def iMain(): sUsage = __doc__.strip() oArgParser = oParseOptions(sUsage) oArgParser.add_argument('lArgs', action="store", nargs="*", help="the Symbol Timeframe and Year to backtest (required)") oOptions = oArgParser.parse_args() lArgs = oOptions.lArgs assert len(lArgs) == 4, "Give the CsvFile Symbol Timeframe and Year as arguments" # sDir = '/t/Program Files/HotForex MetaTrader/history/' # sCsvFile = os.path.join(sDir, sSymbol + sTimeFrame +'-' +sYear +'.csv') sCsvFile = lArgs[0] sSymbol = lArgs[1] # 'EURGBP' sTimeFrame = lArgs[2] # '1440' sYear = lArgs[3] # '2014' oOhlc = oReadMt4Csv(sCsvFile, sTimeFrame, sSymbol, sYear) oOhlc = oPreprocessOhlc(oOhlc) # import pandas # (Pdb) pandas.tseries.converter._dt_to_float_ordinal(oOhlc.index)[0] # 735235.33333333337 dates = matplotlib.dates.date2num(oOhlc.index.to_pydatetime()) volume = 1000*np.random.normal(size=len(oOhlc)) vGraphData(sSymbol, dates, oOhlc.C.values, oOhlc.H.values, oOhlc.L.values, oOhlc.O.values, volume, oOptions.iShortSMA, oOptions.iLongSMA, oOptions.iRsiUpper, oOptions.iRsiLower, oOptions.iMacdSlow, oOptions.iMacdFast, oOptions.iMacdEma, bUseTalib=oOptions.bUseTalib, )
def vDoBacktestCmd(self, oArgs, oOpts=None): __doc__ = sBAC__doc__ global dFEED_CACHE global sFEED_CACHE_KEY lArgs = oArgs.split() sDo = lArgs[0] # An omlette is an HDF5 file that saves all the data from a backtest if sDo == 'omlette': # is this a backtest command or should it move up # leave it here for now, and move it up later __doc__ = sBAComlette__doc__ global _sCurrentOmletteDir # ingredients recipe dish # plot sSection # _lCmds = ['load', 'open', 'check', 'save', 'close', 'display'] assert len(lArgs) > 1, "ERROR: " + sDo + " " + str(_lCmds) sCmd = lArgs[1] assert sCmd in _lCmds, "ERROR: " + sDo + " " + str(_lCmds) oOm = oEnsureOmlette(self, oOpts, sNewOmlette="") if sCmd == 'check': assert hasattr(oOm, 'oHdfStore') assert oOm.oHdfStore is not None # FixMe: something better than filename self.poutput(sDo + " filename: " + oOm.oHdfStore.filename) return if sCmd == 'display': # display gives a complete listing of the contents of the HDF file assert hasattr(oOm, 'oHdfStore') and oOm.oHdfStore self.poutput(repr(oOm.oHdfStore)) return ## if sCmd == 'save': ## return if sCmd == 'close': assert oOm.oHdfStore is not None, \ "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd +"; not open: use '" +sDo +" open FILE'" self.oOm.vClose() return assert len(lArgs) >= 3, \ "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd +" " +" FILENAME" sFile = lArgs[2] if sCmd == 'open': o = oOm.oAddHdfStore(sFile) assert o is not None and oOm.oHdfStore is not None _sCurrentOmletteDir = os.path.dirname(sFile) return if sCmd == 'load': assert os.path.isfile(sFile), \ "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd +" file not found " +sFile _sCurrentOmletteDir = os.path.dirname(sFile) raise RuntimeError(NotImplemented) return self.vError("Unrecognized omlette command: " + str(oArgs) + '\n' + __doc__) return # Create feeds (pandas DataFrames) from CSV OHLCV files if sDo == 'feed': __doc__ = sBACfeed__doc__ #? rename delete _lCmds = [ 'dir', 'list', 'get', 'set', 'read_mt4_csv', 'read_yahoo_csv', 'info', 'plot', 'to_hdf' ] assert len( lArgs) > 1, "ERROR: " + sDo + " command required: " + str(_lCmds) sCmd = lArgs[1] assert lArgs[1] in _lCmds, "ERROR: " + sDo + " " + str(_lCmds) if sCmd == 'dir': if len(lArgs) == 2: if not self.oConfig['feed']['sHistoryDir']: self.poutput( "No default history directory set: use \"feed dir dir\"" ) elif not os.path.isdir(self.oConfig['feed']['sHistoryDir']): self.poutput("History directory not found: use \"feed dir dir\": " + \ self.oConfig['feed']['sHistoryDir']) else: self.poutput("Default history directory: " + \ self.oConfig['feed']['sHistoryDir']) return sDir = lArgs[2] assert os.path.isdir(sDir) self.oConfig['feed']['sHistoryDir'] = sDir return if sCmd == 'read_mt4_csv': from PandasMt4 import oReadMt4Csv assert len(lArgs) >= 3, \ "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd +" FILENAME [SYMBOL TIMEFRAME YEAR]" sFile = lArgs[2] if not os.path.isfile(sFile): sHistoryDir = os.path.join(self.oOptions.sMt4Dir, 'history') assert os.path.isdir(sHistoryDir) import glob l = glob.glob(sHistoryDir + "/*/" + sFile) if l: sFile = l[0] self.vInfo("Found history file: " + sFile) assert os.path.isfile(sFile), \ "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd +" file not found " +sFile if len(lArgs) > 5: sSymbol = lArgs[3] sTimeFrame = lArgs[4] sYear = lArgs[5] else: lCooked = os.path.split(sFile)[-1].split('.')[0].split('-') if len(lCooked) > 1: sYear = lCooked[-1] else: sYear = "" sSymbol = lCooked[0][:6] sTimeFrame = lCooked[0][6:] self.vDebug(sDo +" " +sCmd +" " + \ "sSymbol=" +sSymbol \ +", sYear=" +sYear \ +", sTimeFrame=" +sTimeFrame) mFeedOhlc = oReadMt4Csv(sFile, sTimeFrame, sSymbol, sYear="") assert mFeedOhlc is not None, "oReadMt4Csv failed on " + sFile, sys.stdout) # NaturalNameWarning: object name is not a valid Python identifier: 'Mt4_csv|EURUSD|1440|2014'; it does not match the pattern ``^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$``; sKey = 'Mt4_csv' + '_' + sSymbol + '_' + sTimeFrame + '_' + sYear oOm = oEnsureOmlette(self, oOpts) _dCurrentFeedFrame = oOm.dGetFeedFrame(sFile, sTimeFrame, sSymbol, sYear) from PandasMt4 import oReadMt4Csv, oPreprocessOhlc, vResampleFiles mFeedOhlc = oPreprocessOhlc(_dCurrentFeedFrame['mFeedOhlc']) sys.stdout.write('INFO: Data Open length: %d\n' % len(mFeedOhlc)) _dCurrentFeedFrame['mFeedOhlc'] = mFeedOhlc dFEED_CACHE[sKey] = _dCurrentFeedFrame sFEED_CACHE_KEY = sKey return _lFeedCacheKeys = dFEED_CACHE.keys() if sCmd == 'list': self.poutput("Feed keys: %r" % (self.G(_lFeedCacheKeys, ))) return if sCmd == 'get': self.poutput("Current Feed key: %s" % (self.G(sFEED_CACHE_KEY, ))) return if sCmd == 'set': assert len(lArgs) >= 3, \ "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd +" " + '|'.join(_lFeedCacheKeys) sKey = lArgs[2] assert sKey in _lFeedCacheKeys, \ "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd +" " + '|'.join(_lFeedCacheKeys) sFEED_CACHE_KEY = sKey return # The following all require that a feed has been loaded if not sFEED_CACHE_KEY or sFEED_CACHE_KEY not in dFEED_CACHE: self.vError("Run \"back read_*\" first to read a DataFrame") return _dCurrentFeedFrame = dFEED_CACHE[sFEED_CACHE_KEY] if _dCurrentFeedFrame is None: self.vError("Run \"back read_*\" first to read a DataFrame") return sSymbol = _dCurrentFeedFrame['sSymbol'] sKey = _dCurrentFeedFrame['sKey'] sTimeFrame = _dCurrentFeedFrame['sTimeFrame'] mFeedOhlc = _dCurrentFeedFrame['mFeedOhlc'] if sCmd in ['to_hdf']: """ DataFrame.to_hdf(path_or_buf, key, **kwargs) activate the HDFStore Parameters : path_or_buf : the path (string) or buffer to put the store key : string indentifier for the group in the store """ assert len(lArgs) >= 3, \ "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd +" fixed|table filename" sType = lArgs[2] assert sType in ['fixed', 'table'] sFile = lArgs[3] # FixME: if absolute assert os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(sFile)) #? lArgs[4:] -> **kw ? vRetval = mFeedOhlc.to_hdf(sFile, sKey, format=sType) return _dPlotParams = self.oConfig['feed.plot.params'] if sCmd == 'info': """Concise summary of a DataFrame. Parameters : verbose : boolean, default True If False, don’t print column count summary buf : writable buffer, defaults to sys.stdout """ import yaml, sys.stdout) s = '| %s |' % ("Plot Params", ) self.poutput('-' * len(s)) self.poutput(s) self.poutput('-' * len(s)) yaml.dump(_dPlotParams, allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False) self.poutput('-' * len(s)) return # 'download_hst_zip' if sCmd == 'plot': import matplotlib if 'matplotlib.rcParams' in self.oConfig: for sKey, gVal in self.oConfig['matplotlib.rcParams'].items(): matplotlib.rcParams[sKey] = gVal import numpy as np from OTPpnAmgc import vGraphData from OTBackTest import oPreprocessOhlc mFeedOhlc = oPreprocessOhlc(mFeedOhlc) # (Pdb) pandas.tseries.converter._dt_to_float_ordinal(mFeedOhlc.index)[0] # 735235.33333333337 nDates = matplotlib.dates.date2num(mFeedOhlc.index.to_pydatetime()) nVolume = 1000 * np.random.normal(size=len(mFeedOhlc)) self.vInfo( "This may take minutes to display depending on your computer's speed" ) vGraphData(sSymbol, nDates, mFeedOhlc.C.values, mFeedOhlc.H.values, mFeedOhlc.L.values, mFeedOhlc.O.values, nVolume, **_dPlotParams) return self.vError("Unrecognized feed command: " + str(oArgs) + '\n' + __doc__) return # Set the recipe that the chef will use, and make the ingredients from the feeds if sDo == 'recipe': __doc__ = sBACrecipe__doc__ from .Omlettes import lKnownRecipes # self.vDebug("lKnownRecipes: " + repr(lKnownRecipes)) # are ingredients under chef? _lCmds = ['set', 'list', 'get', 'make', 'ingredients', 'config'] sCmd = str(lArgs[1]) if sCmd == 'list': self.poutput("Known Recipes: %r" % (self.G(lKnownRecipes, ))) return if sCmd == 'get' or (sCmd == 'set' and len(lArgs) == 2): self.poutput("Current Recipe: %s" % (self.sRecipe, )) return assert len(lArgs) > 1, "ERROR: not enough args: " + sDo + str(_lCmds) assert sCmd in _lCmds, "ERROR: %s %s not in: %r " % (sDo, sCmd, _lCmds) if sCmd == 'config': oRecipe = oEnsureRecipe(self, oOpts) self.vConfigOp(lArgs, oRecipe.oConfig) return if sCmd == 'set': assert len(lArgs) > 2, \ "ERROR: %s %s requires one of: %s" % ( sDo, sCmd, '|'.join(lKnownRecipes)) sNewRecipe = str(lArgs[2]) assert sNewRecipe in lKnownRecipes, \ "ERROR: %s %s %s not in: %s" % ( sDo, sCmd, sNewRecipe, '|'.join(lKnownRecipes)) if self.sRecipe != sNewRecipe: self.sRecipe = sNewRecipe oRecipe = oEnsureRecipe(self, oOpts, sNewRecipe=sNewRecipe) #? do we update the config file? - I think not #? self.oConfig['backtest']['sRecipe'] = sNewRecipe return # The following all require that a feed has been loaded assert sFEED_CACHE_KEY assert sFEED_CACHE_KEY in dFEED_CACHE _dCurrentFeedFrame = dFEED_CACHE[sFEED_CACHE_KEY] assert _dCurrentFeedFrame if sCmd == 'make' or sCmd == 'ingredients': assert _dCurrentFeedFrame oRecipe = oEnsureRecipe(self, oOpts) # ugly dFeedParams = _dCurrentFeedFrame mFeedOhlc = _dCurrentFeedFrame['mFeedOhlc'] dFeeds = dict(mFeedOhlc=mFeedOhlc, dFeedParams=dFeedParams) oRecipe.dMakeIngredients(dFeeds) assert oRecipe.dIngredients return self.vError("Unrecognized recipe command: " + str(oArgs) + '\n' + __doc__) return # Set the chef that we will use, and cook from the ingredients and the feeds if sDo == 'chef': __doc__ = sBACchef__doc__ from .Omlettes import lKnownChefs # self.vDebug("lKnownChefs: " + repr(lKnownChefs)) _lCmds = ['get', 'set', 'list', 'cook'] assert len(lArgs) > 1, "ERROR: not enough args: " + sDo + str(_lCmds) sCmd = lArgs[1] if sCmd == 'list': self.poutput("Known Chefs: %r" % (lKnownChefs, )) return if sCmd == 'get' or (sCmd == 'set' and len(lArgs) == 2): self.poutput("Current Chef: %s" % (self.sChef, )) return assert sCmd in _lCmds, "ERROR: not in: " + sDo + str(_lCmds) if sCmd == 'set': assert len(lArgs) > 2, \ "ERROR: %s %s needs one of: %s" % ( sDo, sCmd, '|'.join(lKnownChefs)) sNewChef = str(lArgs[2]) assert sNewChef in lKnownChefs, \ "ERROR: %s %s %s not in: %s" % ( sDo, sCmd, sNewChef, '|'.join(lKnownChefs)) if self.sChef != sNewChef: self.sChef = sNewChef oChef = oEnsureChef(self, oOpts, sNewChef=sNewChef) #? do we update the config file? - I think not #? self.oConfig['backtest']['sChef'] = sNewChef return # The following all require that a feed has been loaded assert sFEED_CACHE_KEY assert sFEED_CACHE_KEY in dFEED_CACHE _dCurrentFeedFrame = dFEED_CACHE[sFEED_CACHE_KEY] assert _dCurrentFeedFrame # There's always a default provided of these oOm = oEnsureOmlette(self, oOpts) oRecipe = oEnsureRecipe(self, oOpts) oChefModule = oEnsureChef(self, oOpts) if sCmd == 'cook': from .OTBackTest import oPyBacktestCook assert oRecipe.dIngredients # ugly dFeeds = _dCurrentFeedFrame oBt = oPyBacktestCook(dFeeds, oRecipe, oChefModule, oOm) assert oBt is not None if type(oBt) == str: raise RuntimeError(oBt) oOm.oBt = oBt # self.vDebug("Cooked " + oBt.sSummary()) return self.vError("Unrecognized chef command: " + str(oArgs) + '\n' + __doc__) return oOm = oEnsureOmlette(self, oOpts) oRecipe = oEnsureRecipe(self, oOpts) oChefModule = oEnsureChef(self, oOpts) # List the servings the chef has cooked, and dish out the servings if sDo == 'servings': __doc__ = sBACservings__doc__ if not hasattr(oOm, 'oBt') or not oOm.oBt: self.vError( "You must use \"chef cook\" before you can have servings") return oBt = oOm.oBt # ['signals', 'trades', 'positions', 'equity', 'reviews', 'trade_price'] _lCmds = oChefModule.lProducedServings[:] if tabview and tabview not in _lCmds: _lCmds += ['tabview'] if len(lArgs) == 1 or lArgs[1] == 'list': self.poutput("Produced Servings: %r" % (oChefModule.lProducedServings, )) return assert len(lArgs) > 1, "ERROR: argument required" + sDo + str(_lCmds) sCmd = lArgs[1] # self.vDebug("lProducedServings: " + repr(_lCmds)) assert sCmd in _lCmds, "ERROR: %s %s not in %r" % (sDo, sCmd, _lCmds) oFd = sys.stdout ## oFun = getattr(self.oBt, sCmd) ## self.poutput(oFun()) if sCmd == 'signals': # this was the same as: oBt._mSignals = bt.mSignals() or oBt.signals oBt._mSignals = oRecipe.mSignals(oBt) oFd.write('INFO: bt.signals found: %d\n' % len(oBt.signals)) oOm.vAppendHdf('recipe/servings/mSignals', oBt.signals) return if sCmd == 'trades': # this was the same as: oBt._mTrades = oBt.mTrades() or oBt.trades oBt._mTrades = oRecipe.mTrades(oBt) oFd.write('INFO: bt.trades found: %d\n' % len(oBt.trades)) oOm.vAppendHdf('recipe/servings/mTrades', oBt.trades) return if sCmd == 'positions': # this was the same as: oBt._rPositions = oBt.rPositions() or oBt.positions oBt._rPositions = oRecipe.rPositions(oBt, init_pos=0) oFd.write('INFO: bt.positions found: %d\n' % len(oBt.positions)) oOm.vAppendHdf('recipe/servings/rPositions', oBt.positions) return if sCmd == 'equity': # this was the same as: oBt._rEquity = oBt.rEquity() or oBt.equity oBt._rEquity = oRecipe.rEquity(oBt) oFd.write('INFO: bt.equity found: %d\n' % len(oBt.equity)) oOm.vAppendHdf('recipe/servings/rEquity', oBt.equity) return if sCmd == 'trade_price': # oFd.write('INFO: bt.rTradePrice() found: %d\n' % len(oBt.rTradePrice())) oFd.write('INFO: bt.trade_price found: %d\n' % len(oBt.trade_price)) oOm.vAppendHdf('recipe/servings/rTradePrice', oBt.trade_price) return if sCmd == 'metrics' or sCmd == 'reviews': oOm.vSetTitleHdf('recipe/servings', oOm.oChefModule.sChef) #? Leave this as derived or store it? reviews? oOm.vSetMetadataHdf('recipe/servings', oBt.dSummary()) oFd.write(oBt.sSummary()) return if tabview and sCmd == 'tabview': assert len(lArgs) > 2, "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd \ +": serving required, one of: reviews " +str(oChefModule.lProducedServings) sServing = lArgs[2] if sServing in ['metrics', 'reviews']: l = [['Metric', 'Value']] l += oBt.lSummary() l.sort() # , hdr_rows=lHdrRows tabview.view(l, column_width='max') return assert sServing in oChefModule.lProducedServings mDf = getattr(oBt, sServing) # FixMe: need index timestamp for mva tabview.view(mDf) return self.vError("Unrecognized servings command: " + str(oArgs) + '\n' + __doc__) return # Plot the servings the chef has cooked, using matplotlib if sDo == 'plot': __doc__ = sBACplot__doc__ _lCmds = ['show', 'trades', 'equity'] if not hasattr(oOm, 'oBt') or not oOm.oBt: self.vError("You must use \"chef cook\" before you can plot") return oBt = oOm.oBt assert len(lArgs) > 1, "ERROR: " + sDo + str(_lCmds) sCmd = lArgs[1] assert sCmd in _lCmds, "ERROR: " + sDo + str(_lCmds) import matplotlib import matplotlib.pylab as pylab if sCmd == 'show': return # FixMe: matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 5) if sCmd == 'equity': # FixMe: derive the period from the sTimeFrame sPeriod = 'W' close_label = 'C' mOhlc = oRecipe.dIngredients['mOhlc'] oChefModule.vPlotEquity( oBt.equity, mOhlc, sTitle="%s\nEquity" % repr(oBt), sPeriod=sPeriod, close_label=close_label, ) return if sCmd == 'trades': oBt.vPlotTrades() pylab.legend(loc='lower left') return self.vError("Unrecognized plot command: " + str(oArgs) + "\n" + sBAC__doc__) return self.vError("Unrecognized backtest command: " + str(oArgs) + "\n" + sBAC__doc__)
def vDoBacktestCmd(self, oArgs, oOpts=None): __doc__ = sBAC__doc__ global dFEED_CACHE global sFEED_CACHE_KEY lArgs = oArgs.split() sDo = lArgs[0] # An omlette is an HDF5 file that saves all the data from a backtest if sDo == 'omlette': # is this a backtest command or should it move up # leave it here for now, and move it up later __doc__ = sBAComlette__doc__ global _sCurrentOmletteDir # ingredients recipe dish # plot sSection # _lCmds = ['load', 'open', 'check', 'save', 'close', 'display'] assert len(lArgs) > 1, "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +str(_lCmds) sCmd = lArgs[1] assert sCmd in _lCmds, "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +str(_lCmds) oOm = oEnsureOmlette(self, oOpts, sNewOmlette="") if sCmd == 'check': assert hasattr(oOm, 'oHdfStore') assert oOm.oHdfStore is not None # FixMe: something better than filename self.poutput(sDo +" filename: " +oOm.oHdfStore.filename) return if sCmd == 'display': # display gives a complete listing of the contents of the HDF file assert hasattr(oOm, 'oHdfStore') and oOm.oHdfStore self.poutput(repr(oOm.oHdfStore)) return ## if sCmd == 'save': ## return if sCmd == 'close': assert oOm.oHdfStore is not None, \ "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd +"; not open: use '" +sDo +" open FILE'" self.oOm.vClose() return assert len(lArgs) >= 3, \ "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd +" " +" FILENAME" sFile = lArgs[2] if sCmd == 'open': o = oOm.oAddHdfStore(sFile) assert o is not None and oOm.oHdfStore is not None _sCurrentOmletteDir = os.path.dirname(sFile) return if sCmd == 'load': assert os.path.isfile(sFile), \ "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd +" file not found " +sFile _sCurrentOmletteDir = os.path.dirname(sFile) raise RuntimeError(NotImplemented) return self.vError("Unrecognized omlette command: " + str(oArgs) +'\n' +__doc__) return # Create feeds (pandas DataFrames) from CSV OHLCV files if sDo == 'feed': __doc__ = sBACfeed__doc__ #? rename delete _lCmds = ['dir', 'list', 'get', 'set', 'read_mt4_csv', 'read_yahoo_csv', 'info', 'plot', 'to_hdf'] assert len(lArgs) > 1, "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +str(_lCmds) sCmd = lArgs[1] assert lArgs[1] in _lCmds, "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +str(_lCmds) if sCmd == 'dir': if len(lArgs) == 2: if not self.oConfig['feed']['sHistoryDir']: self.poutput("No default history directory set: use \"feed dir dir\"") elif not os.path.isdir(self.oConfig['feed']['sHistoryDir']): self.poutput("History directory not found: use \"feed dir dir\": " + \ self.oConfig['feed']['sHistoryDir']) else: self.poutput("Default history directory: " + \ self.oConfig['feed']['sHistoryDir']) return sDir = lArgs[2] assert os.path.isdir(sDir) self.oConfig['feed']['sHistoryDir'] = sDir return if sCmd == 'read_mt4_csv': from PandasMt4 import oReadMt4Csv assert len(lArgs) >= 3, \ "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd +" FILENAME [SYMBOL TIMEFRAME YEAR]" sFile = lArgs[2] if not os.path.isfile(sFile): sHistoryDir = os.path.join(self.oOptions.sMt4Dir, 'history') assert os.path.isdir(sHistoryDir) import glob l = glob.glob(sHistoryDir +"/*/" +sFile) if l: sFile = l[0] self.vInfo("Found history file: " + sFile) assert os.path.isfile(sFile), \ "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd +" file not found " +sFile if len(lArgs) > 5: sSymbol = lArgs[3] sTimeFrame = lArgs[4] sYear = lArgs[5] else: lCooked = os.path.split(sFile)[-1].split('.')[0].split('-') if len(lCooked) > 1: sYear = lCooked[-1] else: sYear = "" sSymbol = lCooked[0][:6] sTimeFrame = lCooked[0][6:] self.vDebug(sDo +" " +sCmd +" " + \ "sSymbol=" +sSymbol \ +", sYear=" +sYear \ +", sTimeFrame=" +sTimeFrame) mFeedOhlc = oReadMt4Csv(sFile, sTimeFrame, sSymbol, sYear="") assert mFeedOhlc is not None, "oReadMt4Csv failed on " + sFile, sys.stdout) # NaturalNameWarning: object name is not a valid Python identifier: 'Mt4_csv|EURUSD|1440|2014'; it does not match the pattern ``^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$``; sKey = 'Mt4_csv' +'_' +sSymbol +'_' +sTimeFrame +'_' +sYear oOm = oEnsureOmlette(self, oOpts) _dCurrentFeedFrame = oOm.dGetFeedFrame(sFile, sTimeFrame, sSymbol, sYear) from PandasMt4 import oReadMt4Csv, oPreprocessOhlc, vResampleFiles mFeedOhlc = oPreprocessOhlc(_dCurrentFeedFrame['mFeedOhlc']) sys.stdout.write('INFO: Data Open length: %d\n' % len(mFeedOhlc)) _dCurrentFeedFrame['mFeedOhlc'] = mFeedOhlc dFEED_CACHE[sKey] = _dCurrentFeedFrame sFEED_CACHE_KEY = sKey return _lFeedCacheKeys = dFEED_CACHE.keys() if sCmd == 'list': self.poutput("Feed keys: %r" % (self.G(_lFeedCacheKeys,))) return if sCmd == 'get': self.poutput("Current Feed key: %s" % (self.G(sFEED_CACHE_KEY,))) return if sCmd == 'set': assert len(lArgs) >= 3, \ "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd +" " + '|'.join(_lFeedCacheKeys) sKey = lArgs[2] assert sKey in _lFeedCacheKeys, \ "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd +" " + '|'.join(_lFeedCacheKeys) sFEED_CACHE_KEY = sKey return # The following all require that a feed has been loaded _dCurrentFeedFrame = dFEED_CACHE[sFEED_CACHE_KEY] if _dCurrentFeedFrame is None: self.vError("Run \"back read_*\" first to read a DataFrame") return sSymbol = _dCurrentFeedFrame['sSymbol'] sKey = _dCurrentFeedFrame['sKey'] sTimeFrame = _dCurrentFeedFrame['sTimeFrame'] mFeedOhlc = _dCurrentFeedFrame['mFeedOhlc'] if sCmd in ['to_hdf']: """ DataFrame.to_hdf(path_or_buf, key, **kwargs) activate the HDFStore Parameters : path_or_buf : the path (string) or buffer to put the store key : string indentifier for the group in the store """ assert len(lArgs) >= 3, \ "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd +" fixed|table filename" sType = lArgs[2] assert sType in ['fixed', 'table'] sFile = lArgs[3] # FixME: if absolute assert os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(sFile)) #? lArgs[4:] -> **kw ? vRetval = mFeedOhlc.to_hdf(sFile, sKey, format=sType) return _dPlotParams = self.oConfig['feed.plot.params'] if sCmd == 'info': """Concise summary of a DataFrame. Parameters : verbose : boolean, default True If False, don’t print column count summary buf : writable buffer, defaults to sys.stdout """ import yaml, sys.stdout) s = '| %s |' % ("Plot Params",) self.poutput('-' * len(s)) self.poutput(s) self.poutput('-' * len(s)) yaml.dump(_dPlotParams, allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False) self.poutput('-' * len(s)) return # 'download_hst_zip' if sCmd == 'plot': import matplotlib import numpy as np from OTPpnAmgc import vGraphData if 'matplotlib.rcParams' in self.oConfig: for sKey, gVal in self.oConfig['matplotlib.rcParams'].items(): matplotlib.rcParams[sKey] = gVal from OTBackTest import oPreprocessOhlc mFeedOhlc = oPreprocessOhlc(mFeedOhlc) # (Pdb) pandas.tseries.converter._dt_to_float_ordinal(mFeedOhlc.index)[0] # 735235.33333333337 nDates = matplotlib.dates.date2num(mFeedOhlc.index.to_pydatetime()) nVolume = 1000*np.random.normal(size=len(mFeedOhlc)) self.vInfo("This may take minutes to display depending on your computer's speed") vGraphData(sSymbol, nDates, mFeedOhlc.C.values, mFeedOhlc.H.values, mFeedOhlc.L.values, mFeedOhlc.O.values, nVolume, **_dPlotParams) return self.vError("Unrecognized feed command: " + str(oArgs) +'\n' +__doc__) return # Set the recipe that the chef will use, and make the ingredients from the feeds if sDo == 'recipe': __doc__ = sBACrecipe__doc__ from .Omlettes import lKnownRecipes # self.vDebug("lKnownRecipes: " + repr(lKnownRecipes)) # are ingredients under chef? _lCmds = ['set', 'list', 'get', 'make', 'ingredients', 'config'] sCmd = str(lArgs[1]) if sCmd == 'list': self.poutput("Known Recipes: %r" % (self.G(lKnownRecipes,))) return if sCmd == 'get' or (sCmd == 'set' and len(lArgs) == 2): self.poutput("Current Recipe: %s" % (self.sRecipe,)) return assert len(lArgs) > 1, "ERROR: not enough args: " +sDo +str(_lCmds) assert sCmd in _lCmds, "ERROR: %s %s not in: %r " % ( sDo, sCmd, _lCmds) if sCmd == 'config': oRecipe = oEnsureRecipe(self, oOpts) self.vConfigOp(lArgs, oRecipe.oConfig) return if sCmd == 'set': assert len(lArgs) > 2, \ "ERROR: %s %s requires one of: %s" % ( sDo, sCmd, '|'.join(lKnownRecipes)) sNewRecipe = str(lArgs[2]) assert sNewRecipe in lKnownRecipes, \ "ERROR: %s %s %s not in: %s" % ( sDo, sCmd, sNewRecipe, '|'.join(lKnownRecipes)) if self.sRecipe != sNewRecipe: self.sRecipe = sNewRecipe oRecipe = oEnsureRecipe(self, oOpts, sNewRecipe=sNewRecipe) #? do we update the config file? - I think not #? self.oConfig['backtest']['sRecipe'] = sNewRecipe return # The following all require that a feed has been loaded assert sFEED_CACHE_KEY assert sFEED_CACHE_KEY in dFEED_CACHE _dCurrentFeedFrame = dFEED_CACHE[sFEED_CACHE_KEY] assert _dCurrentFeedFrame if sCmd == 'make' or sCmd == 'ingredients': assert _dCurrentFeedFrame oRecipe = oEnsureRecipe(self, oOpts) # ugly dFeedParams = _dCurrentFeedFrame mFeedOhlc = _dCurrentFeedFrame['mFeedOhlc'] dFeeds = dict(mFeedOhlc=mFeedOhlc, dFeedParams=dFeedParams) oRecipe.dMakeIngredients(dFeeds) assert oRecipe.dIngredients return self.vError("Unrecognized recipe command: " + str(oArgs) +'\n' +__doc__) return # Set the chef that we will use, and cook from the ingredients and the feeds if sDo == 'chef': __doc__ = sBACchef__doc__ from .Omlettes import lKnownChefs # self.vDebug("lKnownChefs: " + repr(lKnownChefs)) _lCmds = ['get', 'set', 'list', 'cook'] assert len(lArgs) > 1, "ERROR: not enough args: " +sDo +str(_lCmds) sCmd = lArgs[1] if sCmd == 'list': self.poutput("Known Chefs: %r" % (lKnownChefs,)) return if sCmd == 'get' or (sCmd == 'set' and len(lArgs) == 2): self.poutput("Current Chef: %s" % (self.sChef,)) return assert sCmd in _lCmds, "ERROR: not in: " +sDo +str(_lCmds) if sCmd == 'set': assert len(lArgs) > 2, \ "ERROR: %s %s needs one of: %s" % ( sDo, sCmd, '|'.join(lKnownChefs)) sNewChef = str(lArgs[2]) assert sNewChef in lKnownChefs, \ "ERROR: %s %s %s not in: %s" % ( sDo, sCmd, sNewChef, '|'.join(lKnownChefs)) if self.sChef != sNewChef: self.sChef = sNewChef oChef = oEnsureChef(self, oOpts, sNewChef=sNewChef) #? do we update the config file? - I think not #? self.oConfig['backtest']['sChef'] = sNewChef return # The following all require that a feed has been loaded assert sFEED_CACHE_KEY assert sFEED_CACHE_KEY in dFEED_CACHE _dCurrentFeedFrame = dFEED_CACHE[sFEED_CACHE_KEY] assert _dCurrentFeedFrame # There's always a default provided of these oOm = oEnsureOmlette(self, oOpts) oRecipe = oEnsureRecipe(self, oOpts) oChefModule = oEnsureChef(self, oOpts) if sCmd == 'cook': from .OTBackTest import oPyBacktestCook assert oRecipe.dIngredients # ugly dFeeds = _dCurrentFeedFrame oBt = oPyBacktestCook(dFeeds, oRecipe, oChefModule, oOm) assert oBt is not None if type(oBt) == str: raise RuntimeError(oBt) oOm.oBt = oBt # self.vDebug("Cooked " + oBt.sSummary()) return self.vError("Unrecognized chef command: " + str(oArgs) +'\n' +__doc__) return oOm = oEnsureOmlette(self, oOpts) oRecipe = oEnsureRecipe(self, oOpts) oChefModule = oEnsureChef(self, oOpts) # List the servings the chef has cooked, and dish out the servings if sDo == 'servings': __doc__ = sBACservings__doc__ if not hasattr(oOm, 'oBt') or not oOm.oBt: self.vError("You must use \"chef cook\" before you can have servings") return oBt = oOm.oBt # ['signals', 'trades', 'positions', 'equity', 'reviews', 'trade_price'] _lCmds = oChefModule.lProducedServings[:] if tabview not in _lCmds: _lCmds += ['tabview'] if len(lArgs) == 1 or lArgs[1] == 'list': self.poutput("Produced Servings: %r" % (oChefModule.lProducedServings,)) return assert len(lArgs) > 1, "ERROR: argument required" +sDo +str(_lCmds) sCmd = lArgs[1] # self.vDebug("lProducedServings: " + repr(_lCmds)) assert sCmd in _lCmds, "ERROR: %s %s not in %r" % ( sDo, sCmd, _lCmds) oFd = sys.stdout ## oFun = getattr(self.oBt, sCmd) ## self.poutput(oFun()) if sCmd == 'signals': # this was the same as: oBt._mSignals = bt.mSignals() or oBt.signals oBt._mSignals = oRecipe.mSignals(oBt) oFd.write('INFO: bt.signals found: %d\n' % len(oBt.signals)) oOm.vAppendHdf('recipe/servings/mSignals', oBt.signals) return if sCmd == 'trades': # this was the same as: oBt._mTrades = oBt.mTrades() or oBt.trades oBt._mTrades = oRecipe.mTrades(oBt) oFd.write('INFO: bt.trades found: %d\n' % len(oBt.trades)) oOm.vAppendHdf('recipe/servings/mTrades', oBt.trades) return if sCmd == 'positions': # this was the same as: oBt._rPositions = oBt.rPositions() or oBt.positions oBt._rPositions = oRecipe.rPositions(oBt, init_pos=0) oFd.write('INFO: bt.positions found: %d\n' % len(oBt.positions)) oOm.vAppendHdf('recipe/servings/rPositions', oBt.positions) return if sCmd == 'equity': # this was the same as: oBt._rEquity = oBt.rEquity() or oBt.equity oBt._rEquity = oRecipe.rEquity(oBt) oFd.write('INFO: bt.equity found: %d\n' % len(oBt.equity)) oOm.vAppendHdf('recipe/servings/rEquity', oBt.equity) return if sCmd == 'trade_price': # oFd.write('INFO: bt.rTradePrice() found: %d\n' % len(oBt.rTradePrice())) oFd.write('INFO: bt.trade_price found: %d\n' % len(oBt.trade_price)) oOm.vAppendHdf('recipe/servings/rTradePrice', oBt.trade_price) return if sCmd == 'metrics' or sCmd == 'reviews': oOm.vSetTitleHdf('recipe/servings', oOm.oChefModule.sChef) #? Leave this as derived or store it? reviews? oOm.vSetMetadataHdf('recipe/servings', oBt.dSummary()) oFd.write(oBt.sSummary()) return if tabview and sCmd == 'tabview': assert len(lArgs) > 2, "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd \ +": serving required, one of: reviews " +str(oChefModule.lProducedServings) sServing = lArgs[2] if sServing in ['metrics','reviews']: l = [['Metric', 'Value']] l += oBt.lSummary() l.sort() # , hdr_rows=lHdrRows tabview.view(l, column_width='max') return assert sServing in oChefModule.lProducedServings mDf = getattr(oBt, sServing) # FixMe: need index timestamp for mva tabview.view(mDf) return self.vError("Unrecognized servings command: " + str(oArgs) +'\n' +__doc__) return # Plot the servings the chef has cooked, using matplotlib if sDo == 'plot': __doc__ = sBACplot__doc__ _lCmds = ['show', 'trades', 'equity'] if not hasattr(oOm, 'oBt') or not oOm.oBt: self.vError("You must use \"chef cook\" before you can plot") return oBt = oOm.oBt assert len(lArgs) > 1, "ERROR: " +sDo +str(_lCmds) sCmd = lArgs[1] assert sCmd in _lCmds, "ERROR: " +sDo +str(_lCmds) import matplotlib import matplotlib.pylab as pylab if sCmd == 'show': return # FixMe: matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 5) if sCmd == 'equity': # FixMe: derive the period from the sTimeFrame sPeriod='W' close_label='C' mOhlc = oRecipe.dIngredients['mOhlc'] oChefModule.vPlotEquity(oBt.equity, mOhlc, sTitle="%s\nEquity" % repr(oBt), sPeriod=sPeriod, close_label=close_label, ) return if sCmd == 'trades': oBt.vPlotTrades() pylab.legend(loc='lower left') return self.vError("Unrecognized plot command: " + str(oArgs) +"\n" + sBAC__doc__) return self.vError("Unrecognized backtest command: " + str(oArgs) +"\n" + sBAC__doc__)
def oOmain(lArgv): # FixMe: logging oFd = sys.stdout oArgParser = oParseOptions(__doc__.strip()) oOptions = oArgParser.parse_args(lArgv) lArgs = oOptions.lArgs assert len(lArgs) == 4, "Give the CsvFile Symbol Timeframe and Year as arguments" #sDir = '/t/Program Files/HotForex MetaTrader/history/' # sCsvFile = os.path.join(sDir, sSymbol + sTimeFrame +'-' +sYear +'.csv') sCsvFile = lArgs[0] sSymbol = lArgs[1] # 'EURGBP' sTimeFrame = lArgs[2] # '1440' sYear = lArgs[3] # '2014' # if not os.path.isfile(sCsvFile): vResampleFiles(sSymbol, sDir) assert os.path.isfile(sCsvFile) oOm = Omlette.Omlette(sHdfStore=oOptions.sOmelette, oFd=oFd) oRecipe = oOm.oAddRecipe(oOptions.sRecipe) oChefModule = oOm.oAddChef(oOptions.sChef) dFeedParams = dict(sTimeFrame=sTimeFrame, sSymbol=sSymbol, sYear=sYear) dFeed = oOm.dGetFeedFrame(sCsvFile, **dFeedParams) mFeedOhlc = dFeed['mFeedOhlc'] mFeedOhlc = oPreprocessOhlc(mFeedOhlc) oFd.write('INFO: Data Open length: %d\n' % len(mFeedOhlc)) # ugly - should be a list of different feed timeframes etc. dFeeds = dict(mFeedOhlc=mFeedOhlc, dFeedParams=dFeedParams) # dRecipeParams now comes from the recipe ini file: bUseTalib=oOptions.bUseTalib dIngredientsParams = dict(dRecipeParams=dict()) oRecipe.dMakeIngredients(dFeeds) assert oRecipe.dIngredients oBt = oPyBacktestCook(dFeeds, oRecipe, oChefModule, oOm) assert oBt is not None if isinstance(oBt, basestring): raise RuntimeError(oBt) # this was the same as: oBt._mSignals = bt.mSignals() or oBt.signals oBt._mSignals = oRecipe.mSignals(oBt) oFd.write('INFO: bt.signals found: %d\n' % len(oBt.signals)) oOm.vAppendHdf('recipe/servings/mSignals', oBt.signals) # this was the same as: oBt._mTrades = oBt.mTrades() or oBt.trades oBt._mTrades = oRecipe.mTrades(oBt) oFd.write('INFO: bt.trades found: %d\n' % len(oBt.trades)) oOm.vAppendHdf('recipe/servings/mTrades', oBt.trades) # this was the same as: oBt._rPositions = oBt.rPositions() or oBt.positions oBt._rPositions = oRecipe.rPositions(oBt, init_pos=0) oFd.write('INFO: bt.positions found: %d\n' % len(oBt.positions)) oOm.vAppendHdf('recipe/servings/rPositions', oBt.positions) # this was the same as: oBt._rEquity = oBt.rEquity() or oBt.equity oBt._rEquity = oRecipe.rEquity(oBt) oFd.write('INFO: bt.equity found: %d\n' % len(oBt.equity)) oOm.vAppendHdf('recipe/servings/rEquity', oBt.equity) # oFd.write('INFO: bt.rTradePrice() found: %d\n' % len(oBt.rTradePrice())) oFd.write('INFO: bt.trade_price found: %d\n' % len(oBt.trade_price)) oOm.vAppendHdf('recipe/servings/rTradePrice', oBt.trade_price) oOm.vSetTitleHdf('recipe/servings', oOm.oChefModule.sChef) #? Leave this as derived or store it? reviews? oOm.vSetMetadataHdf('recipe/servings', oBt.dSummary()) oFd.write(oBt.sSummary()) oOm.vSetMetadataHdf('recipe', dict(oRecipe.oConfig)) if oOptions.bPlotEquity: mOhlc = oRecipe.dIngredients['mOhlc'] vPlotEquityCurves(oBt, mOhlc, oOm.oChefModule) return oOm