Exemple #1
def activeContainer():
    '''activeContainer(): returns active container.
    If there is an active body, it is returned as active container. ActivePart is ignored.
    If there is no active body, active Part is returned.
    If there is no active Part either, active Document is returned.
    If no active document, None is returned.'''
    import FreeCAD as App
    import FreeCADGui as Gui
    if hasattr(App, "ActiveContainer"):
        return App.ActiveContainer.Object
    if Gui.ActiveDocument is None:
        return None
    if Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView is None:
        raise NoActiveContainerError("ActiveDocument is not none, but viewer is None. Can't determine active container.")
    activeBody = Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getActiveObject("pdbody")
    activePart = Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getActiveObject("part")
    if activeBody:
        return screen(activeBody)
    elif activePart:
        return screen(activePart)
        return App.ActiveDocument
Exemple #2
def activeContainer():
    '''activeContainer(): returns active container.
    If there is an active body, it is returned as active container. ActivePart is ignored.
    If there is no active body, active Part is returned.
    If there is no active Part either, active Document is returned.
    If no active document, None is returned.'''

    import FreeCAD as App
    import FreeCADGui as Gui

    if hasattr(App, "ActiveContainer"):
        return App.ActiveContainer.Object

    if Gui.ActiveDocument is None:
        return None
    if Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView is None:
        raise NoActiveContainerError(
            "ActiveDocument is not none, but viewer is None. Can't determine active container."
    activeBody = Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getActiveObject("pdbody")
    activePart = Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getActiveObject("part")
    if activeBody:
        return screen(activeBody)
    elif activePart:
        return screen(activePart)
        return App.ActiveDocument
Exemple #3
def addObjectTo(container, feature, b_advance_tip = True):
    container = screen(container)
    feature = screen(feature)
    cnt_old = getContainer(feature)
    if not cnt_old.isDerivedFrom('App::Document') and cnt_old is not container:
        raise AlreadyInContainerError(u"Object '{obj}' is already in '{cnt_old}'. Cannot add it to '{cnt_new}'"
                        .format(obj= feature.Label, cnt_old= cnt_old.Label, cnt_new= container.Label))
    if cnt_old is container:
        return #nothing to do
    if feature is container :
        raise ContainerError(u"Attempting to add {feat} to itself. Feature can't contain itself.".format(feat= feature.Label))

    if container.hasExtension("App::GroupExtension"):
        container.Group = container.Group + [feature]
        if b_advance_tip:
                container.Proxy.advanceTip(container, feature)
            except AttributeError:
            except Exception as err:
                App.Console.printError(u"Tip advancement routine failed with an error when adding {feat} to {cnt}. {err}"
                                       .format(feat= feature.Label, 
                                               cnt= container.Label,
                                               err= err.message))
    raise ContainerUnsupportedError("No idea how to add objects to containers of type {typ}".format(typ= container.TypeId))
Exemple #4
def getContainer(feat):
    feat = screen(feat)
    cnt = None
    for dep in feat.InList:
        if isContainer(dep):
            if feat in getDirectChildren(dep):
                if cnt is not None and dep is not cnt:
                    raise ContainerTreeError("Container tree is not a tree")
                cnt = dep
    if cnt is None: 
        return feat.Document
    return screen(cnt)
Exemple #5
def getContainer(feat):

    feat = screen(feat)

    cnt = None
    for dep in feat.InList:
        if isContainer(dep):
            if feat in getDirectChildren(dep):
                if cnt is not None and dep is not cnt:
                    raise ContainerTreeError("Container tree is not a tree")
                cnt = dep
    if cnt is None:
        return feat.Document
    return screen(cnt)
Exemple #6
def getContainerChain(feat):
    '''getContainerChain(feat): return a list of containers feat is in. 
    Last container directly contains the feature. 
    Example of output:  [<document>,<SuperPart>,<Part>,<Body>]'''
    if feat.isDerivedFrom('App::Document'):
        return []
    list_traversing_now = [feat]
    set_of_deps = set()
    list_of_deps = []
    while len(list_traversing_now) > 0:
        list_to_be_traversed_next = []
        for feat in list_traversing_now:
            for dep in feat.InList:
                if isContainer(dep) and feat in getDirectChildren(dep):
                    if not (dep in set_of_deps):
        if len(list_to_be_traversed_next) > 1:
            raise ContainerTreeError("Container tree is not a tree")
        list_traversing_now = list_to_be_traversed_next
    return [feat.Document] + list_of_deps[::-1]
Exemple #7
 def execute(self, selfobj):
     from PartOMagic.Gui.Utils import screen
     if selfobj.Tip is not None:
         selfobj.Shape = transformCopy_Smart(
             screen(selfobj.Tip).Shape, selfobj.Placement)
         selfobj.Shape = Part.Shape()
Exemple #8
def setActiveContainer(cnt):
    '''setActiveContainer(cnt): sets active container. To set no active container, supply ActiveDocument. None is not accepted.'''
    cnt = screen(cnt)
    import FreeCAD as App
    import FreeCADGui as Gui
    if hasattr(App, "ActiveContainer"):

    if not isContainer(cnt):
        raise NotAContainerError("Can't make '{feat}' active as container, because it's not a container (or an unknown type of container)."
                                 .format(feat= cnt.Label))
    if cnt.isDerivedFrom("Part::BodyBase"):
        Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.setActiveObject("pdbody", cnt)
        part = None
        part = cnt
        Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.setActiveObject("pdbody", None)
    if part:
        if part.isDerivedFrom("App::Document"):
            part = None
    Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.setActiveObject("part", part)
Exemple #9
def setActiveContainer(cnt):
    '''setActiveContainer(cnt): sets active container. To set no active container, supply ActiveDocument. None is not accepted.'''

    cnt = screen(cnt)

    import FreeCAD as App
    import FreeCADGui as Gui

    if hasattr(App, "ActiveContainer"):

    if not isContainer(cnt):
        raise NotAContainerError(
            "Can't make '{feat}' active as container, because it's not a container (or an unknown type of container)."
    if cnt.isDerivedFrom("Part::BodyBase"):
        Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.setActiveObject("pdbody", cnt)
        part = None
        part = cnt
        Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.setActiveObject("pdbody", None)
    if part:
        if part.isDerivedFrom("App::Document"):
            part = None
    Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.setActiveObject("part", part)
Exemple #10
def getContainerChain(feat):
    '''getContainerChain(feat): return a list of containers feat is in. 
    Last container directly contains the feature. 
    Example of output:  [<document>,<SuperPart>,<Part>,<Body>]'''

    if feat.isDerivedFrom('App::Document'):
        return []

    list_traversing_now = [feat]
    set_of_deps = set()
    list_of_deps = []

    while len(list_traversing_now) > 0:
        list_to_be_traversed_next = []
        for feat in list_traversing_now:
            for dep in feat.InList:
                if isContainer(dep) and feat in getDirectChildren(dep):
                    if not (dep in set_of_deps):
        if len(list_to_be_traversed_next) > 1:
            raise ContainerTreeError("Container tree is not a tree")
        list_traversing_now = list_to_be_traversed_next

    return [feat.Document] + list_of_deps[::-1]
Exemple #11
def getDirectChildren(container):

    container = screen(container)

    if not isContainer(container):
        raise NotAContainerError(
            "getDirectChildren: supplied object is not a container. It must be a container."
    if container.isDerivedFrom("App::Document"):
        # find all objects not contained by any Part or Body
        result = set(container.Objects)
        for obj in container.Objects:
            if isContainer(obj):
                children = set(getDirectChildren(obj))
                result = result - children
        return result
    elif container.hasExtension("App::GroupExtension"):
        result = container.Group
        if container.hasExtension("App::OriginGroupExtension"):
            if container.Origin is not None:
        return result
    elif container.isDerivedFrom("App::Origin"):
        return container.OriginFeatures
    raise ContainerUnsupportedError(
        "getDirectChildren: unexpected container type!")
Exemple #12
 def RunOrTest(self, b_run):
     if Gui.ActiveDocument:
         in_edit = Gui.ActiveDocument.getInEdit()
         if in_edit is not None:
             raise CommandError(
                 u"{object} is currently being edited. Can't enter anything."
     sel = Gui.Selection.getSelection()
     if len(sel) == 0:
         raise CommandError(
             "Enter Object command. Please select an object to enter, first. It can be a container, or a sketch."
     elif len(sel) == 1:
         sel = screen(sel[0])
         ac = Containers.activeContainer()
         if Containers.isContainer(sel):
             if sel in Containers.getContainerChain(ac) + [ac]:
                 raise CommandError(self, "Already inside this object")
             if b_run: Containers.setActiveContainer(sel)
             if b_run: Gui.Selection.clearSelection()
             cnt = Containers.getContainer(sel)
             if ac is cnt:
                 if b_run: Gui.ActiveDocument.setEdit(sel)
                 if b_run: Containers.setActiveContainer(cnt)
         raise CommandError(
             u"Enter Object command. You need to select exactly one object (you selected {num})."
Exemple #13
def isMovableContainer(obj):
    '''isMovableContainer(obj): reuturns if obj is a movable container, that 
    forms a local coordinate system.'''
    obj = screen(obj)
    if obj.isDerivedFrom('App::Document'):
        return False
    if obj.hasExtension('App::OriginGroupExtension'):
        return True
    return False
Exemple #14
def isMovableContainer(obj):
    '''isMovableContainer(obj): reuturns if obj is a movable container, that 
    forms a local coordinate system.'''

    obj = screen(obj)

    if obj.isDerivedFrom('App::Document'):
        return False
    if obj.hasExtension('App::OriginGroupExtension'):
        return True
    return False
Exemple #15
def addObjectTo(container, feature, b_advance_tip=True):

    container = screen(container)
    feature = screen(feature)

    cnt_old = getContainer(feature)
    if not cnt_old.isDerivedFrom('App::Document') and cnt_old is not container:
        raise AlreadyInContainerError(
            u"Object '{obj}' is already in '{cnt_old}'. Cannot add it to '{cnt_new}'"

    if cnt_old is container:
        return  #nothing to do

    if feature is container:
        raise ContainerError(
            u"Attempting to add {feat} to itself. Feature can't contain itself."

    if container.hasExtension("App::GroupExtension"):
        container.Group = container.Group + [feature]
        if b_advance_tip:
                container.Proxy.advanceTip(container, feature)
            except AttributeError:
            except Exception as err:
                    u"Tip advancement routine failed with an error when adding {feat} to {cnt}. {err}"

    raise ContainerUnsupportedError(
        "No idea how to add objects to containers of type {typ}".format(
Exemple #16
    def advanceTip(self, selfobj, new_object):
        from PartOMagic.Gui.Utils import screen
        old_tip = screen(selfobj.Tip)
        new_tip = old_tip
        if old_tip is None:
            new_tip = new_object
        if old_tip in new_object.OutList:
            new_tip = new_object

        if new_tip is None: return
        if new_tip is old_tip: return
        if new_tip.Name.startswith("Clone"): return
        if new_tip.Name.startswith("ShapeBinder"): return
        selfobj.Tip = new_tip
Exemple #17
 def advanceTip(self, selfobj, new_object):
     from PartOMagic.Gui.Utils import screen
     old_tip = screen(selfobj.Tip)
     new_tip = old_tip
     if old_tip is None:
         new_tip = new_object
     if old_tip in new_object.OutList:
         new_tip = new_object
     if new_tip is None: return
     if new_tip is old_tip: return
     if new_tip.Name.startswith("Clone"): return
     if new_tip.Name.startswith("ShapeBinder"): return
     selfobj.Tip = new_tip
Exemple #18
def isContainer(obj):
    '''isContainer(obj): returns True if obj is an object container, such as 
    Group, Part, Body. The important characterisic of an object being a 
    container is that it can be activated to receive new objects. Documents 
    are considered containers, too.'''
    obj = screen(obj)
    if obj.isDerivedFrom('App::Document'):
        return True
    if obj.hasExtension('App::GeoFeatureGroupExtension'):
        return True
#    if obj.hasExtension('App::GroupExtension'):
#        return True  # experimental...
    if obj.isDerivedFrom('App::Origin'):
        return True
    return False
Exemple #19
def isContainer(obj):
    '''isContainer(obj): returns True if obj is an object container, such as 
    Group, Part, Body. The important characterisic of an object being a 
    container is that it can be activated to receive new objects. Documents 
    are considered containers, too.'''

    obj = screen(obj)

    if obj.isDerivedFrom('App::Document'):
        return True
    if obj.hasExtension('App::GeoFeatureGroupExtension'):
        return True

#    if obj.hasExtension('App::GroupExtension'):
#        return True  # experimental...
    if obj.isDerivedFrom('App::Origin'):
        return True
    return False
Exemple #20
def getDirectChildren(container):
    container = screen(container)
    if not isContainer(container): 
        raise NotAContainerError("getDirectChildren: supplied object is not a contianer. It must be a container.")
    if container.isDerivedFrom("App::Document"):
        # find all objects not contained by any Part or Body
        result = set(container.Objects)
        for obj in container.Objects:
            if isContainer(obj):
                children = set(getDirectChildren(obj))
                result = result - children
        return result
    elif container.hasExtension("App::GroupExtension"):
        result = container.Group
        if container.hasExtension("App::OriginGroupExtension"):
            if container.Origin is not None:
        return result
    elif container.isDerivedFrom("App::Origin"):
        return container.OriginFeatures
    raise ContainerUnsupportedError("getDirectChildren: unexpected container type!")
Exemple #21
 def RunOrTest(self, b_run):
     if Gui.ActiveDocument:
         in_edit = Gui.ActiveDocument.getInEdit()
         if in_edit is not None:
             raise CommandError(self, u"{object} is currently being edited. Can't enter anything.".format(object= in_edit.Object.Label))
     sel = Gui.Selection.getSelection()
     if len(sel)==0 :
         raise CommandError(self, "Enter Object command. Please select an object to enter, first. It can be a container, or a sketch.")
     elif len(sel)==1:
         sel = screen(sel[0])
         ac = Containers.activeContainer()
         if Containers.isContainer(sel):
             if sel in Containers.getContainerChain(ac) + [ac]:
                 raise CommandError(self, "Already inside this object")
             if b_run: Containers.setActiveContainer(sel)
             if b_run: Gui.Selection.clearSelection()
             cnt = Containers.getContainer(sel)
             if ac is cnt:
                 if b_run: Gui.ActiveDocument.setEdit(sel)
                 if b_run: Containers.setActiveContainer(cnt)
         raise CommandError(self, u"Enter Object command. You need to select exactly one object (you selected {num}).".format(num= len(sel)))            
Exemple #22
def getAllDependent(feat):
    '''getAllDependent(feat): gets all features that depend on feat, directly or indirectly. 
    Returns a list, with deepest dependencies last. feat is not included in the list, except 
    if the feature depends on itself (dependency loop).'''

    if feat.isDerivedFrom("App::Document"):
        return []

    list_traversing_now = [feat]
    set_of_deps = set()
    list_of_deps = []
    while len(list_traversing_now) > 0:
        list_to_be_traversed_next = []
        for feat in list_traversing_now:
            for dep in feat.InList:
                if not (dep in set_of_deps):
        list_traversing_now = list_to_be_traversed_next
    return list_of_deps
Exemple #23
def getAllDependent(feat):
    '''getAllDependent(feat): gets all features that depend on feat, directly or indirectly. 
    Returns a list, with deepest dependencies last. feat is not included in the list, except 
    if the feature depends on itself (dependency loop).'''

    if feat.isDerivedFrom("App::Document"):
        return []

    list_traversing_now = [feat]
    set_of_deps = set()
    list_of_deps = []

    while len(list_traversing_now) > 0:
        list_to_be_traversed_next = []
        for feat in list_traversing_now:
            for dep in feat.InList:
                if not (dep in set_of_deps):

        list_traversing_now = list_to_be_traversed_next

    return list_of_deps
Exemple #24
 def execute(self,selfobj):
     from PartOMagic.Gui.Utils import screen
     if selfobj.Tip is not None:
         selfobj.Shape = transformCopy_Smart(screen(selfobj.Tip).Shape, selfobj.Placement)
         selfobj.Shape = Part.Shape()