Exemple #1
args = parser.parse_args()

input_file = args.input_file
index = args.index
#directory  = os.path.dirname(input_file)
hn = socket.gethostname()
#pt         = Paths(input_file, index, hn)
pt = Paths(index, hn)
process = args.process

## Read the coefficients database
## if there's any
lmap = LambdaMap.LambdaMap()
if args.lambdas: lmap.read(args.lambdas)

StoredHistoPath = pt.histos_location_it(
)  ## path to save the filled histogram map
StoredLambdaPath = pt.lambdas_location_it(
)  ## path to save the filled histogram map
#FittedHistoPath = 'FittedHistograms.gz'     ## path to save the fitted histogram map
LambdasLocation = pt.lambdas_location(
)  ## path to the coefficients to be used at the next step
LambdasDBPath = pt.lambdas_db_location()  ## DBase for re-reconstruction

def FillTheHistograms():
    ## ==============================
    ## fill the histograms
    ## ==============================
    histos, badfiles = fillDatabase(  ## recieve a map of filled histograms and list of incorrect files
        lmap  ## map of the calibration coefficients