Exemple #1
from PerspectiveTransform import PerspectiveCorrecter
from math import hypot

pointLocationsInImage = [[952, 533], [946, 3], [1668, 3], [1667, 527]]
realCoordinates = [[0, 0], [0, 109], [150.1, 109], [150.1, 0]]
perspectiveConverter = PerspectiveCorrecter(pointLocationsInImage, realCoordinates)

# not image 14 in /home/exchizz/
px_pkt = (208,377)
meter_pktl = perspectiveConverter.convert(px_pkt)

px_pkt = (95,319)
meter_pktr = perspectiveConverter.convert(px_pkt)

distance = hypot(meter_pktl[0] - meter_pktr[0],meter_pktl[1] - meter_pktr[1])

print "Test 1 distance is: ", distance,  " error: ", 50-distance

# Image 15
px_pkt = (925,689)
meter_pktl = perspectiveConverter.convert(px_pkt)

px_pkt = (1246,839)
meter_pktr = perspectiveConverter.convert(px_pkt)

class ROS:
    def __init__(self):
        # Instantiate ros publisher with information about the markers that
        # will be tracked.

	self.toFind = rospy.get_param( '~to_find', 4)
	rospy.logwarn("Looking for drone order: %d" % self.toFind);
        self.pub = None
#        self.markers = self.toFind
        self.bridge = CvBridge()

	pose_out = rospy.get_param( '~pose_out', 'pose')
        self.pub = rospy.Publisher(pose_out, DronePose, queue_size = 10)

        self.imagePub = rospy.Publisher("imagePublisher", Image, queue_size=10)

	topic_camera_in = rospy.get_param( '~camera_in', '/camera/stream')
	self.image_sub = rospy.Subscriber(topic_camera_in,Image,self.callbackFrame)

	self.newFrame = False
	self.frame = None

	self.cd = CameraDriver(self.toFind, defaultKernelSize = 25)

#	pointLocationsInImage = [[1328, 340], [874, 346], [856, 756], [1300, 762]]
#	realCoordinates = [[0, 0], [300, 0], [300, 250], [0, 250]]
	pointLocationsInImage = [[952, 533], [946, 3], [1668, 3], [1667, 527]]
#	pointLocationsInImage =  [[1668, 3], [1667, 527], [952, 533], [946, 3]]
	realCoordinates = [[0, 0], [0, 109], [150.1, 109], [150.1, 0]]

	self.perspectiveConverter = PerspectiveCorrecter(pointLocationsInImage, realCoordinates)

#    while cd.running:
#	pass
#        cd.getImage()
#	if RP.newFrame:
#		RP.newFrame = False

    def callbackFrame(self, frame):
		source = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(frame, "bgr8")

		frame = cv.CreateImageHeader((source.shape[1], source.shape[0]), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3)
		cv.SetData( frame, source.tostring(), source.dtype.itemsize * 3 * source.shape[1] )

	except CvBridgeError as e:
		print e	

	y = self.cd.returnPositions() 
	img = numpy.asarray(self.cd.processedFrame[:,:])

    def publishMarkerLocations(self, locations):
#	pkt = self.perspectiveConverter.convert(px_pkt)

#	print "before homography:", locations[0].x, locations[0].y
	x,y = self.perspectiveConverter.convert( (locations[0].x, locations[0].y) )

#	print "after homography:", x, y
#	print x,y
#	print("x: %8.7f y: %8.7f angle: %8.7f quality: %8.7f order: %s lock: %d" % (x, y, locations[0].theta, locations[0].quality, locations[0].order, locations[0].order_match))
        self.pub.publish(  DronePose( x, y, locations[0].theta, locations[0].quality, locations[0].order_match )  )

    def publishImage(self, Image):
                self.imagePub.publish(self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(Image, 'bgr8'))
        except CvBridgeError, e:
                print e