def Perform_LINK(source, destination, options): link_relative = evaluate_bool_str( options.get('link_relative'), False ) remove_broken_link = evaluate_bool_str( options.get('remove_broken_link'), False ) if link_relative: source = os.path.relpath(source, os.path.dirname(destination)) os.symlink(source, destination) # Check for broken link if not os.path.exists(destination): # Remove broken symbolic link if requested if remove_broken_link: os.remove(destination) raise IOError('Could not create or broken symbolic link %s named %s' % (source, destination))
def Process_File(sourceFilename, destFilename, fileKeywords, moduleSections, valuesDict, mapDict): logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__)) if len(moduleSections) > 1: raise RuntimeError('Only one extraction block allowed') prof_file = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('prof_file'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) log_file = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('log_file'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) l1b_file = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('l1b_file'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) resample_to = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('resample_to'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) verbose = evaluate_bool_str(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('verbose')) id_list_file = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('id_list_file'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) id_section = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('id_section'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) if not os.path.isdir(destFilename): raise IOError('destFilename %s must be a directory not a file' % destFilename) if id_list_file != None and len(id_list_file) > 0: sounding_ids = [ long(id_val) for id_val in Read_Id_List_File(id_list_file, id_section) ] else: sounding_ids = None if l1b_file == None: raise ValueError('l1b_file is must be defined') if log_file != None: logger.debug('Extracting orbit simulator data from %s into %s' % (prof_file, destFilename)) else: logger.debug('Extracting orbit simulator data from %s and %s into %s' % (prof_file, log_file, destFilename)) extract_orbit_sim_data(prof_file, l1b_file, destFilename, log_file=log_file, resample_to=resample_to, sounding_id_list=sounding_ids, verbose=verbose)
def Should_Process(check_section, valuesDict, mapDict, default=True): logger = logging.getLogger(sys._getframe(0).f_code.co_name) do_process = default try: only_if_tmpl = check_section.Get_Keyword_Value("only_if") only_if_val = Apply_Template(only_if_tmpl, valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) except TemplateError: only_if_val = False try: not_if_tmpl = check_section.Get_Keyword_Value("not_if") not_if_val = Apply_Template(not_if_tmpl, valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) except TemplateError: not_if_val = False # not_if takes precedence over only_if if not_if_val != None: if not getattr(not_if_val, "__iter__", False): not_if_val = [not_if_val] for curr_val in not_if_val: do_process = not evaluate_bool_str(str(curr_val), default=True) if not do_process: break logger.debug( 'Should process %s = %s : not_if string: "%s" evaluates: %s' % (check_section.leaf[0], do_process, not_if_tmpl, not_if_val) ) # If only_if_val is defined then make sure it evaluates to true if do_process and only_if_val != None: if not getattr(only_if_val, "__iter__", False): only_if_val = [only_if_val] for curr_val in only_if_val: do_process = evaluate_bool_str(str(curr_val), default=False) if not do_process: break logger.debug( 'Should process %s = %s : only_if string: "%s" evaluates: %s' % (check_section.leaf[0], do_process, only_if_tmpl, only_if_val) ) return do_process
def Perform_LINK(source, destination, options): link_relative = evaluate_bool_str(options.get('link_relative'), False) remove_broken_link = evaluate_bool_str(options.get('remove_broken_link'), False) if link_relative: source = os.path.relpath(source, os.path.dirname(destination)) os.symlink(source, destination) # Check for broken link if not os.path.exists(destination): # Remove broken symbolic link if requested if remove_broken_link: os.remove(destination) raise IOError('Could not create or broken symbolic link %s named %s' % (source, destination))
def Should_Process(check_section, valuesDict, mapDict, default=True): logger = logging.getLogger(sys._getframe(0).f_code.co_name) do_process = default try: only_if_tmpl = check_section.Get_Keyword_Value('only_if') only_if_val = Apply_Template(only_if_tmpl, valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) except TemplateError: only_if_val = False try: not_if_tmpl = check_section.Get_Keyword_Value('not_if') not_if_val = Apply_Template(not_if_tmpl, valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) except TemplateError: not_if_val = False # not_if takes precedence over only_if if not_if_val != None: if not getattr(not_if_val, '__iter__', False): not_if_val = [not_if_val] for curr_val in not_if_val: do_process = not evaluate_bool_str(str(curr_val), default=True) if not do_process: break logger.debug( 'Should process %s = %s : not_if string: "%s" evaluates: %s' % (check_section.leaf[0], do_process, not_if_tmpl, not_if_val)) # If only_if_val is defined then make sure it evaluates to true if do_process and only_if_val != None: if not getattr(only_if_val, '__iter__', False): only_if_val = [only_if_val] for curr_val in only_if_val: do_process = evaluate_bool_str(str(curr_val), default=False) if not do_process: break logger.debug( 'Should process %s = %s : only_if string: "%s" evaluates: %s' % (check_section.leaf[0], do_process, only_if_tmpl, only_if_val)) return do_process
def Process_File(source, destination, fileKeywords, moduleSections, valuesDict, mapDict): logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__)) optionDict = copy.copy(valuesDict) for keyName in fileKeywords.keys(): optionDict[keyName] = fileKeywords[keyName] if source != None: logger.warning('source ignored by EXECUTE module') if destination != None: logger.warning('destination ignored by EXECUTE module') for executeSect in moduleSections: binary = Apply_Template(executeSect.Get_Keyword_Value('binary'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) options = Apply_Template(executeSect.Get_Keyword_Value('options'), optionDict, mapDict=mapDict) chdir = Apply_Template(executeSect.Get_Keyword_Value('chdir'), optionDict, mapDict=mapDict) quiet = evaluate_bool_str(executeSect.Get_Keyword_Value('quiet')) if binary == None or len(binary) == 0: raise ValueError("No binary name specified") if type(options) is ListType: options = ' '.join(options) old_dir = os.getcwd() if chdir != None: if not os.path.exists(chdir): raise IOError('Could not change to dir: %s' % chdir) os.chdir(chdir) envSects = executeSect.Get_Section('EXECUTE->ENVIRONMENT') if envSects != None: logger.debug('Setting enviromental variables: ') for currEnvSect in envSects: for keyName in currEnvSect.Get_All_Keyword_Names(): os.environ[keyName] = Apply_Template(currEnvSect.Get_Keyword_Value(keyName), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) logger.debug(keyName, '=', os.environ[keyName]) if options != None: run_command = '%s %s' % (binary, options) else: run_command = '%s' % (binary) logger.debug('Executing command: %s' % run_command) run_obj = os.popen(run_command) if not quiet: for run_line in run_obj.readlines(): logger.debug(run_line.strip()) run_obj.close() os.chdir(old_dir)
def Process_File(source, destination, fileKeywords, moduleSections, valuesDict, mapDict): if len(moduleSections) > 1: raise RuntimeError('Only one resample levels block allowed') resample_to = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('resample_to'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) extrapolate = evaluate_bool_str(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('extrapolate')) if resample_to == None or len(resample_to) == 0: raise ValueError('resample_to keyword not specified') resample_levels(source, destination, resample_to, val_extrapolate=extrapolate)
def Process_File(source, destination, fileKeywords, moduleSections, valuesDict, mapDict): if len(moduleSections) > 1: raise RuntimeError('Only one resample levels block allowed') resample_to = Apply_Template( moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('resample_to'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) extrapolate = evaluate_bool_str( moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('extrapolate')) if resample_to == None or len(resample_to) == 0: raise ValueError('resample_to keyword not specified') resample_levels(source, destination, resample_to, val_extrapolate=extrapolate)
def Process_Operation_Section(fileOpSection, baseSourceDir=None, valuesDict=None, mapDict=None): logger = logging.getLogger(sys._getframe(0).f_code.co_name) operation_options = fileOpSection.Get_Keywords_Dict() for curr_key, curr_val in operation_options.items(): operation_options[curr_key] = Apply_Template(curr_val, valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) fail_on_error = evaluate_bool_str(operation_options.get('fail_on_error'), True) skip_if_exists = operation_options.get('skip_if_exists') remove_existing = evaluate_bool_str( operation_options.get('remove_existing'), False) if skip_if_exists != None and len(skip_if_exists) > 0: skipExistFiles = Expand_Filename(skip_if_exists) if os.path.exists(skipExistFiles[0]): logger.debug('Skipping %s section because this file exist: %s' % (fileOpSection.leaf[0], skipExistFiles[0])) return if not Should_Process(fileOpSection, valuesDict, mapDict): logger.debug( 'Skipping %s section because of template evaluation result' % (fileOpSection.leaf[0])) return for fileAction in fileOpSection.Get_All_Section_Nodes(): actionName = fileAction.leaf[0].upper() action_matrix_data = fileAction.Get_Matrix_Data() # Allow for a replacement map inside of file operation section # Trickily the order of the MAP can matter! if actionName == 'MAP': mapDict = Get_Map_Values(fileAction, existing=mapDict) elif fileOpSection.leaf[0] != actionName: try: actionFunc = eval('Perform_%s' % actionName) except NameError: raise NameError( 'Could not find function to handle %s operation %s' % (fileOpSection.leaf[0], actionName)) for templateLine in action_matrix_data: if hasattr(templateLine, '__iter__'): sources = Expand_Filename( Apply_Template(templateLine[0], valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict), baseSourceDir) destinations = Expand_Filename( Apply_Template(templateLine[1], valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict)) else: sources = (None, ) destinations = Expand_Filename( Apply_Template(templateLine, valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict)) for curr_source, curr_destination in zip( sources, destinations): try: if os.path.exists( curr_destination) and remove_existing: logger.debug('Removing existing destination: %s' % curr_destination) Perform_DELETE(curr_destination, operation_options) if curr_source == None: logger.debug( 'Performing disk operation %s for section %s with file: %s' % (actionName, fileOpSection.leaf[0], curr_destination)) actionFunc(curr_destination, operation_options) else: logger.debug( 'Performing disk operation %s for section %s with source: %s, destination: %s' % (actionName, fileOpSection.leaf[0], curr_source, curr_destination)) actionFunc(curr_source, curr_destination, operation_options) except: err_msg = 'Could not process disk operation: %s for section: %s with source: %s, destination: %s' % ( actionName, fileOpSection.leaf[0], curr_source, curr_destination) if fail_on_error: logger.error(err_msg) raise else: logger.debug(err_msg)
def Process_File(source, destination, fileKeywords, moduleSections, valuesDict, mapDict): logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__)) if len(moduleSections) > 1: raise RuntimeError('Only one value map creation allowed per FILE') if str(source) == str(destination): raise IOError('source and destination must be different. will not overwrite source file') list_file = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('list_file'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) data_file = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('data_file'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) data_col = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('data_column'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) section = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('section'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) static_value = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('static_value'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) is_log_file = evaluate_bool_str(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('is_log_file')) l1b_file = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('l1b_file'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) modify = moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('modify') max_range_val = None range_values = {} for range_sect in moduleSections[0].Get_Section('->RANGES'): logger.debug('Using range section') for range_spec in range_sect.Get_Matrix_Data(): (range_name, range_str) = range_spec if range_str.find(',') > 0: curr_range = [ float(val) for val in range_str.split(',') ] else: curr_range = [ float(val) for val in range_str.split() ] if max_range_val == None: max_range_val = max(curr_range) else: max_range_val = max(max_range_val, max(curr_range)) range_values[range_name] = curr_range id_list = Read_Id_List_File(list_file, section, valuesDict=valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) data_values = [] if data_file != None: if len(data_file) == 0 or not os.path.exists(data_file): raise IOError('Could not read data_file') if is_log_file: if l1b_file == None or len(l1b_file) == 0: raise ValueError('Need L1B file specified for using log file as source of data') if not os.path.exists(l1b_file): raise IOError('L1B file specified does not exist: %s' % l1b_file) log_file_obj = Orbit_Sim.Log_File(data_file) col_index = log_file_obj.get_column_index(data_col) if not type(col_index) is ListType: col_index = [ col_index ] h5_obj = h5py.File(l1b_file, 'r') snd_id_matrix = h5_obj[SOUNDING_ID_GROUP][SOUNDING_ID_DATASET] frame_id_arr = h5_obj[FRAME_ID_GROUP][FRAME_ID_DATASET] for curr_sounding in id_list: curr_frame_id = int(str(curr_sounding)[0:-1]) frame_index = bisect.bisect_left(frame_id_arr, curr_frame_id) for snd_index in range(snd_id_matrix.shape[1]): if snd_id_matrix[frame_index, snd_index] == int(curr_sounding): break if snd_id_matrix[frame_index, snd_index] != int(curr_sounding): raise ValueError('did not find correct sounding id: %d at index: %s in hdf file: %s, instead found: %d' % (curr_sounding, (frame_index, snd_index), l1b_file, snd_id_matrix[frame_index, snd_index])) curr_log_val = 0.0 for curr_val_idx in col_index: curr_log_val +=[frame_index, snd_index, curr_val_idx] data_values.append(curr_log_val) else: if data_col == None: data_col = 0 else: data_col = int(data_col) logger.debug('Reading mapped values from column %d of file %s' % (data_col, data_file)) data_fobj = open(data_file) for data_line in data_fobj.readlines(): data_line = data_line.strip() if len(data_line) > 0 and data_line.find('#') != 0: line_parts = data_line.split() if len(line_parts)-1 < data_col: raise IOError('data file %s does not have column %d' % (data_file, data_col)) data_values.append(line_parts[data_col]) if static_value != None: logger.debug('Setting mapped value to static value: %s' % static_value) for idx in range(len(id_list) - len(data_values)): data_values.append(static_value) if len(id_list) != len(data_values): raise IOError('Length of id list %d from file %s does not match length of data values %d from %s' % (len(id_list), list_file, len(data_values), data_file)) mapValues = None mapSects = moduleSections[0].Get_Section('->MAP') if mapSects != None and len(mapSects) > 0: mapValues = Get_Map_Values(mapSects, valuesDict) logger.debug('Writing map file: %s' % destination) if type(destination) is str: dstFileObj = open(destination, 'w') elif hasattr(destination, 'write'): dstFileObj = destination else: raise Exception('Unrecognized source object: %s' % destination) if modify != None and len(modify) > 0: modifyDict = copy.copy(valuesDict) for (id_val, data_val) in zip(id_list, data_values): if modify != None and len(modify) > 0: modifyDict['original'] = str(data_val) modify_expr = Apply_Template(modify, modifyDict, mapDict=mapDict) data_val = eval(modify_expr) if len(range_values) > 0: found_range_value = False for (curr_name, curr_values) in range_values.items(): beg_val = curr_values[0] end_val = curr_values[1] if float(data_val) >= beg_val and float(data_val) < end_val: data_val = curr_name found_range_value = True break if not found_range_value: raise LookupError('RANGE values specified but none matched for value: %s' % data_val) if mapValues != None and (str(data_val) in mapValues[DEFAULT_MAP_NAME]): print >>dstFileObj, id_val, mapValues[DEFAULT_MAP_NAME][str(data_val)] else: print >>dstFileObj, id_val, str(data_val) if type(destination) is str: dstFileObj.close()
def Get_Constant_Values(constSections, existingDict={}, mapDict={}, templateDict=None): logger = logging.getLogger(sys._getframe(0).f_code.co_name) # Use existing dict as template when template dict is not defined # Put for backwards compatibility, where existingDict was used # in keyword applications if templateDict == None: templateDict = existingDict loaded_constants = [] for const_sect in constSections: sect_name = const_sect.leaf[0] for const_child in const_sect.children: if const_child.type == 'assignment': const_name = const_child.leaf const_val = Apply_Template( const_sect.Get_Keyword_Value(const_name), templateDict, mapDict=mapDict) if type(const_val) is ListType: raise ValueError( 'constant %s defined more than once or is a list with value: %s' % (const_name, const_val)) loaded_constants.append(const_name) existingDict[const_name] = const_val elif const_child.type == 'section' and const_child.leaf[ 0] == 'EXTRACT': extract_filename = Apply_Template( const_child.Get_Keyword_Value('filename'), templateDict, mapDict=mapDict) allow_missing = evaluate_bool_str( Apply_Template( const_child.Get_Keyword_Value('allow_missing'), templateDict, mapDict=mapDict), False) keyword_sect_list = const_child.Get_Section( 'EXTRACT->KEYWORDS') if extract_filename == None or len(extract_filename) == 0: raise ValueError( 'filename must be specified for %s->EXTRACT section' % sect_name) if keyword_sect_list == None or len(keyword_sect_list) == 0: raise ValueError( 'KEYWORD section must be specified for %s->EXTRACT section' % sect_name) if not os.path.exists(extract_filename): raise ValueError( 'filename specified for %s->EXTRACT section does not exist: %s' % (sect_name, extract_filename)) logger.debug('Reading constant keyword values from file: %s' % extract_filename) keyFileObj = L2_Input.Input_File(extract_filename) for keyword_sect in keyword_sect_list: wanted_consts = keyword_sect.Get_All_Keyword_Names() for new_const_name in wanted_consts: search_path = Apply_Template( keyword_sect.Get_Keyword_Value(new_const_name), templateDict, mapDict=mapDict) logger.debug('Loading %s from keyword file as %s' % (search_path, new_const_name)) search_sect_name = '->'.join( search_path.split('->')[0:-1]) search_key_name = search_path.split('->')[-1] search_sect_obj = keyFileObj.Get_Section( search_sect_name) if search_sect_obj == None or len( search_sect_obj) == 0: raise IOError( 'Could not find section: %s in file: %s' % (search_sect_name, extract_filename)) new_const_value = [ sect.Get_Keyword_Value(search_key_name) for sect in search_sect_obj ] if new_const_value == None or len( new_const_value) == 0: if allow_missing: new_const_value = "" else: raise ValueError( 'Could not find keyword: %s in section: %s in file: %s' % (search_key_name, search_sect_name, extract_filename)) elif len(new_const_value) == 1: new_const_value = new_const_value[0] loaded_constants.append(new_const_name) existingDict[new_const_name] = new_const_value if len(loaded_constants) > 0: logger.debug('Loaded values: %s' % ', '.join(loaded_constants)) return existingDict
def Get_Map_Values(mapSectionsList, subDict=None, existing={}): logger = logging.getLogger(sys._getframe(0).f_code.co_name) mapData = copy.copy(existing) if type(mapSectionsList) is not ListType: mapSectionsList = [mapSectionsList] for mapSection in mapSectionsList: mapName = mapSection.Get_Keyword_Value('name') if mapName == None or mapName == '': mapName = DEFAULT_MAP_NAME if not mapName in mapData.keys(): if type(mapName) is ListType: raise ValueError( 'A named MAP section must contain map vaues in VALUES subsection' ) mapData[mapName] = {} required = evaluate_bool_str(mapSection.Get_Keyword_Value('required'), True) if subDict != None: mapFilename = Apply_Template( mapSection.Get_Keyword_Value('from_file'), subDict) sectionName = Apply_Template( mapSection.Get_Keyword_Value('section'), subDict) else: mapFilename = mapSection.Get_Keyword_Value('from_file') sectionName = mapSection.Get_Keyword_Value('section') if mapFilename != None and len(mapFilename) > 0: mapFilename = Expand_Filename(mapFilename)[0] if not os.path.exists(mapFilename): if required: raise IOError("MAP source file '%s' does not exist" % (mapFilename)) else: continue if sectionName == None: logger.debug('Loading MAP %s contents from file: %s' % (mapName, mapFilename)) mapFileData = L2_Input.Input_File(mapFilename) mapSection = mapFileData.rootNode mapValues = mapSection.Get_Matrix_Data() else: logger.debug( 'Loading MAP %s section as %s contents from file: %s' % (sectionName, mapName, mapFilename)) fileObj = L2_Input.Input_File(mapFilename) foundSects = fileObj.Get_Section(sectionName) if foundSects == None or len(foundSects) == 0: raise IOError('Could not find section %s in file: %s' % (sectionName, mapFilename)) mapValues = [] for currFileSect in foundSects: for sectKeyName in currFileSect.Get_All_Keyword_Names(): sectKeyVal = currFileSect.Get_Keyword_Value( sectKeyName) mapValues.append([str(sectKeyName), str(sectKeyVal)]) else: if mapName == DEFAULT_MAP_NAME: valuesSect = [mapSection] else: valuesSect = mapSection.Get_Section('MAP->VALUES') if len(valuesSect) == 0: raise ValueError( 'Could not find map values in either main MAP section or VALUES sub section' ) if len(valuesSect) > 1: raise ValueError( 'Too many VALUES sub sections for MAP section') mapValues = valuesSect[0].Get_Matrix_Data() if mapValues != None: for mapRow in mapValues: mapKey = mapRow[0] mapValue = mapRow[1:] if len(mapValue) == 1: mapValue = mapValue[0] mapData[mapName][mapKey] = mapValue return mapData
def Get_Map_Values(mapSectionsList, subDict=None, existing={}): logger = logging.getLogger(sys._getframe(0).f_code.co_name) mapData = copy.copy(existing) if type(mapSectionsList) is not ListType: mapSectionsList = [mapSectionsList] for mapSection in mapSectionsList: mapName = mapSection.Get_Keyword_Value("name") if mapName == None or mapName == "": mapName = DEFAULT_MAP_NAME if not mapName in mapData.keys(): if type(mapName) is ListType: raise ValueError("A named MAP section must contain map vaues in VALUES subsection") mapData[mapName] = {} required = evaluate_bool_str(mapSection.Get_Keyword_Value("required"), True) if subDict != None: mapFilename = Apply_Template(mapSection.Get_Keyword_Value("from_file"), subDict) sectionName = Apply_Template(mapSection.Get_Keyword_Value("section"), subDict) else: mapFilename = mapSection.Get_Keyword_Value("from_file") sectionName = mapSection.Get_Keyword_Value("section") if mapFilename != None and len(mapFilename) > 0: mapFilename = Expand_Filename(mapFilename)[0] if not os.path.exists(mapFilename): if required: raise IOError("MAP source file '%s' does not exist" % (mapFilename)) else: continue if sectionName == None: logger.debug("Loading MAP %s contents from file: %s" % (mapName, mapFilename)) mapFileData = L2_Input.Input_File(mapFilename) mapSection = mapFileData.rootNode mapValues = mapSection.Get_Matrix_Data() else: logger.debug( "Loading MAP %s section as %s contents from file: %s" % (sectionName, mapName, mapFilename) ) fileObj = L2_Input.Input_File(mapFilename) foundSects = fileObj.Get_Section(sectionName) if foundSects == None or len(foundSects) == 0: raise IOError("Could not find section %s in file: %s" % (sectionName, mapFilename)) mapValues = [] for currFileSect in foundSects: for sectKeyName in currFileSect.Get_All_Keyword_Names(): sectKeyVal = currFileSect.Get_Keyword_Value(sectKeyName) mapValues.append([str(sectKeyName), str(sectKeyVal)]) else: if mapName == DEFAULT_MAP_NAME: valuesSect = [mapSection] else: valuesSect = mapSection.Get_Section("MAP->VALUES") if len(valuesSect) == 0: raise ValueError("Could not find map values in either main MAP section or VALUES sub section") if len(valuesSect) > 1: raise ValueError("Too many VALUES sub sections for MAP section") mapValues = valuesSect[0].Get_Matrix_Data() if mapValues != None: for mapRow in mapValues: mapKey = mapRow[0] mapValue = mapRow[1:] if len(mapValue) == 1: mapValue = mapValue[0] mapData[mapName][mapKey] = mapValue return mapData
def Process_File(source, destination, fileKeywords, moduleSections, valuesDict, mapDict): logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__)) # Load existing file matrix_obj = OCO_Matrix(source) for modifySect in moduleSections: # Add ability to specify cols individually or using a * to goto end columns = Apply_Template(modifySect.Get_Keyword_Value('columns'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) rows = Apply_Template(modifySect.Get_Keyword_Value('rows'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) modify = modifySect.Get_Keyword_Value('modify') delete = evaluate_bool_str(modifySect.Get_Keyword_Value('delete')) add_column = evaluate_bool_str( modifySect.Get_Keyword_Value('add_column')) if columns != None: try: columns = index_range_list(columns, max_value=matrix_obj.dims[1]) except: if not type(columns) is ListType: col_name_list = [columns] else: col_name_list = columns columns = [] for curr_name in col_name_list: if curr_name.lower() not in matrix_obj.labels_lower: if add_column: matrix_obj.add_column(curr_name) columns.append(matrix_obj.dims[1] - 1) else: raise IOError( 'Column named %s not found in file: %s' % (curr_name, source)) columns.append( matrix_obj.labels_lower.index(curr_name.lower())) else: columns = range(matrix_obj.dims[1]) if rows != None: rows = index_range_list(rows, max_value=matrix_obj.dims[0]) else: rows = range(matrix_obj.dims[0]) if delete and modify != None: raise ValueError( 'delete and modify keywords can not be specified together') if delete: if len(columns) > matrix_obj.dims[1]: raise IOError( 'More columns to be deleted %d than exist %d in input file %s' % (len(columns), matrix_obj.dims[1], source)) new_data = numpy.zeros( (matrix_obj.dims[0], matrix_obj.dims[1] - len(columns)), dtype=numpy.double) new_labels = [] new_units = [] new_col_idx = 0 for old_col_idx in range(matrix_obj.dims[1]): if old_col_idx not in columns: new_labels.append(matrix_obj.labels[old_col_idx]) new_units.append(matrix_obj.units[old_col_idx]) new_data[:, new_col_idx] =[:, old_col_idx] new_col_idx += 1 = new_data matrix_obj.labels = new_labels matrix_obj.units = new_units if modify != None and len(modify) > 0: modifyDict = copy_module.copy(valuesDict) Get_Constant_Values(modifySect.Get_Section('->CONSTANTS'), modifyDict) for row_idx in rows: for col_idx in columns: modifyDict['original'] = str([row_idx][col_idx]) modify_str = Apply_Template(modify, modifyDict, mapDict=mapDict) try:[row_idx][col_idx] = eval(modify_str) except: raise RuntimeError( 'Error evaluating modify string: "%s"' % modify_str) matrix_obj.write(destination, auto_size_cols=False)
def Get_Constant_Values(constSections, existingDict={}, mapDict={}, templateDict=None): logger = logging.getLogger(sys._getframe(0).f_code.co_name) # Use existing dict as template when template dict is not defined # Put for backwards compatibility, where existingDict was used # in keyword applications if templateDict == None: templateDict = existingDict loaded_constants = [] for const_sect in constSections: sect_name = const_sect.leaf[0] for const_child in const_sect.children: if const_child.type == "assignment": const_name = const_child.leaf const_val = Apply_Template(const_sect.Get_Keyword_Value(const_name), templateDict, mapDict=mapDict) if type(const_val) is ListType: raise ValueError( "constant %s defined more than once or is a list with value: %s" % (const_name, const_val) ) loaded_constants.append(const_name) existingDict[const_name] = const_val elif const_child.type == "section" and const_child.leaf[0] == "EXTRACT": extract_filename = Apply_Template( const_child.Get_Keyword_Value("filename"), templateDict, mapDict=mapDict ) allow_missing = evaluate_bool_str( Apply_Template(const_child.Get_Keyword_Value("allow_missing"), templateDict, mapDict=mapDict), False ) keyword_sect_list = const_child.Get_Section("EXTRACT->KEYWORDS") if extract_filename == None or len(extract_filename) == 0: raise ValueError("filename must be specified for %s->EXTRACT section" % sect_name) if keyword_sect_list == None or len(keyword_sect_list) == 0: raise ValueError("KEYWORD section must be specified for %s->EXTRACT section" % sect_name) if not os.path.exists(extract_filename): raise ValueError( "filename specified for %s->EXTRACT section does not exist: %s" % (sect_name, extract_filename) ) logger.debug("Reading constant keyword values from file: %s" % extract_filename) keyFileObj = L2_Input.Input_File(extract_filename) for keyword_sect in keyword_sect_list: wanted_consts = keyword_sect.Get_All_Keyword_Names() for new_const_name in wanted_consts: search_path = Apply_Template( keyword_sect.Get_Keyword_Value(new_const_name), templateDict, mapDict=mapDict ) logger.debug("Loading %s from keyword file as %s" % (search_path, new_const_name)) search_sect_name = "->".join(search_path.split("->")[0:-1]) search_key_name = search_path.split("->")[-1] search_sect_obj = keyFileObj.Get_Section(search_sect_name) if search_sect_obj == None or len(search_sect_obj) == 0: raise IOError( "Could not find section: %s in file: %s" % (search_sect_name, extract_filename) ) new_const_value = [sect.Get_Keyword_Value(search_key_name) for sect in search_sect_obj] if new_const_value == None or len(new_const_value) == 0: if allow_missing: new_const_value = "" else: raise ValueError( "Could not find keyword: %s in section: %s in file: %s" % (search_key_name, search_sect_name, extract_filename) ) elif len(new_const_value) == 1: new_const_value = new_const_value[0] loaded_constants.append(new_const_name) existingDict[new_const_name] = new_const_value if len(loaded_constants) > 0: logger.debug("Loaded values: %s" % ", ".join(loaded_constants)) return existingDict
def Process_File(source, destination, fileKeywords, moduleSections, valuesDict, mapDict): logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__)) if len(moduleSections) > 1: raise RuntimeError('Only one of this module per FILE') verbose = evaluate_bool_str(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('verbose'), False) max_dirs = moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('max_dirs') if max_dirs != None: max_dirs = int(max_dirs) run_spec_obj = L2_Input.Input_File(source) run_dirs = run_spec_obj.Get_Matrix_Data() # No directories to search for scrubbing if run_dirs == None:'No run directories available for searching for scrubbing') return sys.stdout.write('%s: Searching run directories for unreferenced files: ' % os.path.basename(__file__)) ref_unique_filenames = {} dir_count = 0 for curr_dir in run_dirs: if max_dirs != None and dir_count >= max_dirs: break run_filename = '%s/%s' % (curr_dir, run_basename) run_file_obj = L2_Input.Input_File(run_filename) control_sect = run_file_obj.Get_Section('CONTROL') if len(control_sect) == None: raise IOError('No CONTROL section in %s' % run_filename) try: input_file = '%s/%s' % ( curr_dir, control_sect[0].Get_Keyword_Value('input_file')) except: raise LookupError( 'Could not find find input_file keyword in CONTROL section of file: %s' % run_filename) inp_file_obj = L2_Input.Input_File(input_file) run_file_list = get_obj_referenced_filenames(run_file_obj, curr_dir) inp_file_list = get_obj_referenced_filenames(inp_file_obj, curr_dir) for ref_filename in (run_file_list + inp_file_list): if ref_unique_filenames.has_key(ref_filename): ref_unique_filenames[ref_filename] += 1 else: ref_unique_filenames[ref_filename] = 0 # Progress marks since this loop takes awhile sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() dir_count += 1 # Seperate progress marks sys.stdout.write('\n') if type(destination) is str: dest_filenames = get_all_filenames(destination) else: dest_filenames = get_all_filenames(destination.filename) for static_filename in dest_filenames: if not ref_unique_filenames.has_key(static_filename): try: os.remove(static_filename) if verbose: logger.debug('Deleted: %s' % static_filename) except: logger.error('Could not delete: %s' % static_filename)
def Process_File(source, destination, fileKeywords, moduleSections, valuesDict, mapDict, buffer_objs): logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__)) logger.debug('Creating aerosol blocks for file: %s' % source) fileObj = L2_Input.Input_File(source) param_def_sec = fileObj.Get_Section('PARAMETER_DEFINITION') if len(param_def_sec) == 0: logger.error('%s has sections: %s' % (source, fileObj.Get_All_Section_Names())) raise IOError( 'Could not find PARAMETER_DEFINITION section in source: %s' % source) orig_aero_secs = param_def_sec[0].Get_Section('->AEROSOL') orig_aero_sec_names = [ curr_aer_sec.Get_Keyword_Value('name').upper() for curr_aer_sec in orig_aero_secs ] try: aero_block_prototype = orig_aero_secs[0] except IndexError: # For now just raise the error raise IndexError( 'Could not find aerosol block to use as prototype in file: %s' % source) logger.warning( 'No aerosol block found as prototype, trying to create a new section' ) aero_block_prototype = L2_Input.Section('AEROSOL') aero_block_prototype.Set_Keyword_Value('name', None) aero_block_prototype.Set_Keyword_Value('a_priori', None) aero_block_prototype.Set_Keyword_Value('covariance', None) aero_block_prototype.Set_Keyword_Value('mie_file', None) aero_block_prototype.Set_Keyword_Value('moment_file', None) aero_block_prototype.Set_Keyword_Value('retrieval_indicies', None) for curr_sect_index, curr_section_obj in enumerate(moduleSections): profile_names = Apply_Template( curr_section_obj.Get_Keyword_Value('profile_names'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) type_names = Apply_Template( curr_section_obj.Get_Keyword_Value('type_names'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) aerosol_file = Apply_Template( curr_section_obj.Get_Keyword_Value('from_file'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) set_retrieval_vector = evaluate_bool_str( curr_section_obj.Get_Keyword_Value('set_retrieval_vector')) if curr_sect_index == 0: remove_existing_blocks = True else: remove_existing_blocks = False if aerosol_file != None and (profile_names == None or len(profile_names) == 0): if buffer_objs.has_key(aerosol_file): aerosol_obj = buffer_objs[aerosol_file] else: aerosol_obj = aerosol_file profile_names = [] type_names = [] logger.debug('Using aerosol file for profile names: %s' % aerosol_obj) mat_obj = OCO_Matrix(aerosol_obj) for lbl_name in mat_obj.labels_lower: if lbl_name != 'pressure': profile_names.append(lbl_name.upper()) type_names.append(lbl_name.lower()) else: if profile_names == None or len(profile_names) == 0: raise AttributeError('profile_names needs to be defined') elif not type(profile_names) is ListType: profile_names = profile_names.split() if type_names == None or len(type_names) == 0: raise AttributeError('type_names needs to be defined') elif not type(type_names) is ListType: type_names = type_names.split() logger.debug('Using profile names: %s' % (', '.join(profile_names))) logger.debug('Using type names: %s' % (', '.join(type_names))) if remove_existing_blocks: param_def_sec[0].Set_Keyword_Value('aerosol_types', profile_names) else: existing_types = param_def_sec[0].Get_Keyword_Value( 'aerosol_types') if hasattr(existing_types, '__iter__'): existing_types += profile_names else: existing_types += ' ' + ' '.join(profile_names) param_def_sec[0].Set_Keyword_Value('aerosol_types', existing_types) if set_retrieval_vector: retrieval_vector = param_def_sec[0].Get_Keyword_Value( 'retrieval_vector') if retrieval_vector == None: raise IOError( 'Could not find retrieval_vector keyword for PARAMETER_DEFINITION in file: %s' % source) if type(retrieval_vector) is not ListType: retrieval_vector = retrieval_vector.split() retrieval_vector = [rv_str.upper() for rv_str in retrieval_vector] # Remove existing aerosol names from retrieval vector for curr_aer_name in orig_aero_sec_names: if curr_aer_name in retrieval_vector: retrieval_vector.remove(curr_aer_name) for curr_prof_name in profile_names: retrieval_vector.append(curr_prof_name) param_def_sec[0].Set_Keyword_Value('retrieval_vector', retrieval_vector) # Delete from param list aerosol types if remove_existing_blocks: for as_del in orig_aero_secs: param_def_sec[0].children.remove(as_del) for (curr_prof_name, curr_type_name) in zip(profile_names, type_names): new_aero = copy.deepcopy(aero_block_prototype) new_aero.Set_Keyword_Value('name', curr_prof_name) mie = new_aero.Get_Keyword_Value('mie_file') mie_dn = os.path.dirname(mie) new_aero.Set_Keyword_Value('mie_file', mie_dn + '/' + curr_type_name + '.mie') mom = new_aero.Get_Keyword_Value('moment_file') mom_dn = os.path.dirname(mom) new_aero.Set_Keyword_Value('moment_file', mom_dn + '/' + curr_type_name + '.mom') param_def_sec[0].children.append(new_aero) logger.debug('Writing aerosol changes to file: %s' % destination) fileObj.Write(destination)
def Process_File(source, destination, fileKeywords, moduleSections, valuesDict, mapDict): logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__)) logger.debug('') logger.debug('Reading source file: %s' % source) modFileObj = L2_Input.Input_File(source) for pick in moduleSections: section = Apply_Template(pick.Get_Keyword_Value('section'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) keyword = Apply_Template(pick.Get_Keyword_Value('keyword'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) # Resolve template later when can add to the values dictionary template = pick.Get_Keyword_Value('template', addWhiteSpace=True) which_line = Apply_Template(pick.Get_Keyword_Value('which_line'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) which_section = Apply_Template(pick.Get_Keyword_Value('which_section'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) which_keyword = Apply_Template(pick.Get_Keyword_Value('which_keyword'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) ignore_missing = Apply_Template(pick.Get_Keyword_Value('ignore_missing'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) index_format = Apply_Template(pick.Get_Keyword_Value('index_format'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) delete = Apply_Template(pick.Get_Keyword_Value('delete'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) indent = Apply_Template(pick.Get_Keyword_Value('indent'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) unique = evaluate_bool_str(Apply_Template(pick.Get_Keyword_Value('unique'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict), False) if indent == None: indent = 0 if keyword != None and type(keyword) is not ListType: keyword = [keyword] if which_line == None: which_line = None elif type(which_line) is ListType or not which_line.isdigit(): raise ValueError('which_line must be a scalar integer') else: which_line = int(which_line) if (template == None or len(template) == 0) and (delete == None or len(delete)) == 0: raise ValueError('template must be defined for PICK') if section != None: if keyword != None: if delete != None and len(delete) > 0: logger.debug('Deleting keyword %s->%s' % (section, keyword)) else: logger.debug('Modifying keyword %s->%s' % (section, keyword)) elif delete != None and len(delete) > 0: logger.debug('Deleting section %s' % section) else: if keyword != None: if delete != None and len(delete) > 0: logger.debug('Deleting keyword %s' % keyword) else: logger.debug('Modifying keyword %s' % keyword) elif delete != None and len(delete) > 0: logger.debug('Deleting lines from root file section:', delete) # Find the section to modify if section == None: modSect = [ modFileObj.rootNode ] else: if type(section) is ListType: modSect = [] for curr_sect_name in section: for found_sect in modFileObj.rootNode.Get_Section(curr_sect_name): modSect.append(found_sect) else: modSect = modFileObj.rootNode.Get_Section(section) if len(modSect) == 0: modSect = [L2_Input.Section(leaf=section)] if which_line != None: modFileObj.children.insert(which_line, modSect[0]) else: modFileObj.children.append(modSect[0]) # If which is defined then filter sections to modify if keyword != None and which_section != None: try: section_indexes = index_range_list(which_section) except: section_indexes = [] curr_index = 0 for testSect in modSect: sectName = testSect.Get_Keyword_Value('name') if sectName == which_section: section_indexes.append(curr_index) curr_index += 1 if len(section_indexes) == 0 and not ignore_missing: raise IOError('Could not find section named: %s with name keyword: %s in file %s' % (section, which_section, source)) sectChoices = [] for w_idx in section_indexes: try: sectChoices.append( modSect[w_idx] ) except: raise IOError("Section index: %d not found for keyword: %s, section: %s in file %s" % (w_idx, keyword, section, source)) modSect = sectChoices # Finally modify all chosen sections and chosen keywords for pickSect in modSect: pickValDict = copy.copy(valuesDict) if keyword != None: for curr_keyname in keyword: keyword_val = pickSect.Get_Keyword_Value(curr_keyname) if type(keyword_val) is ListType: pickValDict[curr_keyname] = ' '.join(keyword_val) elif keyword_val != None: pickValDict[curr_keyname] = keyword_val newValue = Apply_Template(template, pickValDict, mapDict=mapDict) if delete != None and len(delete) > 0: try: delete = index_range_list(delete) except: delete = [0] if keyword != None and len(keyword) > 0: for curr_keyname in keyword: pickSect.Delete_Keyword(curr_keyname, which=delete) elif section != None and len(section) > 0: modFileObj.Delete_Section(pickSect) # which=delete else: # Remove from a location a certain # of times for dlist_idx in range(len(delete)-1, -1, -1): del_idx = delete[dlist_idx] x = pickSect.children.pop(del_idx) elif keyword != None: if which_keyword != None: which_keyword = index_range_list(which_keyword) for curr_keyname in keyword: if index_format != None and hasattr(newValue, '__iter__'): for curr_index, curr_value in enumerate(newValue): index_keyname = index_format.format(keyword=curr_keyname, index=curr_index+1) pickSect.Set_Keyword_Value(index_keyname, curr_value, which=which_keyword, indent=indent) else: pickSect.Set_Keyword_Value(curr_keyname, newValue, which=which_keyword, indent=indent) else: if not type(newValue) is ListType: newValue = [ newValue ] for currValue in newValue: if unique and currValue in modFileObj.Get_Matrix_Data(): continue newNode = L2_Input.Node('value', currValue + '\n') if which_line != None: pickSect.children.insert(which_line, newNode) else: pickSect.children.append(newNode) # Write newly modified file logger.debug('Writing destination file: %s' % destination) modFileObj.Write(destination)
def Process_Operation_Section(fileOpSection, baseSourceDir=None, valuesDict=None, mapDict=None): logger = logging.getLogger(sys._getframe(0).f_code.co_name) operation_options = fileOpSection.Get_Keywords_Dict() for curr_key, curr_val in operation_options.items(): operation_options[curr_key] = Apply_Template(curr_val, valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) fail_on_error = evaluate_bool_str( operation_options.get('fail_on_error'), True) skip_if_exists = operation_options.get('skip_if_exists') remove_existing = evaluate_bool_str( operation_options.get('remove_existing'), False ) if skip_if_exists != None and len(skip_if_exists) > 0: skipExistFiles = Expand_Filename(skip_if_exists) if os.path.exists(skipExistFiles[0]): logger.debug('Skipping %s section because this file exist: %s' % (fileOpSection.leaf[0], skipExistFiles[0])) return if not Should_Process(fileOpSection, valuesDict, mapDict): logger.debug('Skipping %s section because of template evaluation result' % (fileOpSection.leaf[0])) return for fileAction in fileOpSection.Get_All_Section_Nodes(): actionName = fileAction.leaf[0].upper() action_matrix_data = fileAction.Get_Matrix_Data() # Allow for a replacement map inside of file operation section # Trickily the order of the MAP can matter! if actionName == 'MAP': mapDict = Get_Map_Values( fileAction, existing=mapDict ) elif fileOpSection.leaf[0] != actionName: try: actionFunc = eval('Perform_%s' % actionName) except NameError: raise NameError('Could not find function to handle %s operation %s' % (fileOpSection.leaf[0], actionName)) for templateLine in action_matrix_data: if hasattr(templateLine, '__iter__'): sources = Expand_Filename( Apply_Template( templateLine[0], valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict ), baseSourceDir ) destinations = Expand_Filename( Apply_Template( templateLine[1], valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict ) ) else: sources = (None,) destinations = Expand_Filename( Apply_Template( templateLine, valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict ) ) for curr_source, curr_destination in zip(sources, destinations): try: if os.path.exists(curr_destination) and remove_existing: logger.debug('Removing existing destination: %s' % curr_destination) Perform_DELETE(curr_destination, operation_options) if curr_source == None: logger.debug('Performing disk operation %s for section %s with file: %s' % (actionName, fileOpSection.leaf[0], curr_destination)) actionFunc(curr_destination, operation_options) else: logger.debug('Performing disk operation %s for section %s with source: %s, destination: %s' % (actionName, fileOpSection.leaf[0], curr_source, curr_destination)) actionFunc(curr_source, curr_destination, operation_options) except: err_msg = 'Could not process disk operation: %s for section: %s with source: %s, destination: %s' % (actionName, fileOpSection.leaf[0], curr_source, curr_destination) if fail_on_error: logger.error(err_msg) raise else: logger.debug(err_msg)
def Process_File(source, destination, fileKeywords, moduleSections, valuesDict, mapDict): logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__)) if len(moduleSections) > 1: raise RuntimeError('Only one of this module per FILE') verbose = evaluate_bool_str( moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('verbose'), False) max_dirs = moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('max_dirs') if max_dirs != None: max_dirs = int(max_dirs) run_spec_obj = L2_Input.Input_File(source) run_dirs = run_spec_obj.Get_Matrix_Data() # No directories to search for scrubbing if run_dirs == None:'No run directories available for searching for scrubbing') return sys.stdout.write('%s: Searching run directories for unreferenced files: ' % os.path.basename(__file__)) ref_unique_filenames = {} dir_count = 0 for curr_dir in run_dirs: if max_dirs != None and dir_count >= max_dirs: break run_filename = '%s/%s' % (curr_dir, run_basename) run_file_obj = L2_Input.Input_File(run_filename) control_sect = run_file_obj.Get_Section('CONTROL') if len(control_sect) == None: raise IOError('No CONTROL section in %s' % run_filename) try: input_file = '%s/%s' % (curr_dir, control_sect[0].Get_Keyword_Value('input_file')) except: raise LookupError('Could not find find input_file keyword in CONTROL section of file: %s' % run_filename) inp_file_obj = L2_Input.Input_File(input_file) run_file_list = get_obj_referenced_filenames(run_file_obj, curr_dir) inp_file_list = get_obj_referenced_filenames(inp_file_obj, curr_dir) for ref_filename in (run_file_list + inp_file_list): if ref_unique_filenames.has_key(ref_filename): ref_unique_filenames[ref_filename] += 1 else: ref_unique_filenames[ref_filename] = 0 # Progress marks since this loop takes awhile sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() dir_count += 1 # Seperate progress marks sys.stdout.write('\n') if type(destination) is str: dest_filenames = get_all_filenames(destination) else: dest_filenames = get_all_filenames(destination.filename) for static_filename in dest_filenames: if not ref_unique_filenames.has_key(static_filename): try: os.remove(static_filename) if verbose: logger.debug('Deleted: %s' % static_filename) except: logger.error('Could not delete: %s' % static_filename)
def Process_File(source, destination, fileKeywords, moduleSections, valuesDict, mapDict, buffer_objs): logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__)) logger.debug('Creating aerosol blocks for file: %s' % source) fileObj = L2_Input.Input_File(source) param_def_sec = fileObj.Get_Section('PARAMETER_DEFINITION') if len(param_def_sec) == 0: logger.error('%s has sections: %s' % (source, fileObj.Get_All_Section_Names())) raise IOError('Could not find PARAMETER_DEFINITION section in source: %s' % source) orig_aero_secs = param_def_sec[0].Get_Section('->AEROSOL') orig_aero_sec_names = [ curr_aer_sec.Get_Keyword_Value('name').upper() for curr_aer_sec in orig_aero_secs ] try: aero_block_prototype = orig_aero_secs[0] except IndexError: # For now just raise the error raise IndexError('Could not find aerosol block to use as prototype in file: %s' % source) logger.warning('No aerosol block found as prototype, trying to create a new section') aero_block_prototype = L2_Input.Section('AEROSOL') aero_block_prototype.Set_Keyword_Value('name', None) aero_block_prototype.Set_Keyword_Value('a_priori', None) aero_block_prototype.Set_Keyword_Value('covariance', None) aero_block_prototype.Set_Keyword_Value('mie_file', None) aero_block_prototype.Set_Keyword_Value('moment_file', None) aero_block_prototype.Set_Keyword_Value('retrieval_indicies', None) for curr_sect_index, curr_section_obj in enumerate(moduleSections): profile_names = Apply_Template(curr_section_obj.Get_Keyword_Value('profile_names'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) type_names = Apply_Template(curr_section_obj.Get_Keyword_Value('type_names'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) aerosol_file = Apply_Template(curr_section_obj.Get_Keyword_Value('from_file'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) set_retrieval_vector = evaluate_bool_str( curr_section_obj.Get_Keyword_Value('set_retrieval_vector') ) if curr_sect_index == 0: remove_existing_blocks = True else: remove_existing_blocks = False if aerosol_file != None and (profile_names == None or len(profile_names) == 0): if buffer_objs.has_key(aerosol_file): aerosol_obj = buffer_objs[aerosol_file] else: aerosol_obj = aerosol_file profile_names = [] type_names = [] logger.debug('Using aerosol file for profile names: %s' % aerosol_obj) mat_obj = OCO_Matrix(aerosol_obj) for lbl_name in mat_obj.labels_lower: if lbl_name != 'pressure': profile_names.append(lbl_name.upper()) type_names.append(lbl_name.lower()) else: if profile_names == None or len(profile_names) == 0: raise AttributeError('profile_names needs to be defined') elif not type(profile_names) is ListType: profile_names = profile_names.split() if type_names == None or len(type_names) == 0: raise AttributeError('type_names needs to be defined') elif not type(type_names) is ListType: type_names = type_names.split() logger.debug('Using profile names: %s' % (', '.join(profile_names))) logger.debug('Using type names: %s' % (', '.join(type_names))) if remove_existing_blocks: param_def_sec[0].Set_Keyword_Value('aerosol_types', profile_names) else: existing_types = param_def_sec[0].Get_Keyword_Value('aerosol_types') if hasattr(existing_types, '__iter__'): existing_types += profile_names else: existing_types += ' ' + ' '.join(profile_names) param_def_sec[0].Set_Keyword_Value('aerosol_types', existing_types) if set_retrieval_vector: retrieval_vector = param_def_sec[0].Get_Keyword_Value('retrieval_vector') if retrieval_vector == None: raise IOError('Could not find retrieval_vector keyword for PARAMETER_DEFINITION in file: %s' % source) if type(retrieval_vector) is not ListType: retrieval_vector = retrieval_vector.split() retrieval_vector = [ rv_str.upper() for rv_str in retrieval_vector ] # Remove existing aerosol names from retrieval vector for curr_aer_name in orig_aero_sec_names: if curr_aer_name in retrieval_vector: retrieval_vector.remove(curr_aer_name) for curr_prof_name in profile_names: retrieval_vector.append(curr_prof_name) param_def_sec[0].Set_Keyword_Value('retrieval_vector', retrieval_vector) # Delete from param list aerosol types if remove_existing_blocks: for as_del in orig_aero_secs: param_def_sec[0].children.remove(as_del) for (curr_prof_name, curr_type_name) in zip(profile_names, type_names): new_aero = copy.deepcopy(aero_block_prototype) new_aero.Set_Keyword_Value('name', curr_prof_name) mie = new_aero.Get_Keyword_Value('mie_file') mie_dn = os.path.dirname(mie) new_aero.Set_Keyword_Value('mie_file', mie_dn + '/' + curr_type_name + '.mie') mom = new_aero.Get_Keyword_Value('moment_file') mom_dn = os.path.dirname(mom) new_aero.Set_Keyword_Value('moment_file', mom_dn + '/' + curr_type_name + '.mom') param_def_sec[0].children.append(new_aero) logger.debug('Writing aerosol changes to file: %s' % destination) fileObj.Write(destination)
def Process_File(source, destination, fileKeywords, moduleSections, valuesDict, mapDict): logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__)) if len(moduleSections) > 1: raise RuntimeError( 'Only one extraction block allowed') apriori_dir = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('apriori_dir'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) num_levels = int(Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('num_levels'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict)) l1b_file = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('l1b_file'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) ecmwf_file = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('ecmwf_file'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) sounding_id_file = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('sounding_id_file'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) sounding_id_sect = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('sounding_id_sect'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) # Force all soundings to use a specific brdf type use_brdf_type = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('use_brdf_type'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) apriori_base_id_map = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('apriori_base_id_map'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) brdf_type_id_map = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('brdf_type_id_map'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) gain_type_id_map = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('gain_type_id_map'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) windspeed_f = evaluate_bool_str(Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('windspeed_f'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict), default=False) global_mean_xco2 = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('global_mean_xco2'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) # Check arguments if not os.path.isdir(apriori_dir): raise IOError('destFilename: %s must be a directory' % apriori_dir) for required_keyword in ('num_levels', 'l1b_file', 'sounding_id_file', 'sounding_id_sect'): if eval(required_keyword) == None: raise ValueError('%s keyword must be defined' % required_keyword) for file_check in ('l1b_file', 'sounding_id_file'): if not os.path.exists(eval(file_check)): raise IOError('%s: %s does not exist' % (file_check, eval(file_check))) # Load data from external files needed to only be read once sounding_id_list = Read_Id_List_File(sounding_id_file, sounding_id_sect, valuesDict=valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) if global_mean_xco2 != None: if len(global_mean_xco2) == 0: global_mean_xco2 = None else: global_mean_xco2 = float(global_mean_xco2) co2_apriori_db = Apriori_DB.CO2(alternative_global_mean=global_mean_xco2) # Operate in context of input files with nested(ACOS_File.L1B(l1b_file), h5py.File(ecmwf_file,'r')) as (l1b_obj, ecmwf_obj): logger.debug('Loading apriori data based on %d soundings from l1b file: %s' % (len(sounding_id_list), l1b_file)) # Retieve these here since they are done with H5Dump and should not be # done for each sounding l1b_build_id = l1b_obj.get_build_id() # Write per sounding files and maps in context of output map files with nested(write_if_def(apriori_base_id_map, 'apriori base name map'), write_if_def(brdf_type_id_map, 'brdf type map'), write_if_def(gain_type_id_map, 'gain code map'),) as (apriori_base_id_obj, brdf_type_id_obj, gain_type_id_obj): sys.stdout.write('%s: Creating per sounding data: ' % os.path.basename(__file__)) for sounding_id in sounding_id_list: load_sounding_apriori(sounding_id, l1b_obj, ecmwf_obj, num_levels, apriori_dir, co2_apriori_db, apriori_base_id_obj, brdf_type_id_obj, gain_type_id_obj, windspeed_f, l1b_build_id=l1b_build_id, use_brdf_type=use_brdf_type) # Progress marks sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() # Newline for progress marks sys.stdout.write('\n')
def Process_File(source, destination, fileKeywords, moduleSections, valuesDict, mapDict): logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__)) # Load existing file matrix_obj = OCO_Matrix(source) for modifySect in moduleSections: # Add ability to specify cols individually or using a * to goto end columns = Apply_Template(modifySect.Get_Keyword_Value('columns'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) rows = Apply_Template(modifySect.Get_Keyword_Value('rows'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) modify = modifySect.Get_Keyword_Value('modify') delete = evaluate_bool_str( modifySect.Get_Keyword_Value('delete') ) add_column = evaluate_bool_str( modifySect.Get_Keyword_Value('add_column') ) if columns != None: try: columns = index_range_list(columns, max_value=matrix_obj.dims[1]) except: if not type(columns) is ListType: col_name_list = [columns] else: col_name_list = columns columns = [] for curr_name in col_name_list: if curr_name.lower() not in matrix_obj.labels_lower: if add_column: matrix_obj.add_column(curr_name) columns.append( matrix_obj.dims[1] - 1 ) else: raise IOError('Column named %s not found in file: %s' % (curr_name, source)) columns.append( matrix_obj.labels_lower.index(curr_name.lower()) ) else: columns = range(matrix_obj.dims[1]) if rows != None: rows = index_range_list(rows, max_value=matrix_obj.dims[0]) else: rows = range(matrix_obj.dims[0]) if delete and modify != None: raise ValueError('delete and modify keywords can not be specified together') if delete: if len(columns) > matrix_obj.dims[1]: raise IOError('More columns to be deleted %d than exist %d in input file %s' % (len(columns), matrix_obj.dims[1], source)) new_data = numpy.zeros((matrix_obj.dims[0], matrix_obj.dims[1]-len(columns)), dtype=numpy.double) new_labels = [] new_units = [] new_col_idx = 0 for old_col_idx in range(matrix_obj.dims[1]): if old_col_idx not in columns: new_labels.append(matrix_obj.labels[old_col_idx]) new_units.append(matrix_obj.units[old_col_idx]) new_data[:,new_col_idx] =[:,old_col_idx] new_col_idx += 1 = new_data matrix_obj.labels = new_labels matrix_obj.units = new_units if modify != None and len(modify) > 0: modifyDict = copy_module.copy(valuesDict) Get_Constant_Values(modifySect.Get_Section('->CONSTANTS'), modifyDict) for row_idx in rows: for col_idx in columns: modifyDict['original'] = str([row_idx][col_idx]) modify_str = Apply_Template(modify, modifyDict, mapDict=mapDict) try:[row_idx][col_idx] = eval(modify_str) except: raise RuntimeError('Error evaluating modify string: "%s"' % modify_str) matrix_obj.write(destination, auto_size_cols=False)
def Process_File(source, destination, fileKeywords, moduleSections, valuesDict, mapDict): logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__)) if len(moduleSections) > 1: raise RuntimeError('Only one value map creation allowed per FILE') if str(source) == str(destination): raise IOError( 'source and destination must be different. will not overwrite source file' ) list_file = Apply_Template( moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('list_file'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) data_file = Apply_Template( moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('data_file'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) data_col = Apply_Template( moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('data_column'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) section = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('section'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) static_value = Apply_Template( moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('static_value'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) is_log_file = evaluate_bool_str( moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('is_log_file')) l1b_file = Apply_Template(moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('l1b_file'), valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) modify = moduleSections[0].Get_Keyword_Value('modify') max_range_val = None range_values = {} for range_sect in moduleSections[0].Get_Section('->RANGES'): logger.debug('Using range section') for range_spec in range_sect.Get_Matrix_Data(): (range_name, range_str) = range_spec if range_str.find(',') > 0: curr_range = [float(val) for val in range_str.split(',')] else: curr_range = [float(val) for val in range_str.split()] if max_range_val == None: max_range_val = max(curr_range) else: max_range_val = max(max_range_val, max(curr_range)) range_values[range_name] = curr_range id_list = Read_Id_List_File(list_file, section, valuesDict=valuesDict, mapDict=mapDict) data_values = [] if data_file != None: if len(data_file) == 0 or not os.path.exists(data_file): raise IOError('Could not read data_file') if is_log_file: if l1b_file == None or len(l1b_file) == 0: raise ValueError( 'Need L1B file specified for using log file as source of data' ) if not os.path.exists(l1b_file): raise IOError('L1B file specified does not exist: %s' % l1b_file) log_file_obj = Orbit_Sim.Log_File(data_file) col_index = log_file_obj.get_column_index(data_col) if not type(col_index) is ListType: col_index = [col_index] h5_obj = h5py.File(l1b_file, 'r') snd_id_matrix = h5_obj[SOUNDING_ID_GROUP][SOUNDING_ID_DATASET] frame_id_arr = h5_obj[FRAME_ID_GROUP][FRAME_ID_DATASET] for curr_sounding in id_list: curr_frame_id = int(str(curr_sounding)[0:-1]) frame_index = bisect.bisect_left(frame_id_arr, curr_frame_id) for snd_index in range(snd_id_matrix.shape[1]): if snd_id_matrix[frame_index, snd_index] == int(curr_sounding): break if snd_id_matrix[frame_index, snd_index] != int(curr_sounding): raise ValueError( 'did not find correct sounding id: %d at index: %s in hdf file: %s, instead found: %d' % (curr_sounding, (frame_index, snd_index), l1b_file, snd_id_matrix[frame_index, snd_index])) curr_log_val = 0.0 for curr_val_idx in col_index: curr_log_val +=[frame_index, snd_index, curr_val_idx] data_values.append(curr_log_val) else: if data_col == None: data_col = 0 else: data_col = int(data_col) logger.debug('Reading mapped values from column %d of file %s' % (data_col, data_file)) data_fobj = open(data_file) for data_line in data_fobj.readlines(): data_line = data_line.strip() if len(data_line) > 0 and data_line.find('#') != 0: line_parts = data_line.split() if len(line_parts) - 1 < data_col: raise IOError('data file %s does not have column %d' % (data_file, data_col)) data_values.append(line_parts[data_col]) if static_value != None: logger.debug('Setting mapped value to static value: %s' % static_value) for idx in range(len(id_list) - len(data_values)): data_values.append(static_value) if len(id_list) != len(data_values): raise IOError( 'Length of id list %d from file %s does not match length of data values %d from %s' % (len(id_list), list_file, len(data_values), data_file)) mapValues = None mapSects = moduleSections[0].Get_Section('->MAP') if mapSects != None and len(mapSects) > 0: mapValues = Get_Map_Values(mapSects, valuesDict) logger.debug('Writing map file: %s' % destination) if type(destination) is str: dstFileObj = open(destination, 'w') elif hasattr(destination, 'write'): dstFileObj = destination else: raise Exception('Unrecognized source object: %s' % destination) if modify != None and len(modify) > 0: modifyDict = copy.copy(valuesDict) for (id_val, data_val) in zip(id_list, data_values): if modify != None and len(modify) > 0: modifyDict['original'] = str(data_val) modify_expr = Apply_Template(modify, modifyDict, mapDict=mapDict) data_val = eval(modify_expr) if len(range_values) > 0: found_range_value = False for (curr_name, curr_values) in range_values.items(): beg_val = curr_values[0] end_val = curr_values[1] if float(data_val) >= beg_val and float(data_val) < end_val: data_val = curr_name found_range_value = True break if not found_range_value: raise LookupError( 'RANGE values specified but none matched for value: %s' % data_val) if mapValues != None and (str(data_val) in mapValues[DEFAULT_MAP_NAME]): print >> dstFileObj, id_val, mapValues[DEFAULT_MAP_NAME][str( data_val)] else: print >> dstFileObj, id_val, str(data_val) if type(destination) is str: dstFileObj.close()