def recordLoopFlag(evt): """ record the loopflag position """ evt.Skip() # send player status change to player thread data = self.getPanelSettings() PLAYERMANAGER.put(data) # save loopflag to configuration file GSMCONF.set("playercontrol", "loopflag", evt.IsChecked())
def OnForward(self, evt): """ forward a bit """ maxval = self.rightpost.GetValue() curval = self.progres.GetValue() # forward 10 frames with cognizance of current maximum value if curval + SKIPVAL <= maxval: self.progres.SetValue(curval + SKIPVAL) else: return data = self.getPanelSettings() data["progres"] = curval + SKIPVAL PLAYERMANAGER.put(data)
def OnBackward(self, evt): """ rewind a bit """ minval = self.leftpost.GetValue() curval = self.progres.GetValue() # rewind 10 frames with cognizance of current minimum value if curval - SKIPVAL >= minval: self.progres.SetValue(curval - SKIPVAL) else: return data = self.getPanelSettings() data["progres"] = curval - SKIPVAL PLAYERMANAGER.put(data)
def OnPlay(self, evt): """ Play btn pressed""" # if previously paused, continue at last play point if self.paused: PLAYERMANAGER.put({"pause":False}) self.paused = False return self.progres.SetValue(0) panel = Registry.get("SELECT_LIST_PANEL") if not panel: return selection = panel.slist.GetSelection() tablename = panel.slist.tablename # for play btn play firs in selection if len(selection) == 0: return item, oid = selection[0] PLAYERMANAGER.PlaySelection(tablename, oid, immediate=True)
def OnScroll(self, evt): """ handle end of scroll events""" # lock the volume controls if asked to vollist = [self.leftvol, self.rightvol] if evt.GetEventObject() in vollist: if self.vollockCB.GetValue() == True: val = evt.GetEventObject().GetValue() for o in vollist: o.SetValue(val) # fence the progress controll in if evt.GetEventObject() == self.progres: maxval = self.rightpost.GetValue() minval = self.leftpost.GetValue() val = self.progres.GetValue() if val >= maxval: self.progres.SetValue(maxval) if val <= minval: self.progres.SetValue(minval) # fencing controll if evt.GetEventObject() == self.leftpost: if self.leftpost.GetValue() >= self.rightpost.GetValue(): self.rightpost.SetValue(self.leftpost.GetValue()) if self.progres.GetValue() <= self.leftpost.GetValue(): self.progres.SetValue(self.leftpost.GetValue()) if evt.GetEventObject() == self.rightpost: if self.rightpost.GetValue() <= self.leftpost.GetValue(): self.leftpost.SetValue(self.rightpost.GetValue()) if self.progres.GetValue() >= self.rightpost.GetValue(): self.progres.SetValue(self.rightpost.GetValue()) data = self.getPanelSettings() PLAYERMANAGER.put(data)
def OnPause(self, evt): """ Pause btn pressed""" PLAYERMANAGER.put({"pause":True}) self.paused = True
def OnStop(self, evt): """ Stop btn pressed""" self.progres.SetValue(0) PLAYERMANAGER.put({"stop":True})