def testMinima(self): """ Test the correct computation of all local minima for a bistable potential. """ #Predict result x0, curv, mask = fixedPoints( numpy.array([self.LAMBDA]), kappa1=self.kappa1 ) expectedResult = DC.FieldContainer( numpy.extract(curv[0]>0,x0[0]), unit = self.xField.unit, longname = 'position of the local minima of electric potential', shortname = 'x_0' ) #Retrieve result from worker w = MRA.MRA(None) w.paramScale.value = "1.0m" result = w.mra(self.V) #Testing i = numpy.array(range(self.n)) index = numpy.logical_and(self.u > 0.7, self.u < 0.72) index = MRA.findMinima(, 5) numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( result[r'x_{min}'].data,, 4 )
def testRoots(self): """ Test the correct computation of all local extrema for a bistable potential. """ #Prepare dimensions self.prepareDimensions() lambField = DC.FieldContainer( self.lambDim, unit='1 V / m**3', longname='parameter', shortname='\lambda' ) xField = DC.FieldContainer( self.xDim[0], unit='1 m', longname='position', shortname='x' ) #Prepare potential V = [] for i in xrange(len( u = V.append([i] / 2 * u ** 2 + u ** 4 / 4 - u * self.kappa1 ) self.V = DC.FieldContainer( numpy.array(V), unit='1 V', dimensions=[lambField, xField], longname = 'electric potential', shortname = r'\varphi' ) #Predict result x0, curv, mask = fixedPoints(, kappa1=self.kappa1) x0 = numpy.where(curv > 0, x0, numpy.NaN) data = x0[:, ::2] dims = [DC.generateIndex(0, 2), lambField] expectedResult = DC.FieldContainer( data.transpose(), unit=xField.unit, mask=numpy.isnan(data).transpose(), dimensions=dims, longname='position of the local extrema of electric potential', shortname='x_0' ) #Configure worker w = MRA.MRA(None) w.paramScale.value = "1.0m" #Retrieve result from worker result = copy.deepcopy(w.mra(self.V))['x_{min}'] result.error=None self.test(result,expectedResult,1e-2,1e-2)
def testMaxima(self): """ Test the correct computation of all local maxima for a bistable potential. """ #Predict result x0, curv, mask = fixedPoints(numpy.array([self.LAMBDA]), kappa1=self.kappa1) expectedResult = DC.FieldContainer( numpy.extract(curv[0] > 0, x0[0]), unit=self.xField.unit, longname='position of the local minima of electric potential', shortname='x_0') #Retrieve result from worker w = MRA.MRA(None) w.paramScale.value = "1.0m" V = copy.deepcopy(self.V) *= -1 result = w.mra(V) #Testing numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(result[r'x_{max}'].data,, 4)
def testFindMaximum(self): """Test the correct computation of a local minimum.""" self.assertEqual(numpy.argmax(-self.a), MRA.findMaxima(-self.a, 5)[0])
def testPlateau(self): """Test the correct computation of a local minimum.""" self.assertEqual(numpy.array([3]), MRA.findMinima(self.p, 5)[0])