gp_Pnt( xDis,  -yDis,  0. )
        p3 = gp_Pnt( -xDis, -yDis,  0. )
        p4 = gp_Pnt( -xDis, yDis,   0. )

        ed1 = make_edge( p1, p2 )
        ed2 = make_edge( p2, p3 )
        ed3 = make_edge( p3, p4 )
        ed4 = make_edge( p4, p1 )

        pln = gp_Pln( gp_Pnt( 0., 0., 0. ), gp_Dir( 0., 0., 1. ) )

        cur1 = self.__MakeFillet( ed1, ed2, pln, Radius )
        cur2 = self.__MakeFillet( ed2, ed3, pln, Radius )
        cur3 = self.__MakeFillet( ed3, ed4, pln, Radius )
        cur4 = self.__MakeFillet( ed4, ed1, pln, Radius )

        edgeList = [ed1, cur1, ed2, cur2, ed3, cur3, ed4, cur4]

        wire = make_wire( edgeList )

        return make_face( wire )
    def MakeTriangleFace(self, Diameter: float, Radius: float) -> TopoDS_Face:
        tubeRadius  = Diameter / 2.0
        degree      = 30 * math.pi / 180.
        sindis      = tubeRadius * math.sin( degree )
        cosdis      = tubeRadius * math.cos( degree )

        p1 = gp_Pnt( 0.,        tubeRadius, 0. )
        p2 = gp_Pnt( -cosdis,   -sindis,    0. )
        p3 = gp_Pnt( cosdis,    -sindis,    0. )

        ed1 = make_edge( p1, p2 )
        ed2 = make_edge( p2, p3 )
        ed3 = make_edge( p3, p1 )

        pln = gp_Pln( gp_Pnt( 0., 0., 0. ), gp_Dir( 0., 0., 1. ) )

        cur1 = self.__MakeFillet( ed1, ed2, pln, Radius )
        cur2 = self.__MakeFillet( ed2, ed3, pln, Radius )
        cur3 = self.__MakeFillet( ed3, ed1, pln, Radius )

        edgeList = [ed1, cur1, ed2, cur2, ed3, cur3]

        wire = make_wire( edgeList )

        return make_face( wire )
    def MakeHexagonFace(self, Diameter: float, Radius: float) -> TopoDS_Face:
        tubeRadius  = Diameter / 2.0
        degree      = 60 * math.pi / 180.
        sindis      = tubeRadius * math.sin( degree )
        cosdis      = tubeRadius * math.cos( degree )

        p1 = gp_Pnt( cosdis,        sindis,     0. )
        p2 = gp_Pnt( tubeRadius,    0.,         0. )
        p3 = gp_Pnt( cosdis,        -sindis,    0. )
        p4 = gp_Pnt( -cosdis,       -sindis,    0. )
        p5 = gp_Pnt( -tubeRadius,   0.,         0. )
        p6 = gp_Pnt( -cosdis,       sindis,     0. )

        ed1 = make_edge( p1, p2 )
        ed2 = make_edge( p2, p3 )
        ed3 = make_edge( p3, p4 )
        ed4 = make_edge( p4, p5 )
        ed5 = make_edge( p5, p6 )
        ed6 = make_edge( p6, p1 )

        pln = gp_Pln( gp_Pnt( 0., 0., 0. ), gp_Dir( 0., 0., 1. ) )

        cur1 = self.__MakeFillet( ed1, ed2, pln, Radius )
        cur2 = self.__MakeFillet( ed2, ed3, pln, Radius )
        cur3 = self.__MakeFillet( ed3, ed4, pln, Radius )
        cur4 = self.__MakeFillet( ed4, ed5, pln, Radius )
        cur5 = self.__MakeFillet( ed5, ed6, pln, Radius )
        cur6 = self.__MakeFillet( ed6, ed1, pln, Radius )

        edgeList = [ed1, cur1, ed2, cur2, ed3, cur3, ed4, cur4, ed5, cur5, ed6, cur6]

        wire = make_wire( edgeList )

        return make_face( wire )
Exemple #8
def make_wire_from_points(points):
    if type(points[0]) in (list, tuple):
        p1 = list(points[0])
        p2 = list(points[1])
        p1 = points[0].tolist()
        p2 = points[1].tolist()

    if len(p1) == 2:
        p1 += [0]
        p2 += [0]

    return make_wire(
        [BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(gp_Pnt(*p1), gp_Pnt(*p2)).Edge()])
Exemple #9
 def get_wire(self):
     if (self.wire == None):
         occ_edges = []
         for i, e in enumerate(self.edges):
             o = "Element %i/%i: " % (i, len(self.edges))
             if (isinstance(e, Line3)):
             elif (isinstance(e, Fillet2)):
                 if ((len(self.edges)) <= (i + 1)):
                     error("Not enough elements for fillet")
                         e.to_edge(self.edges[i - 1], self.edges[i + 1]))
             o += repr(e)
         if occ_edges == []:
             return None
         self.wire = make_wire(occ_edges)
         trsf_wire = BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(self.wire, self.trsf)
         trsf_shape = trsf_wire.Shape()
         self.wire = topods.Wire(trsf_shape)
         self.face = None
     return self.wire
from OCC.Core.gp import gp_Pnt, gp_Pln
from OCC.Core.ChFi2d import ChFi2d_AnaFilletAlgo
from OCC.Core.BRepBuilderAPI import BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge

from OCC.Extend.ShapeFactory import make_wire

from OCC.Display.SimpleGui import init_display

display, start_display, add_menu, add_functionto_menu = init_display()

# Defining the points
p1 = gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0)
p2 = gp_Pnt(5, 5, 0)
p3 = gp_Pnt(-5, 5, 0)

# Making the edges
ed1 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(p3, p2).Edge()
ed2 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(p2, p1).Edge()

# Making the 2dFillet
f = ChFi2d_AnaFilletAlgo()
f.Init(ed1, ed2, gp_Pln())
radius = 1.0
fillet2d = f.Result(ed1, ed2)

# Create and display a wire
w = make_wire([ed1, fillet2d, ed2])
    def MakeEllipsFace(self, Major: float, Minor: float) -> TopoDS_Face:
        elip    = gp_Elips( gp_XOY(), Major, Minor )
        ed      = make_edge( elip )
        wire    = make_wire( ed )

        return make_face( wire )
    def MakeCircleFace(self, Radius: float) -> TopoDS_Face:
        circle  = Geom_Circle( gp_XOY(), Radius )
        ed      = make_edge( circle )
        wire    = make_wire( ed )

        return make_face( wire )