def showPasswords(self, item_type, item_id):
            Public slot to show passwords in table, whe signal emitPasswords(int, int)
            is emited.
            @param item_type: type of selected item (group, password, all)
            @param item_id: unique id from DB
        # first remove all items
        self.removeAllRows()"signal: type: %i, ID: %i", item_type, item_id)
        passwd_ctrl = PasswdController(self.__parent._db_ctrl, self.__parent._user._master)
        # detect type
        if (item_type == GroupsWidget._TYPE_ALL):
            # select all
            passwords = passwd_ctrl.selectByUserId(self.__parent._user._id)
        elif (item_type == GroupsWidget._TYPE_GROUP):
            #select by group
            passwords = passwd_ctrl.selectByUserGrpId(self.__parent._user._id, item_id)
        elif (item_type == GroupsWidget._TYPE_PASS):
            #select just one password
            passwords = passwd_ctrl.selectById(item_id)
 def initItems(self):
         Initialize groups tree items. Load items from DB.
     logging.debug("Adding items to tree.")
     group_ctrl = GroupController(self.__parent._db_ctrl)
     passwd_ctrl = PasswdController(self.__parent._db_ctrl, self.__parent._user._master)
     icon_ctrl = IconController(self.__parent._db_ctrl)
     groups = group_ctrl.selectAll()
     # group, that contains all passwords
     all_group = self.initItemData(icon_ctrl.selectByName("userpass")._icon, 
                                   tr("All"), -1, tr("All passwords group."), self._TYPE_ALL, -1)
     # add cildren, all passwords to group all
     passwords = passwd_ctrl.selectByUserId(self.__parent._user._id)
     for passwd in passwords:
         child = self.initItemData(passwd._grp._icon._icon, passwd._title, passwd._id, passwd._comment, self._TYPE_PASS, passwd._grp._id)
     # insert groups to tree
     for group in groups:
         item = self.initItemData(group._icon._icon, tr(group._name), group._id, group._description, self._TYPE_GROUP, group._id)
         # add cildren, all passwords to group all
         passwords = passwd_ctrl.selectByUserGrpId(self.__parent._user._id, group._id)
         for passwd in passwords:
             child = self.initItemData(passwd._grp._icon._icon, passwd._title, passwd._id, passwd._comment, self._TYPE_PASS, passwd._grp._id)