Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, position, width=20, height=30, name='', collisionGroupNames=None, transferName='', image=None):
     Standard constructor takes in position and can override width and height.
     @type  position: C{(int, int)} or L{Vector<Utilities.vector.Vector>}
     @param position: The world coordinates of the top left corner of the object's bounding box
     @type  width:    C{int}
     @param width:    The width of the object's bounding box in pixels.
     @type  height:   C{int}
     @param height:   The height of the object's bounding box in pixels.
     @type  collisionGroupNames:  C{list}
     @param collisionGroupNames:  List of names (C{str}) of L{CollisionGroup<CollisionGroup.CollisionGroup>} that
                                  this Actor should be part of.
     @type  image:    U{C{pygame.Surface}<http://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/surface.html>}
     @param image:    The static image that should be drawn at the object's L{Position}
     # animation
     # list of tuples ('name', Animation, draw offset)
     animationMappings = []
     animationMappings.append(('idle', Animation('../content/gfx/sprites/HulkGreen.png', pygame.Rect((0, 0, 160, 124)), 8, 3, -1, pygame.Color(49, 115, 255)), Vector((-60, -80))))
     animationMappings.append(('fall', Animation('../content/gfx/sprites/HulkGreen.png', pygame.Rect((0, 247, 130, 225)), 2, 3, -1, pygame.Color(49, 115, 255)), Vector((-54, -180))))
     animationMappings.append(('land', Animation('../content/gfx/sprites/HulkGreen.png', pygame.Rect((0, 127, 140, 120)), 4, 3, 3, pygame.Color(49, 115, 255)), Vector((-54, -80 + 4))))
     self.color = pygame.Color(0, 0, 0)
     PlatformerActor.__init__(self, position, width, height, name, collisionGroupNames, transferName, [('idle', NPCIdle(self)), ('fall', NPCFall(self)), ('land', NPCLand(self))], 'fall', image, animationMappings)
     # blink
     self.ApplyEffect(BlinkEffect(self, 1.0, 0.25))
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, position, width, height, name, collisionGroupNames, transferName, playerNum, controller):
        # override width and height
        width = 30
        height = 94
        stateMappings = [('idle', IdleState(self)), ('run', RunState(self)), ('jump', JumpState(self)), ('fall', FallState(self)), ('land', LandState(self)), ('throw', ThrowState(self)), ('thrown', ThrownState(self)), ('dead', DeadState(self)), ('win', WinState(self)), ('lose', LoseState(self))]
        startStateName = 'fall'
        # respawn time for dead state
        self.respawnTime = 2.0
        self.RespawnPosition = position
        self.RespawnFacingRight = True
        image = None
        # player will be a box for now
        self.image = pygame.Surface((width, height))
        self.image = self.image.convert_alpha()
        self._color = Constants.GameObjectConstants.DEBUG_COLOR
        # animation
        # list of tuples ('name', Animation, draw offset)
        sheetPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath('../content/gfx/sprites/PlayerSheet' + str(playerNum+1) + '.png'))
        clearColor = None
        alpha = True
        # animations
        animationMappings = []
        animationMappings.append(('idle', Animation(sheetPath, pygame.Rect((0, 0, 45, 96)), 17, 4, -1, clearColor, alpha), Vector((-7, 0))))
        animationMappings.append(('run', Animation(sheetPath, pygame.Rect((0, 110, 100, 100)),  8, 1, -1, clearColor, alpha), Vector((-32, 0))))
        animationMappings.append(('launch', Animation(sheetPath, pygame.Rect((0, 218, 69, 94)), 1, 1, 1, clearColor, alpha), Vector((0, 0))))
        animationMappings.append(('jump', Animation(sheetPath, pygame.Rect((0, 321, 66, 107)), 2, 3, -1, clearColor, alpha), Vector((-18, 0))))
        animationMappings.append(('fall', Animation(sheetPath, pygame.Rect((0, 430, 81, 105)), 4, 3, -1, clearColor, alpha), Vector((-25, 0))))
        animationMappings.append(('land', Animation(sheetPath, pygame.Rect((0, 535, 76, 96)), 2, 1, 1, clearColor, alpha), Vector((-25, 0))))
        animationMappings.append(('throw', Animation(sheetPath, pygame.Rect((0, 632, 130, 102)), 4, 1, 3, clearColor, alpha), Vector((-50, 0))))
        animationMappings.append(('thrown', Animation(sheetPath, pygame.Rect((0, 735, 80, 95)), 5, 1, -1, clearColor, alpha), Vector((-24, 0))))
        animationMappings.append(('win', Animation(sheetPath, pygame.Rect((0, 828, 62, 110)), 4, 1, 3, clearColor, alpha), Vector((-15, -12))))
        animationMappings.append(('dead', Animation(sheetPath, pygame.Rect((0, 940, 105, 95)), 8, 1, 7, clearColor, alpha), Vector((-30, 10))))

        # sounds
        soundMappings = []
        #soundMappings.append(('throw', Sound('../resources/sounds/dp_finalfight.ogg', Constants.GameConstants.SOUND_VOLUME)))
        soundMappings.append(('hit', Sound('../content/sounds/hit.ogg', Constants.GameConstants.SOUND_VOLUME)))
        soundMappings.append(('jump', Sound('../content/sounds/jump.ogg', Constants.GameConstants.SOUND_VOLUME)))
        soundMappings.append(('swipe', Sound('../content/sounds/swipe.ogg', Constants.GameConstants.SOUND_VOLUME)))
        soundMappings.append(('land', Sound('../content/sounds/thud.ogg', Constants.GameConstants.SOUND_VOLUME)))
        soundMappings.append(('win', Sound('../content/sounds/win.ogg', Constants.GameConstants.SOUND_VOLUME)))
        #soundMappings.append(('count down', Sound('../resources/sounds/countdown.ogg', 0.1)))

        PlatformerActor.__init__(self, position, width, height, name, collisionGroupNames, transferName, stateMappings, startStateName, self.image, animationMappings, soundMappings)
        Player.__init__(self, position, width, height, name, collisionGroupNames, transferName, playerNum, controller, stateMappings, startStateName, self.image, animationMappings, soundMappings)

        # set some speeds for the player
        self._maxXVel = Constants.PlayerConstants.MAX_X_VELOCITY
        self._maxYVel = Constants.PlayerConstants.MAX_Y_VELOCITY
        self._maxFallVel = Constants.PlayerConstants.MAX_FALL_VELOCITY
        self._jumpVel = Constants.PlayerConstants.MAX_JUMP_VELOCITY
        self._runVel = Constants.PlayerConstants.MAX_RUN_VELOCITY        
        # to test map transfer
        self._numjumps = 0
        # test throw
        self.isThrowing = False
        self.isThrown = False
        throwBoxWidth = 48
        throwBoxHeight = 18
        self._throwBoxCenterOffset = Vector((32, -8))
        self.ThrowBox = pygame.Rect((self.boundingBox.centerx + self._throwBoxCenterOffset.x, self.boundingBox.centery + self._throwBoxCenterOffset.y), (throwBoxWidth, throwBoxHeight))  # throw hit box
        self.ThrowFrames = self._animations['throw'].LoopLength
        self.AirThrow = False
        self.ThrowVel = Vector((10000, 1000))
        self.ThrowVector = Vector((0, 0))
        self._throwCoolDown = 0
        # some goal variables
        self._win = False
        self._lose = False
        # restricted changes test
        self._restrictedStateTrans = [('dead', 'land'), ('dead', 'jump'), ('win', 'fall'), ('win', 'idle'), ('win', 'dead'), ('win', 'thrown'), ('lose', 'fall'), ('lose', 'idle'), ('lose', 'dead'), ('lose', 'thrown')]
        self._drawDebug = False