def toTemplateString(self): tempstr="job_begin\n"; if is not None: tempstr+="\tname ""\n" else: raise PipelineError("[PipelineClusterJob] Attempted to produce template string with no defined name!") if self.memory is not None: tempstr+="\tmemory "+self.memory+"\n" if self.queue is not None: tempstr+="\tqueue "+self.queue+"\n" if self.module is not None: tempstr+="\tmodule "+self.module+"\n" if is not None: tempstr+="\tdirectory ""\n" if self.status is not None: tempstr+="\tstatus "+self.status+"\n" # print("type of self.cmd: %s" % (self.cmd.__class__.__name__)) # print("# of commands: %d" % len(self.cmd)) if len(self.cmd) <= 0: raise PipelineError("[PipelineClusterJob] Attempted to produce template string with no defined commands!") elif len(self.cmd) == 1: #TODO make these paths come from settings tempstr+="\tcmd %s \"%s\" \n" %(BiotoolsSettings.getValue("HANDLER_SCRIPT"),self.cmd[0]) else: tempstr+="\tcmd_begin\n" for cmd in self.cmd: #TODO find out how multi-line commands work, & whether you can run these with the runwithenv commands tempstr+="\t\t"+cmd+"\n" tempstr+="\tcmd_end\n" tempstr+="job_end\n" if len(self.order_after) > 0: for prior in self.order_after: tempstr+="order "+self.getFullName()+" after "+prior+"\n" return tempstr
def replaceVars(instr,subjob,grouplbl,cumsuffix,prefix,prefix2=None): #TODO: fill in stub errors=[] if instr is None: errors.append("instr is None") if subjob is None: errors.append("subjob is None") if grouplbl is None: errors.append("grouplbl is None") if cumsuffix is None: errors.append("cumsuffix is None") if prefix is None: errors.append("prefix is None") if subjob.parent.isCrossJob and (prefix2 is None): errors.append("prefix2 is None for crossjob") if len(errors) != 0: raise PipelineError("[Pipeline.PipelineUtil.replaceVars] " + (", ".join(errors))) retstr=instr for var in subjob.parent.vars: search=var replace=subjob.parent.vars[var] search=re.sub(r'\$','\\\$',search) #print ("replacing %s with %s" %(search,replace)) retstr=re.sub(search,replace,retstr) #replace ADJPREFIX with $PREFIX$CUMSUFFIX - totally for convenience, #can still use $CUMSUFFIX directly, for input files that need it if not subjob.parent.clearsuffixes: retstr=re.sub('\$ADJPREFIX','$PREFIX$CUMSUFFIX',retstr) else: retstr=re.sub('\$ADJPREFIX','$PREFIX',retstr) retstr=re.sub('\$CUMSUFFIX',cumsuffix,retstr) retstr=re.sub('\$SUFFIX',subjob.parent.suffix,retstr); for key in BiotoolsSettings.getKeyList(): search='\$'+key replace=BiotoolsSettings.getValue(key) #TODO: this is for testing if sys.platform == 'win32': replace=re.sub("\\\\","\\\\\\\\",replace) #print("replacing %s with %s" % (search,replace)) retstr=re.sub(search,replace,retstr); retstr=re.sub('\$GROUPLBL',grouplbl,retstr); retstr=re.sub('\$CUMSUFFIX',cumsuffix,retstr); retstr=re.sub('\$PREFIX',prefix,retstr); if subjob.parent.isCrossJob: retstr=re.sub('\$PREFIX2',prefix2,retstr); return retstr
def toSJMStrings(self,splitOpts,baseName,grouplbl): sjm_strings={} #get name of string content should be added to: nodeQueue=[] cumsuffixQueue=[] #set starting nodes for item in self.getSourceNodes(): nodeQueue.append(item) cumsuffixQueue.append("") while len(nodeQueue) > 0: node=nodeQueue.pop(0) cumsuffix=cumsuffixQueue.pop(0) #if job is comparing pairs of samples, if node.template.isCrossJob: raise PipelineError("[PipelineTemplate.AnalysisPipeline.toSJMStrings] CrossJob Translation not yet implemented") #handle selected pairs #TODO, what to do with no selection (missing optionfile)? Fail or do ALL pairwise? else: #otherwise translate template once per file for sample in self.samples.keys(): Sample=self.samples[sample] stringName=self.getFileNameForString(splitOpts,baseName, node, Sample) if not (sjm_strings.has_key(stringName)): sjm_strings[stringName]="" parentNode=self.getParentOfNode(node) #TODO get template string & append it to sjm_strings[stringName] sjm_strings[stringName]+=node.template.toString(grouplbl,cumsuffix,Sample.ID) #TODO add any extra link-related job dependencies manually if not (splitOpts['step']): #TODO link across templates, link back to parents derp="" if parentNode is not None: print("%s <<< %s | %s <- %s | % s : %s" % (stringName,,node.subname,,parentNode.subname, Sample.ID)) else: print("%s <<< %s | %s : %s" % (stringName,,node.subname,Sample.ID)) for item in self.getTargetsOfNode(node): nodeQueue.append(item) if node.template.clearsuffixes: cumsuffixQueue.append("") else: cumsuffixQueue.append(cumsuffix+node.template.suffix) #TODO add log_dir line to strings logdir=BiotoolsSettings.getValue("CURDIR")+os.sep+"sjm_logs" if os.path.exists(logdir): if not (os.path.isdir(logdir)): raise PipelineError("[PipelineTemplate.AnalysisPipeline.toSJMStrings] log directory path: %s already exists and is not a directory" % logdir) else: os.mkdir(logdir) if not (os.path.isdir(logdir)): raise PipelineError("[PipelineTemplate.AnalysisPipeline.toSJMStrings] failed to create log directory") for sjm in sjm_strings.keys(): sjm_strings[sjm]=sjm_strings.get(sjm)+"log_dir %s" % logdir return sjm_strings
def parseSubJob(subjobopt,clusterjob): #subjobvars={}; commasplit=subjobopt.split(","); for commaItem in commasplit: eqsplit=commaItem.split("=") # print("split on equal sign: %s" % eqsplit) if (len(eqsplit)!=2): raise PipelineError("[PipelineTemplateGenerator.parseVars] invalid argument syntax! should have 2 elements separated by '=', have: %d" % len(eqsplit)); attrib_name=str(eqsplit[0].strip()) attrib_val=str(eqsplit[1]) # print("attrib_name:") # print(attrib_name) # print("attrib_val:") # print(attrib_val) if attrib_name == "order_after": # print("found order_after!!!"); # print("parsing: " + attrib_val); if ':' in attrib_val: arr=attrib_val.split(":"); # print("split order after: " + arr); clusterjob.order_after.append(arr); else: # print("order after: " + attrib_val); clusterjob.order_after.append(attrib_val); elif attrib_name == "cmd": # print("found cmd!!!"); # print("split cmd: " + attrib_val); clusterjob.cmd.append(attrib_val); else: # print("found " + attrib_name + " !!!") setattr(clusterjob, attrib_name, attrib_val) if clusterjob.module is None: clusterjob.module=BiotoolsSettings.getValue("MODULEFILE") if is None:"CURDIR") if clusterjob.queue is None: clusterjob.queue=BiotoolsSettings.getValue("JOBQUEUE")
def templateDir(): #return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))),"jobtemplates")#get path to this script, get directory name, and go up one level, then append template dir name return BiotoolsSettings.getValue("SJM_TEMPLATE_DIR")