def __init__(self): self.logClassInits = Config.get("game", "log_class_inits") if self.logClassInits == 1: Log.debug("Input class init (") Task.__init__(self) self.mouse = pygame.mouse self.mouseListeners = [] self.keyListeners = [] self.systemListeners = [] self.priorityKeyListeners = [] self.controls = Controls() self.disableKeyRepeat() # Initialize joysticks pygame.joystick.init() self.joystickAxes = {} self.joystickHats = {} self.joysticks = [pygame.joystick.Joystick(id) for id in range(pygame.joystick.get_count())] for j in self.joysticks: j.init() self.joystickAxes[j.get_id()] = [0] * j.get_numaxes() self.joystickHats[j.get_id()] = [(0, 0)] * j.get_numhats() Log.debug("%d joysticks found." % (len(self.joysticks))) # Enable music events Audio.Music.setEndEvent(MusicFinished) # Custom key names self.getSystemKeyName = = self.getKeyName
def __init__(self): self.logClassInits = Config.get("game", "log_class_inits") if self.logClassInits == 1: Log.debug("Input class init (") Task.__init__(self) self.mouse = pygame.mouse self.mouseListeners = [] self.keyListeners = [] self.systemListeners = [] self.priorityKeyListeners = [] self.controls = Controls() self.activeGameControls = [] self.p2Nav = self.controls.p2Nav self.type1 = self.controls.type[0] self.keyCheckerMode = Config.get("game","key_checker_mode") self.disableKeyRepeat() self.gameGuitars = 0 self.gameDrums = 0 self.gameMics = 0 self.gameBots = 0 # Initialize joysticks pygame.joystick.init() self.joystickNames = {} self.joystickAxes = {} self.joystickHats = {} self.joysticks = [pygame.joystick.Joystick(id) for id in range(pygame.joystick.get_count())] for j in self.joysticks: j.init() self.joystickNames[j.get_id()] = j.get_name() self.joystickAxes[j.get_id()] = [0] * j.get_numaxes() self.joystickHats[j.get_id()] = [(0, 0)] * j.get_numhats() Log.debug("%d joysticks found." % len(self.joysticks)) # Enable music events Audio.Music.setEndEvent(MusicFinished) #Audio.Music.setEndEvent() #MFH - no event required? # Custom key names self.getSystemKeyName = = self.getKeyName self.midi = [] if haveMidi: pygame.midi.init() for i in range(pygame.midi.get_count()): interface, name, is_input, is_output, is_opened = pygame.midi.get_device_info(i) Log.debug("Found MIDI device: %s on %s" % (name, interface)) if not is_input: Log.debug("MIDI device is not an input device.") continue try: self.midi.append(pygame.midi.Input(i)) Log.debug("Device opened as device number %d." % len(self.midi)) except pygame.midi.MidiException: Log.error("Error opening device for input.") if len(self.midi) == 0: Log.debug("No MIDI input ports found.") else: Log.notice("MIDI input support is not available; install at least pygame 1.9 to get it.")
class Input(Task): def __init__(self): self.logClassInits = Config.get("game", "log_class_inits") if self.logClassInits == 1: Log.debug("Input class init (") Task.__init__(self) self.mouse = pygame.mouse self.mouseListeners = [] self.keyListeners = [] self.systemListeners = [] self.priorityKeyListeners = [] self.controls = Controls() self.activeGameControls = [] self.p2Nav = self.controls.p2Nav self.type1 = self.controls.type[0] self.keyCheckerMode = Config.get("game","key_checker_mode") self.disableKeyRepeat() self.gameGuitars = 0 self.gameDrums = 0 self.gameMics = 0 self.gameBots = 0 # Initialize joysticks pygame.joystick.init() self.joystickNames = {} self.joystickAxes = {} self.joystickHats = {} self.joysticks = [pygame.joystick.Joystick(id) for id in range(pygame.joystick.get_count())] for j in self.joysticks: j.init() self.joystickNames[j.get_id()] = j.get_name() self.joystickAxes[j.get_id()] = [0] * j.get_numaxes() self.joystickHats[j.get_id()] = [(0, 0)] * j.get_numhats() Log.debug("%d joysticks found." % len(self.joysticks)) # Enable music events Audio.Music.setEndEvent(MusicFinished) #Audio.Music.setEndEvent() #MFH - no event required? # Custom key names self.getSystemKeyName = = self.getKeyName self.midi = [] if haveMidi: pygame.midi.init() for i in range(pygame.midi.get_count()): interface, name, is_input, is_output, is_opened = pygame.midi.get_device_info(i) Log.debug("Found MIDI device: %s on %s" % (name, interface)) if not is_input: Log.debug("MIDI device is not an input device.") continue try: self.midi.append(pygame.midi.Input(i)) Log.debug("Device opened as device number %d." % len(self.midi)) except pygame.midi.MidiException: Log.error("Error opening device for input.") if len(self.midi) == 0: Log.debug("No MIDI input ports found.") else: Log.notice("MIDI input support is not available; install at least pygame 1.9 to get it.") def showMouse(self): pygame.mouse.set_visible(True) def hideMouse(self): pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) def reloadControls(self): self.controls = Controls() def pluginControls(self): self.gameDrums = 0 self.gameGuitars = 0 self.gameMics = 0 Player.pluginControls(self.activeGameControls) for i in self.activeGameControls: if self.controls.type[i] == -1: self.gameBots += 1 elif self.controls.type[i] in Player.DRUMTYPES: self.gameDrums += 1 elif self.controls.type[i] in Player.MICTYPES: self.gameMics += 1 elif self.controls.type[i] in Player.GUITARTYPES: self.gameGuitars += 1 def getAnalogKill(self, player): return self.controls.analogKill[self.activeGameControls[player]] def getAnalogSP(self, player): return self.controls.analogSP[self.activeGameControls[player]] def getAnalogSPThresh(self, player): return self.controls.analogSPThresh[self.activeGameControls[player]] def getAnalogSPSense(self, player): return self.controls.analogSPSense[self.activeGameControls[player]] def getAnalogSlide(self, player): return self.controls.analogSlide[self.activeGameControls[player]] def getAnalogFX(self, player): return self.controls.analogFX[self.activeGameControls[player]] #FIXME: Analog FX def getTwoChord(self, player): return self.controls.twoChord[self.activeGameControls[player]] def disableKeyRepeat(self): pygame.key.set_repeat(0, 0) def enableKeyRepeat(self): pygame.key.set_repeat(300, 30) def addMouseListener(self, listener): if not listener in self.mouseListeners: self.mouseListeners.append(listener) def removeMouseListener(self, listener): if listener in self.mouseListeners: self.mouseListeners.remove(listener) def addKeyListener(self, listener, priority = False): if priority: if not listener in self.priorityKeyListeners: self.priorityKeyListeners.append(listener) else: if not listener in self.keyListeners: self.keyListeners.append(listener) def removeKeyListener(self, listener): if listener in self.keyListeners: self.keyListeners.remove(listener) if listener in self.priorityKeyListeners: self.priorityKeyListeners.remove(listener) def addSystemEventListener(self, listener): if not listener in self.systemListeners: self.systemListeners.append(listener) def removeSystemEventListener(self, listener): if listener in self.systemListeners: self.systemListeners.remove(listener) def broadcastEvent(self, listeners, function, *args): for l in reversed(listeners): if getattr(l, function)(*args): return True else: return False def broadcastSystemEvent(self, name, *args): return self.broadcastEvent(self.systemListeners, name, *args) def encodeMidiButton(self, midi, button): return 0x40000 + (midi << 8 ) + button def decodeMidiButton(self, id): id -= 0x40000 return (id >> 8, id & 0xff) def encodeJoystickButton(self, joystick, button): return 0x10000 + (joystick << 8) + button def encodeJoystickAxis(self, joystick, axis, end): return 0x20000 + (joystick << 8) + (axis << 4) + end def encodeJoystickHat(self, joystick, hat, pos): v = int((pos[1] + 1) * 3 + (pos[0] + 1)) return 0x30000 + (joystick << 8) + (hat << 4) + v def decodeJoystickButton(self, id): id -= 0x10000 return (id >> 8, id & 0xff) def decodeJoystickAxis(self, id): id -= 0x20000 return (id >> 8, (id >> 4) & 0xf, id & 0xf) def decodeJoystickHat(self, id): id -= 0x30000 v = id & 0xf x, y = (v % 3) - 1, (v / 3) - 1 return (id >> 8, (id >> 4) & 0xf, (x, y)) #myfingershurt: new function specifically for detecting an analog whammy input: def getWhammyAxis(self, id): if id < 0x30000 and id >= 0x20000: joy, axis, end = self.decodeJoystickAxis(id) return (True, joy, axis) else: return (False, 0, 0) def getJoysticksUsed(self, keys): midis = [] joys = [] for id in keys: if id >= 0x40000: midi, but = self.decodeMidiButton(id) if midi not in midis: midis.append(midi) elif id >= 0x30000: joy, axis, pos = self.decodeJoystickHat(id) if joy not in joys: joys.append(joy) elif id >= 0x20000: joy, axis, end = self.decodeJoystickAxis(id) if joy not in joys: joys.append(joy) elif id >= 0x10000: joy, but = self.decodeJoystickButton(id) if joy not in joys: joys.append(joy) return [joys, midis] def getKeyName(self, id): if id >= 0x40000: midi, but = self.decodeMidiButton(id) return "Midi #%d-%d" % (midi + 1, but) elif id >= 0x30000: joy, axis, pos = self.decodeJoystickHat(id) return "Joy #%d, hat %d %s" % (joy + 1, axis, pos) elif id >= 0x20000: joy, axis, end = self.decodeJoystickAxis(id) return "Joy #%d, axis %d %s" % (joy + 1, axis, (end == 1) and "high" or "low") elif id >= 0x10000: joy, but = self.decodeJoystickButton(id) return "Joy #%d, %s" % (joy + 1, chr(ord('A') + but)) return self.getSystemKeyName(id) def run(self, ticks): pygame.event.pump() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if not self.broadcastEvent(self.priorityKeyListeners, "keyPressed", event.key, event.unicode): self.broadcastEvent(self.keyListeners, "keyPressed", event.key, event.unicode) elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if not self.broadcastEvent(self.priorityKeyListeners, "keyReleased", event.key): self.broadcastEvent(self.keyListeners, "keyReleased", event.key) elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: self.broadcastEvent(self.mouseListeners, "mouseMoved", event.pos, event.rel) elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: self.broadcastEvent(self.mouseListeners, "mouseButtonPressed", event.button, event.pos) elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: self.broadcastEvent(self.mouseListeners, "mouseButtonReleased", event.button, event.pos) elif event.type == pygame.VIDEORESIZE: self.broadcastEvent(self.systemListeners, "screenResized", event.size) elif event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.broadcastEvent(self.systemListeners, "quit") elif event.type == pygame.ACTIVEEVENT: # akedrou - catch for pause onLoseFocus if (event.state == 2 or event.state == 6) and event.gain == 0: self.broadcastEvent(self.keyListeners, "lostFocus") # as a key event, since Scene clients don't handle system events elif event.type == MusicFinished: self.broadcastEvent(self.systemListeners, "musicFinished") elif event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN: # joystick buttons masquerade as keyboard events id = self.encodeJoystickButton(, event.button) if not self.broadcastEvent(self.priorityKeyListeners, "keyPressed", id, u'\x00'): self.broadcastEvent(self.keyListeners, "keyPressed", id, u'\x00') elif event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONUP: id = self.encodeJoystickButton(, event.button) if not self.broadcastEvent(self.priorityKeyListeners, "keyReleased", id): self.broadcastEvent(self.keyListeners, "keyReleased", id) elif event.type == pygame.JOYAXISMOTION: try: threshold = .8 state = self.joystickAxes[][event.axis] keyEvent = None if event.value > threshold and state != 1: self.joystickAxes[][event.axis] = 1 keyEvent = "keyPressed" args = (self.encodeJoystickAxis(, event.axis, 1), u'\x00') state = 1 elif event.value < -threshold and state != -1: keyEvent = "keyPressed" args = (self.encodeJoystickAxis(, event.axis, 0), u'\x00') state = -1 elif state != 0: keyEvent = "keyReleased" args = (self.encodeJoystickAxis(, event.axis, (state == 1) and 1 or 0), ) state = 0 if keyEvent: self.joystickAxes[][event.axis] = state if not self.broadcastEvent(self.priorityKeyListeners, keyEvent, *args): self.broadcastEvent(self.keyListeners, keyEvent, *args) except KeyError: pass elif event.type == pygame.JOYHATMOTION: try: state = self.joystickHats[][event.hat] keyEvent = None # Stump's PS3 GH3 up-and-down-strumming patch if event.value != (0, 0) and state != (0, 0): keyEvent = "keyReleased" args = (self.encodeJoystickHat(, event.hat, state), ) state = (0, 0) elif event.value != (0, 0) and state == (0, 0): self.joystickHats[][event.hat] = event.value keyEvent = "keyPressed" args = (self.encodeJoystickHat(, event.hat, event.value), u'\x00') state = event.value else: keyEvent = "keyReleased" args = (self.encodeJoystickHat(, event.hat, state), ) state = (0, 0) if keyEvent: self.joystickHats[][event.hat] = state if not self.broadcastEvent(self.priorityKeyListeners, keyEvent, *args): self.broadcastEvent(self.keyListeners, keyEvent, *args) except KeyError: pass for i, device in enumerate(self.midi): while True: data = if len(data) > 0: midimsg = data[0][0] id = self.encodeMidiButton(i, midimsg[1]) #MFH - must check for 0x80 - 0x8F for Note Off events (keyReleased) and 0x90 - 0x9F for Note On events (keyPressed) noteOn = False noteOff = False if (midimsg[0] >= 0x90) and (midimsg[0] <= 0x9F): #note ON range if midimsg[2] > 0: #velocity > 0, confirmed note on noteOn = True else: #velocity is 0 - this is pretty much a note off. noteOff = True elif (midimsg[0] >= 0x80) and (midimsg[0] <= 0x8F): #note OFF range noteOff = True if noteOn: if not self.broadcastEvent(self.priorityKeyListeners, "keyPressed", id, u'\x00'): self.broadcastEvent(self.keyListeners, "keyPressed", id, u'\x00') elif noteOff: if not self.broadcastEvent(self.priorityKeyListeners, "keyReleased", id): self.broadcastEvent(self.keyListeners, "keyReleased", id) else: break # glorandwarf: check that there are no control conflicts #FIXME def checkControls(self): if self.controls.isKeyMappingOK() == False: Log.warn("Conflicting player controls, resetting to defaults") self.controls.restoreDefaultKeyMappings() self.reloadControls() # glorandwarf: sets the new key mapping and checks for a conflict def setNewKeyMapping(self, section, option, key, control): return Player.setNewKeyMapping(section, option, key, control)
def reloadControls(self): self.controls = Controls()
class Input(Task): def __init__(self): self.logClassInits = Config.get("game", "log_class_inits") if self.logClassInits == 1: Log.debug("Input class init (") Task.__init__(self) self.mouse = pygame.mouse self.mouseListeners = [] self.keyListeners = [] self.systemListeners = [] self.priorityKeyListeners = [] self.controls = Controls() self.disableKeyRepeat() # Initialize joysticks pygame.joystick.init() self.joystickAxes = {} self.joystickHats = {} self.joysticks = [pygame.joystick.Joystick(id) for id in range(pygame.joystick.get_count())] for j in self.joysticks: j.init() self.joystickAxes[j.get_id()] = [0] * j.get_numaxes() self.joystickHats[j.get_id()] = [(0, 0)] * j.get_numhats() Log.debug("%d joysticks found." % (len(self.joysticks))) # Enable music events Audio.Music.setEndEvent(MusicFinished) # Custom key names self.getSystemKeyName = = self.getKeyName def reloadControls(self): self.controls = Controls() def disableKeyRepeat(self): pygame.key.set_repeat(0, 0) def enableKeyRepeat(self): pygame.key.set_repeat(300, 30) def addMouseListener(self, listener): if not listener in self.mouseListeners: self.mouseListeners.append(listener) def removeMouseListener(self, listener): if listener in self.mouseListeners: self.mouseListeners.remove(listener) def addKeyListener(self, listener, priority = False): if priority: if not listener in self.priorityKeyListeners: self.priorityKeyListeners.append(listener) else: if not listener in self.keyListeners: self.keyListeners.append(listener) def removeKeyListener(self, listener): if listener in self.keyListeners: self.keyListeners.remove(listener) if listener in self.priorityKeyListeners: self.priorityKeyListeners.remove(listener) def addSystemEventListener(self, listener): if not listener in self.systemListeners: self.systemListeners.append(listener) def removeSystemEventListener(self, listener): if listener in self.systemListeners: self.systemListeners.remove(listener) def broadcastEvent(self, listeners, function, *args): for l in reversed(listeners): if getattr(l, function)(*args): return True else: return False def broadcastSystemEvent(self, name, *args): return self.broadcastEvent(self.systemListeners, name, *args) def encodeJoystickButton(self, joystick, button): return 0x10000 + (joystick << 8) + button def encodeJoystickAxis(self, joystick, axis, end): return 0x20000 + (joystick << 8) + (axis << 4) + end def encodeJoystickHat(self, joystick, hat, pos): v = int((pos[1] + 1) * 3 + (pos[0] + 1)) return 0x30000 + (joystick << 8) + (hat << 4) + v def decodeJoystickButton(self, id): id -= 0x10000 return (id >> 8, id & 0xff) def decodeJoystickAxis(self, id): id -= 0x20000 return (id >> 8, (id >> 4) & 0xf, id & 0xf) def decodeJoystickHat(self, id): id -= 0x30000 v = id & 0xf x, y = (v % 3) - 1, (v / 3) - 1 return (id >> 8, (id >> 4) & 0xf, (x, y)) #myfingershurt: new function specifically for detecting an analog whammy input: def getWhammyAxis(self, id): if id < 0x30000 and id >= 0x20000: joy, axis, end = self.decodeJoystickAxis(id) return (True, joy, axis) else: return (False, 0, 0) def getKeyName(self, id): if id >= 0x30000: joy, axis, pos = self.decodeJoystickHat(id) return "Joy #%d, hat %d %s" % (joy + 1, axis, pos) elif id >= 0x20000: joy, axis, end = self.decodeJoystickAxis(id) return "Joy #%d, axis %d %s" % (joy + 1, axis, (end == 1) and "high" or "low") elif id >= 0x10000: joy, but = self.decodeJoystickButton(id) return "Joy #%d, %s" % (joy + 1, chr(ord('A') + but)) return self.getSystemKeyName(id) def run(self, ticks): pygame.event.pump() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if not self.broadcastEvent(self.priorityKeyListeners, "keyPressed", event.key, event.unicode): self.broadcastEvent(self.keyListeners, "keyPressed", event.key, event.unicode) elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if not self.broadcastEvent(self.priorityKeyListeners, "keyReleased", event.key): self.broadcastEvent(self.keyListeners, "keyReleased", event.key) elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: self.broadcastEvent(self.mouseListeners, "mouseMoved", event.pos, event.rel) elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: self.broadcastEvent(self.mouseListeners, "mouseButtonPressed", event.button, event.pos) elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: self.broadcastEvent(self.mouseListeners, "mouseButtonReleased", event.button, event.pos) elif event.type == pygame.VIDEORESIZE: self.broadcastEvent(self.systemListeners, "screenResized", event.size) elif event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.broadcastEvent(self.systemListeners, "quit") elif event.type == MusicFinished: self.broadcastEvent(self.systemListeners, "musicFinished") elif event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN: # joystick buttons masquerade as keyboard events id = self.encodeJoystickButton(, event.button) if not self.broadcastEvent(self.priorityKeyListeners, "keyPressed", id, u'\x00'): self.broadcastEvent(self.keyListeners, "keyPressed", id, u'\x00') elif event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONUP: id = self.encodeJoystickButton(, event.button) if not self.broadcastEvent(self.priorityKeyListeners, "keyReleased", id): self.broadcastEvent(self.keyListeners, "keyReleased", id) elif event.type == pygame.JOYAXISMOTION: try: threshold = .8 state = self.joystickAxes[][event.axis] keyEvent = None if event.value > threshold and state != 1: self.joystickAxes[][event.axis] = 1 keyEvent = "keyPressed" args = (self.encodeJoystickAxis(, event.axis, 1), u'\x00') state = 1 elif event.value < -threshold and state != -1: keyEvent = "keyPressed" args = (self.encodeJoystickAxis(, event.axis, 0), u'\x00') state = -1 elif state != 0: keyEvent = "keyReleased" args = (self.encodeJoystickAxis(, event.axis, (state == 1) and 1 or 0), ) state = 0 if keyEvent: self.joystickAxes[][event.axis] = state if not self.broadcastEvent(self.priorityKeyListeners, keyEvent, *args): self.broadcastEvent(self.keyListeners, keyEvent, *args) except KeyError: pass elif event.type == pygame.JOYHATMOTION: try: state = self.joystickHats[][event.hat] keyEvent = None #if event.value != (0, 0) and state == (0, 0): # Stump's PS3 GH3 up-and-down-strumming patch if event.value != (0, 0) and state != (0, 0): keyEvent = "keyReleased" args = (self.encodeJoystickHat(, event.hat, state), ) state = (0, 0) elif event.value != (0, 0) and state == (0, 0): self.joystickHats[][event.hat] = event.value keyEvent = "keyPressed" args = (self.encodeJoystickHat(, event.hat, event.value), u'\x00') state = event.value else: keyEvent = "keyReleased" args = (self.encodeJoystickHat(, event.hat, state), ) state = (0, 0) if keyEvent: self.joystickHats[][event.hat] = state if not self.broadcastEvent(self.priorityKeyListeners, keyEvent, *args): self.broadcastEvent(self.keyListeners, keyEvent, *args) except KeyError: pass #------------------------------------------- # glorandwarf: check that there are no control conflicts def checkControls(self): if self.controls.isKeyMappingOK() == False: Log.warn("Conflicting player controls, resetting to defaults") self.controls.restoreDefaultKeyMappings() self.reloadControls() # glorandwarf: sets the new key mapping and checks for a conflict def setNewKeyMapping(self, section, option, key): return self.controls.setNewKeyMapping(section, option, key)