class LayerWrapper(HasTraits): cmap = Enum(*cm.cmapnames, default='gist_rainbow') clim = ListFloat([0, 1]) alpha = Float(1.0) visible = Bool(True) method = Enum(*ENGINES.keys()) engine = Instance(layers.BaseLayer) dsname = CStr('output') def __init__(self, pipeline, method='points', ds_name='', cmap='gist_rainbow', clim=[0, 1], alpha=1.0, visible=True, method_args={}): self._pipeline = pipeline #self._namespace=getattr(pipeline, 'namespace', {}) #self.dsname = None self.engine = None self.cmap = cmap self.clim = clim self.alpha = alpha self.visible = visible self.on_update = dispatch.Signal() self.on_trait_change(lambda: self.on_update.send(self), 'visible') self.on_trait_change(self.update, 'cmap, clim, alpha, dsname') self.on_trait_change(self._set_method, 'method') #self.set_datasource(ds_name) self.dsname = ds_name self._eng_params = dict(method_args) self.method = method self._pipeline.onRebuild.connect(self.update) @property def _namespace(self): return self._pipeline.layer_datasources @property def bbox(self): return self.engine.bbox @property def colour_map(self): return self.engine.colour_map @property def data_source_names(self): names = [] #''] for k, v in self._namespace.items(): names.append(k) if isinstance(v, tabular.ColourFilter): for c in v.getColourChans(): names.append('.'.join([k, c])) return names @property def datasource(self): if self.dsname == '': return self._pipeline parts = self.dsname.split('.') if len(parts) == 2: # special case - permit access to channels using dot notation # NB: only works if our underlying datasource is a ColourFilter ds, channel = parts return self._namespace.get(ds, None).get_channel_ds(channel) else: return self._namespace.get(self.dsname, None) def _set_method(self): if self.engine: self._eng_params = self.engine.get('point_size', 'vertexColour') #print(eng_params) self.engine = ENGINES[self.method](self._context) self.engine.set(**self._eng_params) self.engine.on_trait_change(self._update, 'vertexColour') self.engine.on_trait_change(self.update) self.update() # def set_datasource(self, ds_name): # self._dsname = ds_name # # self.update() def _update(self, *args, **kwargs): cdata = self._get_cdata() self.clim = [float(cdata.min()), float(cdata.max())] #self.update(*args, **kwargs) def update(self, *args, **kwargs): print('lw update') if not (self.engine is None or self.datasource is None): self.engine.update_from_datasource(self.datasource, getattr(cm, self.cmap), self.clim, self.alpha) self.on_update.send(self) def render(self, gl_canvas): if self.visible: self.engine.render(gl_canvas) def _get_cdata(self): try: cdata = self.datasource[self.engine.vertexColour] except KeyError: cdata = np.array([0, 1]) return cdata @property def default_view(self): from traitsui.api import View, Item, Group, InstanceEditor, EnumEditor from PYME.ui.custom_traits_editors import HistLimitsEditor, CBEditor return View( [ Group([ Item('dsname', label='Data', editor=EnumEditor(values=self.data_source_names)), ]), Item('method'), #Item('_'), Group([ Item('engine', style='custom', show_label=False, editor=InstanceEditor( view=self.engine.view(self.datasource.keys()))), ]), #Item('engine.color_key', editor=CBEditor(choices=self.datasource.keys())), Group([ Item('clim', editor=HistLimitsEditor(data=self._get_cdata), show_label=False), ]), Group([ Item('cmap', label='LUT'), Item('alpha'), Item('visible') ], orientation='horizontal', layout='flow') ], ) #buttons=['OK', 'Cancel']) def default_traits_view(self): return self.default_view
class PointCloudRenderLayer(EngineLayer): """ A layer for viewing point-cloud data, using one of 3 engines (indicated above) """ # properties to show in the GUI. Note that we also inherit 'visible' from BaseLayer vertexColour = CStr('', desc='Name of variable used to colour our points') point_size = Float(30.0, desc='Rendered size of the points in nm') cmap = Enum(*cm.cmapnames, default='gist_rainbow', desc='Name of colourmap used to colour points') clim = ListFloat( [0, 1], desc='How our variable should be scaled prior to colour mapping') alpha = Float(1.0, desc='Point tranparency') method = Enum(*ENGINES.keys(), desc='Method used to display points') dsname = CStr( 'output', desc= 'Name of the datasource within the pipeline to use as a source of points' ) _datasource_keys = List() _datasource_choices = List() def __init__(self, pipeline, method='points', dsname='', context=None, **kwargs): EngineLayer.__init__(self, context=context, **kwargs) self._pipeline = pipeline self.engine = None self.cmap = 'gist_rainbow' self.x_key = 'x' #TODO - make these traits? self.y_key = 'y' self.z_key = 'z' self.xn_key = 'xn' self.yn_key = 'yn' self.zn_key = 'zn' self._bbox = None # define a signal so that people can be notified when we are updated (currently used to force a redraw when # parameters change) self.on_update = dispatch.Signal() # define responses to changes in various traits self.on_trait_change(self._update, 'vertexColour') self.on_trait_change(lambda: self.on_update.send(self), 'visible') self.on_trait_change(self.update, 'cmap, clim, alpha, dsname, point_size') self.on_trait_change(self._set_method, 'method') # update any of our traits which were passed as command line arguments self.set(**kwargs) # update datasource name and method #logger.debug('Setting dsname and method') self.dsname = dsname self.method = method self._set_method() # if we were given a pipeline, connect ourselves to the onRebuild signal so that we can automatically update # ourselves if not self._pipeline is None: self._pipeline.onRebuild.connect(self.update) @property def datasource(self): """ Return the datasource we are connected to (through our dsname property). """ return self._pipeline.get_layer_data(self.dsname) def _set_method(self): #logger.debug('Setting layer method to %s' % self.method) self.engine = ENGINES[self.method](self._context) self.update() def _get_cdata(self): try: cdata = self.datasource[self.vertexColour] except KeyError: cdata = np.array([0, 1]) return cdata def _update(self, *args, **kwargs): cdata = self._get_cdata() self.clim = [float(cdata.min()), float(cdata.max())] #self.update(*args, **kwargs) def update(self, *args, **kwargs): print('lw update') self._datasource_choices = self._pipeline.layer_data_source_names if not self.datasource is None: self._datasource_keys = sorted(self.datasource.keys()) if not (self.engine is None or self.datasource is None): self.update_from_datasource(self.datasource) self.on_update.send(self) @property def bbox(self): return self._bbox def update_from_datasource(self, ds): x, y = ds[self.x_key], ds[self.y_key] if not self.z_key is None: try: z = ds[self.z_key] except KeyError: z = 0 * x else: z = 0 * x if not self.vertexColour == '': c = ds[self.vertexColour] else: c = 0 * x if self.xn_key in ds.keys(): xn, yn, zn = ds[self.xn_key], ds[self.yn_key], ds[self.zn_key] self.update_data(x, y, z, c, cmap=getattr(cm, self.cmap), clim=self.clim, alpha=self.alpha, xn=xn, yn=yn, zn=zn) else: self.update_data(x, y, z, c, cmap=getattr(cm, self.cmap), clim=self.clim, alpha=self.alpha) def update_data(self, x=None, y=None, z=None, colors=None, cmap=None, clim=None, alpha=1.0, xn=None, yn=None, zn=None): self._vertices = None self._normals = None self._colors = None self._color_map = None self._color_limit = 0 self._alpha = 0 if x is not None and y is not None and z is not None: vertices = np.vstack((x.ravel(), y.ravel(), z.ravel())) vertices = vertices.T.ravel().reshape(len(x.ravel()), 3) if not xn is None: normals = np.vstack( (xn.ravel(), yn.ravel(), zn.ravel())).T.ravel().reshape(len(x.ravel()), 3) else: normals = -0.69 * np.ones(vertices.shape) self._bbox = np.array( [x.min(), y.min(), z.min(), x.max(), y.max(), z.max()]) else: vertices = None normals = None self._bbox = None if clim is not None and colors is not None and clim is not None: cs_ = ((colors - clim[0]) / (clim[1] - clim[0])) cs = cmap(cs_) cs[:, 3] = alpha cs = cs.ravel().reshape(len(colors), 4) else: #cs = None if not vertices is None: cs = np.ones((vertices.shape[0], 4), 'f') else: cs = None color_map = None color_limit = None self.set_values(vertices, normals, cs, cmap, clim, alpha) def set_values(self, vertices=None, normals=None, colors=None, color_map=None, color_limit=None, alpha=None): if vertices is not None: self._vertices = vertices if normals is not None: self._normals = normals if color_map is not None: self._color_map = color_map if colors is not None: self._colors = colors if color_limit is not None: self._color_limit = color_limit if alpha is not None: self._alpha = alpha def get_vertices(self): return self._vertices def get_normals(self): return self._normals def get_colors(self): return self._colors def get_color_map(self): return self._color_map @property def colour_map(self): return self._color_map def get_color_limit(self): return self._color_limit @property def default_view(self): from traitsui.api import View, Item, Group, InstanceEditor, EnumEditor, TextEditor from PYME.ui.custom_traits_editors import HistLimitsEditor, CBEditor return View([ Group([ Item('dsname', label='Data', editor=EnumEditor(name='_datasource_choices')), ]), Item('method'), Item( 'vertexColour', editor=EnumEditor(name='_datasource_keys'), label='Colour', visible_when='cmap not in ["R", "G", "B", "C", "M","Y", "K"]'), Group( [ Item('clim', editor=HistLimitsEditor(data=self._get_cdata, update_signal=self.on_update), show_label=False), ], visible_when='cmap not in ["R", "G", "B", "C", "M","Y", "K"]'), Group( Item('cmap', label='LUT'), Item('alpha', visible_when= "method in ['pointsprites', 'transparent_points']", editor=TextEditor(auto_set=False, enter_set=True, evaluate=float)), Item('point_size', editor=TextEditor(auto_set=False, enter_set=True, evaluate=float))) ]) #buttons=['OK', 'Cancel']) def default_traits_view(self): return self.default_view
class TriangleRenderLayer(EngineLayer): """ Layer for viewing triangle meshes. """ # properties to show in the GUI. Note that we also inherit 'visible' from BaseLayer vertexColour = CStr('constant', desc='Name of variable used to colour our points') cmap = Enum(*cm.cmapnames, default='gist_rainbow', desc='Name of colourmap used to colour faces') clim = ListFloat([0, 1], desc='How our variable should be scaled prior to colour mapping') alpha = Float(1.0, desc='Face tranparency') method = Enum(*ENGINES.keys(), desc='Method used to display faces') normal_mode = Enum(['Per vertex', 'Per face']) dsname = CStr('output', desc='Name of the datasource within the pipeline to use as a source of triangles (should be a TriangularMesh object)') _datasource_choices = List() _datasource_keys = List() def __init__(self, pipeline, method='wireframe', dsname='', context=None, **kwargs): EngineLayer.__init__(self, context=context, **kwargs) self._pipeline = pipeline self.engine = None self.cmap = 'gist_rainbow' self.x_key = 'x' # TODO - make these traits? self.y_key = 'y' self.z_key = 'z' self.xn_key = 'xn' self.yn_key = 'yn' self.zn_key = 'zn' self._bbox = None # define a signal so that people can be notified when we are updated (currently used to force a redraw when # parameters change) self.on_update = dispatch.Signal() # define responses to changes in various traits self.on_trait_change(self._update, 'vertexColour') self.on_trait_change(lambda: self.on_update.send(self), 'visible') self.on_trait_change(self.update, 'cmap, clim, alpha, dsname, normal_mode') self.on_trait_change(self._set_method, 'method') # update any of our traits which were passed as command line arguments self.set(**kwargs) # update datasource and method self.dsname = dsname if self.method == method: #make sure we still call _set_method even if we start with the default method self._set_method() else: self.method = method # if we were given a pipeline, connect ourselves to the onRebuild signal so that we can automatically update # ourselves if not self._pipeline is None: self._pipeline.onRebuild.connect(self.update) @property def datasource(self): """ Return the datasource we are connected to (does not go through the pipeline for triangles_mesh). """ return self._pipeline.get_layer_data(self.dsname) #return self.datasource @property def _ds_class(self): # from PYME.experimental import triangle_mesh from PYME.experimental import _triangle_mesh as triangle_mesh return triangle_mesh.TrianglesBase def _set_method(self): self.engine = ENGINES[self.method](self._context) self.update() def _get_cdata(self): try: cdata = self.datasource[self.vertexColour] except (KeyError, TypeError): cdata = np.array([0, 1]) return cdata def _update(self, *args, **kwargs): #pass cdata = self._get_cdata() self.clim = [float(cdata.min()), float(cdata.max())] self.update(*args, **kwargs) def update(self, *args, **kwargs): self._datasource_choices = [k for k, v in self._pipeline.dataSources.items() if isinstance(v, self._ds_class)] if not self.datasource is None: dks = ['constant',] if hasattr(self.datasource, 'keys'): dks = dks + sorted(self.datasource.keys()) self._datasource_keys = dks if not (self.engine is None or self.datasource is None): print('lw update') self.update_from_datasource(self.datasource) self.on_update.send(self) @property def bbox(self): return self._bbox def update_from_datasource(self, ds): """ Pulls vertices/normals from a binary STL file. See PYME.IO.FileUtils.stl for more info. Calls update_data on the input. Parameters ---------- ds : PYME.experimental.triangular_mesh.TriangularMesh object Returns ------- None """ #t = ds.vertices[ds.faces] #n = ds.vertex_normals[ds.faces] x, y, z = ds.vertices[ds.faces].reshape(-1, 3).T if self.normal_mode == 'Per vertex': xn, yn, zn = ds.vertex_normals[ds.faces].reshape(-1, 3).T else: xn, yn, zn = np.repeat(ds.face_normals.T, 3, axis=1) if self.vertexColour in ['', 'constant']: c = np.ones(len(x)) clim = [0, 1] #elif self.vertexColour == 'vertex_index': # c = np.arange(0, len(x)) else: c = ds[self.vertexColour][ds.faces].ravel() clim = self.clim cmap = getattr(cm, self.cmap) alpha = float(self.alpha) # Do we have coordinates? Concatenate into vertices. if x is not None and y is not None and z is not None: vertices = np.vstack((x.ravel(), y.ravel(), z.ravel())) self._vertices = vertices.T.ravel().reshape(len(x.ravel()), 3) if not xn is None: self._normals = np.vstack((xn.ravel(), yn.ravel(), zn.ravel())).T.ravel().reshape(len(x.ravel()), 3) else: self._normals = -0.69 * np.ones(self._vertices.shape) self._bbox = np.array([x.min(), y.min(), z.min(), x.max(), y.max(), z.max()]) else: self._bbox = None # TODO: This temporarily sets all triangles to the color red. User should be able to select color. if c is None: c = np.ones(self._vertices.shape[0]) * 255 # vector of pink if clim is not None and c is not None and cmap is not None: cs_ = ((c - clim[0]) / (clim[1] - clim[0])) cs = cmap(cs_) if self.method in ['flat', 'tessel']: alpha = cs_ * alpha cs[:, 3] = alpha if self.method == 'tessel': cs = np.power(cs, 0.333) self._colors = cs.ravel().reshape(len(c), 4) else: # cs = None if not self._vertices is None: self._colors = np.ones((self._vertices.shape[0], 4), 'f') self._alpha = alpha self._color_map = cmap self._color_limit = clim def get_vertices(self): return self._vertices def get_normals(self): return self._normals def get_colors(self): return self._colors def get_color_map(self): return self._color_map @property def colour_map(self): return self._color_map def get_color_limit(self): return self._color_limit @property def default_view(self): from traitsui.api import View, Item, Group, InstanceEditor, EnumEditor from PYME.ui.custom_traits_editors import HistLimitsEditor, CBEditor return View([Group([Item('dsname', label='Data', editor=EnumEditor(name='_datasource_choices')), ]), Item('method'), Item('normal_mode', visible_when='method=="shaded"'), Item('vertexColour', editor=EnumEditor(name='_datasource_keys'), label='Colour'), Group([Item('clim', editor=HistLimitsEditor(data=self._get_cdata), show_label=False), ], visible_when='vertexColour != "constant"'), Group([Item('cmap', label='LUT'), Item('alpha', visible_when='method in ["flat", "tessel"]') ]) ], ) # buttons=['OK', 'Cancel']) def default_traits_view(self): return self.default_view
class ImageRenderLayer(EngineLayer): """ Layer for viewing images. """ # properties to show in the GUI. Note that we also inherit 'visible' from BaseLayer cmap = Enum(*cm.cmapnames, default='gray', desc='Name of colourmap used to colour faces') clim = ListFloat([0, 1], desc='How our data should be scaled prior to colour mapping') alpha = Float(1.0, desc='Tranparency') method = Enum(*ENGINES.keys(), desc='Method used to display image') dsname = CStr('output', desc='Name of the datasource within the pipeline to use as an image') channel = Int(0) slice = Int(0) z_pos = Float(0) _datasource_choices = List() _datasource_keys = List() def __init__(self, pipeline, method='image', dsname='', display_opts=None, context=None, **kwargs): EngineLayer.__init__(self, context=context, **kwargs) self._pipeline = pipeline self.engine = None self.cmap = 'gray' self._bbox = None self._do = display_opts #a dh5view display_options instance - if provided, this over-rides the the clim, cmap properties self._im_key = None # define a signal so that people can be notified when we are updated (currently used to force a redraw when # parameters change) self.on_update = dispatch.Signal() # define responses to changes in various traits #self.on_trait_change(self._update, 'vertexColour') self.on_trait_change(lambda: self.on_update.send(self), 'visible') self.on_trait_change(self.update, 'cmap, clim, alpha, dsname') self.on_trait_change(self._set_method, 'method') # update any of our traits which were passed as command line arguments self.set(**kwargs) # update datasource and method self.dsname = dsname if self.method == method: #make sure we still call _set_method even if we start with the default method self._set_method() else: self.method = method # if we were given a pipeline, connect ourselves to the onRebuild signal so that we can automatically update # ourselves if (not self._pipeline is None) and hasattr(pipeline, 'onRebuild'): self._pipeline.onRebuild.connect(self.update) @property def datasource(self): """ Return the datasource we are connected to (does not go through the pipeline for triangles_mesh). """ try: return self._pipeline.get_layer_data(self.dsname) except AttributeError: #fallback if pipeline is a dictionary return self._pipeline[self.dsname] #return self.datasource @property def _ds_class(self): # from PYME.experimental import triangle_mesh from PYME.IO import image return image.ImageStack def _set_method(self): self.engine = ENGINES[self.method](self._context) self.update() # def _update(self, *args, **kwargs): # #pass # cdata = self._get_cdata() # self.clim = [float(cdata.min()), float(cdata.max())] # self.update(*args, **kwargs) def update(self, *args, **kwargs): try: self._datasource_choices = [k for k, v in self._pipeline.dataSources.items() if isinstance(v, self._ds_class)] except AttributeError: self._datasource_choices = [k for k, v in self._pipeline.items() if isinstance(v, self._ds_class)] if not (self.engine is None or self.datasource is None): print('lw update') self.update_from_datasource(self.datasource) self.on_update.send(self) @property def bbox(self): return self._bbox def sync_to_display_opts(self, do=None): if (do is None): if not (self._do is None): do = self._do else: return o = do.Offs[] g = do.Gains[] clim = [o, o + 1.0 / g] cmap = do.cmaps[].name visible =[] self.set(clim=clim, cmap=cmap, visible=visible) def update_from_datasource(self, ds): """ Parameters ---------- ds : PYME.IO.image.ImageStack object Returns ------- None """ #if self._do is not None: # Let display options (if provied) over-ride our settings (TODO - is this the right way to do this?) # o = self._do.Offs[] # g = self._do.Gains[] # clim = [o, o + 1.0/g] #self.clim = clim # cmap = self._do.cmaps[] #self.visible =[] #else: clim = self.clim cmap = getattr(cm, self.cmap) alpha = float(self.alpha) c0, c1 = clim im_key = (self.dsname, self.slice, if not self._im_key == im_key: self._im_key = im_key self._im =[:,:,self.slice,].astype('f4')# - c0)/(c1-c0) x0, y0, x1, y1, _, _ = ds.imgBounds.bounds self._bbox = np.array([x0, y0, 0, x1, y1, 0]) self._bounds = [x0, y0, x1, y1] self._alpha = alpha self._color_map = cmap self._color_limit = clim def get_color_map(self): return self._color_map @property def colour_map(self): return self._color_map def get_color_limit(self): return self._color_limit def _get_cdata(self): return self._im.ravel()[::20] @property def default_view(self): from traitsui.api import View, Item, Group, InstanceEditor, EnumEditor from PYME.ui.custom_traits_editors import HistLimitsEditor, CBEditor return View([Group([Item('dsname', label='Data', editor=EnumEditor(name='_datasource_choices')), ]), #Item('method'), Group([Item('clim', editor=HistLimitsEditor(data=self._get_cdata), show_label=False), ]), Group([Item('cmap', label='LUT'), Item('alpha', visible_when='method in ["flat", "tessel"]') ]) ], ) # buttons=['OK', 'Cancel']) def default_traits_view(self): return self.default_view
class TrackRenderLayer(EngineLayer): """ A layer for viewing tracking data """ # properties to show in the GUI. Note that we also inherit 'visible' from BaseLayer vertexColour = CStr('', desc='Name of variable used to colour our points') cmap = Enum(*cm.cmapnames, default='gist_rainbow', desc='Name of colourmap used to colour points') clim = ListFloat( [0, 1], desc='How our variable should be scaled prior to colour mapping') alpha = Float(1.0, desc='Tranparency') line_width = Float(1.0, desc='Track line width') method = Enum(*ENGINES.keys(), desc='Method used to display tracks') clump_key = CStr('clumpIndex', desc="Name of column containing the track identifier") dsname = CStr( 'output', desc= 'Name of the datasource within the pipeline to use as a source of points' ) _datasource_keys = List() _datasource_choices = List() def __init__(self, pipeline, method='tracks', dsname='', context=None, **kwargs): EngineLayer.__init__(self, context=context, **kwargs) self._pipeline = pipeline self.engine = None self.cmap = 'gist_rainbow' self.x_key = 'x' #TODO - make these traits? self.y_key = 'y' self.z_key = 'z' self._bbox = None # define a signal so that people can be notified when we are updated (currently used to force a redraw when # parameters change) self.on_update = dispatch.Signal() # define responses to changes in various traits self.on_trait_change(self._update, 'vertexColour') self.on_trait_change(lambda: self.on_update.send(self), 'visible') self.on_trait_change(self.update, 'cmap, clim, alpha, dsname, clump_key') self.on_trait_change(self._set_method, 'method') # update any of our traits which were passed as command line arguments self.set(**kwargs) # update datasource name and method #logger.debug('Setting dsname and method') self.dsname = dsname self.method = method self._set_method() # if we were given a pipeline, connect ourselves to the onRebuild signal so that we can automatically update # ourselves if not self._pipeline is None: self._pipeline.onRebuild.connect(self.update) @property def datasource(self): """ Return the datasource we are connected to (through our dsname property). """ return self._pipeline.get_layer_data(self.dsname) def _set_method(self): #logger.debug('Setting layer method to %s' % self.method) self.engine = ENGINES[self.method](self._context) self.update() def _get_cdata(self): try: if isinstance(self.datasource, ClumpManager): cdata = [] for track in self.datasource.all: cdata.extend(track[self.vertexColour]) cdata = np.array(cdata) else: # Assume tabular dataset cdata = self.datasource[self.vertexColour] except KeyError: cdata = np.array([0, 1]) return cdata def _update(self, *args, **kwargs): cdata = self._get_cdata() self.clim = [float(np.nanmin(cdata)), float(np.nanmax(cdata))] #self.update(*args, **kwargs) def update(self, *args, **kwargs): print('lw update') self._datasource_choices = self._pipeline.layer_data_source_names if not self.datasource is None: if isinstance(self.datasource, ClumpManager): # Grab the keys from the first Track in the ClumpManager self._datasource_keys = sorted(self.datasource[0].keys()) else: # Assume we have a tabular data source self._datasource_keys = sorted(self.datasource.keys()) if not (self.engine is None or self.datasource is None): self.update_from_datasource(self.datasource) self.on_update.send(self) @property def bbox(self): return self._bbox def update_from_datasource(self, ds): if isinstance(ds, ClumpManager): x = [] y = [] z = [] c = [] self.clumpSizes = [] # Copy data from tracks. This is already in clump order # thanks to ClumpManager for track in ds.all: x.extend(track['x']) y.extend(track['y']) z.extend(track['z']) self.clumpSizes.append(track.nEvents) if not self.vertexColour == '': c.extend(track[self.vertexColour]) else: c.extend([0 for i in track['x']]) x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) z = np.array(z) c = np.array(c) # print(x,y,z,c) # print(x.shape,y.shape,z.shape,c.shape) else: # Assume tabular data source x, y = ds[self.x_key], ds[self.y_key] if not self.z_key is None: try: z = ds[self.z_key] except KeyError: z = 0 * x else: z = 0 * x if not self.vertexColour == '': c = ds[self.vertexColour] else: c = 0 * x # Work out clump start and finish indices # TODO - optimize / precompute???? ci = ds[self.clump_key] NClumps = int(ci.max()) clist = [[] for i in range(NClumps)] for i, cl_i in enumerate(ci): clist[int(cl_i - 1)].append(i) # This and self.clumpStarts are class attributes for # compatibility with the old Track rendering layer, # PYME.LMVis.gl_render3D.TrackLayer self.clumpSizes = [len(cl_i) for cl_i in clist] #reorder x, y, z, c in clump order I = np.hstack([np.array(cl) for cl in clist]).astype( x = x[I] y = y[I] z = z[I] c = c[I] self.clumpStarts = np.cumsum([ 0, ] + self.clumpSizes) #do normal vertex stuff vertices = np.vstack((x.ravel(), y.ravel(), z.ravel())) vertices = vertices.T.ravel().reshape(len(x.ravel()), 3) self._vertices = vertices self._normals = -0.69 * np.ones(vertices.shape) self._bbox = np.array( [x.min(), y.min(), z.min(), x.max(), y.max(), z.max()]) clim = self.clim cmap = getattr(cm, self.cmap) if clim is not None: cs_ = ((c - clim[0]) / (clim[1] - clim[0])) cs = cmap(cs_) cs[:, 3] = float(self.alpha) self._colors = cs.ravel().reshape(len(c), 4) else: if not vertices is None: self._colors = np.ones((vertices.shape[0], 4), 'f') self._color_map = cmap self._color_limit = clim self._alpha = float(self.alpha) def get_vertices(self): return self._vertices def get_normals(self): return self._normals def get_colors(self): return self._colors def get_color_map(self): return self._color_map @property def colour_map(self): return self._color_map def get_color_limit(self): return self._color_limit @property def default_view(self): from traitsui.api import View, Item, Group, InstanceEditor, EnumEditor, TextEditor from PYME.ui.custom_traits_editors import HistLimitsEditor, CBEditor return View([ Group([ Item('dsname', label='Data', editor=EnumEditor(name='_datasource_choices')), ]), Item('method'), Item( 'vertexColour', editor=EnumEditor(name='_datasource_keys'), label='Colour', visible_when='cmap not in ["R", "G", "B", "C", "M","Y", "K"]'), Group( [ Item('clim', editor=HistLimitsEditor(data=self._get_cdata, update_signal=self.on_update), show_label=False), ], visible_when='cmap not in ["R", "G", "B", "C", "M","Y", "K"]'), Group( Item('cmap', label='LUT'), Item('alpha', editor=TextEditor(auto_set=False, enter_set=True, evaluate=float)), Item('line_width')) ]) #buttons=['OK', 'Cancel']) def default_traits_view(self): return self.default_view