Exemple #1
def GetMetaData(image, printAll = False):
  ''' Get metadata dic from a JPG image... the image is open by PIL.Image... '''
  from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS, GPSTAGS
  if isinstance(image, str): image = Image.open(image)
  _TAGS_r = dict(((v, k) for k, v in TAGS.items()))
  _GPSTAGS_r = dict(((v, k) for k, v in GPSTAGS.items()))
  exifd = image._getexif() if hasattr(image, '_getexif') else image.tag
  keys = list(exifd.keys())
  if _TAGS_r["MakerNote"]   in keys: keys.remove(_TAGS_r["MakerNote"])
  if _TAGS_r["UserComment"] in keys: keys.remove(_TAGS_r["UserComment"])
  keys = [k for k in keys if k in TAGS]
  if printAll:
    print '################ Medatada:'
    print("\n".join([str((TAGS[k], exifd[k]))for k in keys]))
  iget = lambda x : exifd[_TAGS_r[x]]
  isk  = lambda x : _TAGS_r[x] in keys
  outdic = {}
  if isk('ExposureTime'):
    n,d = iget("ExposureTime")
    exptime = float(n)/d
    outdic['EXPTIME']  = exptime
  if   isk('DateTimeOriginal'): outdic['DATE-OBS'] = str(iget('DateTimeOriginal'))
  elif isk('DateTime'):         outdic['DATE-OBS'] = str(iget('DateTime'))
  if   isk('Make') and isk('Model'): outdic['INSTRUME'] = '%s - %s'%(str(iget('Make')), str(iget('Model')))
  return outdic 
Exemple #2
def rotationFromExifTag(imgPath):
    TAGSinverted = {v: k for k, v in TAGS.items()}
    orientationExifId = TAGSinverted['Orientation']
        imageExifTags = Image.open(imgPath)._getexif()
        imageExifTags = None

    # rotate the image if orientation exif tag is present
    rotation = 0
    if imageExifTags != None and orientationExifId != None and orientationExifId in imageExifTags:
        orientation = imageExifTags[orientationExifId]
        # print ("orientation = " + str(imageExifTags[orientationExifId]))
        if orientation == 1 or orientation == 0:
            rotation = 0  # no need to do anything
        elif orientation == 3:
            rotation = 0
        elif orientation == 6:
            rotation = -90
        elif orientation == 8:
            rotation = 90
            print("ERROR: orientation = " + str(orientation) +
                  " not_supported!")
            raise Exception("ERROR: orientation = " + str(orientation) +
                            " not_supported!")
    return rotation
Exemple #3
    def get_coordinates(self):
        """Get latitude and longitude from geo tags

        :param self:
        :return: latitude and longitude
        if not self.exif:
            raise ValueError('No EXIF metadata found for ' + self.image_path)

        geotagging = {}
        for (idx, tags) in TAGS.items():
            if tags == 'GPSInfo':
                if idx not in self.exif:
                    raise ValueError('No EXIF geotagging found for ' +

                for (key, val) in GPSTAGS.items():
                    if key in self.exif[idx]:
                        geotagging[val] = self.exif[idx][key]

        lat = self.get_decimal_from_dms(geotagging['GPSLatitude'],

        lon = self.get_decimal_from_dms(geotagging['GPSLongitude'],

        return lat, lon
    def resize_picture(self, fname, geolocator, angle=0):

        _TAGS_r = dict(((v, k) for k, v in TAGS.items()))
        _GPSTAGS_r = dict(((v, k) for k, v in GPSTAGS.items()))

        th_name = None
        rz_name = None
        width = 0
        height = 0

            img = Image.open(fname)
            width, height = img.size
        except Exception as e:
            print('get_picture_data Exception e: ', e, ' fname: ', fname)
            width = -1
            height = -1
            return rz_name, th_name, width, height

        w = int(width)
        h = int(height)
        if w > h:
            w = 800
            h = 600
            w = 600
            h = 800
        rz_name = self.get_picture_thumbs(w, h, fname, '-resize.JPG', img,

        w = 128
        h = 128
        th_name = self.get_picture_thumbs(w, h, fname, '-thumb.JPG', img)

        return rz_name, th_name, width, height
Exemple #5
 def _map(self, row, image_binary):
         image = Image.open(StringIO.StringIO(image_binary))
         if not hasattr(image, "_getexif"):
             yield row, json.dumps({})
             image_tags = image._getexif()
             if image_tags is None:
                 yield row, json.dumps({})
                 yield row, json.dumps(
                         (name, base64.b64encode(image_tags[id]))
                         if isinstance(image_tags[id], str)
                         else image_tags[id]
                         for id, name in TAGS.items()
                         if id in image_tags
         hadoopy.counter("STATUS", "badRows")
         hadoopy.counter("STATUS", "goodRows")
Exemple #6
def get_coordinates(photo):
    image = Image.open(photo)
    #print(photo.filename) iphone2.JPG
    if not image._getexif():
        return (ValueError("No EXIF metadata found"))
        # raise ValueError("No EXIF metadata found")

    exif = image._getexif()
    geotags = {}
    for (idx, tag) in TAGS.items():
        if tag == 'GPSInfo':
            if idx not in exif:
                return (ValueError("No EXIF geotagging found"))
                # raise ValueError("No EXIF geotagging found")

            for (key, val) in GPSTAGS.items():
                if key in exif[idx]:
                    geotags[val] = exif[idx][key]
    coordinates = []

    for i in [[geotags['GPSLatitude'], geotags['GPSLatitudeRef']],
              [geotags['GPSLongitude'], geotags['GPSLongitudeRef']]]:
        degrees = i[0][0][0] / i[0][0][1]
        minutes = i[0][1][0] / i[0][1][1] / 60.0
        seconds = i[0][2][0] / i[0][2][1] / 3600.0

        if i[1] in ['S', 'W']:
            degrees = -degrees
            minutes = -minutes
            seconds = -seconds

        coordinates.append(round(degrees + minutes + seconds, 3))
    return tuple(coordinates)
Exemple #7
def rotation_from_exif_tag(img_path):
    tags_inverted = {v: k for k, v in TAGS.items()}
    orientation_exif_id = tags_inverted['Orientation']
        image_exif_tags = Image.open(img_path)._getexif()
        image_exif_tags = None

    # rotate the image if orientation exif tag is present
    rotation = 0
    if (image_exif_tags
            is not None) and (orientation_exif_id
                              is not None) and (orientation_exif_id
                                                in image_exif_tags):
        orientation = image_exif_tags[orientation_exif_id]
        # print ("orientation = " + str(imageExifTags[orientationExifId]))
        if orientation == 1 or orientation == 0:
            rotation = 0  # no need to do anything
        elif orientation == 6:
            rotation = -90
        elif orientation == 8:
            rotation = 90
            print("ERROR: orientation = " + str(orientation) +
                  " not_supported!")
    return rotation
def get_geotagging(exif):
    """Retrieve GPS tags from EXIF

        exif (object): EXIF object

        ValueError: if no EXIF data found
        ValueError: if no EXIF geotagging data found

        dict: Dictionary of EXIF tags

    if not exif:
        raise ValueError("No EXIF metadata found")

    geotagging = {}
    for (idx, tag) in TAGS.items():
        if tag == 'GPSInfo':
            if idx not in exif:
                raise ValueError("No EXIF geotagging found")

            for (key, val) in GPSTAGS.items():
                if key in exif[idx]:
                    geotagging[val] = exif[idx][key]

    return geotagging
Exemple #9
 def registerTag(self, tagName):
     registered = False
     for key, value in TAGS.items():
         if (tagName == str(value)):
             registered = True
     if (False == registered):
         print('Tag not found: ' + tagName)
Exemple #10
def get_datetime_orig_exif_tag(exif_data) -> str:
    """Extracts exif data related to time when photo was taken."""
    for (idx, tag) in TAGS.items():
        if tag == 'DateTimeOriginal':
            if idx not in exif_data:
                raise ValueError("No EXIF DateTimeOriginal found")
            return exif_data[idx]
    raise ValueError("No EXIF DateTimeOriginal found")
Exemple #11
 def print_ExifTagItem(self):
     Affiche dans le terminal tous les noms de TAG Exif
     :return: na
     if not self.PhotoExif:
         raise ValueError("No EXIF metadata found")
     for (idx, tag) in TAGS.items():
Exemple #12
def get_geotagging(info):
    geotagging = {}
    for (idx, tag) in TAGS.items():
        if tag == 'GPSInfo':
            if idx not in info:
                raise ValueError("No EXIF geotagging found")
            for (key, val) in GPSTAGS.items():
                if key in info[idx]:
                    geotagging[val] = info[idx][key]
    return geotagging
def get_gps_data(image_exif):
    gps_data = {}
    for (idx, tag) in TAGS.items():
        if tag == 'GPSInfo':
            if idx not in image_exif:
                raise ValueError("No EXIF geotagging found")

            for (key, val) in GPSTAGS.items():
                if key in image_exif[idx]:
                    gps_data[val] = image_exif[idx][key]

    return gps_data
Exemple #14
def get_geotagging(exif):
    geotagging = {}

    for (idx, tag) in TAGS.items():
        if tag == 'GPSInfo':
            if idx not in exif:
                return None
                for (key, val) in GPSTAGS.items():
                    if key in exif[idx]:
                        geotagging[val] = exif[idx][key]
    return geotagging
Exemple #15
def get_geo_info(required_exif):
    if not required_exif:
        return None
    geo_info = {}
    for (idx, tag) in TAGS.items():
        if tag == 'GPSInfo':
            if idx not in required_exif:
                return None
            for (key, val) in GPSTAGS.items():
                if key in required_exif[idx]:
                    geo_info[val] = required_exif[idx][key]
    return geo_info
Exemple #16
 def _map(self, row, image_binary):
     image = Image.open(StringIO.StringIO(image_binary))
     if not hasattr(image, '_getexif'):
         yield row, json.dumps({})
         image_tags = image._getexif()
         if image_tags is None:
             yield row, json.dumps({})
             yield row, json.dumps({name: base64.b64encode(image_tags[id]) if isinstance(image_tags[id], str) else image_tags[id]
                                    for id, name in TAGS.items()
                                    if id in image_tags})
Exemple #17
def get_geotagging(exif):
    if not exif:
        raise ValueError("No EXIF metadata found")
    geotagging = {}
    for (idx, tag) in TAGS.items():
        if tag == 'GPSInfo':
            if idx not in exif:
                raise ValueError("No EXIF geotagging found")
            for (key, val) in GPSTAGS.items():
                if key in exif[idx]:
                    geotagging[val] = exif[idx][key]
    return geotagging
Exemple #18
def get_geotagging(exif):

    """ Returns:
        Dictionary with following key: value pairs:
            'GPSVersionID':  bytes,
            'GPSLatitudeRef': str = 'N' or 'S',
            'GPSLatitude': tuple of tuples,
            'GPSLongitudeRef': str = 'E' or 'W',
            'GPSLongitude': tuple of tuples,
            'GPSAltitudeRef': byte string,
            'GPSAltitude': tuple,
            'GPSTimeStamp': tuple of tuples,
            'GPSSpeedRef': str,
            'GPSSpeed': tuple,
            'GPSImgDirectionRef': str,
            'GPSImgDirection': tuple,
            'GPSDestBearingRef': str,
            'GPSDestBearing': tuple,
            'GPSDateStamp': str representing datetime,
            'GPSHPositioningError': tuple,


    if not exif:
        raise ValueError("No metadata found please check your camera settings")

    geotagging = {}
    for (idx, tag) in TAGS.items():
        if tag == 'GPSInfo':
            geotagging= exif[tag]

    new = {GPSTAGS[k]: v for k,v in geotagging.items()}

    return new
Exemple #19
def get_geotagging(exif):
    if not exif:
        raise ValueError('EXIF not found')

    geotagging = {}
    for idx, tag in TAGS.items():
        if tag == 'GPSInfo':
            if idx not in exif:
                raise ValueError('No EXIF geotagging found')
            for key, value in GPSTAGS.items():
                if key in exif[idx]:
                    geotagging[value] = exif[idx][key]
    return geotagging
Exemple #20
 def get_geotagging(self, filename):
     image = Image.open(filename)
     exif = image._getexif()
     geotagging = {}
     if exif:
         for (idx, tag) in TAGS.items():
             if tag == 'GPSInfo':
                 if idx not in exif:
                     raise ValueError("No EXIF geotagging found")
                 for (key, val) in GPSTAGS.items():
                     if key in exif[idx]:
                         geotagging[val] = exif[idx][key]
     return geotagging
Exemple #21
def get_geotags(lab_exif):  # getting the readable geotags
    if not lab_exif:
        raise ValueError("No EXIF data found")

    geotags = {}
    for (i, tag) in TAGS.items():
        if tag == 'GPSInfo':
            if i not in lab_exif:
                raise ValueError("No EXIF geotags found")

            for (j, val) in GPSTAGS.items():
                if j in lab_exif[i]:
                    geotags[val] = lab_exif[i][j]
    return geotags
Exemple #22
 def func(input_data):
     image = Image.open(StringIO.StringIO(input_data))
     if not hasattr(image, '_getexif'):
         return json.dumps({})
         image_tags = image._getexif()
         if image_tags is None:
             return json.dumps({})
             return json.dumps(
                       base64.b64encode(image_tags[id]) if isinstance(
                           image_tags[id], str) else image_tags[id])
                      for id, name in TAGS.items() if id in image_tags))
Exemple #23
def get_metadata(image: Image) -> dict:
    exif_tags = TAGS.items()

    exif = image._getexif()

    metadata = {}

    if not exif:
        return metadata

    for k, v in exif_tags:
        if k in exif:
            metadata[v] = str(exif[k])
    return metadata
    def open(self, filename):
        image = Image.open(str(filename))

        exif = image._getexif()

        for (idx, tag) in TAGS.items():
            if tag == 'GPSInfo':
                if idx not in exif:
                    raise ValueError("No EXIF geotags found")

                for (key, val) in GPSTAGS.items():
                    if key in exif[idx]:
                        self.geotags[val] = exif[idx][key]
Exemple #25
def get_datetags(exif, filename):
    if not exif:
        print("No EXIF metadata found " + filename)
    if exif:
        datetagging = {}
        for (idx, tag) in TAGS.items():
            if tag == 'DateTimeOriginal':
                if idx not in exif:
                    print("No EXIF Date found on " + filename)

                for (k, datetagging) in exif.items():
                    if TAGS.get(k) == 'DateTimeOriginal':

                        return datetagging
Exemple #26
    def get_GPS(self, img):
        location = ""
        geoaxis = {}
        geotags = {}

            exif = img._getexif()

            for (idx, tag) in TAGS.items():
                if tag != 'GPSInfo':

                if idx not in exif:
                for (key, val) in GPSTAGS.items():
                    if key in exif[idx]:
                        geotags[val] = exif[idx][key]

                for axis in ["Latitude", "Longitude"]:
                    dms = geotags[f'GPS{axis}']
                    ref = geotags[f'GPS{axis}Ref']

                    degrees = dms[0][0] / dms[0][1]
                    minutes = dms[1][0] / dms[1][1] / 60.0
                    seconds = dms[2][0] / dms[2][1] / 3600.0

                    if ref in ['S', 'W']:
                        degrees = -degrees
                        minutes = -minutes
                        seconds = -seconds

                    geoaxis[axis] = round(degrees + minutes + seconds, 5)

                location = self.geolocator.reverse(
                    "{}, {}".format(geoaxis["Latitude"],

        # TODO: What can trigger this - make it specific to error.
        except Exception:

        if location:
            location = sanitize_location(location)
            if location:
                return f'{location["town"]}, {location["country"]}'
Exemple #27
def get_metadata(exif):
    if not exif:
        raise ValueError("No EXIF metadata found")
    metadata = {}

    # info for AM or PM
    for tag_id in exif:
        tag = TAGS.get(tag_id, tag_id)
        data = exif.get(tag_id)

        if tag == "DateTimeOriginal":
            time_str = data.split(' ')[1]
            if int(time_str[0:2]) >= 12:
                metadata["Time"] = 'PM'
                metadata["Time"] = 'AM'

    # info for GPS
    dms = {}
    geo = {}
    for (idx, tag) in TAGS.items():
        if tag == 'GPSInfo':
            if idx not in exif:
                raise ValueError("No EXIF GeoInfo found")

            for (key, val) in GPSTAGS.items():
                if key in exif[idx]:
                    dms[val] = exif[idx][key]

    for (key, val) in {
            'GPSLatitude': 'GPSLatitudeRef',
            'GPSLongitude': 'GPSLongitudeRef'
        degrees = dms[key][0][0] / dms[key][0][1]
        minutes = dms[key][1][0] / dms[key][1][1] / 60.0
        seconds = dms[key][2][0] / dms[key][2][1] / 3600.0
        if dms[val] in ['S', 'W']:
            degrees = -degrees
            minutes = -minutes
            seconds = -seconds
        geo[key] = round(degrees + minutes + seconds, 5)

    coords = (geo['GPSLatitude'], geo['GPSLongitude'])
    geocoder = Nominatim(user_agent="aaa")
    location = geocoder.reverse(coords)
    metadata['Location'] = location.address.split(', ')[-3]

    return metadata
Exemple #28
def get_exif_geotagging(exif) -> dict:
    """Gets exif data related to geo coordinates."""
    if not exif:
        raise ValueError("No EXIF metadata found")

    geotagging = {}
    for (idx, tag) in TAGS.items():
        if tag == 'GPSInfo':
            if idx not in exif:
                raise ValueError("No EXIF geotagging found")

            for (key, val) in GPSTAGS.items():
                if key in exif[idx]:
                    geotagging[val] = exif[idx][key]

    return geotagging
Exemple #29
def get_gpstags(exif, filename):
    if not exif:
        print("No EXIF metadata found for " + filename)
    if exif:
        geotagging = {}
        for (idx, tag) in TAGS.items():
            if tag == 'GPSInfo':
                if idx not in exif:
                    print("No EXIF GeoTag found on " + filename)

                for (key, val) in GPSTAGS.items():
                    if key in exif[idx]:
                        geotagging[val] = exif[idx][key]

    return geotagging
Exemple #30
    def get_geotagging(self, exif):
        Extract GPS Info and return

        logging.debug("Getting GPS Info")
        geotagging = {}
        for (idx, tag) in TAGS.items():
            if tag == 'GPSInfo':
                if idx not in exif:
                    raise ValueError("No EXIF geotagging found")

                for (key, val) in GPSTAGS.items():
                    if key in exif[idx]:
                        geotagging[val] = exif[idx][key]
        return geotagging
Exemple #31
    def get_start_time(self):
        exif = _get_exif(self['DEFAULT']['img_directory'] +
        if not exif:
            raise ValueError("No EXIF metadata found")

        for (idx, tag) in TAGS.items():
            if tag == 'DateTimeOriginal':
                if idx not in exif:
                    raise ValueError("No EXIF time found")
                date, time_meta = exif[idx].split(' ')
                time_img = _get_datetime_from_str(date, time_meta)
                start_time = time_img - timedelta(
                self['DEFAULT']['start_time'] = start_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
Exemple #32
 def get_geotagging(self):
     Donne les informations du TAG Exif GPS de la photo
     :return: Ensemble des informations GPS de la photo
     if not self.PhotoExif:
         #raise ValueError("No EXIF metadata found")
         return None
     geotagging = {}
     for (idx, tag) in TAGS.items():
         if tag == 'GPSInfo':
             if idx not in self.PhotoExif:
                 #raise ValueError("No EXIF geotagging found")
                 return None
             for (key, val) in GPSTAGS.items():
                 if key in self.PhotoExif[idx]:
                     geotagging[val] = self.PhotoExif[idx][key]
     return geotagging
Exemple #33
 def save_exif(self, img=None, save=True):
     if img == None:
         img = Image.open(self.image_file2x.file)
     exif = img._getexif()
     tags = {v:k for k, v in TAGS.items()}
     focal_length_tag = tags['FocalLength']
     f_number_tag = tags['FNumber']
     iso_speed_tag = tags['ISOSpeedRatings']
     exposure_tag = tags['ExposureTime']
     gps_info_tag = tags['GPSInfo']
     # Finding EXIF focal length
     self.exif_focal_length = str(exif[focal_length_tag][0]) + 'mm'
     # Finding EXIF aperture f-number
     fnumber = float(exif[f_number_tag][0]) / exif[f_number_tag][1]
     self.exif_aperture = 'ƒ/' + ('%.1f' % fnumber)
     # Finding EXIF aperture ISO-value
     self.exif_iso = 'ISO ' + str(exif[iso_speed_tag])
     # Finding EXIF aperture shutter duration
     shutter_divisor = exif[exposure_tag][0]
     shutter_dividend = exif[exposure_tag][1]
     if shutter_dividend > 1:
         self.exif_shutter_speed = str(shutter_divisor) + '/' + str(shutter_dividend) + ' sec' 
         self.exif_shutter_speed = str(shutter_divisor) + ' sec'
     if gps_info_tag in exif:
         print 'Could not save gps exif for image with post id', self.post.id
     if save:
         super(Photo, self).save()
Exemple #34
def rotationFromExifTag(imgPath):
    TAGSinverted = {v: k for k, v in TAGS.items()}
    orientationExifId = TAGSinverted['Orientation']
        imageExifTags = Image.open(imgPath)._getexif()
        imageExifTags = None

    # rotate the image if orientation exif tag is present
    rotation = 0
    if imageExifTags != None and orientationExifId != None and orientationExifId in imageExifTags:
        orientation = imageExifTags[orientationExifId]
        # print ("orientation = " + str(imageExifTags[orientationExifId]))
        if orientation == 1 or orientation == 0:
            rotation = 0 # no need to do anything
        elif orientation == 6:
            rotation = -90
        elif orientation == 8:
            rotation = 90
            print ("ERROR: orientation = " + str(orientation) + " not_supported!")
    return rotation
def imread(imgPath):
    if not os.path.exists(imgPath):
        "ERROR: image path does not exist."
    img = cv2.imread(imgPath)
    TAGSinverted = {v: k for k, v in TAGS.items()}
    orientationExifId = TAGSinverted['Orientation']
        imageExifTags = Image.open(imgPath)._getexif()
        imageExifTags = None

    #rotate the image if orientation exif tag is present
    if imageExifTags != None and orientationExifId != None and orientationExifId in imageExifTags:
        orientation = imageExifTags[orientationExifId]
        #print "orientation = " + str(imageExifTags[orientationExifId])
        if orientation == 1 or orientation == 0:
            pass #no need to do anything
        elif orientation == 8:
            img = imrotate(img, 90)
            print "ERROR: orientation = " + str(orientation) + " not_supported!"
    return img
Exemple #36
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS, GPSTAGS
import exifread
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

tag_name_to_id = dict([ (v, k) for k, v in TAGS.items() ])
tag_name_to_id[2]       = 'GPSLatitude'
tag_name_to_id[4]       = 'GPSLongitude'
tag_name_to_id[8]       = 'GPSSatellites'
tag_name_to_id[9]       = 'GPSStatus'
tag_name_to_id[256]     = 'ImageWidth'
tag_name_to_id[257]     = 'ImageLength'
tag_name_to_id[258]     = 'BitsPerSample'
tag_name_to_id[270]     = 'ImageDescription'
tag_name_to_id[271]     = 'Make'
tag_name_to_id[272]     = 'Model'
tag_name_to_id[274]     = 'Orientation'
tag_name_to_id[282]     = 'XResolution'
tag_name_to_id[283]     = 'YResolution'
tag_name_to_id[305]     = 'Software'
tag_name_to_id[306]     = 'DateTime'
tag_name_to_id[315]     = 'Artist'
tag_name_to_id[316]     = 'HostComputer'
tag_name_to_id[37378]   = 'ApertureValue'
tag_name_to_id[33432]   = 'Copyright'
tag_name_to_id[33434]   = 'ExposureTime'
tag_name_to_id[33437]   = 'FNumber'
tag_name_to_id[34855]   = 'ISOSpeedRatings'
tag_name_to_id[37381]   = 'MaxApertureValue'
tag_name_to_id[37386]   = 'FocalLength'
from PIL import Image
from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS

ORIENTATION_TAG_ID = [k for k, v in TAGS.items() if v == 'Orientation'][0]

    1: 0,  # 'Horizontal (normal)'
    2: 180,  # 'Mirrored horizontal',
    3: 180,  # 'Rotated 180',
    4: 0,  # 'Mirrored vertical',
    5: -90,  # 'Mirrored horizontal then rotated 90 CCW',
    6: -90,  # 'Rotated 90 CW',
    7: 90,  # 'Mirrored horizontal then rotated 90 CW',
    8: 90,  # 'Rotated 90 CCW'

def resize(in_filename, out_filename, width=1024, rotate=True):
    if in_filename != out_filename:
        im = Image.open(in_filename)

        exifdict = im._getexif()
        if rotate and exifdict and exifdict.get(ORIENTATION_TAG_ID):
            rotate_angle = ROTATION_ANGLES.get(exifdict[ORIENTATION_TAG_ID], 0)
            im = im.rotate(rotate_angle)

        scale = float(width) / float(im.size[0])
        im = im.resize([int(scale * s) for s in im.size], Image.ANTIALIAS)

        im.save(out_filename, "JPEG", quality=75)
from PIL import Image
from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS

for tag, name in TAGS.items():
    if name == "Orientation":
        ORIENTATION = tag

def orientate(image, value):
    if value in (2, 5):
        image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
    if value in (4, 7):
        image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
    if value in (5, 7, 8):
        image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_90)
    if value == 3:
        image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_180)
    if value == 6:
        image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_270)
    return image

def create_thumbnail(image, size):
    thumbnail = Image.new("RGB", image.size, (255,255,255))
    if len(image.split()) > 3:
        thumbnail.paste(image, mask=image.split()[3])
    if hasattr(image, "_getexif") and image._getexif():
        thumbnail = orientate(thumbnail, image._getexif().get(ORIENTATION, 1))
# coding: utf-8
from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS, GPSTAGS

RTAGS = {v: k for (k, v) in TAGS.items()}
RGPSTAGS = {v: k for (k, v) in GPSTAGS.items()}


def coord_to_deg(values):
    # every coordinate is a list of 3 pairs
    # every pair is a fraction ( (n, d) -> n/d )
    # the 3 values are °, ' and " (degree, minute and second)
    deg = 0
    for i in range(3):
        (n, d) = values[i]
        if d != 0:
            deg += n/(d * (60.**i))
    return deg

def extract_location(image):
    if not hasattr(image, "_getexif"):
        return {}
    exif = image._getexif()
    if not exif:
        return {}
        gpsinfo = exif[GPSINFO]
        lat = coord_to_deg(gpsinfo[RGPSTAGS["GPSLatitude"]])
        if gpsinfo[RGPSTAGS["GPSLatitudeRef"]] == "S":
            lat = -lat
        lng = coord_to_deg(gpsinfo[RGPSTAGS["GPSLongitude"]])