def plot_behavior_payoff(self, results, imageFilePath): """Plots a graph that depicts the behavior and the payoff of the players/agents from 'results' to one or more image files, taking 'imageFilePath' as base name. """ plotter = Plotter(imageFilePath, self.image_file_types, "right") plotter.beginDoublePlot("Period", "Percentage in total subject population", "Payoffs in MUs", (0,, (0,100), (30,60)) data = PC([results[FREE_RIDERS], results[HIGH_CONTRIBUTORS]]) plotter.barPlot([FREE_RIDERS, HIGH_CONTRIBUTORS], data, yaxis = "left") plotter.linePlot([PAYOFF_HC], [results[PAYOFF_HC]], yaxis = "right") plotter.linePlot([PAYOFF_FR], [results[PAYOFF_FR]], yaxis = "right") plotter.endPlot()
def plot_choice_contrib(self, results, imageFilePath): """Plots a graph that depcits the institution choice and the contributions of the players/agents from 'results' to one or more image files, taking 'imageFilePath' as base name. """ plotter = Plotter(imageFilePath, self.image_file_types, "right") plotter.beginDoublePlot("Period", "Percentage in total subject population", "Contribution in percent of endowment", (0,, (0,100), (0,100)) data = PC([results[SI_MEMBERS], results[SFI_MEMBERS]]) plotter.barPlot([SI_MEMBERS, SFI_MEMBERS], data, yaxis = "left") plotter.linePlot([AV_CONTRIB_SI], PC([results[AV_CONTRIB_SI]]), yaxis = "right") plotter.linePlot([AV_CONTRIB_SFI], PC([results[AV_CONTRIB_SFI]]), yaxis = "right") plotter.endPlot()
def plot_agent_payoff(self, stats, imageFilePath, deviation = None): """Plots the agent statistics for either a single agent or for a group of agents.""" plotter = Plotter(imageFilePath, self.image_file_types, "right") plotter.beginDoublePlot("Period", "Percentage total agent class", "Payoffs in MUs", (0,, (0,100), None) data = PC([stats[AG_SI], stats[AG_SFI]]) plotter.barPlot([AG_SI, AG_SFI], data, yaxis = "left") if deviation: error = deviation[AG_PAYOFF] else: error = None plotter.linePlot([AG_PAYOFF], stats[AG_PAYOFF], error , "right") plotter.endPlot()
def plot_payoff_punishment(self, results, imageFilePath): """Plots a graph that depicts the payoff and number of punishers and non-punishers from the 'results' to one or more image files at 'imageFilePath'. """ plotter = Plotter(imageFilePath, self.image_file_types, "right", condense_factor = 5) plotter.beginDoublePlot("Periods", "Percentage of high contributers in SI", "Payoffs in MUs", (0,, (0,100), (30,60)) data = PC([results[PUNISH_HC], results[NO_PUNISH_HC]]) plotter.barPlot([PUNISH_HC, NO_PUNISH_HC], data, yaxis = "left") plotter.linePlot([PAYOFF_NOP_HC], [results[PAYOFF_NOP_HC]], yaxis = "right") plotter.linePlot([PAYOFF_P_HC], [results[PAYOFF_P_HC]], yaxis = "right") plotter.endPlot()
def plot_agent_contrib(self, stats, imageFilePath, deviation = None): """Plots the contributions, sanctions and received punishements or commendations of an agent.""" plotter = Plotter(imageFilePath, self.image_file_types, "right") plotter.beginDoublePlot("Period", "Coercions received", "Contribs/Sanctions in percent of endowment", (0,, None, (0,100)) if deviation: error = [deviation[AG_PUNISH], deviation[AG_COMMEND]] else: error = None plotter.barPlot([AG_PUNISH, AG_COMMEND], [stats[AG_PUNISH], stats[AG_COMMEND]], errorBars = None, yaxis = "left") # graph gets too confusiung if errorBars are plotted here if deviation: error = PC([deviation[AG_CONTRIB], deviation[AG_SANCT]]) else: error = None plotter.linePlot([AG_CONTRIB, AG_SANCT], PC([stats[AG_CONTRIB], stats[AG_SANCT]]), errorBars = error, yaxis = "right") plotter.endPlot()