Exemple #1
class controller:

    def __init__(self):
        self.ic1 = image_converter1()
        self.ic2 = image_converter2()
        self.od = ObjectDetection()
        self.svm = classifer([['obj0', 8], ['obj1', 8]])

    def detect_joints(self, img):
        joints = []
        for colour in ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow"]
            mask = self.ic.filter_color(img, colour)
            mask = self.od.dilate(img=mask, kernel_size=5)
            cx, cy = self.od.get_center_joint(mask)
            joints.append([cx, cy])
        return joints

    def detect_target(self, img):
        img = self.od.filter_colour(img, "orange")
        img = self.od.opening(img, kernel_size=3)
        img = self.od.dilate(img, 3)
        boundries, contours = self.od.find_boundries(img)
        return img, boundries, contours
Exemple #2
class image2target:

    # Defines publisher and subscriber
    def __init__(self):
        # initialize the node named image_processing
        rospy.init_node('image_processing', anonymous=True)
        # initialize a publisher to send images from camera1 to a topic named image_topic1
        # initialize a publisher to send joints' angular position to a topic called joints_pos
        self.joints_pub = rospy.Publisher("joints_pos",
        self.target_pub = rospy.Publisher("target_pos",
        # initialize a subscriber to recieve messages rom a topic named /robot/camera1/image_raw and use callback function to recieve data
        self.image_sub1 = message_filters.Subscriber("/image_topic1", Image)
        self.image_sub2 = message_filters.Subscriber("/image_topic2", Image)

        sync = message_filters.TimeSynchronizer(
            [self.image_sub1, self.image_sub2], 10)

        # initialize the bridge between openCV and ROS
        self.bridge = CvBridge()
        # iterator to capture images
        self.iterator = 0

        # use class for object detection
        self.coord = Coordinates()
        self.od = ObjectDetection()
        self.svm = classifer([['obj0', 8], ['obj1', 8]])

        self.pix2meter0 = 0
        self.pix2meter1 = 0

    def detect_joints(self, img):
        joints = []
        for colour in ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow"]:
            mask = self.od.filter_colour(img, colour)
            mask = self.od.dilate(img=mask, kernel_size=5)
            cx, cy = self.od.get_center_joint(mask)
            joints.append([cx, cy])
        return np.array(joints)

    def detect_target(self, img):
        img = self.od.filter_colour(img, "orange")
        img = self.od.opening(img, kernel_size=3)
        img = self.od.dilate(img, 3)
        boundries, contours = self.od.find_boundries(img)
        return img, boundries, contours

    def set_pix2meter(self, joints0, joints1):
        # set conversion factor (pixels to meters) between green and blue joints (3 meters)
        self.pix2meter0 = self.coord.calc_pixel_to_meter_2D(
            joints0[1], joints0[2], 3)
        self.pix2meter1 = self.coord.calc_pixel_to_meter_2D(
            joints1[1], joints1[2], 3)

    def merge_coordinates(self, joints0, joints1):
        coordinates = []
        for i in range(joints0.shape[0]):
                self.coord.merge_coordinates_2D_to_3D(joints0[i], joints1[i]))
        return np.array(coordinates)

    # Recieve data from camera 1, process it, and publish
    def callback_sync(self, data0, data1):
        self.iterator += 1
        # Recieve the image
            self.cv_image0 = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data0, "bgr8")
            self.cv_image1 = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data1, "bgr8")
        except CvBridgeError as e:
        # Uncomment if you want to save the image
        #if self.iterator % 50 == 0:
        #    print(self.iterator)
        #    cv2.imwrite('image_1_'+str(self.iterator/50)+'.png', self.cv_image1)
        # show images
        #im1=cv2.imshow('window1', self.cv_image0)
        #im2=cv2.imshow('window2', self.cv_image1)

        ### joints ###

        # detect joints from camera1 ans camera2
        joints0 = self.detect_joints(self.cv_image0)
        joints1 = self.detect_joints(self.cv_image1)

        # set conversion factor between green and blue joints
        self.set_pix2meter(joints0, joints1)

        # merge pixel coordinates from both images to coordinates x,y,z
        coordinates = self.merge_coordinates(joints0, joints1)

        #joints0 = joints0 * self.pix2meter0
        #joints0 = joints0.round(0)
        print(coordinates[0], coordinates[1], coordinates[2], coordinates[3])

        ### targets ###

        # get filterd & thresholded image, boundries, contours of target objects
        img, boundries, contours = self.detect_target(self.cv_image0)

            # get center
            cx0, cy0 = self.od.get_center_target(img, boundries[0])
            obj0 = self.od.get_object(img, boundries[0])
            prediction0 = self.svm.classify(obj0)
            data0 = [int(prediction0[1][0]), cx0, cy0]  #prediction1[1][0],
            #print(prediction, cx, cy)
            #self.targets.data = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0])
            data0 = [0, 0, 0]

            cx1, cy1 = self.od.get_center_target(img, boundries[1])
            obj1 = self.od.get_object(img, boundries[1])
            prediction1 = self.svm.classify(obj1)
            data1 = [int(prediction1[1][0]), cx1, cy1]  #prediction1[1][0],
            #self.targets.data = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0])
            data1 = [0, 0, 0]

        #print("target 1 ", data0, " target 2 ", data1)

        # set variables for ublishing
        self.target = Float64MultiArray()
        self.target.data = np.array([data0, data1])
        # Publish the results
        except CvBridgeError as e:
Exemple #3
class image_converter:

  # Defines publisher and subscriber
  def __init__(self):
    # initialize the node named image_processing
    rospy.init_node('image_processing', anonymous=True)
    # initialize a publisher to send images from camera1 to a topic named image_topic1
    self.image_pub1 = rospy.Publisher("image_topic1",Image, queue_size = 1)
    # initialize a subscriber to recieve messages rom a topic named /robot/camera1/image_raw and use callback function to recieve data
    self.image_sub1 = rospy.Subscriber("/camera1/robot/image_raw",Image,self.callback1)
    # initialize the bridge between openCV and ROS
    self.bridge = CvBridge()
    # iterator to capture images
    self.iterator = 0
    self.od = ObjectDetection()
    # targets
    self.targets_pub = rospy.Publisher("targets_pos",Float64MultiArray, queue_size=10)
    # initialize target array
    self.targets = Float64MultiArray()

    self.cv_image1 = cv2.imread("image_1_1.png", 1)

  # Recieve data from camera 1, process it, and publish
  def callback1(self,data):
    self.iterator += 1
    # Recieve the image
      self.cv_image1 = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, "bgr8")
    except CvBridgeError as e:
    # Uncomment if you want to save the image
    #if self.iterator % 50 == 0:
    #    print(self.iterator)
    #    cv2.imwrite('image_1_'+str(self.iterator/50)+'.png', self.cv_image1)
    #im1=cv2.imshow('window1', self.cv_image1)

    img = self.od.filter_colour(self.cv_image1, "orange")
    img = self.od.opening(img, kernel_size=3)
    img = self.od.dilate(img, 3)
    boundries, contours = self.od.find_boundries(img)

        cx0, cy0 = self.od.get_center(img, boundries[0])
        cx1, cy1 = self.od.get_center(img, boundries[1])
        #obj = od.get_object(img2, rects[j])
        a = np.array([cx0, cy0, cx1, cy1])
        self.targets.data = a
        self.targets.data = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0])

    #rects, cnts = od.find_boundries(img2)

    # Publish the results
      self.image_pub1.publish(self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(self.cv_image1, "bgr8"))
    except CvBridgeError as e: