def getDevices(self):
        Obtain the Raspberry Pi devices.

        Output:   devices -> List of dictionary with the obtained devices.
        db = DBBroker()
        sql = "SELECT * \
        FROM devices t1 \
        LEFT OUTER JOIN( \
        	SELECT idDevice, max(DateAndTime) AS LastDate \
        	FROM data \
            GROUP BY idDevice \
        ) t2 ON t1.idDevice = t2.idDevice;"

        devices =

        # Convert time to UTC - Europe/Madrid
        time_now =
        time_now = time_now.replace(tzinfo=None)

        for device in devices:
            if device['LastDate'] == None:
                device['status'] = False
            elif time_now - device['LastDate'] < datetime.timedelta(
                    minutes=device['timeInterval'] * 3):
                device['status'] = True
                device['status'] = False

        return devices
    def getData(self, devices, dates):
        Obtain sensor data stored into de DB.

        Intput:   devices -> List of Raspberry Pi devices from which obtain the data
                  dates -> Initial and finish dates
        Output:   data -> List of dictionaries with the obtained data.
        db = DBBroker()
        # Prepare SQL query to obtain the data
        sql = "SELECT idDevice, DateAndTime, Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, CO, LPG, VehiclesPerHour \
                FROM data \
                WHERE idDevice IN ("

        for i in range(0, len(devices)):
            sql += "'%d'" % (devices[i])
            if i != len(devices) - 1:
                sql += ", "

        sql += ") \
                AND DateAndTime BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s' \
                ORDER BY DateAndTime ASC" % (dates[0], dates[1])

        # Execute the SQL querry
        data =
        if data == None:
            data = []

        return data
    def removeNotification(self, email):
        Remove an existing notification.

        Input:   email -> Notification email
        db = DBBroker()
        sql = "DELETE FROM notifications \
                WHERE email = '%s'" % (email)
    def getNotifications(self):
        Get all the email notifications.

        Output:   notifications -> List with all the notifications stored.
        db = DBBroker()
        sql = "SELECT * FROM notifications "
        notifications =
        return notifications
    def createNotification(self, email, CO_level, LPG_level, vehicles):
        Create a new notification.

        Input:   email -> Notification email
                 CO_level -> CO notification level
                 LPG_level -> LPG notification level
                 vehicles -> vehicles per hour notification level
        db = DBBroker()
        sql = "INSERT INTO notifications(email, COLimit, LPGLimit, vehiclesLimit) \
                VALUES ('%s', %s, %s, %s)" % \
                (email, CO_level, LPG_level, vehicles)
    def updateNotification(self, email, CO_level, LPG_level, vehicles):
        Update and existing notifications.

        Input:   email -> Notification email
                 CO_level -> CO notification level
                 LPG_level -> LPG notification level
                 vehicles -> vehicles per hour notification level
        db = DBBroker()
        sql = "UPDATE notifications \
                SET COLimit =  %s, LPGLimit =  %s, vehiclesLimit =  %s \
                WHERE email = '%s'" % \
                (CO_level, LPG_level, vehicles, email)
def sensorUpdate(event):
    This method is executed everytime an event arrives with new data from the
    Raspberry Pi devices. The data is processed and stored into the database.

    Input:   event -> Event recived from IBM IoT.
    data =
    date_time = event.timestamp

    db = DBBroker()
    sql = "INSERT INTO data(idDevice, DateAndTime, Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, CO, LPG, VehiclesPerHour) \
            VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f')"                                                                     % \
            (data['idDevice'], data['date_time'], data['temperature'], data['humidity'], data['pressure'], data['CO'], data['LPG_gas'], data['vehicles_per_hour'])
    print("Stored into the DB live data from %s (%s) sent at %s" %
          (event.deviceId, event.deviceType, date_time))
Exemple #8
    def user_login(self, email, password):
        Check if the user exist and if the password is the correct one.

        Intput:   email -> User email
                  password -> User password
        Output:   success -> True if the email and password match
                  user_id -> The user identification
                  user_auth_token -> An identifier to check the user autenticity during
                    the sesion
        success = False
        user_id = None
        user_auth_token = None

        db = DBBroker()
        sql = "SELECT user_id, password \
                FROM users \
                WHERE email = '%s'" % (email)
        user_data =[0]
        raw_pass = str(user_data['user_id']) + email
        encrip_pass = AESCipher(password).encrypt(raw_pass)

        if encrip_pass == user_data['password']:
            success = True
            user_id = user_data['user_id']
            user_auth_token = str(uuid.uuid4())

            db = DBBroker()
            sql = "UPDATE users \
                    SET last_token = '%s' \
                    WHERE user_id = %d" % (user_auth_token, user_id)

        return (success, user_id, user_auth_token)
Exemple #9
    def checkUserSession(self, user_id, user_auth_token):
        Verify the user session.

        Intput:   user_id -> The user identification
                  user_auth_token -> An identifier to check the user autenticity during
                    the sesion
        Output:   success -> True if the user session exists
        success = False
        db = DBBroker()
        sql = "SELECT last_token, email \
                FROM users \
                WHERE user_id = %d" % (user_id)
        user_data =[0]

        if user_auth_token == user_data['last_token']:
            success = True
            email = user_data['email']

        return (success, email)
    def getLastData(self, idDevice):
        Obtain last data stored into de DB.

        Intput:   idDevice -> Raspberry Pi device from which obtain the data
        Output:   data -> Dictionary with the obtained data.
        db = DBBroker()
        sql = "SELECT DateAndTime, Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, CO, LPG, VehiclesPerHour \
                FROM data t\
                inner join ( \
                    SELECT idDevice, max(DateAndTime) as LastDate \
                    FROM data \
                    GROUP BY idDevice \
                ) tmd on t.idDevice = tmd.idDevice and t.DateAndTime = tmd.LastDate \
                    WHERE t.idDevice = '%d'" % (idDevice)
        data =[0]
        data['idDevice'] = idDevice
        if data == None:
            data = self.getDefaultData()

        return data