Exemple #1
chars = chain.from_iterable([y + (Unicode[y[0]],) for y in x.cmap.items()] for x in ttf["cmap"].tables)
char_list = (list(chars))
char_list = tqdm(char_list)

# load font
# 讀取字體
font = ImageFont.truetype(args.otf, args.font_size)

# draw font
# 畫出字體
num = 0
for i in char_list:
    char_unicode = chr(i[0])
    origin = [0, 0]
    txt = Image.new('RGB', (args.image_size, args.image_size), (255, 255, 255))
    draw = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(txt)

    size = draw.textsize(char_unicode,font=font)
    if args.image_size - size[0] < 0:
        origin[0] = args.image_size - size[0]
        origin[0] = 0
    if args.image_size - size[1] < 0:
        origin[1] = args.image_size - size[1]
        origin[1] = 0
    # print(size)
    draw.text(tuple(origin), char_unicode, font=font, fill=0)

    # check if the image is whole white
    # 看看圖片是否全白

if __name__ == '__main__':
    path = r"D:\shujuji\明星人脸识别\霍建华"
    detector = Detector()
    count = 1
    for image in os.listdir(path):
            # print(os.listdir(path))
            # print(image)
        image_path = os.path.join(path, image)
        # print(image_path)
        img1 = pimg.open(image_path)
        img1 = img1.convert("RGB")
        boxes = detector.detect(img1)
        draw_img1 = draw.ImageDraw(img1)
        # count = str(image_path[-7:-4])
        # print(count)
        for box in boxes:
            x1 = int(box[0])
            y1 = int(box[1])
            x2 = int(box[2])
            y2 = int(box[3])
            # print(box[4])
            # draw_img1.rectangle((x1,y1,x2,y2),outline="red",width=3)
            img1 = img1.crop((x1,y1,x2,y2))
            # img1.show()
        # plt.show()
Exemple #3
def select_ocr_image(
    """Select the image we send for OCR. May not be the same as the display
    image depending on preprocessing. This image will never be shown to the

    image = infiles[0]
    options = context.get_options()
    pageinfo = get_pageinfo(image, context)

    with Image.open(image) as im:
        from PIL import ImageColor
        from PIL import ImageDraw
        from decimal import Decimal
        white = ImageColor.getcolor('#ffffff', im.mode)
        #pink = ImageColor.getcolor('#ff0080', im.mode)
        draw = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(im)

        xres, yres = im.info['dpi']
        log.debug('resolution %r %r', xres, yres)

        if not options.force_ocr:
            # Do not mask text areas when forcing OCR, because we need to OCR
            # all text areas
            mask = None  # Exclude both visible and invisible text from OCR
            if options.redo_ocr:
                mask = True  # Mask visible text, but not invisible text

            for textarea in pageinfo.get_textareas(visible=mask, corrupt=None):
                # Calculate resolution based on the image size and page dimensions
                # without regard whatever resolution is in pageinfo (may differ or
                # be None)
                bbox = [float(v) for v in textarea]
                xscale, yscale = float(xres) / 72.0, float(yres) / 72.0
                pixcoords = [bbox[0] * xscale,
                            im.height - bbox[3] * yscale,
                            bbox[2] * xscale,
                            im.height - bbox[1] * yscale]
                pixcoords = [int(round(c)) for c in pixcoords]
                log.debug('blanking %r', pixcoords)
                draw.rectangle(pixcoords, fill=white)
                #draw.rectangle(pixcoords, outline=pink)

        if options.mask_barcodes or options.threshold:
            pix = leptonica.Pix.frompil(im)
            if options.threshold:
                pix = pix.masked_threshold_on_background_norm()
            if options.mask_barcodes:
                barcodes = pix.locate_barcodes()
                for barcode in barcodes:
                    decoded, rect = barcode
                    log.info('masking barcode %s %r', decoded, rect)
                    draw.rectangle(rect, fill=white)
            im = pix.topil()

        del draw
        # Pillow requires integer DPI
        dpi = round(xres), round(yres)
        im.save(output_file, dpi=dpi)
Exemple #4
	vector["buf"] = bufImage
	vector["dbuf"] = bufImage
	for element in calibration:
		utils.calc_dist(targetMask, vector["dbuf"], element_scans[element], vector[element])

for vector in calibratedVectors:
	utils.compare_dist(targetMask, outputImage, mineral_dists, vector["index"], vector["dbuf"])

mapImage = Image.new("P", (tWidth, tHeight), 0)

mineralPixelCounts = {}
for mineral in mineralNames:
	mineralPixelCounts[mineral] = 0

d = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(mapImage)
for x in range(0, tWidth):
		for y in range(0, tHeight):
			color = outputImage[y,x]
			d.point((x,y), fill=int(color))
			if color != 0:
				mineralPixelCounts[mineralNames[color-1]] += 1

mapImage.save(targetObject + "_mineralmap.gif")

with open(targetObject + "_mineralcounts.json", "w") as outfile:
	json.dump(mineralPixelCounts, outfile)

Image.fromarray(mineral_dists, mode="I").save(targetObject + "_confidence.tif")

# legendImage = Image.new("P", (256, 256), 0)
Exemple #5
    def gen_image(self, draw_text=True, squaresize=100):
        writes this color table (palette) to a png image.

        from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

        imgside_length = math.ceil(math.sqrt(len(self.palette)))
        imgsize = imgside_length * squaresize

        dbg("generating palette image with size %dx%d", imgsize, imgsize)

        palette_image = Image.new('RGBA', (imgsize, imgsize),
                                  (255, 255, 255, 0))
        draw = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(palette_image)

        # dirty, i know...
        text_padlength = len(str(len(self.palette)))
        text_format = "%%0%dd" % (text_padlength)

        drawn = 0

        # squaresize 1 means draw single pixels
        if squaresize == 1:
            for y in range(imgside_length):
                for x in range(imgside_length):
                    if drawn < len(self.palette):
                        r, g, b = self.palette[drawn]
                        draw.point((x, y), fill=(r, g, b, 255))
                        drawn = drawn + 1

        # draw nice squares with given side length
        elif squaresize > 1:
            for y in range(imgside_length):
                for x in range(imgside_length):
                    if drawn < len(self.palette):
                        sx = x * squaresize - 1
                        sy = y * squaresize - 1
                        ex = sx + squaresize - 1
                        ey = sy + squaresize
                        r, g, b = self.palette[drawn]
                        # begin top-left, go clockwise:
                        vertices = [(sx, sy), (ex, sy), (ex, ey), (sx, ey)]
                        draw.polygon(vertices, fill=(r, g, b, 255))

                        if draw_text and squaresize > 40:
                            # draw the color id
                            # insert current color id into string
                            ctext = text_format % drawn
                            tcolor = (255 - r, 255 - b, 255 - g, 255)

                            # draw the text
                            # TODO: use customsized font
                            draw.text((sx + 3, sy + 1),

                        drawn = drawn + 1

            raise Exception("fak u, no negative values for squaresize pls.")

        return palette_image
Exemple #6
        FILE = "logo".join(DIRS1)
        LOGO = Image.open(LGO_PTH)
        LGO = LOGO.size

    for FILE in DIRS:
        image_path = PATH + FILE
        # a = f.append(file)
        # print a
        im = Image.open(image_path)
        if CHOICE == 1:

            transparent = Image.new("RGBA", im.size)
            draw = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(transparent, "RGBA")
            font = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", TXT_SIZE)

            a = font.getsize(TXT)
            print("getsize", a)

            draw.line((0, 0) + im.size, fill=(160, 161, 161))
            draw.line((0, im.size[1], im.size[0], 0), fill=(161, 161, 161))
            if CHOICE == 1:
                draw.text((im.size[0] / 2 - a[0] / 2, im.size[1] / 2),
                          fill=(255, 255, 255))
                mask = transparent.convert("L").point(
                    lambda x_param: min(x_param, TRANS))
Exemple #7
    def test_mode_mismatch(self):
        im = hopper("RGB").copy()

                          lambda: ImageDraw.ImageDraw(im, mode="L"))
Exemple #8
for vector in calibratedVectors:
	compare_dist(dTargetMask, device_outputImage, d_mineral_dists, vector["index"], vector["dbuf"])


mapImage = Image.new("P", (tWidth, tHeight), 0)

mineralPixelCounts = {}
for mineral in mineralNames:
	mineralPixelCounts[mineral] = 0

d = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(mapImage)
for x in range(0, tWidth):
		for y in range(0, tHeight):
			color = outputImage[y,x]
			d.point((x,y), fill=int(color))
			if color != 0:
				mineralPixelCounts[mineralNames[color-1]] += 1

mapImage.save(targetObject + "_mineralmap.gif")

with open(targetObject + "_mineralcounts.json", "w") as outfile:
	json.dump(mineralPixelCounts, outfile)

def map_mask(inImage, maskImage, outImage):
	for x in range(0, tWidth):
Exemple #9
                max_side_len = max(w, h)

                    cx = (x11 + x22) / 2
                    cy = (y22 + y11) / 2
                    x1 = cx - max_side_len / 2
                    y1 = cy - max_side_len / 2
                    x2 = x1 + max_side_len
                    y2 = y1 + max_side_len
                    offset_x1 = float((x11 - x11) / max_side_len)
                    offset_y1 = float((y11 - y11) / max_side_len)
                    offset_x2 = float((x22 - x22) / max_side_len)
                    offset_y2 = float((y22 - y22) / max_side_len)
                    draw_img = Draw.ImageDraw(img)
                    # draw_img.rectangle((box1[0, 0], box1[0, 1], box1[0, 2], box1[0, 3]), outline="green", width=5)
                    # #
                    draw_img.rectangle((x11, y11, x22, y22),
                    draw_img.rectangle((x1, y1, x2, y2),

                    w_img, h_img = img.size
                    if x1 > 0 and y1 > 0 and x2 < w_img and y2 < h_img:
                        # 保存图片,写标签
Exemple #10
def draw_text(img, text, xy=(0, 0), fill='black', font=None):
    font = font or default_font
    draw = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(img)
    draw.text(xy, text=text, fill=fill, font=font)
    return img
Exemple #11
 def pen(self) -> draw.ImageDraw:
     """Gets an object capable of drawing over the projection."""
     return draw.ImageDraw(self.image)
Exemple #12
def print_boxes(im, outpath, dets, printthresh=None):

    if type(im) == str:
        im = Image.open(im)

    width = im.width
    height = im.height
    draw = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(im)

    mfontsize = int(
        min(100, max(8, int(max(width, height) / 1000.0 * 14))) / 2)
    if (mfontsize not in fontDict):
        fontDict[mfontsize] = ImageFont.truetype(font=myfont,
                                                 size=mfontsize * 2)
    font = fontDict[mfontsize]

    for det in dets:
        prob = det.prob if det.prob is not None else 0
        cls_name = det.cls
        if (cls_name not in colordict):
            random.seed(salt + cls_name)
            color = np.array(
            color = color - color.min()
            color = color / color.max() * 255.0
            color = tuple(color.astype('i'))
            colordict[cls_name] = 'rgb({},{},{})'.format(*color)

        color = colordict[cls_name]

        if printthresh == None or printthresh <= prob:

            det_loc = location(relloc=(det.xc, det.yc, det.w, det.h),
                               picsize=(width, height))
            absloc = det_loc.getabsloc()
            det_w = absloc[2] - absloc[0]
            det_h = absloc[3] - absloc[1]

            outputfmt = '{name:s} .{prob:02}' if type(
                cls_name) == str else u'{name:s} .{prob:02}'
            outputstr = outputfmt.format(name=cls_name, prob=int(100 * prob))

            linewidth = int(
                    min(max(width, height) / 480.0,
                        max(det_w, det_h) / 100.0)))
            str_w, str_h = draw.textsize(text=outputstr, font=font)
            xy = (absloc[0],
                  absloc[1]) if absloc[1] < linewidth + str_h else (absloc[0],
                                                                    absloc[1] -
                                                                    linewidth -

            draw.text(xy=xy, text=outputstr, fill=color, font=font)
            for offset in xrange(linewidth):
                draw.rectangle((absloc[0] - offset, absloc[1] - offset,
                                absloc[2] + offset, absloc[3] + offset),

    im.save(outpath, quality=95, compress_level=1)
Exemple #13
    def drawImage(self, author_id: int, author: str, text: str, avatar_url: str) -> str:
        from os import path
        :param self: self
        :param author: автор цитаты
        :param text: текст цитаты
        :param avatar_url: ссылка на аватар
        :return: путь к файлу.
        w = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=60)
        dark_scheme = (
            (0, 0, 0, 0), 'rgb(255,255,255)'
        light_scheme = (
            (255, 255, 255, 255), 'rgb(128,128,128)'
        use_bg_img: bool = False
        background = Image.open(self.get_wallpaper(author_id))

        img = Image.new("RGBA", (1280, 720), dark_scheme[0])
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
        theme = dark_scheme
        if theme is not light_scheme and not use_bg_img:
            draw.rectangle((0, 0, img.size), fill='rgb(0,0,0)')

        font = ImageFont.truetype(path.join(self.bot.get_resource_folder(), self.name, "font.ttf"), size=30)
        watermark = Image.new("RGBA", img.size)
        waterdraw = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(watermark, "RGBA")

        watermark_font = ImageFont.truetype(path.join(self.bot.get_resource_folder(), self.name, "font.ttf"), size=70)
        time = f'Время: {datetime.datetime.today().strftime("%H:%M:%S")}'
        date = f'Дата: {datetime.datetime.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}'

        draw.text((300, 200), f"© {author}", fill=theme[1], font=font)
        save_to = os.path.join(self.res_dir, f'avatar_{author_id}.png')
        avatar = Image.open(downloadImg(avatar_url, save_to), 'r').convert("RGBA")
        # avatar = ImageOps.expand(avatar, border=(3,3,3,3), fill="black")
        h = 250
        lines = w.wrap(text)

        for line in text.split("\n"):

            if len(line) > 60:
                line = w.fill(line)

            width, height = font.getsize(line)
            draw.text((300, h), line, fill=theme[1], font=font)
            if len(line) > 60:
                h += height * 2
                h += height

        # Draw date & time
        draw.text((img.size[0] / 10, img.size[1] - font.size * 2), date, fill=theme[1], font=font)
        draw.text((img.size[0] / 10, img.size[1] - font.size * 3), time, fill=theme[1], font=font)

        # Draw matermark
        waterdraw.text((img.size[0] / 10, img.size[1] / round(7)), "big mitya is watching you", font=watermark_font)
        watermask = watermark.convert("L").point(lambda x: min(x, 4))

        img.paste(avatar, (int(img.size[0] / 25), 200), avatar)
        img.paste(watermark, None, watermark)
        path: str = "cit.png"
        return path
Exemple #14
def draw_on(f, im):
    pil = to_pil(im)
    draw = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(pil)
    return from_pil(pil)
Exemple #15
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        # import gltraces
        # mglprocs = mgl.glprocs(self.ctx)
        # gltraces.glprocs[:] = mglprocs
        # mglprocs[:] = gltraces.gltraces

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                uniform mat4 Mvp;

                in vec3 in_vert;
                in vec3 in_norm;

                out vec3 v_vert;
                out vec3 v_norm;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = Mvp * vec4(in_vert, 1.0);
                    v_vert = in_vert;
                    v_norm = in_norm;
                #version 330

                uniform samplerCube Sampler;
                uniform vec3 Eye;

                in vec3 v_vert;
                in vec3 v_norm;

                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    f_color = texture(Sampler, reflect(v_vert - Eye, v_norm));

        img1 = Image.new('RGB', (200, 200), '#fee')
        img2 = Image.new('RGB', (200, 200), '#efe')
        img3 = Image.new('RGB', (200, 200), '#eef')
        img4 = Image.new('RGB', (200, 200), '#ffe')
        img5 = Image.new('RGB', (200, 200), '#fef')
        img6 = Image.new('RGB', (200, 200), '#eff')

        ImageDraw.ImageDraw(img1).text((50, 30), 'i1', '#000',
                                       ImageFont.truetype('arial', 128))
        ImageDraw.ImageDraw(img2).text((50, 30), 'i2', '#000',
                                       ImageFont.truetype('arial', 128))
        ImageDraw.ImageDraw(img3).text((50, 30), 'i3', '#000',
                                       ImageFont.truetype('arial', 128))
        ImageDraw.ImageDraw(img4).text((50, 30), 'i4', '#000',
                                       ImageFont.truetype('arial', 128))
        ImageDraw.ImageDraw(img5).text((50, 30), 'i5', '#000',
                                       ImageFont.truetype('arial', 128))
        ImageDraw.ImageDraw(img6).text((50, 30), 'i6', '#000',
                                       ImageFont.truetype('arial', 128))

        def join(*images):
            return b''.join(img.tobytes('raw', 'RGB', 0, -1) for img in images)

        self.texture = self.ctx.texture_cube((200, 200), 3,
                                             join(img1, img2, img3, img4, img5,
        self.sampler = self.ctx.sampler(self.texture)
        self.sampler.filter = mgl.LINEAR

        obj = Obj.open(data.find('sitting_dummy.obj'))
        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(obj.pack('vx vy vz nx ny nz'))
        self.vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo, 'in_vert',
        self.scope = self.ctx.scope(mgl.DEPTH_TEST)
Exemple #16
def create_ocr_image(image: Path, page_context: PageContext):
    """Create the image we send for OCR. May not be the same as the display
    image depending on preprocessing. This image will never be shown to the

    output_file = page_context.get_path('ocr.png')
    options = page_context.options
    with Image.open(image) as im:
        white = ImageColor.getcolor('#ffffff', im.mode)
        # pink = ImageColor.getcolor('#ff0080', im.mode)
        draw = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(im)

        log.debug('resolution %r', im.info['dpi'])

        if not options.force_ocr:
            # Do not mask text areas when forcing OCR, because we need to OCR
            # all text areas
            mask = None  # Exclude both visible and invisible text from OCR
            if options.redo_ocr:
                mask = True  # Mask visible text, but not invisible text

            for textarea in page_context.pageinfo.get_textareas(visible=mask,
                # Calculate resolution based on the image size and page dimensions
                # without regard whatever resolution is in pageinfo (may differ or
                # be None)
                bbox = [float(v) for v in textarea]
                xyscale = tuple(
                    float(coord) / 72.0 for coord in im.info['dpi'])
                pixcoords = [
                    bbox[0] * xyscale[0],
                    im.height - bbox[3] * xyscale[1],
                    bbox[2] * xyscale[0],
                    im.height - bbox[1] * xyscale[1],
                pixcoords = [int(round(c)) for c in pixcoords]
                log.debug('blanking %r', pixcoords)
                draw.rectangle(pixcoords, fill=white)
                # draw.rectangle(pixcoords, outline=pink)

        if options.threshold:
            pix = leptonica.Pix.frompil(im)
            pix = pix.masked_threshold_on_background_norm()
            im_pix = pix.topil()
            im_pix.info['dpi'] = im.info['dpi']
            im = im_pix

        del draw

        filter_im = page_context.plugin_manager.hook.filter_ocr_image(
            page=page_context, image=im)
        if filter_im is not None:
            im = filter_im

        # Pillow requires integer DPI
        dpi = tuple(round(coord) for coord in im.info['dpi'])
        if page_context.pageinfo.rotation != 0:
            log.info(f"Rotating {page_context.pageinfo.rotation}")
            im = im.rotate(page_context.pageinfo.rotation)
        im.save(output_file, dpi=dpi)
    return output_file
Exemple #17
 def _test_font(self, font):
     im = Image.new('RGB', (255, 255), 'white')
     draw = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(im)
     self._test_leak(lambda: draw.text((0, 0), "some text "*1024,  # ~10k
                                       font=font, fill="black"))
Exemple #18
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

for infile in sys.argv[1:]:
    outfile = os.path.splitext(
        infile)[0] + ".text_watermark_website_by_python.jpeg"
    if infile != outfile:
            im = Image.open(infile)
            width, height = im.size
            # Create a new image for the watermark with an alpha layer (RGBA)
            #  the same size as the original image
            watermark = Image.new("RGBA", im.size)
            # Get an ImageDraw object so we can draw on the image

            font = ImageFont.truetype('arial', 40)
            waterdraw = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(watermark, "RGBA")
            # Place the text at (10, 10) in the upper left corner. Text will be white.
            waterdraw.text((25, height - 60),

            # Get the watermark image as grayscale and fade the image
            # See <http://www.pythonware.com/library/pil/handbook/image.htm#Image.point>
            #  for information on the point() function
            # Note that the second parameter we give to the min function determines
            #  how faded the image will be. That number is in the range [0, 256],
            #  where 0 is black and 256 is white. A good value for fading our white
            #  text is in the range [100, 200].
            watermask = watermark.convert("L").point(lambda x: min(x, 195))
            # Apply this mask to the watermark image, using the alpha filter to
            #  make it transparent
Exemple #19
    img = img.unsqueeze(0)
    img = img.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
    img = img.cuda()

    out_value = detector(img, 0.6, cfg.ANCHORS_GROUP)
    boxes = []

    for j in range(4):
        classify_mask = (out_value[..., -1] == j)
        _boxes = out_value[classify_mask]

    for boxs in boxes:
        for box in boxs:
                img_draw = draw.ImageDraw(img1)
                # confidence = round(box[0].item(),2)

                c, x1, y1, x2, y2, cls = box[0:6]

                print(c.item(), x1.item(), y1.item(), x2.item(), y2.item())

                x_1 = min(max(x1, 0), 416)  # 在416的图像框上的坐标
                y_1 = min(max(y1, 0), 416)
                x_2 = min(max(x2, 0), 416)
                y_2 = min(max(y2, 0), 416)
                # print(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2)

                xx_1 = x_1 * max(im1.size[0], im1.size[1]) / 416  # 还原坐标
                yy_1 = y_1 * max(im1.size[0], im1.size[1]) / 416
                xx_2 = x_2 * max(im1.size[0], im1.size[1]) / 416
Exemple #20
def get_image_from_sprite(m_Sprite) -> Image.Image:
    atlas = None
    if getattr(m_Sprite, "m_SpriteAtlas", None):
        atlas = m_Sprite.m_SpriteAtlas.read()
    elif getattr(m_Sprite, "m_AtlasTags", None):
        # looks like the direct pointer is empty, let's try to find the Atlas via its name
        for obj in m_Sprite.assets_file.objects.values():
            if obj.type == ClassIDType.SpriteAtlas:
                atlas = obj.read()
                if atlas.name == m_Sprite.m_AtlasTags[0]:
                atlas = None

    if atlas:
        sprite_atlas_data = atlas.m_RenderDataMap[m_Sprite.m_RenderDataKey]
        sprite_atlas_data = m_Sprite.m_RD

    m_Texture2D = sprite_atlas_data.texture
    alpha_texture = sprite_atlas_data.alphaTexture
    texture_rect = sprite_atlas_data.textureRect
    settings_raw = sprite_atlas_data.settingsRaw

    original_image = get_image(m_Sprite, m_Texture2D, alpha_texture)

    sprite_image = original_image.crop((
        texture_rect.x + texture_rect.width,
        texture_rect.y + texture_rect.height,

    if settings_raw.packed == 1:
        rotation = settings_raw.packingRotation
        if rotation == SpritePackingRotation.kSPRFlipHorizontal:
            sprite_image = sprite_image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
        # spriteImage = RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipX)
        elif rotation == SpritePackingRotation.kSPRFlipVertical:
            sprite_image = sprite_image.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
        # spriteImage.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipY)
        elif rotation == SpritePackingRotation.kSPRRotate180:
            sprite_image = sprite_image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_180)
        # spriteImage.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate180FlipNone)
        elif rotation == SpritePackingRotation.kSPRRotate90:
            sprite_image = sprite_image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_270)
    # spriteImage.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate270FlipNone)

    if settings_raw.packingMode == SpritePackingMode.kSPMTight:
        # Tight

        # create mask to keep only the polygon
        mask = Image.new("1", sprite_image.size, color=0)
        draw = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(mask)
        for triangle in get_triangles(m_Sprite):
            draw.polygon(triangle, fill=1)

        # apply the mask
        if sprite_image.mode == "RGBA":
            # the image already has an alpha channel,
            # so we have to use composite to keep it
            empty_img = Image.new(sprite_image.mode,
            sprite_image = Image.composite(sprite_image, empty_img, mask)
            # add mask as alpha-channel to keep the polygon clean

    return sprite_image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
Exemple #21
        if return_distance:
            return pixels_2d, if_visible, distance_

        return pixels_2d, if_visible

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
    name_ = 'n02814533_11997.JPEG'
    anno_path = '../PASCAL3D/annotations/car/'
    converter = MeshConverter()
    pixels, visibile, distance = converter.get_one(np.load(os.path.join(anno_path, name_.split('.')[0] + '.npz'), allow_pickle=True), return_distance=True)
    image = Image.open('../PASCAL3D/images/car/' + name_)

    imd = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(image)

    for p, v in zip(pixels, visibile):
        if v:
            color = (255, 0, 0)
            color = (0, 0, 255)

        box = bbt.box_by_shape((5, 5), p)
        imd.ellipse(box.pillow_bbox(), fill=color)

    image = Image.open('../PASCAL3D/images/car/' + name_)

    imd = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(image)
    def test_images(self):
        model = get_detnet(input_shape=(self.image_height, self.image_width,
        get_local_max = NMS()
        ckpt_path = os.path.join(self.output_model_folder,
                                 "cp-{epoch:04d}.ckpt")  # 可以使用str.format
        latest_ckpt = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(os.path.dirname(ckpt_path))
        if latest_ckpt:
            start_epoch = int(
            print('model resumed from: {}, start at epoch: {}'.format(
                latest_ckpt, start_epoch))
            print('ERR: passing resume since weights not there')
            return 0

        annotations = []
        with open(self.annotation_file, 'r') as f:
            for line in f:
                items = line.strip().split(',')
                usage = int(items[0])
                if usage == 1:
                    continue  # 训练集数据
                image_path = os.path.join(self.image_root, items[1].strip())
                annotations.append((image_path, items[2:]))
        print("images in dataset: {}".format(len(annotations)))

        for k in range(3):
            path_img, objs = random.choice(annotations)
            img = Image.open(path_img)
            data = np.array(img, dtype=np.uint8)

            data = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(data, tf.float32)
            data = tf.reshape(data,
                              (1, self.image_height, self.image_width, -1))

            hm_pred, wh_pred = model.predict(data)
            hm_pred = tf.sigmoid(hm_pred)
            #   vis = hm_pred.numpy()[0,:,:,0] * 255
            #    plt.imshow(vis.astype(np.uint8),cmap='gray#')
            #    plt.show()
            mask_max = get_local_max(hm_pred)

            bboxes = []
            for cls in range(hm_pred.shape[-1]):
                for y in range(hm_pred.shape[1]):
                    for x in range(hm_pred.shape[2]):
                        prob = hm_pred[0, y, x, cls].numpy()
                        if prob < 0.1:
                        if mask_max[0, y, x, cls] == False:
                        w, h = wh_pred[0, y, x, 0], wh_pred[0, y, x, 1]
                        bboxes.append((x - w // 2, y - h // 2, x + w // 2,
                                       y + h // 2, prob))

            if len(bboxes) > 10:
                bboxes = sorted(bboxes, key=lambda x: x[-1],

            draw = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(img)
            for (x0, y0, x1, y1, _) in bboxes:
                x0, x1 = int(x0 * self.down_ratio), int(x1 * self.down_ratio)
                y0, y1 = int(y0 * self.down_ratio), int(y1 * self.down_ratio)

                draw.rectangle((x0, y0, x1, y1), outline="Red", width=3)
            plt.imshow(np.asarray(img, dtype=np.uint8))
Exemple #23
def test_mode_mismatch():
    im = hopper("RGB").copy()

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ImageDraw.ImageDraw(im, mode="L")
Exemple #24
def pathfinder():
    Executes the game
    print("Creating universe")
    width, height, depth = 800, 800, 3
    graph = nx.DiGraph()

    universe = np.zeros((width, height, depth), dtype=np.uint8)

    wall_factor = .01
    star = np.array([255, 255, 255], dtype=np.uint8)

    print("My god, it's full of stars!")
    for _ in range(int((width * height) * wall_factor)):
        universe[np.random.randint(width)][np.random.randint(height)] = star

    print("Creating origin planet")
    starting_star_h, starting_star_w = np.random.randint(height), \

    print("Creating target planet")
    target_star_h, target_star_w = np.random.randint(height), \

    print("Contracting universe for FTL travel")
    reduction = np.mean(universe, axis=-1, dtype=np.int8)

    print("Mapping observable and void universe")
    for node_height, node_width in np.argwhere(reduction != -1):
        graph.add_node(str(node_height) + '|' + str(node_width))

        if node_width + 1 < width:
            if reduction[node_height][node_width + 1] == 0:
                    str(node_height) + '|' + str(node_width),
                    str(node_height) + '|' + str(node_width + 1))
        if node_height + 1 < height:
            if reduction[node_height + 1][node_width] == 0:
                    str(node_height) + '|' + str(node_width),
                    str(node_height + 1) + '|' + str(node_width))
        if node_width - 1 > width:
            if reduction[node_height][node_width - 1] == 0:
                    str(node_height) + '|' + str(node_width),
                    str(node_height) + '|' + str(node_width - 1))
        if node_height - 1 > height:
            if reduction[node_height - 1][node_width] == 0:
                    str(node_height) + '|' + str(node_width),
                    str(node_height - 1) + '|' + str(node_width))
        if node_height - 1 > height and node_width - 1 > width:
            if reduction[node_height - 1][node_width - 1] == 0:
                    str(node_height) + '|' + str(node_width),
                    str(node_height - 1) + '|' + str(node_width - 1))
        if node_height + 1 < height and node_width + 1 < width:
            if reduction[node_height + 1][node_width + 1] == 0:
                    str(node_height) + '|' + str(node_width),
                    str(node_height + 1) + '|' + str(node_width + 1))
        if node_height + 1 < height and node_width - 1 > width:
            if reduction[node_height + 1][node_width - 1] == 0:
                    str(node_height) + '|' + str(node_width),
                    str(node_height + 1) + '|' + str(node_width - 1))
        if node_height - 1 > height and node_width + 1 < width:
            if reduction[node_height - 1][node_width + 1] == 0:
                    str(node_height) + '|' + str(node_width),
                    str(node_height - 1) + '|' + str(node_width + 1))

    print("Universe mapped. Found {} traversable spaces and {} paths".format(
        graph.number_of_nodes(), graph.number_of_edges()))

        print("Finding best path")
        points = [
            list(map(int, visited.split('|')))
            for visited in nx.algorithms.astar_path(
                str(starting_star_h) + '|' + str(starting_star_w),
                str(target_star_h) + '|' + str(target_star_w))
    except nx.exception.NetworkXNoPath:
            "The worlds are not on the same space-time grid. Try another parallel reality."

    print("Travelling! FTL speed reached")
    for point in points:
        universe[point[0]][point[1]] = [143, 188, 150]

    print("We achieved target planet. Generating report.")
    universe_picture = Image.fromarray(universe)

    draw = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(universe_picture)

    draw.ellipse((starting_star_w - 20, starting_star_h - 20, starting_star_w,
                 fill=(244, 167, 66))

        (target_star_w - 20, target_star_h - 20, target_star_w, target_star_h),
        fill=(66, 86, 244))

    del draw

    print("Report generated. Exploration initiated.")
Exemple #25
last_checked = time.time()

# Main loop
while True:
    # Limit calls to Dark Sky to 1 per minute
    if time.time() - last_checked > 60:
        weather_icon = get_weather_icon(get_weather(coords))
        last_checked = time.time()

    # Load in the background image
    background = Image.open("images/weather.png").convert(oled.mode)

    # Place the weather icon and draw the background
    if weather_icon:
        background.paste(weather_icon, (10, 46))
    draw = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(background)

    # Gets temp. and press. and keeps track of daily min and max temp
    if sensor.get_sensor_data():
        temp = sensor.data.temperature
        press = sensor.data.pressure
        if datetime.datetime.today().day == curr_date:
            if temp < low_temp:
                low_temp = temp
            elif temp > high_temp:
                high_temp = temp
            curr_date = datetime.datetime.today().day
            low_temp = temp
            high_temp = temp
Exemple #26
    def pil_image(self,
        img = Image.fromarray(self.raw_img.postprocess(**pp_args))

        if rotate != 0 or crop is not None:
            if crop is None:
                crop = [0, 0, 100, 100]

            w, h = img.size

            left = (crop[0] / 100.0)
            t = (crop[1] / 100.0)
            r = (crop[2] / 100.0)
            b = (crop[3] / 100.0)

            A = float(rotate)
            A = math.fabs(math.radians(A))
            c = math.cos(A)
            s = math.sin(A)

            sx = left * w
            sy = t * h
            dx = (1.0 - r) * w
            dy = (1.0 - b) * h

            crop_ = (int(sx), int(sy), int(w - dx), int(h - dy))

            img = img.crop(crop_)

            w, h = img.size

            new_w = (h * s + w * c)
            new_h = (h * c + w * s)
            scale = min(w / new_w, h / new_h)
            d_w = ((w * (1 - scale)) / 2.0)
            d_h = ((h * (1 - scale)) / 2.0)

            scale_crop = (int(d_w), int(d_h), int(w - d_w), int(h - d_h))

            img = img.rotate(-float(rotate)).crop(scale_crop)

        if width is not None or height is not None:
            w, h = img.size
            if width is None:
                scale = float(height) / float(h)
                width = scale * float(w)

            if height is None:
                scale = float(width) / float(w)
                height = scale * float(h)

            height = int(height)
            width = int(width)
            img = img.resize((width, height), LANCZOS)

        if watermark is not None:
            mark = Image.new("RGBA", img.size)
            draw = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(mark, "RGBA")
            weight = img.size[0] // 40
            offset = weight / 3
            font = ImageFont.truetype(
            fs = font.getsize(watermark)
            dx = (img.size[0] - fs[0]) - offset
            dy = (img.size[1] - fs[1]) - offset
            draw.text((dx, dy), watermark, font=font)
            mask = mark.convert("L").point(lambda x: min(x, 100))
            img.paste(mark, None, mark)

        return img
Exemple #27
  def _drawRotatedString(self, s, x, y, font=None, color=None, angle=0):
    # we depend on PIL for rotated strings so watch for changes in PIL
      import rdkit.sping.PIL.pidPIL
      from PIL import Image, ImageTk
      pp = rdkit.sping.PIL.pidPIL
    except ImportError:
      raise ImportError("Rotated strings only possible with PIL support")

    pilCan = pp.PILCanvas(size=(self.width, self.height))
    pilCan.defaultFont = self.defaultFont
    pilCan.defaultLineColor = self.defaultLineColor

    if '\n' in s or '\r' in s:
      self.drawMultiLineString(s, x, y, font, color, angle)
    if not font:
      font = pilCan.defaultFont

    if not color:
      color = self.defaultLineColor
    if color == rdkit.sping.pid.transparent:

    # draw into an offscreen Image
    tempsize = pilCan.stringWidth(s, font) * 1.2
    tempimg = Image.new('RGB', (tempsize, tempsize), (0, 0, 0))
    txtimg = Image.new('RGB', (tempsize, tempsize), (255, 255, 255))

    from PIL import ImageDraw
    temppen = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(tempimg)
    temppen.setink((255, 255, 255))
    pilfont = pp._pilFont(font)

    if not pilfont:
      raise ValueError("Bad font: %s" % font)

    pos = [4, int(tempsize / 2 - pilCan.fontAscent(font)) - pilCan.fontDescent(font)]
    temppen.text(pos, s)
    pos[1] = int(tempsize / 2)

    # rotate
    if angle:
      from math import pi, sin, cos
      tempimg = tempimg.rotate(angle, Image.BILINEAR)
      temppen = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(tempimg)
      radians = -angle * pi / 180.0
      r = tempsize / 2 - pos[0]
      pos[0] = int(tempsize / 2 - r * cos(radians))
      pos[1] = int(pos[1] - r * sin(radians))

    ###temppen.rectangle( (pos[0],pos[1],pos[0]+2,pos[1]+2) ) # PATCH for debugging
    # colorize, and copy it in
    mask = tempimg.convert('L').point(lambda c: c)
    temppen.setink((color.red * 255, color.green * 255, color.blue * 255))
    temppen.rectangle((0, 0, tempsize, tempsize))

    txtimg.paste(tempimg, (0, 0), mask)

    ##Based on code posted by John Michelson in the PIL SIG
    transp = txtimg.convert("RGBA")
    source = transp.split()
    R, G, B, A = 0, 1, 2, 3
    mask = transp.point(lambda i: i < 255 and 255)  # use white as transparent
    transp = Image.merge(transp.mode, source)  # build a new multiband image

    self.drawImage(transp, x - pos[0], y - pos[1])
from PIL import Image, ImageOps, ImageDraw
from os import listdir
from os.path import join
import os

img_dir = "./input/"
out_dir = "./output/"
img_filename = listdir(img_dir)
img_full_dir = [join(img_dir, x) for x in listdir(img_dir)]

for name, path in zip(img_filename, img_full_dir):
    img = Image.open(path)
    a = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(img)
    a.rectangle((285 // 4, 150 // 4, 410 // 4, 275 // 4),
    # img.show()
    img.save(join(out_dir, "rectangel_" + name))

Exemple #29
        for x, y in data_generator_from_hdf(conf):
            x = np.squeeze(x)
            image = np.transpose(x, (1, 2, 0))
            image = np.asarray(image * 255, np.uint8)
            heatmap, limb, crop_size = y[0][0], y[1][0], y[2][0]
            max_pair, predicted_joints = inference_joints(heatmap, limb)
            joints_list = pair_joint_to_person(
                max_pair, predicted_joints,
                '{},{},{},{}'.format(crop_size[0], crop_size[1], crop_size[2],
            base = np.zeros(
                (crop_size[3] - crop_size[1], crop_size[2] - crop_size[0]),
            base = Image.fromarray(base)
            base_draw = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(base)

            for joints in joints_list:
                for joint in joints:
                    joint = joints[joint]
                    if joint is None:
                    base_draw.ellipse((joint[0] - 10, joint[1] - 10,
                                       joint[0] + 10, joint[1] + 10),
            base = base / np.max(base)
            plt.subplot(2, 4, 1)
            plt.subplot(2, 4, 2)
            plt.imshow(image_list_blend(image, [base]))
            plt.subplot(2, 4, 3)
Exemple #30
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        # import gltraces
        # mglprocs = mgl.glprocs(self.ctx)
        # gltraces.glprocs[:] = mglprocs
        # mglprocs[:] = gltraces.gltraces

        self.prog = self.ctx.program(
                #version 330

                in vec2 in_vert;
                in vec3 in_text;

                out vec3 v_text;

                void main() {
                    gl_Position = vec4(in_vert, 0.0, 1.0);
                    v_text = in_text;
                #version 330

                uniform sampler2DArray Sampler;

                in vec3 v_text;
                out vec4 f_color;

                void main() {
                    f_color = texture(Sampler, v_text);

        vertices = np.array([
            rect(-0.5, -0.5, 0.9, 0.9, 0.0),
            rect(-0.5, 0.5, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0),
            rect(0.5, -0.5, 0.9, 0.9, 2.0),
            rect(0.5, 0.5, 0.9, 0.9, 3.0),

        img1 = Image.new('RGB', (200, 200), '#fee')
        img2 = Image.new('RGB', (200, 200), '#efe')
        img3 = Image.new('RGB', (200, 200), '#eef')
        img4 = Image.new('RGB', (200, 200), '#ffe')

        ImageDraw.ImageDraw(img1).text((10, 10), 'img 1', '#000',
                                       ImageFont.truetype('arial', 32))
        ImageDraw.ImageDraw(img2).text((10, 10), 'img 2', '#000',
                                       ImageFont.truetype('arial', 32))
        ImageDraw.ImageDraw(img3).text((10, 10), 'img 3', '#000',
                                       ImageFont.truetype('arial', 32))
        ImageDraw.ImageDraw(img4).text((10, 10), 'img 4', '#000',
                                       ImageFont.truetype('arial', 32))

        def join(*images):
            return b''.join(img.tobytes('raw', 'RGB', 0, -1) for img in images)

        self.texture = self.ctx.texture_array((200, 200, 4), 3,
                                              join(img1, img2, img3, img4))
        self.sampler = self.ctx.sampler(self.texture)

        self.vbo = self.ctx.buffer(vertices.astype('f4').tobytes())
        self.vao = self.ctx.simple_vertex_array(self.prog, self.vbo, 'in_vert',