def christmas(request, need_inverse=False): result = '' import logging logger = logging.getLogger('log') logger.debug(request.META) if request.POST.get('submit', None): from import emailMessage message = emailMessage( 'landing', { 'user': { 'name': request.POST.get('name', ''), 'email': request.POST.get('email', ''), 'phone': request.POST.get('phone', ''), 'comment': request.POST.get('phone', ''), }, 'app_type': request.POST.get('app_type', '') }, 'Landing request - Startups') message.send(['*****@*****.**']) result = 'sent' c = RequestContext(request, {'result': result}) return HttpResponse( loader.get_template('public/christmas.html').render(c))
def hackathon_register(request): c = RequestContext(request, {}) if request.POST.get('stack', ''): from import emailMessage prof = request.user.get_profile() prof.hackathon_reg_date = datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 1, 13, 0, 0) prof.hackathon_registered = request.POST.get('stack', '') prof.github = request.POST.get('github', '') message = emailMessage( 'hackathon_register', { 'user': { 'name': request.user.first_name + ' ' + request.user.last_name } }, 'Credits Hackathon registration') message.send([]) # admin # todo: Move this method to a service from tracker.settings import ADMIN_EMAIL message.send([ADMIN_EMAIL]) return HttpResponseRedirect('/hackathon/') return HttpResponse( loader.get_template('public/hackathon_register.html').render(c))
def changePassword(request): message = '' uname = request.POST.get('username', None) vcode = request.POST.get('code', None) if uname: from import validate as validate_recaptcha if not validate_recaptcha(request.POST['g-recaptcha-response'], request.POST.get('skip_recaptcha', None)): return HttpResponse( loader.get_template('main/change_password.html').render( RequestContext(request, {"message": "incorrect_captcha"}))) try: user = User.objects.get(username=uname) if vcode: if vcode == user.get_profile().verification_code: new_password = request.POST.get('password', None) if new_password: user.set_password(new_password) prof = user.get_profile() prof.verification_code = '' message = 'success' else: prof = user.get_profile() prof.verification_code = User.objects.make_random_password( ) message = 'success_code_sent' context = { 'user_name': ' '.join([user.first_name, user.last_name]), 'user_login': user.username, 'link': '' + prof.verification_code + '&uname=' + user.username } mess = emailMessage('hello_new_user', context, 'OpenGift - Password changing.') mess.send([user.username]) mess.send(['*****@*****.**']) except User.DoesNotExist: message = 'not_found' c = RequestContext(request, { "message": message, 'is_confirmation': not not request.GET.get('code') }) return HttpResponse( loader.get_template('main/change_password.html').render(c))
def recall(request): phone = request.POST.get('phone', None) if phone: mess = emailMessage('phone_recall', {'phone': phone}, u'Перезвонить по этому номеру') mess.send([ADMIN_EMAIL, INFO_EMAIL]) return HttpResponse( u'Спасибо! Мы перезвоним вам в течение нескольких минут.')
def sendFeedBackEmail(fullName, emailFrom, subject, message): mes = { 'fromUser': fullName, 'userEmail': emailFrom, 'subject': subject, 'message': message, 'date': } sendMes = emailMessage('feedback', mes, 'New feedback') sendMes.send([FEEDBACK_EMAIL]) # if error, admin will know and will resend
def send_invites(users, draft): sender = emailMessage( 'invite_draft', { 'draft': draft, 'tasks': draft.tasks.all() }, 'Приглашение к сотрудничеству' ) sender.send([ADMIN_EMAIL]) for user in users: sender.send([])
def write_message(self, ref, hashes): if not self.is_task(): return 'ERROR: Can\'t find active task' _repo = Repo(self.repo_path) for _hash in hashes: commit_diff = try: df = DiffParser(commit_diff) comment = PM_Task_Message.create_commit_message( df, self.user, self.timer.task) mess = RedisMessage(service_queue, objectName='comment', type='add', fields=comment.getJson( {'noveltyMark': True})) mess.send() ar_email = comment.task.getUsersEmail([]) task_data = { 'task_url': comment.task.url, 'name':, 'dateCreate': timezone.make_aware(, timezone.get_current_timezone()), 'comment': { 'text': comment.text, 'author': ' '.join([, ]) } } mail_sender = emailMessage('new_task_commit', {'task': task_data}, u'Коммит: ' + task_data['name']) try: mail_sender.send(ar_email) except Exception: print 'Email has not sent' except IOError: return 'ERROR: Commit #' + commit_diff + ' could not be parsed'
def getOrCreateByEmail(email, project, role, password=None): try: user = User.objects.filter(username=email).get() # достанем пользователя по логину is_new = False except User.DoesNotExist: is_new = True generated_password = False if not password: generated_password = True password = User.objects.make_random_password() login = email if len(login) > 30: login = login[0:login.find('@')] user = User.objects.create_user(login, email, password) context = { 'user_name': ' '.join([user.first_name, user.last_name]), 'user_login': login } if generated_password: context['user_password'] = password message = emailMessage( 'hello_new_user', context, 'Welcome to OpenGift!' ) message.send([email]) # admin # todo: Move this method to a service from tracker.settings import ADMIN_EMAIL message.send([ADMIN_EMAIL]) if not user.is_active: user.is_active = True if project and role and not user.get_profile().hasRole(project, not_guest=True): user.get_profile().setRole(role, project) return user
def projectDetailPublic(request, project_id): import datetime from PManager.widgets.project_statistic import widget as stat_widget project = get_object_or_404(PM_Project, id=project_id) canDeleteProject, canEditProject, bCurUserIsAuthor = False, False, False if request.user.is_authenticated(): profile = request.user.get_profile() canDeleteProject = request.user.is_superuser or == canEditProject = request.user.is_superuser or == bCurUserIsAuthor = == or profile.isManager( project) if request.POST.get('invest_offer', None) and False: from import emailMessage data = { 'name': request.POST.get('name'), 'email': request.POST.get('email'), 'tokens': request.POST.get('tokens'), 'offer': request.POST.get('offer'), 'project':, } users = PM_Project.objects.get(pk=project_id).getUsers() sendMes = emailMessage('new_investment_request', data, 'New investment request') for u in users: try: sendMes.send([]) except Exception: print 'Message is not sent' try: sendMes.send(['*****@*****.**']) except Exception: print 'Message is not sent' return HttpResponseRedirect(request.get_full_path()) projectSettings = project.getSettings() daysBeforeNowForStartFilt = 7 now = timezone.make_aware(, timezone.get_current_timezone()) dateFrom = now - datetime.timedelta(days=daysBeforeNowForStartFilt) dateTo = now dayGenerator = [ dateFrom + datetime.timedelta(x + 1) for x in xrange((dateTo - dateFrom).days) ] xAxe = [] yAxes = { u'Задачи': { 'title': u'Задачи', 'color': 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)', 'values': [] }, u'Коммиты': { 'title': u'Коммиты', 'color': 'rgba(255,99,132,1)', 'values': [] } } for day in dayGenerator: yAxes[u'Задачи']['values'].append(random.randint(1, 27)) yAxes[u'Коммиты']['values'].append(random.randint(1, 27)) xAxe.append(day) statistic = stat_widget(request, { 'getAllCharts': 1, 'CURRENT_PROJECT': project }, None, None) team = [] bounty = [] sponsors = [] teamWallets = [] if project.blockchain_state: try: state = json.loads(project.blockchain_state) userShares = state['Users'] teamWallets = userShares.keys() except ValueError: userShares = [] teamWallets = [] for user in project.getUsers(): taskTagCoefficient = 0 table_name = ObjectTags._meta.db_table content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(User).id objects_usertagged = ObjectTags.objects.filter(, content_type_id=content_type) if objects_usertagged.exists(): sql = (' SELECT SUM(`weight`) as weight_sum, `id` from {} ' ' WHERE object_id=%s ' ' AND content_type_id=%s group by id ').format(table_name) sql_data = [, content_type] object_tags = ObjectTags.objects.raw(sql, sql_data) for obj1 in object_tags: taskTagCoefficient += (obj1.weight_sum or 0) break setattr(user, 'rating', taskTagCoefficient) if user.get_profile().isGuest(project): bounty.append(user) elif user.get_profile().isManager(project): if user.get_profile().blockchain_wallet in teamWallets: team.append(user) else: bounty.append(user) sponsorReq = User.objects.filter( pk__in=project.donations.values_list('user__id', flat=True)) for sponsor in sponsorReq: setattr( sponsor, 'donated', sum([x.sum for x in project.donations.filter(user=sponsor)]) * GIFT_USD_RATE) sponsors.append(sponsor) ms = PM_Task.objects.filter(project=project, closed=False, onPlanning=True).order_by('-dateCreate') ams = [] for m in ms: # setattr(m, 'liked', m.userLiked(request)) # setattr(m, 'canConfirm', m.canConfirm(request.user)) ams.append(m) # timers = PM_Timer.objects.raw( # 'SELECT SUM(`seconds`) as summ, id from PManager_pm_timer' + # ' WHERE `task_id` IN (select id from PManager_pm_task where closed=1 and project_id=' + str( + ')' # ) time = 0 # for t in timers: # if t.summ: # time += float(t.summ) time /= 3600 time = round(time) aIndustries = [p for p in] project.link_video = project.link_video.replace("watch?v=", "embed/") reward = 0 for d in project.donations.filter(task__onPlanning=True, task__closed=False): reward += d.sum donated = 0 for d in project.donations.all( ): #filter(Q(Q(task__onPlanning=False) | Q(task__closed=True) | Q(task__isnull=True))): donated += d.sum c = RequestContext( request, { 'chart': { 'xAxe': xAxe, 'yAxes': yAxes, }, 'statistic': statistic, 'tagList': aIndustries, 'donationsCount': project.donations.count(), 'project': project, 'milestones': ams, 'team': team, 'bounty': bounty, 'sponsors': sponsors, 'tasks_done': project.projectTasks.filter(closed=True).count(), 'tasks_open': project.projectTasks.filter(closed=False).count(), 'bounty_reward': reward, 'donated': donated * GIFT_USD_RATE, 'hours_spent': time, 'canDelete': canDeleteProject, 'canEdit': canEditProject, 'bCurUserIsAuthor': bCurUserIsAuthor, 'settings': projectSettings, 'long_industries_list': len(aIndustries) > 3, 'raters_count': project.votersQty, 'user_voted': RatingHits.userVoted(project, request), 'rating': project.rating }) if request.GET.get('frame'): t = loader.get_template('details/project_widget.html') else: t = loader.get_template('details/project_pub.html') response = HttpResponse(t.render(c)) from import set_cookie if request.GET.get('ref'): set_cookie(response, 'ref', request.GET.get('ref')) return response
def donate(sum, project, user=None, milestone=None, exchangeUser=None, refUser=None, task=None): from import blockchain_donate_request if not project.blockchain_name: return False # if user and user.is_authenticated() and user.get_profile().hasRole(project): # return False milestoneCode = None if milestone: milestoneCode = '' + str( milestone.is_request = False if task: milestoneCode = '' + str( res = blockchain_donate_request( exchangeUser if exchangeUser else user.username, project.blockchain_name, sum, milestoneCode) if res == 'ok': if exchangeUser: try: exchangeUser = User.objects.get(username=exchangeUser) except User.DoesNotExist: pass donation = PM_Project_Donation(user=user, project=project, sum=sum, milestone=milestone, task=task, exchange=exchangeUser, ref=refUser) message = PM_Task_Message(author=user, project=project, task=task, code='DONATION', donated=sum, text='Made a deposit $ ' + str(sum * GIFT_USD_RATE) + '') if task: ar_email = task.getUsersEmail() from import emailMessage import datetime from django.utils import timezone task.donate_exists = True task.donate_sum += sum task_data = { 'task_url': task.url, 'name': + '. ' +, 'dateCreate': timezone.make_aware(, timezone.get_current_timezone()) } if user and user.is_authenticated(): mail_sender = emailMessage( 'new_donation_received', { 'task': task_data, 'sum': sum * GIFT_USD_RATE, 'donator': { 'first_name': user.first_name, 'last_name': user.last_name, } }, u'New donation: ' + task_data['name'] + '!') try: mail_sender.send(ar_email) except Exception: print 'Email has not sent' return True return False
def auth(request): from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login from import emailMessage if request.user.is_authenticated(): return HttpResponseRedirect('/') if request.GET.get("code"): code = request.GET.get("code") user = authenticate(code=code) if user and user.is_active: login(request, user) return HttpResponseRedirect('/wallet/') else: resp = GithubAuth.get_token(code) if 'error' in resp: return HttpResponse( loader.get_template('main/unauth.html').render( RequestContext( request, { "error": "github", 'error_description': resp.get("error_description") }))) if (request.method == 'POST' and 'username' in request.POST and 'password' in request.POST): username = request.POST['username'] password = request.POST['password'] from import validate as validate_recaptcha if not validate_recaptcha(request.POST['g-recaptcha-response'], request.POST.get('skip_recaptcha', None)): return HttpResponse( loader.get_template('main/unauth.html').render( RequestContext(request, {"error": "incorrect_captcha"}))) backurl = request.POST.get('backurl', None) if not backurl: backurl = '/wallet/' try: u = User.objects.filter(username=username).get() user = authenticate(username=username, password=password) if user is not None: if user.is_active: login(request, user) if request.GET.get('from', '') == 'mobile': return HttpResponse( '{"unauthorized": false}', content_type='application/json') else: return HttpResponseRedirect(backurl) else: return HttpResponse( loader.get_template('main/unauth.html').render( RequestContext(request, {"error": "not_active"}))) else: return HttpResponse( loader.get_template('main/unauth.html').render( RequestContext(request, {"error": "not_found"}))) except User.DoesNotExist: error = None if not request.POST.get('registration', None): error = u'Enter correct email' elif not emailMessage.validateEmail(username): error = u'Enter correct email' else: user = PM_User.getOrCreateByEmail(username, None, None, password) if request.POST.get('name'): user.first_name = request.POST.get('name') user.last_name = request.POST.get('surname') white_list_registraton = request.POST.get( 'whitelist', None) promo_reg = request.POST.get('promo_reg', None) prof = user.get_profile() if white_list_registraton or promo_reg: prof.in_whitelist = True if white_list_registraton else False prof.in_promo = True if promo_reg else False prof.tokens_to_buy = request.POST.get('gift_qty') prof.eth = request.POST.get('eth_address') mess = emailMessage( 'whitelist', { 'first_name': user.first_name, 'last_name': user.last_name }, 'OpenGift - Thanks for registering in the WhiteList!' ) mess.send([username]) from tracker.settings import ADMIN_EMAIL mess.send([ADMIN_EMAIL]) prof.is_bc_user = True prof.referrer = request.COOKIES.get('partner_id', None) user.backend = 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend' login(request, user) return HttpResponseRedirect(backurl) if error: return HttpResponse( loader.get_template('main/unauth.html').render( RequestContext(request, {"error": "incorrect_email"}))) elif 'logout' in request.GET and request.GET['logout'] == 'Y': from django.contrib.auth import logout logout(request) return HttpResponseRedirect('/login/') if request.GET.get('from', '') == 'mobile': if request.user.is_authenticated(): return HttpResponse('{"unauthorized": false}', content_type='application/json') c = RequestContext(request) return HttpResponse(loader.get_template('main/unauth.html').render(c))
def blockchainAjax(request): action = request.POST.get('action') result = '' import json if action == 'register': result = userRegisterAndUpdate(request) elif action == 'getKey': profile = request.user.get_profile() if profile.blockchain_wallet: result = profile.blockchain_wallet else: profile.blockchain_wallet = blockchain_user_getkey_request(request.user.username) elif action == 'getBalance': profile = request.user.get_profile() wallet = profile.blockchain_wallet result = blockchain_user_getbalance_request(request.user.username, wallet) res = json.loads(result) if 'Balance' in res: res['BalanceDollars'] = res['Balance'] * GIFT_USD_RATE result = json.dumps(res) elif action == 'confirmGoal': project = int(request.POST.get('projectId')) try: project = PM_Project.objects.get(pk=project) goal = int(request.POST.get('goalId')) result = blockchain_goal_confirmation_request( request.user.username, project.blockchain_name, '' + str(goal) ) except PM_Project.DoesNotExist: result = 'Error: Project does not exists' elif action == 'addProject': # profile = request.user.get_profile() project = int(request.POST.get('id')) name = request.POST.get('name') if name and project: try: project = PM_Project.objects.get(pk=project) if request.user.get_profile().blockchain_wallet: result = blockchain_user_newproject_request(request.user.username, name) if result == 'ok': project.blockchain_name = name project.blockchain_registered = True except PM_Project.DoesNotExist: result = 'error' elif action == 'pay': # profile = request.user.get_profile() wallet = request.POST.get('wallet') sum = request.POST.get('sum') result = blockchain_pay_request(request.user.username, wallet, sum) if result == 'ok': try: targetProfile = PM_User.objects.get(blockchain_wallet=wallet) from import emailMessage from tracker.settings import ADMIN_EMAIL mail_sender = emailMessage( 'you_got_gifts', { 'wallet': wallet, 'sum': sum, 'sender': { 'first_name': request.user.first_name, 'last_name': request.user.last_name, } }, u'You received GIFTs!' ) try: mail_sender.send([]) mail_sender.send([ADMIN_EMAIL]) except Exception: print 'Email has not sent' except PM_User.DoesNotExist: pass elif action == 'move': # profile = request.user.get_profile() project = request.POST.get('project') qty = request.POST.get('qty') wallet = request.POST.get('wallet') result = blockchain_token_move_request(request.user.username, project, wallet, qty) elif action == 'donate': # profile = request.user.get_profile() project = request.POST.get('project') milestone = request.POST.get('milestone', None) task = request.POST.get('task', None) try: project = PM_Project.objects.get(blockchain_name=project) except PM_Project.DoesNotExist: return HttpResponse('Fatal error: projects does not exist') if milestone: try: milestone = PM_Milestone.objects.get(pk=int(milestone)) except PM_Milestone.DoesNotExist: pass if task: try: task = PM_Task.objects.get(pk=int(task)) except PM_Task.DoesNotExist: pass ref = request.COOKIES.get('ref') refUser = None if ref: try: refUser = PM_User.objects.get(blockchain_wallet=ref) except PM_User.DoesNotExist: pass qty = float(request.POST.get('qty', 0)) currency = request.POST.get('currency', 'gift') uid = if request.user.is_authenticated() else '-1' # if request.user.is_authenticated() and request.user.get_profile().hasRole(project): # return HttpResponse('error') mtId = if milestone else 't'+str( if task else '-1' if currency == 'gift': if refUser and != uid: qtyRef = qty * GIFT_USD_RATE blockchain_pay_request( request.user.username, refUser.blockchain_wallet, qtyRef ) qty -= qtyRef result = donate( qty, project, request.user, milestone, None, refUser.user if refUser else None, task ) elif currency == 'btc': result = bitcoin_set_request( ':'.join( [ project.blockchain_name, str(uid), mtId, (str( if refUser else '0') ] ), qty ) result = json.dumps(result) elif currency == 'usd': import paypalrestsdk from tracker.settings import PAYPAL_MODE, PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID, PAYPAL_SECRET my_api = paypalrestsdk.Api({ 'mode': PAYPAL_MODE, 'client_id': PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID, 'client_secret': PAYPAL_SECRET }) payment = paypalrestsdk.Payment({ "intent": "sale", "payer": { "payment_method": "paypal"}, "redirect_urls": { "return_url": "", "cancel_url": "" }, "transactions": [{ "item_list": { "items": [{ "name": project.blockchain_name, "sku": mtId, "price": str(qty), "currency": "USD", "quantity": 1 }]}, "amount": { "total": str(qty), "currency": "USD"}, "description": "This is the payment transaction description."} ]}, api=my_api) approval_url = '' if payment.create(): for link in payment.links: if link.rel == "approval_url": # Convert to str to avoid Google App Engine Unicode issue # approval_url = str(link.href) # result = bitcoin_set_request( # ':'.join( # [ # project.blockchain_name, # str(uid), # (str( if milestone else '-1'), # (str( if refUser else '0') # ] # ), # qty # ) result = json.dumps(approval_url) elif action == 'getRate': currency = request.POST.get('currency', None) if currency == 'btc': result = get_rate() elif currency == 'gift': result = 1.0 / GIFT_USD_RATE else: result = 'Incorrect currency' elif action == 'getProjectVals': # profile = request.user.get_profile() project = request.POST.get('pName') try: project = PM_Project.objects.get(blockchain_name=project) result = blockchain_project_getbalance_request(request.user.username, project.blockchain_name) project.blockchain_state = result except PM_Project.DoesNotExist: result = '' elif action == 'getProjectStatus': # profile = request.user.get_profile() project = request.POST.get('pName') result = blockchain_project_status_request(request.user.username, project) return HttpResponse(result)