Exemple #1
def url_by_submitdir(submit_dir, db_type, config_properties=None, top_dir=None):
    """ Get URL from the submit directory """
    if not submit_dir:
        raise ConnectionError("A submit directory should be provided with the type parameter.")
    if not db_type:
        raise ConnectionError("A type should be provided with the property file.")

    # From the submit dir, we need the wf_uuid
    # Getting values from the submit_dir braindump file
    top_level_wf_params = utils.slurp_braindb(submit_dir)

    # Return if we cannot parse the braindump.txt file
    if not top_level_wf_params:
        raise ConnectionError("File 'braindump.txt' not found in %s" % (submit_dir))

    # Load the top-level braindump now if top_dir is not None
    if top_dir is not None:
        # Getting values from the top_dir braindump file
        top_level_wf_params = utils.slurp_braindb(top_dir)

        # Return if we cannot parse the braindump.txt file
        if not top_level_wf_params:
            raise ConnectionError("File 'braindump.txt' not found in %s" % (top_dir))

    # Get the location of the properties file from braindump
    top_level_prop_file = None

    # Get properties tag from braindump
    if "properties" in top_level_wf_params:
        top_level_prop_file = top_level_wf_params["properties"]
        # Create the full path by using the submit_dir key from braindump
        if "submit_dir" in top_level_wf_params:
            top_level_prop_file = os.path.join(top_level_wf_params["submit_dir"], top_level_prop_file)

    return url_by_properties(config_properties, db_type, submit_dir, rundir_properties=top_level_prop_file)
Exemple #2
def _parse_top_level_wf_params(submit_dir, top_dir):
    Parse the top level workflow parameters.
    :param submit_dir: path of the directory
    :param top_dir: path to the workflow top directory
    :return: top level workflow parameters
    dir = submit_dir
    if top_dir:
        dir = top_dir

    top_level_wf_params = utils.slurp_braindb(dir)

    # Return if we cannot parse the braindump.txt file
    if not top_level_wf_params:
        raise ConnectionError("File 'braindump.txt' not found in %s." % dir)

    if top_level_wf_params["root_wf_uuid"] == top_level_wf_params["wf_uuid"]:
        return top_level_wf_params

    while True:
        dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(dir), '..'))
        if dir == os.path.realpath('/..'):
            top_level_wf_params = None

        top_level_wf_params = utils.slurp_braindb(dir)
        if top_level_wf_params and top_level_wf_params["root_wf_uuid"] == top_level_wf_params["wf_uuid"]:

    if not top_level_wf_params:
        raise ConnectionError("Unable to find file 'braindump.txt' in parent folders.")

    return top_level_wf_params
Exemple #3
def _parse_top_level_wf_params(submit_dir, top_dir):
    Parse the top level workflow parameters.
    :param submit_dir: path of the directory
    :param top_dir: path to the workflow top directory
    :return: top level workflow parameters
    top_level_wf_params = None
    dir = submit_dir
    if top_dir:
        dir = top_dir

    top_level_wf_params = utils.slurp_braindb(dir)

    # Return if we cannot parse the braindump.txt file
    if not top_level_wf_params:
        raise ConnectionError("File 'braindump.txt' not found in %s." % dir)

    if top_level_wf_params["root_wf_uuid"] == top_level_wf_params["wf_uuid"]:
        return top_level_wf_params

    while True:
        dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(dir), '..'))
        if dir == os.path.realpath('/..'):
            top_level_wf_params = None

        top_level_wf_params = utils.slurp_braindb(dir)
        if top_level_wf_params and top_level_wf_params["root_wf_uuid"] == top_level_wf_params["wf_uuid"]:

    if not top_level_wf_params:
        raise ConnectionError("Unable to find file 'braindump.txt' in parent folders.")

    return top_level_wf_params
Exemple #4
def setup(submit_dir , config_properties):
	Setup the populate module
	@submit_dir submit directory path of the workflow run
	@config_properties path to the propery file
	# global reference
	global global_base_submit_dir
	global global_braindb_submit_dir
	global global_db_url
	global global_top_wf_uuid
	global_base_submit_dir = submit_dir
	#Getting values from braindump file
	config = utils.slurp_braindb(submit_dir)
	if ('submit_dir' in config or 'run' in config):
		if 'submit_dir' in config:
			global_braindb_submit_dir =  os.path.abspath(config['submit_dir'])
			global_braindb_submit_dir =  os.path.abspath(config['run'])
		logger.error("Submit directory cannot be found in the braindump.txt . ")
	# Create the sqllite db url
	global_db_url = connection.url_by_submitdir(submit_dir, connection.DBType.WORKFLOW, config_properties)
	global_top_wf_uuid = connection.get_wf_uuid(submit_dir)
	if global_db_url is None:
def purge_wf_uuid_from_database(rundir, output_db):
    This function purges a workflow id from the output database.
    if output_db.lower().find('sqlite:///') == 0:
        # Ok, we have a SQLite database, let's get the filename and check if it exists
        filename = output_db[10:]

        # Check if SQLite database exists
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            # No, nothing to do

    # Parse the braindump file
    wfparams = utils.slurp_braindb(rundir)
    if "wf_uuid" in wfparams:
        if wfparams["wf_uuid"] is not None:
            # Get wf_uuid
            wf_uuid = wfparams["wf_uuid"]
            e = StampedeExpunge(output_db, wf_uuid)

            # Done, make this connection go away
            e = None
Exemple #6
def _get_workflow_uri(props=None, submit_dir=None):
    """ Get WORKFLOW URI """
    if props:
        dburi = props.property("pegasus.catalog.workflow.url")
        if dburi:
            return dburi
        dburi = props.property("pegasus.monitord.output")
        if dburi:
            return dburi

    if submit_dir:
        # From the submit dir, we need the wf_uuid
        # Getting values from the submit_dir braindump file
        top_level_wf_params = utils.slurp_braindb(submit_dir)

        # The default case is a .stampede.db file with the dag name as base
        dag_file_name = ""
        if top_level_wf_params.has_key("dag"):
            dag_file_name = top_level_wf_params["dag"]
            raise ConnectionError("DAG file name cannot be found in the braindump.txt.")

        # Create the sqllite db url
        dag_file_name = os.path.basename(dag_file_name)
        output_db_file = (submit_dir) + "/" + dag_file_name[: dag_file_name.find(".dag")] + ".stampede.db"
        dburi = "sqlite:///" + output_db_file
        return dburi

    return None
Exemple #7
    def __init__(self, submitdir, raise_err=True):
        self.submitdir = os.path.abspath(submitdir)
        self.submitdir_exists = True

        if not os.path.isdir(submitdir):
            self.submitdir_exists = False

            if raise_err is False:

            raise SubmitDirException("Invalid submit dir: %s" % submitdir)

        self.braindump_file = os.path.join(self.submitdir, "braindump.yml")
        if not os.path.isfile(self.braindump_file):
            self.braindump_file = os.path.join(self.submitdir, "braindump.txt")

        # Read the braindump file
        self.braindump = utils.slurp_braindb(os.path.join(self.submitdir))

        # Read some attributes from braindump file
        self.wf_uuid = self.braindump["wf_uuid"]
        self.root_wf_uuid = self.braindump["root_wf_uuid"]
        self.user = self.braindump["user"]

        self.archname = os.path.join(self.submitdir, "archive.tar.gz")
Exemple #8
def purge_wf_uuid_from_database(rundir, output_db):
    This function purges a workflow id from the output database.
    if output_db.lower().find('sqlite:///') == 0:
        # Ok, we have a SQLite database, let's get the filename and check if it exists
        filename = output_db[10:]

        # Check if SQLite database exists
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            # No, nothing to do

    # Parse the braindump file
    wfparams = utils.slurp_braindb(rundir)

    if "wf_uuid" in wfparams:
        if wfparams["wf_uuid"] is not None:
            # Get wf_uuid
            wf_uuid = wfparams["wf_uuid"]
            e = StampedeExpunge(output_db, wf_uuid)

            # Done, make this connection go away
            e = None
Exemple #9
def setup(submit_dir, config_properties):
	Setup the populate module
	@submit_dir submit directory path of the workflow run
	@config_properties path to the propery file
    # global reference
    global global_base_submit_dir
    global global_braindb_submit_dir
    global global_db_url
    global global_top_wf_uuid
    global_base_submit_dir = submit_dir
    #Getting values from braindump file
    config = utils.slurp_braindb(submit_dir)
    if (config.has_key('submit_dir') or config.has_key('run')):
        if config.has_key('submit_dir'):
            global_braindb_submit_dir = os.path.abspath(config['submit_dir'])
            global_braindb_submit_dir = os.path.abspath(config['run'])
            "Submit directory cannot be found in the braindump.txt . ")

    # Create the sqllite db url
    global_db_url, global_top_wf_uuid = db_utils.get_db_url_wf_uuid(
        submit_dir, config_properties)
    if global_db_url is None:
def setup(submit_dir, config_properties):
	Setup the populate module
	@submit_dir submit directory path of the workflow run
	@config_properties path to the propery file
    # global reference
    global global_base_submit_dir
    global global_braindb_submit_dir
    global global_db_url
    global global_top_wf_uuid
    global_base_submit_dir = submit_dir
    #Getting values from braindump file
    config = utils.slurp_braindb(submit_dir)
    if ('submit_dir' in config or 'run' in config):
        if 'submit_dir' in config:
            global_braindb_submit_dir = os.path.abspath(config['submit_dir'])
            global_braindb_submit_dir = os.path.abspath(config['run'])
            "Submit directory cannot be found in the braindump.txt . ")

    # Create the sqllite db url
    global_db_url = connection.url_by_submitdir(submit_dir,
    global_top_wf_uuid = connection.get_wf_uuid(submit_dir)
    if global_db_url is None:
Exemple #11
def setup(submit_dir , config_properties):
	Setup the populate module
	@submit_dir submit directory path of the workflow run
	@config_properties path to the propery file
	# global reference
	global global_base_submit_dir
	global global_braindb_submit_dir
	global global_db_url
	global global_top_wf_uuid
	global_base_submit_dir = submit_dir
	#Getting values from braindump file
	config = utils.slurp_braindb(submit_dir)
	if (config.has_key('submit_dir') or config.has_key('run')):
		if config.has_key('submit_dir'):
			global_braindb_submit_dir =  os.path.abspath(config['submit_dir'])
			global_braindb_submit_dir =  os.path.abspath(config['run'])
		logger.error("Submit directory cannot be found in the braindump.txt . ")
	# Create the sqllite db url
	global_db_url, global_top_wf_uuid = db_utils.get_db_url_wf_uuid(submit_dir, config_properties)
	if global_db_url is None:
Exemple #12
def pegasus_remove(ctx, dag_id=None, verbose=False, submit_dir=None):
    """pegasus-remove helps you remove an entire workflow."""
    if not submit_dir and not dag_id:
            "You must provide either a dag_id or dagdirectory to remove a workflow."

    if submit_dir:
        cwd = os.getcwd()

        submit_dir = str(Path(submit_dir).resolve())
        except PermissionError:
                click.style("Error: ", fg="red", bold=True) +
                "Cannot change to directory %s" % submit_dir)

        config = slurp_braindb(submit_dir)
        if not config:
                click.style("Error: ", fg="red", bold=True) +
                "%s is not a valid submit-dir" % submit_dir)

        dag_log_file = config["dag"] + ".dagman.out"
        pattern = re.compile(r"\.([0-9\.]+) \(CONDOR_DAGMAN\) STARTING UP")

        with open(dag_log_file) as fp:
            for line in fp.readlines():
                match = pattern.search(line)
                if match:
                    dag_id = match.group(1)
                if not dag_id:
                        click.style("Error: ", fg="red", bold=True) +
                        "You must provide either a dag-id or dag-directory to remove a workflow."


    if dag_id:
        condor_rm = shutil.which("condor_rm")
        cmd = (condor_rm, dag_id)

        rv = subprocess.run(cmd,
        if rv.returncode == 0:
            click.secho("✨ Success", fg="green")
            click.secho("Error ", fg="red", bold=True)
def get_workflow_uuid(submit_dir):
    braindump = os.path.join(submit_dir, 'braindump.txt')

    if not os.path.isfile(braindump):
        raise ValueError('Not a valid workflow submit directory: %r' %

    braindump = utils.slurp_braindb(submit_dir)
    return braindump['root_wf_uuid'], braindump['wf_uuid']
def get_workflow_uuid(submit_dir):
    bdump_yml = Path(submit_dir) / "braindump.yml"
    bdump_txt = Path(submit_dir) / "braindump.txt"

    if bdump_yml.exists() is False and bdump_txt.exists() is False:
        raise ValueError("Not a valid workflow submit directory: %r" %

    braindump = utils.slurp_braindb(submit_dir)
    return braindump["root_wf_uuid"], braindump["wf_uuid"]
Exemple #15
def purge_wf_uuid_from_dashboard_database(rundir, output_db):
    This function purges a workflow id from the output database.

    # Parse the braindump file
    wfparams = utils.slurp_braindb(rundir)

    wf_uuid = wfparams.get("wf_uuid", None)
    if "wf_uuid" is None:

    expunge.delete_dashboard_workflow(output_db, wf_uuid)
Exemple #16
def _parse_top_level_wf_params(dir):
    Parse the top level workflow parameters.
    :param dir: path of the directory
    :return: top level workflow parameters
    top_level_wf_params = utils.slurp_braindb(dir)

    # Return if we cannot parse the braindump.txt file
    if not top_level_wf_params:
        raise ConnectionError("File 'braindump.txt' not found in %s" % (dir))

    return top_level_wf_params
Exemple #17
def purge_wf_uuid_from_dashboard_database(rundir, output_db):
    This function purges a workflow id from the output database.

    # Parse the braindump file
    wfparams = utils.slurp_braindb(rundir)

    wf_uuid = wfparams.get("wf_uuid", None)
    if "wf_uuid" is None:

    expunge.delete_dashboard_workflow(output_db, wf_uuid)
Exemple #18
def _parse_top_level_wf_params(dir):
    Parse the top level workflow parameters.
    :param dir: path of the directory
    :return: top level workflow parameters
    top_level_wf_params = utils.slurp_braindb(dir)

    # Return if we cannot parse the braindump.txt file
    if not top_level_wf_params:
        raise ConnectionError("File 'braindump.txt' not found in %s" % (dir))

    return top_level_wf_params
Exemple #19
def purge_wf_uuid_from_dashboard_database(rundir, output_db):
    This function purges a workflow id from the output database.

    # Parse the braindump file
    wfparams = utils.slurp_braindb(rundir)

    wf_uuid = wfparams.get("wf_uuid", None)
    if "wf_uuid" is None:

    e = DashboardExpunge(output_db, wf_uuid)

    # Done, make this connection go away
    e = None
Exemple #20
def purge_wf_uuid_from_dashboard_database(rundir, output_db):
    This function purges a workflow id from the output database.

    # Parse the braindump file
    wfparams = utils.slurp_braindb(rundir)

    wf_uuid = wfparams.get("wf_uuid", None)
    if "wf_uuid" is None:

    e = DashboardExpunge(output_db, wf_uuid)

    # Done, make this connection go away
    e = None
Exemple #21
def purge_wf_uuid_from_dashboard_database(rundir, output_db):
    This function purges a workflow id from the output database.

    # Parse the braindump file
    wfparams = utils.slurp_braindb(rundir)

    if "wf_uuid" in wfparams:
        if wfparams["wf_uuid"] is not None:
            # Get wf_uuid
            wf_uuid = wfparams["wf_uuid"]
            e = DashboardExpunge(output_db, wf_uuid)

            # Done, make this connection go away
            e = None
Exemple #22
def purge_wf_uuid_from_database(rundir, output_db):
    This function purges a workflow id from the output database.
    # PM-652 do nothing for sqlite
    # DB is already rotated in pegasus-monitord
    if output_db.lower().startswith('sqlite'):

    # Parse the braindump file
    wfparams = utils.slurp_braindb(rundir)

    wf_uuid = wfparams.get("wf_uuid", None)
    if "wf_uuid" is None:

    expunge.delete_workflow(output_db, wf_uuid)
Exemple #23
def purge_wf_uuid_from_dashboard_database(rundir, output_db):
    This function purges a workflow id from the output database.

    # Parse the braindump file
    wfparams = utils.slurp_braindb(rundir)

    if "wf_uuid" in wfparams:
        if wfparams["wf_uuid"] is not None:
            # Get wf_uuid
            wf_uuid = wfparams["wf_uuid"]
            e = DashboardExpunge(output_db, wf_uuid)

            # Done, make this connection go away
            e = None
Exemple #24
def purge_wf_uuid_from_database(rundir, output_db):
    This function purges a workflow id from the output database.
    # PM-652 do nothing for sqlite
    # DB is already rotated in pegasus-monitord
    if output_db.lower().startswith('sqlite'):

    # Parse the braindump file
    wfparams = utils.slurp_braindb(rundir)

    wf_uuid = wfparams.get("wf_uuid", None)
    if "wf_uuid" is None:

    expunge.delete_workflow(output_db, wf_uuid)
Exemple #25
def get_wf_uuid(submit_dir):
    # From the submit dir, we need the wf_uuid
    # Getting values from the submit_dir braindump file
    top_level_wf_params = utils.slurp_braindb(submit_dir)

    # Return if we cannot parse the braindump.txt file
    if not top_level_wf_params:
        log.error("Unable to process braindump.txt in %s" % (submit_dir))
        return None

    # Get wf_uuid for this workflow
    wf_uuid = None
    if (top_level_wf_params.has_key('wf_uuid')):
        wf_uuid = top_level_wf_params['wf_uuid']
        log.error("workflow id cannot be found in the braindump.txt ")
        return None

    return wf_uuid
Exemple #26
def get_wf_uuid(submit_dir):
    # From the submit dir, we need the wf_uuid
    # Getting values from the submit_dir braindump file
    top_level_wf_params = utils.slurp_braindb(submit_dir)
    # Return if we cannot parse the braindump.txt file
    if not top_level_wf_params:
        logger.error("Unable to process braindump.txt in %s" % (submit_dir))
        return None
    # Get wf_uuid for this workflow
    wf_uuid = None
    if (top_level_wf_params.has_key('wf_uuid')):
        wf_uuid = top_level_wf_params['wf_uuid']
        logger.error("workflow id cannot be found in the braindump.txt ")
        return None
    return wf_uuid
Exemple #27
def populate_chart(wf_uuid , expand = False):
	Populates the workflow info object corresponding to the wf_uuid
	@param wf_uuid the workflow uuid
	@param expand expand workflow or not.
	workflow_stampede_stats = get_wf_stats(wf_uuid , expand)
	workflow_info = populate_workflow_details(workflow_stampede_stats)
	sub_wf_uuids = workflow_stampede_stats.get_sub_workflow_ids()
	workflow_info.sub_wf_id_uuids = sub_wf_uuids
	if len(sub_wf_uuids) > 0:
		workflow_info.job_instance_id_sub_wf_uuid_map = get_job_inst_sub_workflow_map(workflow_stampede_stats )
	config = utils.slurp_braindb(rlb(workflow_info.submit_dir))
	if (config.has_key('dag')):
		dag_file_name = config['dag']
		workflow_info.dag_label = dag_file_name[:dag_file_name.find(".dag")]
		workflow_info.dag_file_path = os.path.join(rlb(workflow_info.submit_dir), dag_file_name)
	if (config.has_key('dax')):
		workflow_info.dax_file_path = config['dax']
	return workflow_stampede_stats, workflow_info 
Exemple #28
def purge_wf_uuid_from_database(rundir, output_db):
    This function purges a workflow id from the output database.
    # PM-652 do nothing for sqlite
    # DB is already rotated in pegasus-monitord
    if output_db.lower().startswith("sqlite"):

    # Parse the braindump file
    wfparams = utils.slurp_braindb(rundir)

    wf_uuid = wfparams.get("wf_uuid", None)
    if "wf_uuid" is None:

    e = StampedeExpunge(output_db, wf_uuid)

    # Done, make this connection go away
    e = None
def populate_chart(wf_uuid, expand=False):
	Populates the workflow info object corresponding to the wf_uuid
	@param wf_uuid the workflow uuid
	@param expand expand workflow or not.
    workflow_stampede_stats = get_wf_stats(wf_uuid, expand)
    workflow_info = populate_workflow_details(workflow_stampede_stats)
    sub_wf_uuids = workflow_stampede_stats.get_sub_workflow_ids()
    workflow_info.sub_wf_id_uuids = sub_wf_uuids
    if len(sub_wf_uuids) > 0:
        workflow_info.job_instance_id_sub_wf_uuid_map = get_job_inst_sub_workflow_map(
    config = utils.slurp_braindb(rlb(workflow_info.submit_dir))
    if ('dag' in config):
        dag_file_name = config['dag']
        workflow_info.dag_label = dag_file_name[:dag_file_name.find(".dag")]
        workflow_info.dag_file_path = os.path.join(
            rlb(workflow_info.submit_dir), dag_file_name)
    if ('dax' in config):
        workflow_info.dax_file_path = config['dax']
    return workflow_stampede_stats, workflow_info
Exemple #30
def pegasus_run(ctx, grid=False, json=False, verbose=0, submit_dir=None):
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR - (min(verbose, 3) * 10))

    cwd = os.getcwd()
    config = slurp_braindb(submit_dir)
    submit_dir = str(Path(submit_dir).resolve())

    if not config:
            click.style("Error: ", fg="red", bold=True) +
            "%s is not a valid submit-dir" % submit_dir)

    except PermissionError:
            click.style("Error: ", fg="red", bold=True) +
            "Cannot change to directory %s" % submit_dir)

    if grid:
        except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError, ValueError) as e:
            click.secho(click.style("Error: ", fg="red", bold=True) + str(e))

    if config["dag"]:
            # sanity check: Is the DAG file there?

            # PM-870 we have already changed to the directory, don't prepend $run again
            dag_sub_file = config["dag"] + ".condor.sub"

            # PM-702: clean up .halt files from pegasus-halt
            halt_released = False
            if Path(config["dag"] + ".halt").exists():
                    "Found a previously halted workflow. Releasing it now.")
                os.system("find . -name '*.dag.halt' -exec rm {} \\;")
                halt_released = True

            # After the switch from condor_submit_dag, we lost the check to see if
            # a workflow is already running. This replaces those checks.
            if Path("monitord.pid").exists():
                if halt_released:
                        click.style("Error: ", fg="red", bold=True) +
                        "It looks like the workflow is already running! If you are sure\n"
                        "       that is not the case, please remove the monitord.pid file and try\n"
                        + "       again.",

            # PM-797 do condor_submit on dagman.condor.sub file if it exists
            exec_dag(dag_sub_file, config["condor_log"])
            log.debug("# dagman is running")
            if json:
Your workflow has been started and is running in the base directory:


*** To monitor the workflow you can run ***

pegasus-status -l %(submit_dir)s

*** To remove your workflow run ***

pegasus-remove %(submit_dir)s""" % {"submit_dir": submit_dir})
        except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError, ValueError) as e:
            click.secho(click.style("Error: ", fg="red", bold=True) + str(e))
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            rc = e.returncode
            if rc != 0:
                    click.style("Error: ", fg="red", bold=True) +
                    "Running %s failed with %d" % (e.cmd, rc))

    elif config["type"] == "shell":
            click.secho("✨ Success", fg="green")
        except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError) as e:
            click.secho(click.style("Error: ", fg="red", bold=True) + str(e))
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            rc = e.returncode
            if rc != 0:
                    click.style("Error: ", fg="red", bold=True) +
                    "Running %s failed with %d" % (config["script"], rc))

Exemple #31
def get_db_url_wf_uuid(submit_dir, config_properties, top_dir=None):
    Utility method for returning the db_url and wf_uuid given the submit_dir and pegasus properties file.
    @submit_dir submit directory path
    @config_properties config properties file path
    @top_dir directory of the top-level workflow (where the database is)
    # From the submit dir, we need the wf_uuid
    # Getting values from the submit_dir braindump file
    top_level_wf_params = utils.slurp_braindb(submit_dir)

    # Return if we cannot parse the braindump.txt file
    if not top_level_wf_params:
        logger.error("Unable to process braindump.txt in %s" % (submit_dir))
        return None, None

    # Get wf_uuid for this workflow
    wf_uuid = None
    if (top_level_wf_params.has_key('wf_uuid')):
        wf_uuid = top_level_wf_params['wf_uuid']
        logger.error("workflow id cannot be found in the braindump.txt ")
        return None, None

    # Load the top-level braindump now if top_dir is not None
    if top_dir is not None:
        # Getting values from the top_dir braindump file
        top_level_wf_params = utils.slurp_braindb(top_dir)

        # Return if we cannot parse the braindump.txt file
        if not top_level_wf_params:
            logger.error("Unable to process braindump.txt in %s" % (top_dir))
            return None, None

    # Get the location of the properties file from braindump
    top_level_prop_file = None

    # Get properties tag from braindump
    if "properties" in top_level_wf_params:
        top_level_prop_file = top_level_wf_params["properties"]
        # Create the full path by using the submit_dir key from braindump
        if "submit_dir" in top_level_wf_params:
            top_level_prop_file = os.path.join(top_level_wf_params["submit_dir"], top_level_prop_file)

    # Parse, and process properties
    props = properties.Properties()
    props.new(config_file=config_properties, rundir_propfile=top_level_prop_file)

    # Ok, now figure out the database URL
    output_db_url = None

    if props.property('pegasus.monitord.output') is not None:
        output_db_url = props.property('pegasus.monitord.output')

        # Return, if not using sqlite or mysql
        if not (output_db_url.startswith("mysql:") or output_db_url.startswith("sqlite:")):
            logger.error("Unable to find database file from the properties file ")
            return None, None
        # Ok, the default case is a .stampede.db file with the dag name as base
        dag_file_name = ''
        if (top_level_wf_params.has_key('dag')):
            dag_file_name = top_level_wf_params['dag']
            logger.error("dag file name cannot be found in the braindump.txt")
            return None, None

        # Create the sqllite db url
        output_db_file = (top_dir or submit_dir) + "/" + dag_file_name[:dag_file_name.find(".dag")] + ".stampede.db"
        output_db_url = "sqlite:///" + output_db_file
        if not os.path.isfile(output_db_file):
            logger.error("Unable to find database file in " + (top_dir or submit_dir))
            return None, None

    # Ok, all done!
    return output_db_url, wf_uuid
Exemple #32
def get_db_url_wf_uuid(submit_dir, config_properties, top_dir=None):
    Utility method for returning the db_url and wf_uuid given the submit_dir and pegasus properties file.
    @submit_dir submit directory path
    @config_properties config properties file path
    @top_dir directory of the top-level workflow (where the database is)
    # From the submit dir, we need the wf_uuid
    # Getting values from the submit_dir braindump file
    top_level_wf_params = utils.slurp_braindb(submit_dir)

    # Return if we cannot parse the braindump.txt file
    if not top_level_wf_params:
        logger.error("Unable to process braindump.txt in %s" % (submit_dir))
        return None, None

    # Get wf_uuid for this workflow
    wf_uuid = None
    if (top_level_wf_params.has_key('wf_uuid')):
        wf_uuid = top_level_wf_params['wf_uuid']
        logger.error("workflow id cannot be found in the braindump.txt ")
        return None, None

    # Load the top-level braindump now if top_dir is not None
    if top_dir is not None:
        # Getting values from the top_dir braindump file
        top_level_wf_params = utils.slurp_braindb(top_dir)

        # Return if we cannot parse the braindump.txt file
        if not top_level_wf_params:
            logger.error("Unable to process braindump.txt in %s" % (top_dir))
            return None, None

    # Get the location of the properties file from braindump
    top_level_prop_file = None

    # Get properties tag from braindump
    if "properties" in top_level_wf_params:
        top_level_prop_file = top_level_wf_params["properties"]
        # Create the full path by using the submit_dir key from braindump
        if "submit_dir" in top_level_wf_params:
            top_level_prop_file = os.path.join(top_level_wf_params["submit_dir"], top_level_prop_file)

    # Parse, and process properties
    props = properties.Properties()
    props.new(config_file=config_properties, rundir_propfile=top_level_prop_file)

    # Ok, now figure out the database URL
    output_db_url = None

    if props.property('pegasus.monitord.output') is not None:
        output_db_url = props.property('pegasus.monitord.output')

        # Return, if not using sqlite or mysql
        if not (output_db_url.startswith("mysql:") or output_db_url.startswith("sqlite:")):
            logger.error("Unable to find database file from the properties file ")
            return None, None
        # Ok, the default case is a .stampede.db file with the dag name as base
        dag_file_name = ''
        if (top_level_wf_params.has_key('dag')):
            dag_file_name = top_level_wf_params['dag']
            logger.error("dag file name cannot be found in the braindump.txt")
            return None, None

        # Create the sqllite db url
        output_db_file = (top_dir or submit_dir) + "/" + dag_file_name[:dag_file_name.find(".dag")] + ".stampede.db"
        output_db_url = "sqlite:///" + output_db_file
        if not os.path.isfile(output_db_file):
            logger.error("Unable to find database file in " + (top_dir or submit_dir))
            return None, None

    # Ok, all done!
    return output_db_url, wf_uuid