Exemple #1
Path projects.  Ideally, the user could execute these utilities from an icon
to make sure tools are selected and configured and defaults have been revised'''

from __future__ import print_function
from PySide import QtCore
import FreeCAD
import FreeCADGui
import PathScripts
import PathScripts.PathLog as PathLog
# import PathScripts.PathCollision as PC
# Qt tanslation handling
def translate(context, text, disambig=None):
    return QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate(context, text, disambig)

LOG_MODULE = 'PathSanity'
PathLog.setLevel(PathLog.Level.INFO, LOG_MODULE)

class CommandPathSanity:

    def GetResources(self):
        return {'Pixmap'  : 'Path-Sanity',
                'MenuText': QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Path_Sanity","Check the Path project for common errors"),
                'Accel': "P, S",
                'ToolTip': QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Path_Sanity","Check the Path Project for common errors")}

    def IsActive(self):
        obj = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].Object
        if hasattr(obj, 'Operations') and hasattr(obj, 'ToolController'):
import Part
import Path
import PathScripts.PathDressup as PathDressup
import PathScripts.PathLog as PathLog
import PathScripts.PathUtil as PathUtil
import PathScripts.PathUtils as PathUtils

from PathScripts.PathGeom import PathGeom
from PySide import QtCore, QtGui

"""Dogbone Dressup object and FreeCAD command"""

LOG_MODULE = PathLog.thisModule()

if False:
    PathLog.setLevel(PathLog.Level.DEBUG, LOG_MODULE)

# Qt tanslation handling
def translate(context, text, disambig=None):
    return QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate(context, text, disambig)

movecommands = ['G0', 'G00', 'G1', 'G01', 'G2', 'G02', 'G3', 'G03']
movestraight = ['G1', 'G01']
movecw = ['G2', 'G02']
moveccw = ['G3', 'G03']
movearc = movecw + moveccw

def debugMarker(vector, label, color=None, radius=0.5):
    if PathLog.getLevel(LOG_MODULE) == PathLog.Level.DEBUG:
Exemple #3
import Draft
import math
import Part

# from PathScripts.PathUtils import waiting_effects
from PySide import QtCore
if FreeCAD.GuiUp:
    import FreeCADGui

__title__ = "Base class for PathArea based operations."
__author__ = "sliptonic (Brad Collette)"
__url__ = "http://www.freecadweb.org"
__doc__ = "Base class and properties for Path.Area based operations."

PathLog.setLevel(LOGLEVEL, PathLog.thisModule())

if LOGLEVEL is PathLog.Level.DEBUG:

# Qt translation handling
def translate(context, text, disambig=None):
    return QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate(context, text, disambig)

class ObjectOp(PathOp.ObjectOp):
    '''Base class for all Path.Area based operations.
    Provides standard features including debugging properties AreaParams,
    PathParams and removalshape, all hidden.
    The main reason for existence is to implement the standard interface
    to Path.Area so subclasses only have to provide the shapes for the
Exemple #4
import PathScripts.PathUtil as PathUtil
import PathScripts.PathUtils as PathUtils
import time

# lazily loaded modules
from lazy_loader.lazy_loader import LazyLoader

Part = LazyLoader("Part", globals(), "Part")

__title__ = "Base class for all operations."
__author__ = "sliptonic (Brad Collette)"
__url__ = "https://www.freecadweb.org"
__doc__ = "Base class and properties implementation for all Path operations."

if False:
    PathLog.setLevel(PathLog.Level.DEBUG, PathLog.thisModule())
    PathLog.setLevel(PathLog.Level.INFO, PathLog.thisModule())

translate = FreeCAD.Qt.translate

FeatureTool = 0x0001  # ToolController
FeatureDepths = 0x0002  # FinalDepth, StartDepth
FeatureHeights = 0x0004  # ClearanceHeight, SafeHeight
FeatureStartPoint = 0x0008  # StartPoint
FeatureFinishDepth = 0x0010  # FinishDepth
FeatureStepDown = 0x0020  # StepDown
FeatureNoFinalDepth = 0x0040  # edit or not edit FinalDepth
FeatureBaseVertexes = 0x0100  # Base
FeatureBaseEdges = 0x0200  # Base
Exemple #5
# *                                                                         *
# ***************************************************************************

from __future__ import print_function
import FreeCAD
#from FreeCAD import Vector
import Path
import PathScripts.PathLog as PathLog
#import Part
from PySide import QtCore, QtGui
from PathScripts import PathUtils
from PathScripts.PathUtils import fmt
#from math import pi

LOG_MODULE = 'PathDrilling'
PathLog.setLevel(PathLog.Level.DEBUG, LOG_MODULE)

FreeCADGui = None
if FreeCAD.GuiUp:
    import FreeCADGui
"""Path Drilling object and FreeCAD command"""

# Qt tanslation handling
    _encoding = QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8

    def translate(context, text, disambig=None):
        return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig, _encoding)
except AttributeError:
import PathScripts.PathGui as PathGui
import PathScripts.PathLog as PathLog
import PathScripts.PathOpGui as PathOpGui

from PySide import QtCore

__title__ = "Path Drilling Operation UI."
__author__ = "sliptonic (Brad Collette)"
__url__ = "https://www.freecadweb.org"
__doc__ = "UI and Command for Path Drilling Operation."
__contributors__ = "IMBack!"


    PathLog.setLevel(PathLog.Level.DEBUG, PathLog.thisModule())
    PathLog.setLevel(PathLog.Level.NOTICE, PathLog.thisModule())

class TaskPanelOpPage(PathCircularHoleBaseGui.TaskPanelOpPage):
    '''Controller for the drilling operation's page'''
    def initPage(self, obj):
        # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
        self.peckDepthSpinBox = PathGui.QuantitySpinBox(
            self.form.peckDepth, obj, 'PeckDepth')
        self.peckRetractSpinBox = PathGui.QuantitySpinBox(
            self.form.peckRetractHeight, obj, 'RetractHeight')
        self.dwellTimeSpinBox = PathGui.QuantitySpinBox(
            self.form.dwellTime, obj, 'DwellTime')
from __future__ import print_function
import FreeCAD
from FreeCAD import Units
import Path
import argparse
import datetime
import shlex
from PathScripts import PostUtils
from PathScripts import PathUtils
import PathScripts.PathLog as PathLog
import PathGeom
import math
import base64

LOG_MODULE = PathLog.thisModule()
PathLog.setLevel(PathLog.Level.ERROR, LOG_MODULE)

This is a postprocessor file for the Path workbench. It is used to
take a pseudo-gcode fragment outputted by a Path object, and output
real GCode suitable for a linuxcnc 3 axis mill. This postprocessor, once placed
in the appropriate PathScripts folder, can be used directly from inside
FreeCAD, via the GUI importer or via python scripts with:

import linuxcnc_post

now = datetime.datetime.now()

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='linuxcnc', add_help=False)
Exemple #8
 def setUp(self):
Exemple #9
import Path

from PathScripts import PathLog
from PathScripts import PathPost
from PathScripts import PathPreferences
from PathScripts import PostUtils

from PathScripts.PathPostProcessor import PostProcessor

# If KEEP_DEBUG_OUTPUT is False, remove the gcode file after the test succeeds.
# If KEEP_DEBUG_OUTPUT is True or the test fails leave the gcode file behind
# so it can be looked at easily.

PathPost.LOG_MODULE = PathLog.thisModule()
PathLog.setLevel(PathLog.Level.INFO, PathPost.LOG_MODULE)

class TestPathPost(unittest.TestCase):
    """Test some of the output of the postprocessors.

    So far there are three tests each for the linuxcnc
    and centroid postprocessors.

    def setUp(self):
        """Set up the postprocessor tests."""

    def tearDown(self):
        """Tear down after the postprocessor tests."""
Exemple #10
import PathScripts.PathDressup as PathDressup
import PathScripts.PathGeom as PathGeom
import PathScripts.PathLog as PathLog
import PathScripts.PathUtil as PathUtil
import PathScripts.PathUtils as PathUtils

from PySide import QtCore

# lazily loaded modules
from lazy_loader.lazy_loader import LazyLoader
DraftGeomUtils = LazyLoader('DraftGeomUtils', globals(), 'DraftGeomUtils')
Part = LazyLoader('Part', globals(), 'Part')

LOG_MODULE = PathLog.thisModule()

PathLog.setLevel(PathLog.Level.NOTICE, LOG_MODULE)
#PathLog.setLevel(PathLog.Level.DEBUG, LOG_MODULE)

# Qt translation handling
def translate(context, text, disambig=None):
    return QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate(context, text, disambig)

movecommands = ['G0', 'G00', 'G1', 'G01', 'G2', 'G02', 'G3', 'G03']
movestraight = ['G1', 'G01']
movecw = ['G2', 'G02']
moveccw = ['G3', 'G03']
movearc = movecw + moveccw

def debugMarker(vector, label, color=None, radius=0.5):
Exemple #11
 def test21(self):
     """Verify debug logs are logged if log level is set to DEBUG."""
Exemple #12
    def test12(self):
        """Verify setting module log level."""
        PathLog.setLevel(PathLog.Level.DEBUG, self.MODULE)

        self.assertEqual(PathLog.getLevel(), PathLog.Level.NOTICE)
        self.assertEqual(PathLog.getLevel(self.MODULE), PathLog.Level.DEBUG)
Exemple #13
    def test11(self):
        """Verify setting global log level."""

        self.assertEqual(PathLog.getLevel(), PathLog.Level.DEBUG)
        self.assertEqual(PathLog.getLevel(self.MODULE), PathLog.Level.DEBUG)
Exemple #14
import FreeCAD
import Path
import PathScripts.PathLog as PathLog
import PathScripts.PathOp as PathOp
import PathScripts.PathUtils as PathUtils

from PathScripts.PathUtils import waiting_effects
from PySide import QtCore

__title__ = "Base class for PathArea based operations."
__author__ = "sliptonic (Brad Collette)"
__url__ = "http://www.freecadweb.org"
__doc__ = "Base class and properties for Path.Area based operations."

if False:
    PathLog.setLevel(PathLog.Level.DEBUG, PathLog.thisModule())
    PathLog.setLevel(PathLog.Level.INFO, PathLog.thisModule())

# Qt tanslation handling
def translate(context, text, disambig=None):
    return QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate(context, text, disambig)

class ObjectOp(PathOp.ObjectOp):
    '''Base class for all Path.Area based operations.
    Provides standard features including debugging properties AreaParams,
    PathParams and removalshape, all hidden.
    The main reason for existence is to implement the standard interface
    to Path.Area so subclasses only have to provide the shapes for the
Exemple #15
# *                                                                         *
# ***************************************************************************
''' Tool Controller defines tool, spindle speed and feed rates for Path Operations '''

import FreeCAD
from FreeCAD import Units
import FreeCADGui
import PathUtils
import Path
import Part
import PathScripts
from PySide import QtCore, QtGui
import PathScripts.PathLog as PathLog

LOG_MODULE = 'PathLoadTool'
PathLog.setLevel(PathLog.Level.INFO, LOG_MODULE)

# Qt tanslation handling
    _encoding = QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8

    def translate(context, text, disambig=None):
        return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig, _encoding)
except AttributeError:

    def translate(context, text, disambig=None):
        return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig)

class LoadTool():
Exemple #16
# *                                                                         *
# ***************************************************************************

import FreeCAD
import FreeCADGui
import PathScripts.PathCircularHoleBaseGui as PathCircularHoleBaseGui
import PathScripts.PathHelix as PathHelix
import PathScripts.PathLog as PathLog
import PathScripts.PathOpGui as PathOpGui

from PySide import QtCore, QtGui

__doc__ = "Helix operation page controller and command implementation."

if True:
    PathLog.setLevel(PathLog.Level.DEBUG, PathLog.thisModule())
    PathLog.setLevel(PathLog.Level.NOTICE, PathLog.thisModule())

class TaskPanelOpPage(PathCircularHoleBaseGui.TaskPanelOpPage):
    '''Page controller class for Helix operations.'''

    def getForm(self):
        '''getForm() ... return UI'''
        return FreeCADGui.PySideUic.loadUi(":/panels/PageOpHelixEdit.ui")

    def getFields(self, obj):
        '''getFields(obj) ... transfers values from UI to obj's proprties'''
Exemple #17
 def testzz(self):
     """Restoring environment after tests."""