Exemple #1
    def get_ref(self):
        return Ref

        data = dict()
        if self.resolution == 750:  # 分辨率为 1000
            satellite_type1 = ['NPP', 'JPSS-1']
            # NPP
            if self.satellite in satellite_type1:
                data_file = self.in_file
                with h5py.File(data_file, 'r') as h5r:
                    # 前12个通道是ref
                    # 由于不确定性 比较了14和15年的数据值一致,定值。偶尔出现-999.33导致计算错
                    ref_a = 2.4417415E-5
                    vmin = 0
                    vmax = 60000
                    sunz = self.get_solar_zenith()
                    dsl = sun_earth_dis_correction(self.ymd)
                    # 逐个通道处理
                    for i in xrange(1, 12, 1):
                        band = 'CH_{:02d}'.format(i)
                        sds_name = '/All_Data/VIIRS-M%d-SDR_All/Reflectance' % i
                        ary_ref = h5r.get(sds_name)[:]

                        data_pre = ary_ref
                        data_pre = data_pre.astype(np.float32)
                        invalid_index = np.logical_or(data_pre <= vmin,
                                                      data_pre > vmax)
                        data_pre[invalid_index] = np.nan
                        # 修正,徐娜提供
                        data[band] = data_pre * ref_a * \
                            np.cos(np.deg2rad(sunz)) * dsl

                raise ValueError('Cant read this satellite`s data.: {}'.format(
            raise ValueError(
                'Cant read this data, please check its resolution: {}'.format(
        return data
Exemple #2
    def get_ref(self):
        return ref

        data = dict()
        dsl = sun_earth_dis_correction(self.ymd)
        if self.resolution == 1000:  # 分辨率为 1000
            satellite_type = ['AQUA', 'TERRA']
            data_file = self.in_file
            if self.satellite in satellite_type:
                dn = self.get_dn()
                h4r = SD(data_file, SDC.READ)
                # 12通道ab
                ary_ch1_2_a = h4r.select(
                ary_ch1_2_b = h4r.select(

                ary_ch3_7_a = h4r.select(
                ary_ch3_7_b = h4r.select(

                ary_ch8_19and26_a = h4r.select(
                ary_ch8_19and26_b = h4r.select(

                #                 ary_ch20_36_a = h4r.select(
                #                     'EV_1KM_Emissive').attributes()['radiance_scales']
                #                 ary_ch20_36_b = h4r.select(
                #                     'EV_1KM_Emissive').attributes()['radiance_offsets']


                # 删除13i 14i通道的下标

                # 逐个通道处理
                for i in xrange(self.channels):
                    band = 'CH_{:02d}'.format(i + 1)
                    # 1,2通道
                    if i < 2:
                        k = i
                        data_pre = (dn[band] - ary_ch1_2_b[k]) * ary_ch1_2_a[k]
                    # 3,4,5,6,7通道
                    elif i >= 2 and i < 7:
                        k = i - 2
                        data_pre = (dn[band] - ary_ch3_7_b[k]) * ary_ch3_7_a[k]

                    # 8,9,10,11,12,13lo,14lo,15,16,17,18,19,26通道
                    elif i >= 7 and i <= 19:
                        k = i - 7
                        if i == 19:
                            band = 'CH_{:02d}'.format(i + 7)
                        data_pre = (dn[band] - ary_ch8_19and26_b[k]
                                    ) * ary_ch8_19and26_a[k]
                    data[band] = data_pre * dsl

        return data
Exemple #3
    def Load(self, L1File):
        print u'读取 L1所有数据信息...... %s' % L1File
            h5File_R = h5py.File(L1File, 'r')
            ary_lon = h5File_R.get('/All_Data/VIIRS-MOD-GEO_All/Longitude')[:]
            ary_lat = h5File_R.get('/All_Data/VIIRS-MOD-GEO_All/Latitude')[:]
            ary_satz = h5File_R.get(
            ary_sata = h5File_R.get(
            ary_sunz = h5File_R.get(
            ary_suna = h5File_R.get(
            ary_time = h5File_R.get('/All_Data/VIIRS-MOD-GEO_All/StartTime')[:]

            Ref = {}
            # 由于不确定性 比较了14和15年的数据值一致,定值。偶尔出现-999.33导致计算错
            Ref_a = 2.4417415E-5

            Rad = {}
            Rad_a = {}
            Rad_b = {}
            Tbb = {}
            Tbb_a = {}
            Tbb_b = {}

            for i in xrange(1, 17, 1):
                if i < 12:
                    Ref[i] = h5File_R.get(
                        '/All_Data/VIIRS-M%d-SDR_All/Reflectance' % i)[:]

                elif i == 13:
                    Rad[i] = h5File_R.get(
                        '/All_Data/VIIRS-M%d-SDR_All/Radiance' % i)[:]
                    Tbb[i] = h5File_R.get(
                        '/All_Data/VIIRS-M%d-SDR_All/BrightnessTemperature' % i)[:]
                    Rad_a[i] = 1.
                    Rad_b[i] = 0.
                    Tbb_a[i] = 1.
                    Tbb_b[i] = 0.
                    Rad[i] = h5File_R.get(
                        '/All_Data/VIIRS-M%d-SDR_All/Radiance' % i)[:]
                    Rad_a[i] = h5File_R.get(
                        '/All_Data/VIIRS-M%d-SDR_All/RadianceFactors' % i)[:][0]
                    Rad_b[i] = h5File_R.get(
                        '/All_Data/VIIRS-M%d-SDR_All/RadianceFactors' % i)[:][1]
                    Tbb[i] = h5File_R.get(
                        '/All_Data/VIIRS-M%d-SDR_All/BrightnessTemperature' % i)[:]
                    Tbb_a[i] = h5File_R.get(
                        '/All_Data/VIIRS-M%d-SDR_All/BrightnessTemperatureFactors' % i)[:][0]
                    Tbb_b[i] = h5File_R.get(
                        '/All_Data/VIIRS-M%d-SDR_All/BrightnessTemperatureFactors' % i)[:][1]

        except Exception as e:
            print str(e)

        # 11111111通道的中心波数和光谱响应
#         for i in xrange(self.Band):
        i = 14
        BandName = 'CH_%02d' % (i + 1)
        srfFile = os.path.join(
            MainPath, 'SRF', '%s_%s_SRF_CH%02d_Pub.txt' % (self.sat, self.sensor, (i + 1)))
        dictWave = np.loadtxt(
            srfFile, dtype={'names': ('num', 'rad'), 'formats': ('f4', 'f4')})
        waveNum = 10 ** 7 / dictWave['num'][::-1]
        waveRad = dictWave['rad'][::-1]
        self.waveNum[BandName] = waveNum
        self.waveRad[BandName] = waveRad

        # 2222222 数据大小 使用经度维度 ###############
        dshape = ary_lon.shape

        # 对时间进行赋值合并
        v_ymd2seconds = np.vectorize(npp_ymd2seconds)
        T1 = v_ymd2seconds(ary_time)

        Time = np.full(dshape, -999)
        for i in xrange(len(Time)):
            Time[i, :] = T1[i / 16]
        if self.Time == []:
            self.Time = Time
            self.Time = np.concatenate((self.Time, Time))

        ymd = time.gmtime(self.Time[0, 0])
        ymd1 = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', ymd)
        dsol = sun_earth_dis_correction(ymd1)

        # 3333333 1-12通道的可见光数据进行定标 ########
        for i in range(1, 12, 1):
            BandName = 'CH_%02d' % i
            condition = np.logical_and(Ref[i] > 0, Ref[i] < 65500)
            idx = np.where(condition)
            Ref_data = np.full(dshape, np.nan)
            Ref_data[idx] = Ref[i][idx]

            Ref_data = Ref_data * Ref_a * np.cos(np.deg2rad(ary_sunz)) * dsol
            if BandName not in self.Ref.keys():
                self.Ref[BandName] = Ref_data
                self.Ref[BandName] = np.concatenate(
                    (self.Ref[BandName], Ref_data))

        # 红外
        for i in xrange(12, 17, 1):

            BandName = 'CH_%02d' % i
            condition = np.logical_and(Rad[i] > 0, Rad[i] < 65500)
            idx = np.where(condition)
            Rad_data = np.full(dshape, np.nan)
            Tbb_data = np.full(dshape, np.nan)
            Rad_data[idx] = Rad[i][idx] * \
                ((10000 / self.WN[BandName]) ** 2) / 10.
            Rad_data[idx] = Rad_data[idx] * Rad_a[i] + Rad_b[i]
            Tbb_data[idx] = Tbb[i][idx] * Tbb_a[i] + Tbb_b[i]

            if BandName not in self.Rad.keys():
                self.Rad[BandName] = Rad_data
                self.Rad[BandName] = np.concatenate(
                    (self.Rad[BandName], Rad_data))

            if BandName not in self.Tbb.keys():
                self.Tbb[BandName] = Tbb_data
                self.Tbb[BandName] = np.concatenate(
                    (self.Tbb[BandName], Tbb_data))

        # 经纬度
        ary_lon_idx = np.full(dshape, np.nan)
        condition = np.logical_and(ary_lon > -180., ary_lon < 180.)
        ary_lon_idx[condition] = ary_lon[condition]

        if self.Lons == []:
            self.Lons = ary_lon_idx
            self.Lons = np.concatenate((self.Lons, ary_lon_idx))

        ary_lat_idx = np.full(dshape, np.nan)
        condition = np.logical_and(ary_lat > -90., ary_lat < 90.)
        ary_lat_idx[condition] = ary_lat[condition]

        if self.Lats == []:
            self.Lats = ary_lat_idx
            self.Lats = np.concatenate((self.Lats, ary_lat_idx))
        # 角度信息
        if self.satAzimuth == []:
            self.satAzimuth = ary_sata
            self.satAzimuth = np.concatenate((self.satAzimuth, ary_sata))

        if self.satZenith == []:
            self.satZenith = ary_satz
            self.satZenith = np.concatenate((self.satZenith, ary_satz))

        if self.sunAzimuth == []:
            self.sunAzimuth = ary_suna
            self.sunAzimuth = np.concatenate((self.sunAzimuth, ary_suna))

        if self.sunZenith == []:
            self.sunZenith = ary_sunz
            self.sunZenith = np.concatenate((self.sunZenith, ary_sunz))
Exemple #4
    def Load(self, L1File):
        print(u'读取 L1 %s' % L1File)
        iname = os.path.basename(L1File)
            h4File = SD(L1File, SDC.READ)
            # 读取1-2通道数据
            in_data_r250 = h4File.select('EV_250_Aggr1km_RefSB').get()
            in_data_r250_s = h4File.select(
            in_data_r250_o = h4File.select(
            # 读取 3-7通道数据
            in_data_r500 = h4File.select('EV_500_Aggr1km_RefSB').get()
            in_data_r500_s = h4File.select(
            in_data_r500_o = h4File.select(
            # 读取8-20通道, 包含26通道
            in_data_r1km = h4File.select('EV_1KM_RefSB').get()
            in_data_r1km_s = h4File.select(
            in_data_r1km_o = h4File.select(
            # 读取20-36通道 不包含26通道
            in_data_t1km = h4File.select('EV_1KM_Emissive').get()
            in_data_t1km_s = h4File.select(
            in_data_t1km_o = h4File.select(
        except Exception as e:
            print str(e)

        # 处理定位文件,默认和L1同一目录
        geoFile = find_modis_geo_file(L1File)
        print(u'读取geo %s' % geoFile)
            h4File = SD(geoFile, SDC.READ)
            in_data_lon = h4File.select('Longitude').get()
            in_data_lat = h4File.select('Latitude').get()
            # in_data_LandSeaMask = h4File.select('Land/SeaMask').get()  #
            # 多个/不知道是bug还是就这样
            in_data_satz = h4File.select('SensorZenith').get()
            in_data_satz_s = h4File.select(
            in_data_sata = h4File.select('SensorAzimuth').get()
            in_data_sata_s = h4File.select(
            in_data_sunz = h4File.select('SolarZenith').get()
            in_data_sunz_s = h4File.select(
            in_data_suna = h4File.select('SolarAzimuth').get()
            in_data_suna_s = h4File.select(

        except Exception as e:


        # 角度信息赋值
        self.satZenith = in_data_satz * in_data_satz_s
        self.satAzimuth = in_data_sata * in_data_sata_s
        self.sunZenith = in_data_sunz * in_data_sunz_s
        self.sunAzimuth = in_data_suna * in_data_suna_s
        self.Lons = in_data_lon
        self.Lats = in_data_lat

        # 1-2通道
        modis_shape2 = in_data_r250.shape[1:]
        modis_shape3 = (38, ) + modis_shape2

        data_ch38 = np.full(modis_shape3, np.nan)

        for i in range(0, 2, 1):
            # 过滤 无效值
            condition = np.logical_and(in_data_r250[i] < 32767,
                                       in_data_r250[i] > 0)
            idx = np.where(condition)
            data_ch38[i][idx] = (in_data_r250[i][idx] -
                                 in_data_r250_o[i]) * in_data_r250_s[i]
        # 3-7通道
        for i in range(2, 7, 1):
            # 过滤 无效值
            condition = np.logical_and(in_data_r500[i - 2] < 32767,
                                       in_data_r500[i - 2] > 0)
            idx = np.where(condition)
            data_ch38[i][idx] = (in_data_r500[i - 2][idx] -
                                 in_data_r500_o[i - 2]) * in_data_r500_s[i - 2]
        # 8-19 外加一个 26通道
        for i in range(7, 22, 1):
            # 过滤 无效值
            condition = np.logical_and(in_data_r1km[i - 7] < 32767,
                                       in_data_r1km[i - 7] > 0)
            idx = np.where(condition)
            data_ch38[i][idx] = (in_data_r1km[i - 7][idx] -
                                 in_data_r1km_o[i - 7]) * in_data_r1km_s[i - 7]
        # 20-36通道  不包括26通道
        for i in range(22, 38, 1):
            # 过滤 无效值
            condition = np.logical_and(in_data_t1km[i - 22] < 32767,
                                       in_data_t1km[i - 22] > 0)
            idx = np.where(condition)
            data_ch38[i][idx] = (in_data_t1km[i - 22][idx] -
                                 in_data_t1km_o[i - 22]) * in_data_t1km_s[i -

        # 删除通道13hi 和  14 hi
        data_ch36 = np.delete(data_ch38, (13, 15), 0)
        newRad = np.full((16, ) + modis_shape2, np.nan)

        # 对时间进行赋值
        self.Time = np.full(modis_shape2, -999.)
        nameClass = pb_name.nameClassManager()
        info = nameClass.getInstance(iname)
        ymd = info.dt_s.strftime('%Y%m%d')
        print ymd
        dsol = sun_earth_dis_correction(ymd)
        #         print info.dt_s
        secs = int((info.dt_s - datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)).total_seconds())
        self.Time[:] = secs

        # 把modis的rad转换和FY的单位一致
        # 20,21, 22,23,24,25,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36
        cwn = [
            2.647409E+03, 2.511760E+03, 2.517908E+03, 2.462442E+03,
            2.248296E+03, 2.209547E+03, 1.474262E+03, 1.361626E+03,
            1.169626E+03, 1.028740E+03, 9.076813E+02, 8.308411E+02,
            7.482978E+02, 7.307766E+02, 7.182094E+02, 7.035007E+02

        for i in xrange(16):
            newRad[i] = data_ch36[i + 20] * \
                ((10000 / cwn[i]) ** 2) / 10. * dsol
            if i <= 5:
                self.Rad['CH_%02d' % (i + 20)] = newRad[i]
                self.Rad['CH_%02d' % (i + 21)] = newRad[i]

        # 把rad转亮温

        # 整理通道顺序,把26通道放在对应的26通道
        #         del26_data_ch35 = np.delete(data_ch36, 19, 0)
        #         order_data_ch36 = np.insert(del26_data_ch35, 25, data_ch36[19], 0)

        for i in range(0, 36, 1):
            #             self.CA['CH_%02d' % (i + 1)] = order_data_ch36[i]
            if i < 19:
                self.Ref['CH_%02d' % (i + 1)] = data_ch36[i]
            elif i == 19:  # 26
                self.Ref['CH_%02d' % (i + 7)] = data_ch36[i]
            elif i > 19 and i <= 25:
                self.Tbb['CH_%02d' % (i)] = data_ch36[i]
            elif i > 25:
                self.Tbb['CH_%02d' % (i + 1)] = data_ch36[i]
Exemple #5
    def Load(self, L1File):
        print u'读取 L1所有数据信息...... %s' % L1File
        if not os.path.isfile(L1File):
            print 'Error: %s not found' % L1File
            h5File_R = h5py.File(L1File, 'r')
        except Exception as e:
            print str(e)

            ary_lon = h5File_R.get('/All_Data/VIIRS-MOD-GEO_All/Longitude')[:]
            ary_lat = h5File_R.get('/All_Data/VIIRS-MOD-GEO_All/Latitude')[:]
            self.satAzimuth = h5File_R.get(
            self.satZenith = h5File_R.get(
            self.sunAzimuth = h5File_R.get(
            self.sunZenith = h5File_R.get(
            #             Times = h5File_R.get('/All_Data/VIIRS-MOD-GEO_All/MidTime')[:]
            Times = h5File_R.get('/All_Data/VIIRS-MOD-GEO_All/StartTime')[:]
            tmpTime = np.full_like(ary_lon, -999, dtype='i4')
            v_ymd2seconds = np.vectorize(npp_ymd2seconds)
            T1 = v_ymd2seconds(Times)
            for i in xrange(len(tmpTime)):
                tmpTime[i, :] = T1[i / 16]
            self.Time = tmpTime
            ymd = time.gmtime(self.Time[0, 0])
            ymd = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', ymd)
            #             print ymd

            dsol = sun_earth_dis_correction(ymd)

            for i in xrange(1, 17, 1):
                # sv,bb 赋值 None, 有值则赋真实值
                bandName = 'CH_%02d' % i

                if i < 12:
                    ref = h5File_R.get(
                        '/All_Data/VIIRS-M%d-SDR_All/Reflectance' % i)[:]
                    #                 ref_fac = h5File_R.get('/All_Data/VIIRS-M%d-SDR_All/ReflectanceFactors' % i)[:][0]
                    # 由于不确定性 比较了14和15年的数据值一致,定值。偶尔出现-999.33导致计算错
                    ref_fac = 2.4417415E-5
                    idx = np.where(ref < 65500)
                    newRef = np.full_like(ref, np.nan, 'f4')
                    newRef[idx] = ref[idx]
                    self.Ref[bandName] = newRef * ref_fac * \
                        np.cos(np.deg2rad(self.sunZenith)) * dsol
                elif i == 13:
                    rad = h5File_R.get('/All_Data/VIIRS-M%d-SDR_All/Radiance' %
                    tbb = h5File_R.get(
                        '/All_Data/VIIRS-M%d-SDR_All/BrightnessTemperature' %
                    idx = np.where(rad > 0)
                    newRad = np.full_like(rad, np.nan, 'f4')
                    newRad[idx] = rad[idx] * \
                        ((10000 / self.WN['CH_%02d' % i]) ** 2) / 10.

                    idx = np.where(tbb > 0)
                    newTbb = np.full_like(tbb, np.nan, 'f4')
                    newTbb[idx] = tbb[idx]

                    self.Rad[bandName] = newRad
                    self.Tbb[bandName] = newTbb

                    rad = h5File_R.get('/All_Data/VIIRS-M%d-SDR_All/Radiance' %
                    rad_fac = h5File_R.get(
                        '/All_Data/VIIRS-M%d-SDR_All/RadianceFactors' %
                    rad_int = h5File_R.get(
                        '/All_Data/VIIRS-M%d-SDR_All/RadianceFactors' %
                    tbb = h5File_R.get(
                        '/All_Data/VIIRS-M%d-SDR_All/BrightnessTemperature' %
                    tbb_fac = h5File_R.get(
                        % i)[:][0]
                    tbb_int = h5File_R.get(
                        % i)[:][1]
                    idx = np.where(rad < 65500)
                    newRad = np.full_like(rad, np.nan, 'f4')
                    newRad[idx] = rad[idx] * \
                        ((10000 / self.WN['CH_%02d' % i]) ** 2) / 10.

                    idx = np.where(tbb < 65500)
                    newTbb = np.full_like(tbb, np.nan, 'f4')
                    newTbb[idx] = tbb[idx]

                    self.Rad[bandName] = newRad * rad_fac + rad_int
                    self.Tbb[bandName] = newTbb * tbb_fac + tbb_int

        except Exception as e:
            print str(e)

        # 通道的中心波数和光谱响应
#         for i in xrange(self.Band):
        i = 14
        BandName = 'CH_%02d' % (i + 1)
        srfFile = os.path.join(
            MainPath, 'SRF',
            '%s_%s_SRF_CH%02d_Pub.txt' % (self.sat, self.sensor, (i + 1)))
        dictWave = np.loadtxt(srfFile,
                                  'names': ('num', 'rad'),
                                  'formats': ('f4', 'f4')
        waveNum = 10**7 / dictWave['num'][::-1]
        waveRad = dictWave['rad'][::-1]
        self.waveNum[BandName] = waveNum
        self.waveRad[BandName] = waveRad

        # 经纬度
        ary_lon_idx = np.full(ary_lon.shape, np.nan)
        condition = np.logical_and(ary_lon > -180., ary_lon < 180.)
        ary_lon_idx[condition] = ary_lon[condition]
        if self.Lons == []:
            self.Lons = ary_lon_idx
            self.Lons = np.concatenate((self.Lons, ary_lon_idx))

        ary_lat_idx = np.full(ary_lon.shape, np.nan)
        condition = np.logical_and(ary_lat > -90., ary_lat < 90.)
        ary_lat_idx[condition] = ary_lat[condition]
        if self.Lats == []:
            self.Lats = ary_lat_idx
            self.Lats = np.concatenate((self.Lats, ary_lat_idx))