Exemple #1
def compute_coverage_map(grid_size = 100):
    videos = get_videos(swlat, swlng, nelat, nelng)

    map = np.ndarray(shape=(grid_size, grid_size), dtype=int)
    for video in videos:
        if IS_FROM_MEDIAQ:
            if video.properties['vid']:
                vid = str(video.properties['vid'])
                fovs = getFOVs(vid)

                if fovs and len(fovs) > 0:
                    for fov in fovs.features:
                        f = FOV(fov)
                        param = Params(200, swlat, swlng, nelat, nelng)
                        param.GRID_SIZE = grid_size
                        for cid in f.cellids(param):
                            cell_lat, cell_lng = cell_coord(cid, param)
                            if f.cover(cell_lat, cell_lng):
                                y_idx = cid/param.GRID_SIZE
                                x_idx = cid - y_idx*param.GRID_SIZE
                                # print x_idx, y_idx, map[x_idx][y_idx]
                                map[x_idx][y_idx] = map[x_idx][y_idx] + 1
            for f in video.fovs:
                param = Params(200, swlat, swlng, nelat, nelng)
                param.GRID_SIZE = grid_size
                for cid in f.cellids(param):
                    cell_lat, cell_lng = cell_coord(cid, param)
                    if f.cover(cell_lat, cell_lng):
                        y_idx = cid/param.GRID_SIZE
                        x_idx = cid - y_idx*param.GRID_SIZE
                        # print x_idx, y_idx, map[x_idx][y_idx]
                        map[x_idx][y_idx] = map[x_idx][y_idx] + 1

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    heatmap = ax.pcolor(map, cmap=plt.cm.Reds)
    np.savetxt("mediaq_coverage_heatmap.txt" , map, fmt='%i\t')
Exemple #2
def compute_coverage_map(grid_size=100):
    swlat = 34.018212
    swlng = -118.291716
    nelat = 34.025296
    nelng = -118.279826
    videos = get_videos(swlat, swlng, nelat, nelng)

    map = np.ndarray(shape=(grid_size, grid_size), dtype=int)
    for video in videos:
        if IS_FROM_MEDIAQ:
            if video.properties['vid']:
                vid = str(video.properties['vid'])
                fovs = getFOVs(vid)

                if fovs and len(fovs) > 0:
                    for fov in fovs.features:
                        f = FOV(fov)
                        param = Params(200, swlat, swlng, nelat, nelng)
                        param.GRID_SIZE = grid_size
                        for cid in f.cellids(param):
                            cell_lat, cell_lng = cell_coord(cid, param)
                            if f.cover(cell_lat, cell_lng):
                                y_idx = cid / param.GRID_SIZE
                                x_idx = cid - y_idx * param.GRID_SIZE
                                # print x_idx, y_idx, map[x_idx][y_idx]
                                map[x_idx][y_idx] = map[x_idx][y_idx] + 1
            for f in video.fovs:
                param = Params(200, swlat, swlng, nelat, nelng)
                param.GRID_SIZE = grid_size
                for cid in f.cellids(param):
                    cell_lat, cell_lng = cell_coord(cid, param)
                    if f.cover(cell_lat, cell_lng):
                        y_idx = cid / param.GRID_SIZE
                        x_idx = cid - y_idx * param.GRID_SIZE
                        # print x_idx, y_idx, map[x_idx][y_idx]
                        map[x_idx][y_idx] = map[x_idx][y_idx] + 1

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    heatmap = ax.pcolor(map, cmap=plt.cm.Reds)
    np.savetxt("mediaq_coverage_heatmap.txt", map, fmt='%i\t')
Exemple #3
    rads += pi / 2.0
    return degrees(rads)

# print angle_bwn_two_points(0,0,1,-1)

def distance_km(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2):
    Distance between two geographical locations
    R = 6371  # km
    dLat = math.radians(abs(lat2 - lat1))
    dLon = math.radians(abs(lon2 - lon1))
    lat1 = math.radians(lat1)
    lat2 = math.radians(lat2)

    a = math.sin(dLat / 2) * math.sin(dLat / 2) + math.sin(
        dLon / 2) * math.sin(dLon / 2) * math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2)
    c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a))
    d = R * c
    return d

if False:
    # test
    box = np.array([[1.5, 1.5], [2.5, 3.5]])
    param = Params(1000)
    param.GRID_SIZE = 5
    param.x_min, param.y_min, param.x_max, param.y_max = 0, 0, 5, 5
    print mbr_to_cellids(box, param)
Exemple #4
        rads = atan2(-dy,dx)
        # rads %= 2*pi
        rads += pi/2.0;
        return degrees(rads)
    # print angle_bwn_two_points(0,0,1,-1)

def distance_km(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2):
    Distance between two geographical locations
    R = 6371  # km
    dLat = math.radians(abs(lat2 - lat1))
    dLon = math.radians(abs(lon2 - lon1))
    lat1 = math.radians(lat1)
    lat2 = math.radians(lat2)

    a = math.sin(dLat / 2) * math.sin(dLat / 2) + math.sin(dLon / 2) * math.sin(dLon / 2) * math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(
    c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a))
    d = R * c
    return d

if False:
    # test
    box = np.array([[1.5,1.5],[2.5,3.5]])
    param = Params(1000)
    param.GRID_SIZE = 5
    param.x_min,param.y_min,param.x_max,param.y_max = 0,0,5,5
    print mbr_to_cellids(box,param)