def plotDocUsageForProposal(docUsageByUID, savefilename=None, **kwargs): ''' Make trace plot of doc usage for each component. ''' pylab.figure() L = 0 maxVal = 0 for k, uid in enumerate(docUsageByUID): ys = np.asarray(docUsageByUID[uid]) xs = np.arange(0, ys.size) if k < 6: # only a few labels fit well on a legend pylab.plot(xs, ys, label=uid) else: pylab.plot(xs, ys) L = np.maximum(L, ys.size) maxVal = np.maximum(maxVal, ys.max()) # Use big chunk of left-hand side of plot for legend display xlims = np.asarray([-0.75 * L, L - 0.5]) pylab.xlim(xlims) pylab.xticks(np.arange(1, L)) pylab.ylim([0, 1.1 * maxVal]) pylab.xlabel('num proposal steps') pylab.ylabel('num docs using each comp') pylab.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=12) pylab.subplots_adjust(left=0.2) if savefilename is not None: pylab.savefig(savefilename, pad_inches=0) pylab.close('all')
def plotExampleBarsDocs(Data, docIDsToPlot=None, figID=None, vmax=None, nDocToPlot=16, doShowNow=False, seed=0, randstate=np.random.RandomState(0), xlabels=None, W=1, H=1, **kwargs): kwargs['vmin'] = 0 kwargs['interpolation'] = 'nearest' if vmax is not None: kwargs['vmax'] = vmax if seed is not None: randstate = np.random.RandomState(seed) V = Data.vocab_size sqrtV = int(np.sqrt(V)) assert np.allclose(sqrtV * sqrtV, V) if docIDsToPlot is not None: nDocToPlot = len(docIDsToPlot) else: size = np.minimum(Data.nDoc, nDocToPlot) docIDsToPlot = randstate.choice(Data.nDoc, size=size, replace=False) ncols = 5 nrows = int(np.ceil(nDocToPlot / float(ncols))) if vmax is None: DocWordArr = Data.getDocTypeCountMatrix() vmax = int(np.max(np.percentile(DocWordArr, 98, axis=0))) if figID is None: figH, ha = pylab.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=(ncols * W, nrows * H)) for plotPos, docID in enumerate(docIDsToPlot): start = Data.doc_range[docID] stop = Data.doc_range[docID + 1] wIDs = Data.word_id[start:stop] wCts = Data.word_count[start:stop] docWordHist = np.zeros(V) docWordHist[wIDs] = wCts squareIm = np.reshape(docWordHist, (sqrtV, sqrtV)) pylab.subplot(nrows, ncols, plotPos + 1) pylab.imshow(squareIm, **kwargs) pylab.axis('image') pylab.xticks([]) pylab.yticks([]) if xlabels is not None: pylab.xlabel(xlabels[plotPos]) # Disable empty plots! for kdel in xrange(plotPos + 2, nrows * ncols + 1): aH = pylab.subplot(nrows, ncols, kdel) aH.axis('off') # Fix margins between subplots pylab.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.04, hspace=0.04, left=0.01, right=0.99, top=0.99, bottom=0.01) if doShowNow:
def plotELBOtermsForProposal(curLdict, propLdictList, xs=None, ymin=-0.5, ymax=0.5, savefilename=None, **kwargs): ''' Create trace plot of ELBO gain/loss relative to current model. ''' pylab.figure() L = len(propLdictList) if xs is None: xs = np.arange(0, L) legendKeys = [] for key in curLdict: if key.count('_') == 0: legendKeys.append(key) for key in legendKeys: if key.count('total'): linewidth = 4 alpha = 1 style = '-' else: linewidth = 3 alpha = 0.5 style = '--' ys = np.asarray([propLdictList[i][key] for i in range(L)]) ys -= curLdict[key] pylab.plot(xs, ys, style, color=_getLineColorFromELBOKey(key), linewidth=linewidth, alpha=alpha, label=key) L = L + 1 xlims = np.asarray([-0.75 * L, L - 0.5]) pylab.xlim(xlims) pylab.xticks(xs) pylab.plot(xlims, np.zeros_like(xlims), 'k:') pylab.xlabel('num proposal steps') pylab.ylabel('L gain (prop - current)') pylab.legend(loc='lower left', fontsize=12) pylab.subplots_adjust(left=0.2) if savefilename is not None: pylab.savefig(savefilename, pad_inches=0) pylab.close('all')
def showTopicsAsSquareImages(topics, activeCompIDs=None, compsToHighlight=None, compListToPlot=None, xlabels=[], Kmax=50, ncols=5, W=1, H=1, figH=None, **kwargs): global imshowArgs local_imshowArgs = dict(**imshowArgs) for key in local_imshowArgs: if key in kwargs: local_imshowArgs[key] = kwargs[key] if len(xlabels) > 0: H = 1.5 * H K, V = topics.shape sqrtV = int(np.sqrt(V)) assert np.allclose(sqrtV, np.sqrt(V)) if compListToPlot is None: compListToPlot = np.arange(0, K) if activeCompIDs is None: activeCompIDs = np.arange(0, K) compsToHighlight = np.asarray(compsToHighlight) if compsToHighlight.ndim == 0: compsToHighlight = np.asarray([compsToHighlight]) # Create Figure Kplot = np.minimum(len(compListToPlot), Kmax) #ncols = 5 # int(np.ceil(Kplot / float(nrows))) nrows = int(np.ceil(Kplot / float(ncols))) if figH is None: # Make a new figure figH, ha = pylab.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=(ncols * W, nrows * H)) else: # Use existing figure # TODO: Find a way to make this call actually change the figsize figH, ha = pylab.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=(ncols * W, nrows * H), num=figH.number) for plotID, compID in enumerate(compListToPlot): if plotID >= Kmax: print 'DISPLAY LIMIT EXCEEDED. Showing %d/%d components' \ % (plotID, len(activeCompIDs)) break if compID not in activeCompIDs: aH = pylab.subplot(nrows, ncols, plotID + 1) aH.axis('off') continue kk = np.flatnonzero(compID == activeCompIDs)[0] topicIm = np.reshape(topics[kk, :], (sqrtV, sqrtV)) ax = pylab.subplot(nrows, ncols, plotID + 1) pylab.imshow(topicIm, **local_imshowArgs) pylab.xticks([]) pylab.yticks([]) # Draw colored border around highlighted topics if compID in compsToHighlight: [i.set_color('green') for i in ax.spines.itervalues()] [i.set_linewidth(3) for i in ax.spines.itervalues()] if xlabels is not None: if len(xlabels) > 0: pylab.xlabel(xlabels[plotID], fontsize=11) # Disable empty plots! for kdel in xrange(plotID + 2, nrows * ncols + 1): aH = pylab.subplot(nrows, ncols, kdel) aH.axis('off') # Fix margins between subplots pylab.subplots_adjust( wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1 * nrows, left=0.001, right=0.999, bottom=0.1, top=0.999) return figH
def plotManyPanelsByPVar(jpathPattern='/tmp/', pvar=None, pvals=None, W=5, H=4, savefilename=None, doShowNow=False, **kwargs): ''' Create line plots for jobs matching pattern and provided kwargs ''' if pvar is None: jpathList = [jpathPattern] pvar = None pvals = [None] else: prefixfilepath = os.path.sep.join(jpathPattern.split(os.path.sep)[:-1]) PPListMap = makePPListMapFromJPattern(jpathPattern) if pvals is None: pvals = PPListMap[pvar] else: pvals = [p for p in pvals if p in PPListMap[pvar]] jpathList = makeListOfJPatternsWithSpecificVals( PPListMap, prefixfilepath=prefixfilepath, key=pvar, vals=pvals, **kwargs) nrows = 1 ncols = len(pvals) pylab.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=(ncols * W, nrows * H)) axH = None for panelID, panel_jobPattern in enumerate(jpathList): axH = pylab.subplot(nrows, ncols, panelID + 1, sharey=axH, sharex=axH) # Only show legend on first plot if panelID > 0 and 'loc' in kwargs: kwargs['loc'] = None kwargs['doShowNow'] = False plotMultipleLinesByLVar(panel_jobPattern, **kwargs) if pvar is not None: pylab.title('%s=%s' % (pvar, pvals[panelID])) pylab.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15, wspace=0.5) if savefilename is not None: try: except TypeError: pass # when using IPython notebook pylab.savefig(savefilename, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) elif doShowNow: try: except TypeError: pass # when using IPython notebook Info = dict( nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, ) return Info