Exemple #1
    def findTime(self, item: TimeNode) -> TimeNode:
        # todo this probably takes up a lot of time

        for node in self.times.values():
            if node.__eq__(item):
                return node

        n = self.times[item.getTimeID() + str(item.getWeekDay())]

        return n
Exemple #2
    def createTimeIntervals(self, startTime: str, endTime: str, interval: int):

        currTime = startTime
        '''create the time intervals'''
        while timeToInt(currTime) < timeToInt(endTime):
            """is < and not <- becuase this way we will not map anything past the endTime"""
            '''for every day of the week'''
            for i in range(0, 7):
                """create a timenode and add it to the list of timenodes"""
                currDateTime = datetime.strptime(currTime, "%H:%M")
                timeNode = TimeNode.TimeNode(currDateTime, i, interval)
            """the current hour and min"""
            hour = currTime[0:2]
            min = currTime[3:]
            """update the current time"""
            minInt = int(min)
            newMinInt = minInt + interval
            """if the minutes go over 60 go to the next hour"""
            if newMinInt >= 60:
                hourInt = int(hour)
                newHourInt = hourInt + 1
                newHour = str(newHourInt)

                newMinInt = newMinInt % 60
                newMin = str(newMinInt)

                newHour = hour
                newMin = str(newMinInt)
            """times need to be the proper length"""
            if newHour.__len__() < 2:
                newHour = "0" + newHour
            if newMin.__len__() < 2:
                newMin = "0" + newMin

            currTime = newHour + ":" + newMin
Exemple #3
            '''update the period counts of the od node'''
            '''readout the "Times: "'''
            readOut = outputTextFile1.readline().strip()
            '''update the times of the od node'''
            vt = outputTextFile1.readline().strip()
            '''for all the timenodes listed'''
            while vt.__contains__("WeekDay"):
                '''get the weekday, time, and count'''
                weekday = int(vt[9:11])
                vtime = vt[19:24]
                vcount = int(vt[32:])
                '''create the TimeNode'''
                vdt = datetime.strptime(vtime, "%H:%M")
                vtimenode = TimeNode.TimeNode(vdt, weekday, 1)
                '''the dict to be used as the dict of paths for timenode'''
                paths = {}
                '''read the next line in the file'''
                nl = outputTextFile1.readline().strip()

                # changed the output of the hashtable to be correct
                if nl.__contains__("Paths"):

                    nl = outputTextFile1.readline().strip()

                    while nl.__contains__("PathID"):
                        '''get the PathNode attributes'''
                        countIndex = nl.index("Count:")
                        path = nl[8:countIndex - 1]
Exemple #4
            '''readout the "Times: "'''
            readOut = inputfile17.readline().strip()
            '''update the times of the od node'''
            vt = inputfile17.readline().strip()
            '''for all the timenodes listed'''
            while vt.__contains__("WeekDay"):
                '''get the weekday, time, and count'''
                weekday = int(vt[9:11])
                vtime = vt[19:24]
                vcount = int(vt[32:])
                '''create the TimeNode'''
                vdt = datetime.strptime(vtime, "%H:%M")
                vtimenode = TimeNode.TimeNode(vdt, weekday, timeInterval)
                '''the dict to be used as the dict of paths for timenode'''
                paths = {}
                '''read the next line in the file'''
                nl = inputfile17.readline().strip()

                # changed the output of the hashtable to be correct
                if nl.__contains__("Paths"):

                    nl = inputfile17.readline().strip()

                    while nl.__contains__("PathID"):
                        '''get the PathNode attributes'''
                        countIndex = nl.index("Count:")
                        path = nl[8:countIndex - 1]
Exemple #5
 def addTimeNode(self, timeNode: TimeNode):
     """add a TimeNode to the list of TimeNodes for this ODNode"""
     self.times[timeNode.getTimeID() +
                str(timeNode.getWeekDay())] = timeNode
Exemple #6
                        '''find the correct od node'''
                        n = ODNodes.find(tempNode, novaClose, dcClose)
                        '''find the index of the correct od node'''
                        getindex = ODNodes.getIndex(tempNode, novaClose, dcClose)

                        '''add the trip id to the dict of trip id mapped to od node index'''
                        tripIDandODNode[tripID] = getindex

                        '''increment the correct od node'''
                        '''make note that this was mapped'''
                        ODCounter += 1

                        '''if this trip was at a time that can be mapped'''
                        '''every od node is created with all the times of interest'''
                        tempTimeNode = TimeNode.TimeNode(startDateLocal, weekDay, timeInterval)
                        if n.__contains__(tempTimeNode):

                            '''find the correct timenode'''
                            t = n.findTime(tempTimeNode)

                            '''add the tripID to the list of trip ids'''

                            '''increment the correct time node'''

                            '''increment the global count of time maps'''
                            TimeCounter += 1

                            '''incremement the correct period in od node'''
Exemple #7
def getODNodesFromFile(fileName: str, timeInterval: int):

    :param fileName: the name of the file to get the info
    :return: a list of all the od nodes the file contained
    '''list of od nodes'''
    ODNodes = []

    with open(fileName, 'r') as inputfile17:

        for line in inputfile17:
            line = line.strip()
            '''get the general attributes from the outputfile'''
            if line.__contains__("Total Trips"):
                totalTripCount = int(line[13:])
            if line.__contains__("Int Trips"):
                interestTripCount = int(line[13:])
            if line.__contains__("OD Maps"):
                odMapCount = int(line[13:])
            if line.__contains__("Time Maps"):
                timeMapCount = int(line[13:])
            if line.__contains__("Path Maps"):
                pathMapCount = int(line[13:])
            '''if we are looking at a new od node'''
            while line.__contains__("Index"):
                '''get the origin of the od node'''
                voriginLine = inputfile17.readline().strip()
                if voriginLine == '':

                vorigin = voriginLine[8:]
                vcommaIndex = vorigin.index(",")
                voriginLat = vorigin[:vcommaIndex]
                voriginLong = vorigin[vcommaIndex + 1:]
                voriginC = Coordinate.Coordinate(float(voriginLat),
                '''get the destination of the od node'''
                vdestLine = inputfile17.readline().strip()
                vdestination = vdestLine[13:]
                vcommaIndex = vdestination.index(",")
                vdestlat = vdestination[:vcommaIndex]
                vdestlong = vdestination[vcommaIndex + 1:]
                vdestC = Coordinate.Coordinate(float(vdestlat),
                '''readout the direction'''
                direction = inputfile17.readline()
                '''get the count of the od node'''
                vcountLine = inputfile17.readline().strip()
                vcount = vcountLine[7:]
                '''get the am count of the od node'''
                vamCountLine = inputfile17.readline().strip()
                vamCount = vamCountLine[9:]
                '''get the pm count of the od node'''
                vpmCountLine = inputfile17.readline().strip()
                vpmCount = vpmCountLine[9:]
                '''create the od node'''
                vodnode = ODNode.ODNode(voriginC, vdestC, int(vcount))
                '''update the period counts of the od node'''
                '''set the direction of the node'''
                if direction.__contains__("In-"):
                '''readout the "Times: "'''
                readOut = inputfile17.readline().strip()
                '''update the times of the od node'''
                vt = inputfile17.readline().strip()
                '''for all the timenodes listed'''
                while vt.__contains__("WeekDay"):
                    '''get the weekday, time, and count'''
                    weekday = int(vt[9:11])
                    vtime = vt[19:24]
                    vcount = int(vt[32:])
                    '''create the TimeNode'''
                    vdt = datetime.strptime(vtime, "%H:%M")
                    vtimenode = TimeNode.TimeNode(vdt, weekday, timeInterval)
                    '''the dict to be used as the dict of paths for timenode'''
                    paths = {}
                    '''read the next line in the file'''
                    nl = inputfile17.readline().strip()

                    # changed the output of the hashtable to be correct
                    if nl.__contains__("Paths"):

                        nl = inputfile17.readline().strip()

                        while nl.__contains__("PathID"):
                            '''get the PathNode attributes'''
                            countIndex = nl.index("Count:")
                            path = nl[8:countIndex - 1]
                            count = nl[countIndex + 7:]
                            '''create the pathNode'''
                            pathNode = PathNode.PathNode(path)
                            '''add the PathNode to the dict of PathNodes'''
                            paths[path] = pathNode

                            nl = inputfile17.readline().strip()

                        vt = nl
                    '''set the paths of the time node'''

                    vt = nl
                    '''add the time node to the list of times in od node'''

                if vt.__contains__("Index"):
                    line = vt
                '''add the od node to the list of od nodes'''
                '''only if it is not an empty node'''
                e = Coordinate.Coordinate(0, 0)
                empty = ODNode.ODNode(e, e, 0)
                if vodnode.__eq__(empty) is False:


    return ODNodes