Exemple #1
def createScriptLines(opts, pklIn):
    prepares a bash script fragment which tweaks the PSet params according to opts
    returns a string containing the script lines separated by '\n'

    runAndLumis = {}
    if opts.runAndLumis:
        runAndLumis = readFileFromTarball(opts.runAndLumis,
    inputFiles = {}
    if opts.inputFile:
        inputFiles = readFileFromTarball(opts.inputFile, 'input_files.tar.gz')

    # build a tweak object with the needed changes to be applied to PSet
    tweak = PSetTweak()

    # add tweaks

    # inputFile will always be present
    # inputFile can have three formats depending on wether secondary input files are used:
    # 1. a single LFN as a string : "/store/.....root"
    # 2. a list of LFNs : ["/store/.....root", "/store/....root", ...]
    # 3. a list of dictionaries (one per file) with keys: 'lfn' and 'parents'
    #   value for 'lfn' is a string, value for 'parents' is a list of {'lfn':lfn} dictionaries
    #   [{'lfn':inputlfn, 'parents':[{'lfn':parentlfn1},{'lfn':parentlfn2}], ....]},...]
    # to properly prepare the tweak we reuse code fom WMTweak.py:
    # https://github.com/dmwm/WMCore/blob/bb573b442a53717057c169b05ae4fae98f31063b/src/python/PSetTweaks/WMTweak.py#L415-L441
    primaryFiles = []
    secondaryFiles = []
    for inputFile in inputFiles:
        # make sure input is always in format 3.
        if not isinstance(inputFile, dict):
            inputFile = {'lfn': inputFile, 'parents': []}
        if inputFile["lfn"].startswith("MCFakeFile"):
            # for MC which uses "EmptySource" there must be no inputFile
        for secondaryFile in inputFile["parents"]:
    print("Adding %d files to 'fileNames' attr" % len(primaryFiles))
    print("Adding %d files to 'secondaryFileNames' attr" % len(secondaryFiles))
    if len(primaryFiles) > 0:
            "customTypeCms.untracked.vstring(%s)" % primaryFiles)
        if len(secondaryFiles) > 0:
                "customTypeCms.untracked.vstring(%s)" % secondaryFiles)

    # for rearranging runsAndLumis into the structure needed by CMSSW, reuse code taken from
    # https://github.com/dmwm/WMCore/blob/bb573b442a53717057c169b05ae4fae98f31063b/src/python/PSetTweaks/WMTweak.py#L482
    if runAndLumis:
        lumisToProcess = []
        for run in runAndLumis.keys():
            lumiPairs = runAndLumis[run]
            for lumiPair in lumiPairs:
                if len(lumiPair) != 2:
                    # Do nothing
                lumisToProcess.append("%s:%s-%s:%s" %
                                      (run, lumiPair[0], run, lumiPair[1]))
            "customTypeCms.untracked.VLuminosityBlockRange(%s)" %

    # how many events to process
    if opts.firstEvent:
            "customTypeCms.untracked.uint32(%s)" % opts.firstEvent)
    if opts.firstEvent is None or opts.lastEvent is None:
        # what to process is define in runAndLumis, we do no split by events here
        maxEvents = -1
        # for MC CRAB passes 1st/last event, but cmsRun wants 1st ev + MaxEvents
        maxEvents = int(opts.lastEvent) - int(opts.firstEvent) + 1
        opts.lastEvent = None  # for MC there has to be no lastEvent
                       "customTypeCms.untracked.int32(%s)" % maxEvents)

    if opts.lastEvent:
            "customTypeCms.untracked.uint32(%s)" % opts.lastEvent)

    # firstLumi, firstRun and eventsPerLumi are used for MC
    if opts.firstLumi:
            "customTypeCms.untracked.uint32(%s)" % opts.firstLumi)
    if opts.firstRun:
            "customTypeCms.untracked.uint32(%s)" % opts.firstRun)
    if opts.eventsPerLumi:
        numberEventsInLuminosityBlock = "customTypeCms.untracked.uint32(%s)" % opts.eventsPerLumi

    # time-limited running is used by automatic splitting probe jobs
    if opts.maxRuntime:
        maxSecondsUntilRampdown = "customTypeCms.untracked.int32(%s)" % opts.maxRuntime

    # event limiter for testing
    if opts.oneEventMode in ["1", "True", True]:

    # make sure that FJR contains useful statistics, reuse code from
    # https://github.com/dmwm/WMCore/blob/c2fa70af3b4c5285d50e6a8bf48636232f738340/src/python/WMCore/WMRuntime/Scripts/SetupCMSSWPset.py#L289-L307
    tweak.addParameter("process.CPU", "customTypeCms.Service('CPU')")
        "customTypeCms.Service('Timing', summaryOnly=cms.untracked.bool(True))"
        "customTypeCms.Service('SimpleMemoryCheck', jobReportOutputOnly=cms.untracked.bool(True))"

    # tweak !
    psetTweakJson = "PSetTweak.json"
    tweak.persist(psetTweakJson, formatting='simplejson')

    procScript = "edm_pset_tweak.py"
    pklOut = pklIn + '-tweaked'
    # we always create untracked psets in our tweaks
    cmd = "%s --input_pkl %s --output_pkl %s --json %s --create_untracked_psets" % (
        procScript, pklIn, pklOut, psetTweakJson)
    commandLines = createTweakingCommandLines(cmd, pklIn, pklOut)

    # there a few more things to do which require running different EDM/CMSSW commands
    #1. enable LazyDownload of LHE files (if needed)
    if opts.lheInputFiles:
        pklOut = pklIn + '-lazy'
        procScript = "cmssw_enable_lazy_download.py"
        cmd = "%s --input_pkl %s --output_pkl %s" % (procScript, pklIn, pklOut)
        moreLines = createTweakingCommandLines(cmd, pklIn, pklOut)
        commandLines += moreLines

    #2. make sure random seeds are initialized
    pklOut = pklIn + '-seeds'
    procScript = "cmssw_handle_random_seeds.py"
    cmd = "%s --input_pkl %s --output_pkl %s --seeding dummy" % (procScript,
                                                                 pklIn, pklOut)
    moreLines += createTweakingCommandLines(cmd, pklIn, pklOut)
    commandLines += moreLines

    #3. make sure that process.maxEvents.input is propagated to Producers, see:
    # https://github.com/dmwm/WMCore/blob/85d6d423f0a85fdedf78b65ca8b7b81af9263789/src/python/WMCore/WMRuntime/Scripts/SetupCMSSWPset.py#L448-L465
    pklOut = pklIn + '-nEvents'
    procScript = 'cmssw_handle_nEvents.py'
    cmd = "%s --input_pkl %s --output_pkl %s" % (procScript, pklIn, pklOut)
    moreLines = createTweakingCommandLines(cmd, pklIn, pklOut)
    commandLines += moreLines

    return commandLines