sim.initNeighbourSearch(particleType="NRotSphere", gridSpacing=2.5, verletDist=0.5) #set the number of timesteps and timestep increment: sim.setNumTimeSteps(20000) sim.setTimeStepSize(0.001) #specify the spatial domain for the simulation: domain = BoundingBox(Vec3(-20, -20, -20), Vec3(20, 20, 20)) sim.setSpatialDomain(domain) #add a particle to the domain: particle = NRotSphere(id=0, posn=Vec3(0, 5, 0), radius=1.75, mass=1.8) particle.setLinearVelocity(Vec3(1.0, 10.0, 1.0)) sim.createParticle(particle) #initialise gravity in the domain: sim.createInteractionGroup( GravityPrms(name="earth-gravity", acceleration=Vec3(0, -9.81, 0))) #add a horizontal wall to act as a floor on which to bounce particles: sim.createWall(name="floor", posn=Vec3(0, -10, 0), normal=Vec3(0, 1, 0)) #specify the type of interactions between wall and particles: sim.createInteractionGroup( NRotElasticWallPrms(name="elasticWall", wallName="floor", normalK=10000.0)) #add local viscosity to simulate air resistance: sim.createInteractionGroup( LinDampingPrms(name="linDamping", viscosity=0.1, maxIterations=100)) #add a POVsnaps Runnable: povcam = POVsnaps(sim=sim, interval=100) povcam.configure() sim.addPostTimeStepRunnable(povcam) #execute the simulation
GravityPrms(name="earth-gravity", acceleration=Vec3(0,-9.81,0)) ) #add a horizontal wall to act as a floor to bounce particle off: sim.createWall( name="floor", posn=Vec3(0,-10,0), normal=Vec3(0,1,0) ) #specify the type of interactions between wall and particles: sim.createInteractionGroup( NRotElasticWallPrms( name = "elasticWall", wallName = "floor", normalK = 10000.0 ) ) #add local viscosity to simulate air resistance: sim.createInteractionGroup( LinDampingPrms( name="linDamping", viscosity=0.1, maxIterations=100 ) ) #add a POVsnaps Runnable: povcam = POVsnaps(sim=sim, interval=100) povcam.configure(lookAt=Vec3(0,0,0), camPosn=Vec3(14,0,14)) sim.addPostTimeStepRunnable(povcam) #execute the simulation
cube = CubicBlock(dimCount=[6, 6, 6], radius=0.5) cube.rotate(axis=Vec3(0, 0, 3.141592654 / 6.0), axisPt=Vec3(0, 0, 0)) sim.createParticles(cube) #create bonds between particles separated by less than the specified #maxDist: sim.createConnections(ConnectionFinder(maxDist=0.005, bondTag=1, pList=cube)) #specify bonded elastic interactions between bonded particles: bondGrp = sim.createInteractionGroup( NRotBondPrms(name="sphereBonds", normalK=10000.0, breakDistance=50.0, tag=1, scaling=True)) #initialise gravity in the domain: sim.createInteractionGroup( GravityPrms(name="earth-gravity", acceleration=Vec3(0, -9.81, 0))) #add a horizontal wall to act as a floor to bounce particle off: sim.createWall(name="floor", posn=Vec3(0, -10, 0), normal=Vec3(0, 1, 0)) #specify the type of interactions between wall and particles: sim.createInteractionGroup( NRotElasticWallPrms(name="elasticWall", wallName="floor", normalK=10000.0)) #add local viscosity to simulate air resistance: sim.createInteractionGroup( LinDampingPrms(name="linDamping", viscosity=0.1, maxIterations=100)) #add a POVsnaps Runnable: povcam = POVsnaps(sim=sim, interval=100) povcam.configure(lookAt=Vec3(0, 0, 0), camPosn=Vec3(14, 0, 14)) sim.addPostTimeStepRunnable(povcam) #execute the simulation
GravityPrms(name="earth-gravity", acceleration=Vec3(0,-9.81,0)) ) #add a horizontal wall to act as a floor on which to bounce particles: sim.createWall( name="floor", posn=Vec3(0,-10,0), normal=Vec3(0,1,0) ) #specify the type of interactions between wall and particles: sim.createInteractionGroup( NRotElasticWallPrms( name = "elasticWall", wallName = "floor", normalK = 10000.0 ) ) #add local viscosity to simulate air resistance: sim.createInteractionGroup( LinDampingPrms( name="linDamping", viscosity=0.1, maxIterations=100 ) ) #add a POVsnaps Runnable: povcam = POVsnaps(sim=sim, interval=100) povcam.configure() sim.addPostTimeStepRunnable(povcam) #execute the simulation