Exemple #1
    def getEpisode(self, name, begin, end=None, service=None):
        # On Success: Return a single season, episode, title tuple
        # On Failure: Return a empty list or String or None

        # Check dependencies
        if HTMLParser is None:
            msg = _("Error install") + " HTMLParser"
            return msg
        if parse_date is None:
            msg = _("Error install") + " parse_date"
            return msg

        # Check preconditions
        if not name:
            msg = _("Skip: No show name specified")
            return msg
        if not begin:
            msg = _("Skip: No begin timestamp specified")
            return msg
        if not service:
            msg = _("Skip: No service specified")
            return msg

        logInfo("WLF: getEpisode, name, begin, end=None, service", name, begin,
                end, service)

        self.begin = begin
        self.end = end
        self.service = service

        self.knownids = []
        self.returnvalue = None

        while name:
            ids = self.getSeries(name)

            while ids:
                idserie = ids.pop()

                if idserie and len(idserie) == 2:
                    id, idname = idserie

                    # Handle encodings
                    self.series = str_to_utf8(idname)
                    logInfo("WLF: Possible matched series:", self.series)

                    result = self.getNextPage(id)
                    if result:
                        return result

                name = self.getAlternativeSeries(name)

            return (self.returnvalue or _("No matching series found"))
    def getEpisode(self, name, begin, end=None, service=None):
        # On Success: Return a single season, episode, title tuple
        # On Failure: Return a empty list or String or None

        # Check dependencies
        if HTMLParser is None:
            msg = _("Error install") + " HTMLParser"
            return msg
        if parse_date is None:
            msg = _("Error install") + " parse_date"
            return msg

            # Check preconditions
        if not name:
            msg = _("Skip: No show name specified")
            return msg
        if not begin:
            msg = _("Skip: No begin timestamp specified")
            return msg
        if not service:
            msg = _("Skip: No service specified")
            return msg

        logInfo("WLP: getEpisode, name, begin, end=None, service", name, begin, end, service)

        self.begin = begin
        self.end = end
        self.service = service

        self.knownids = []
        self.returnvalue = None

        while name:
            ids = self.getSeries(name)

            while ids:
                idserie = ids.pop()

                if idserie and len(idserie) == 2:
                    id, idname = idserie

                    # Handle encodings
                    self.series = str_to_utf8(idname)
                    logInfo("Possible matched series:", self.series)

                    result = self.getNextPage(id)
                    if result:
                        return result

                name = self.getAlternativeSeries(name)

            return self.returnvalue or _("No matching series found")
    def getEpisode(self, name, begin, end=None, service=None):
        # On Success: Return a single season, episode, title tuple
        # On Failure: Return a empty list or String or None

        # Check dependencies
        if xmlrpclib is None:
            msg = _("Error install") + " python-xmlrpclib"
            return msg

        # Check preconditions
        if not name:
            msg = _("Skip: No show name specified")
            return msg
        if not begin:
            msg = _("Skip: No begin timestamp specified")
            return msg
        if not service:
            msg = _("Skip: No service specified")
            return msg

        self.name = name
        self.begin = begin
        self.end = end
        self.service = service

        self.knownids = []

        logInfo("SerienServer getEpisode, name, begin, end=None, service",
                name, begin, end, service)

        # Prepare parameters
        name = CompiledRegexpReplaceChars.sub(" ", name.lower())
        webChannels = self.lookupChannelByReference(service)
        unixtime = str(int(mktime(begin.timetuple())))
        max_time_drift = self.max_time_drift

        # Lookup
        for webChannel in webChannels:
            logInfo("SerienServer getSeasonEpisode():", name, webChannel,

            result = self.server.sp.cache.getSeasonEpisode(
                name, webChannel, unixtime, max_time_drift)
            logDebug("SerienServer getSeasonEpisode result:", result)

            if result:
                return (result['season'], result['episode'], result['title'],

            if unixtime < time():
                return (_("Please try Fernsehserien.de"))
                return (_("No matching series found"))
	def getEpisode(self, name, begin, end=None, service=None):
		# On Success: Return a single season, episode, title tuple
		# On Failure: Return a empty list or String or None
		# Check dependencies
		if xmlrpclib is None:
			msg = _("Error install")  + " python-xmlrpclib"
			return msg
		# Check preconditions
		if not name:
			msg =_("Skip: No show name specified")
			return msg
		if not begin:
			msg = _("Skip: No begin timestamp specified")
			return msg
		if not service:
			msg = _("Skip: No service specified")
			return msg
		self.name = name
		self.begin = begin
		self.end = end
		self.service = service
		self.knownids = []
		logInfo("SerienServer getEpisode, name, begin, end=None, service", name, begin, end, service)
		# Prepare parameters
		name = CompiledRegexpReplaceChars.sub(" ", name.lower())
		webChannels = self.lookupChannelByReference(service)
		unixtime = str(int(mktime(begin.timetuple())))
		max_time_drift = self.max_time_drift
		# Lookup
		for webChannel in webChannels:
			logInfo("SerienServer getSeasonEpisode():", name, webChannel, unixtime)
			result = self.server.sp.cache.getSeasonEpisode( name, webChannel, unixtime, max_time_drift )
			logDebug("SerienServer getSeasonEpisode result:", result)
			if result:
				return ( result['season'], result['episode'], result['title'], result['series'] )

			if unixtime < time():
				return ( _("Please try Fernsehserien.de") )
				return ( _("No matching series found") )
	def getNextPage(self, id):
		logDebug("WLF: getNextPage")
		url = EPISODEIDURLATOM + urlencode({ 's' : id })
		data = self.getPage( url )
		if data and isinstance(data, basestring):
			data = self.parseNextPage(data)
			self.doCacheList(url, data)
		if data and isinstance(data, list):
			trs = data
			yepisode = None
			ydelta = maxint
			for tds in trs:
				if tds and len(tds) == 2:
					xtitle, xupdated = tds
					if xtitle is not None and xupdated is not None:
						#import iso8601
						xbegin = parse_date(xupdated)
						xbegin = xbegin.replace(tzinfo=None)
						#xbegin =  datetime.strptime(xupdated[0:-6], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S");
						delta = abs(self.begin - xbegin)
						delta = delta.seconds + delta.days * 24 * 3600
						#delta = abs(self.begin - xbegin).total_seconds()
						logDebug("WLF:", self.begin, '-', xbegin, '-', delta, '-', self.max_time_drift)
						if delta <= self.max_time_drift:
							result = CompiledRegexpAtomChannel.search(xtitle)
							if result and len(result.groups()) >= 1:
								xchannel = result.group(1)
								logInfo("WLF: Possible match witch channel: ", xchannel)
								if self.compareChannels(self.service, xchannel):
									if delta < ydelta:
										# Slice string to remove channel
										xtitle = xtitle[:result.start()]
										result = CompiledRegexpAtomDate.search(xtitle)
										if result and len(result.groups()) >= 1:
											# Slice string to remove date
											xtitle = xtitle[:result.start()]
											result = CompiledRegexpAtomEpisode.search(xtitle)
											if result and len(result.groups()) >= 1:
												# Extract season and episode
												xepisode = result.group(1)
												# Slice string to remove season and episode
												xtitle = xtitle[:result.start()]
												result = CompiledRegexpEpisode.search(xepisode)
												if result and len(result.groups()) >= 3:
													xseason = result and result.group(2) or config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_season.value
													xepisode = result and result.group(3) or config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_episode.value
													logDebug("WLF: wrong episode format", xepisode)
													xseason = config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_season.value
													xepisode = config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_episode.value
												logDebug("WLF: wrong title format", xtitle)
												xseason = config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_season.value
												xepisode = config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_episode.value
											result = CompiledRegexpAtomTitle.search(xtitle)
											if result and len(result.groups()) >= 1:
												# Extract episode title
												xtitle = result.group(1)
												# Handle encodings
												xtitle = str_to_utf8(xtitle)
												yepisode = (xseason, xepisode, xtitle, self.series)
												ydelta = delta
									else: #if delta >= ydelta:
									self.returnvalue = _("Check the channel name")
							if yepisode:
								return ( yepisode )
							if delta <= 600:
								# Compare channels?
								logInfo("WLF: Max time trift exceeded", delta)
			if yepisode:
				return ( yepisode )

			logInfo("WLF: No data returned")
		# Nothing found
	def getNextPage(self, id, page):
		url = EPISODEIDURL % (id, page)
		data = self.getPage(url)
		if data and isinstance(data, basestring):
			logDebug("FS: getNextPage: basestring")
			data = self.parseNextPage(data)
			self.doCacheList(url, data)
		if data and isinstance(data, list):
			logDebug("FS: getNextPage: list")
			trs = data
			# Set preconditions
			yepisode = None
			ydelta = maxint
			# Idea:
			# Sort the trs by datetime to avoid the direction handling
			# But the overhead of calculating the datetime and sorting them is too big
			first_on_page = parseDate( trs[0][COL_DATETIME] )
			last_on_page = parseDate( trs[-1][COL_DATETIME] )
			# Check if we got a new page
			# You can increment/decrement the paging number endless and You will always receive the last valid page which is never changing
			if page == 0:
				new_page = True
				logDebug("FS: first_on_page, last_on_page: ", first_on_page, last_on_page)
				new_page = (self.first_on_prev_page != first_on_page or self.last_on_prev_page != last_on_page)
				logDebug("FS: first_on_prev_page, first_on_page, last_on_prev_page, last_on_page, if: ", self.first_on_prev_page, first_on_page, self.last_on_prev_page, last_on_page, new_page)
			self.first_on_prev_page = first_on_page
			self.last_on_prev_page = last_on_page				
			if new_page:
				# Check direction because the sort order (datetime) will change
				# True = future 
				# False = past
				direction = first_on_page < last_on_page
				if direction:
					# True = future 
					# 2015-11-04 - first_on_page
					# 2015-11-05 - self.begin
					# 2015-11-06 - last_on_page
					test_timespan = ( (first_on_page-self.td_max_time_drift) <= self.begin and self.begin <= (last_on_page+self.td_max_time_drift) )
					# False = past
					# 2015-11-04 - first_on_page
					# 2015-11-05 - self.begin
					# 2015-11-06 - last_on_page
					test_timespan = ( (first_on_page+self.td_max_time_drift) >= self.begin and self.begin >= (last_on_page-self.td_max_time_drift) )
				logDebug("FS: first_on_page, self.begin, last_on_page, basedirection, direction, if:", first_on_page, '-', self.begin, '-', last_on_page, '-', self.direction, '-', direction, '-', test_timespan )
				if ( test_timespan ):
					for tds in trs:
						#logDebug( "FS: tds", tds )
						xbegin = parseDate( tds[COL_DATETIME] )
						delta = abs(self.begin - xbegin)
						delta = delta.seconds + delta.days * 24 * 3600
						#delta = abs(self.begin - xbegin).total_seconds()
						logDebug("FS:", self.begin, '-', xbegin, '-', delta, '-', self.max_time_drift)
						# delta is an absolute value so we can just do a smaller than check
						if delta <= self.max_time_drift:
							logInfo("FS: Possible match witch channel: ", tds[COL_CHANNEL])
							if self.compareChannels(self.service, tds[COL_CHANNEL]):
								if delta < ydelta:
									yepisode = (
													tds[COL_SEASON] or config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_season.value, 
													tds[COL_EPISODE] or config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_episode.value, 
									ydelta = delta
									# continue and check one further entry maybe we will find a closer match with a smaller delta time
								else: #if delta >= ydelta:
									return ( yepisode )
								self.returnvalue = _("Check the channel name") + " " + tds[COL_CHANNEL]
							if yepisode:
								return ( yepisode )
							if delta <= 600:
								# Compare channels?
								logInfo("FS: Max time trift exceeded", delta)
					if yepisode:
						return ( yepisode )
					# Idea:
					# Maybe we can guess the next page using firstrow lastrow datetime
					if self.direction:
						# True = future 
						# 2015-11-04 - first_on_page
						# 2015-11-05 - 
						# 2015-11-06 - last_on_page
						# 2015-11-07 - self.begin
						if self.begin > last_on_page:
							return self.getNextPage(id, page+1)
						# False = past
						# 2015-11-03 - self.begin
						# 2015-11-04 - first_on_page
						# 2015-11-05 - 
						# 2015-11-06 - last_on_page
						if first_on_page > self.begin:
							return self.getNextPage(id, page-1)

			logInfo("FS: No data returned")
		# Nothing found
	def getEpisode(self, name, begin, end=None, service=None):
		# On Success: Return a single season, episode, title tuple
		# On Failure: Return a empty list or String or None
		# Check dependencies
		if json is None:
			msg = _("Error install")  + " python-json"
			return msg
		if BeautifulSoup is None:
			msg = _("Error install")  + " BeautifulSoup"
			return msg
		# Check preconditions
		if not name:
			msg =_("Skip: No show name specified")
			return msg
		if not begin:
			msg = _("Skip: No begin timestamp specified")
			return msg
		if not service:
			msg = _("Skip: No service specified")
			return msg
		logInfo("FS: getEpisode, name, begin, end=None, service", name, begin, end, service)
		self.begin = begin
		#self.date = str(begin.month) + "." + str(begin.day) + "."
		self.year = begin.year
		#self.end = end
		self.service = service
		self.series = ""
		self.first_on_prev_page = None
		self.last_on_prev_page = None
		self.td_max_time_drift = timedelta(seconds=self.max_time_drift)
		self.knownids = []
		self.returnvalue = None
		# True = future 
		# False = past
		if self.begin > datetime.now():
			self.direction = True
			self.direction = False
		logDebug("FS: getEpisode direction", self.direction)
		while name:	
			ids = self.getSeries(name)
			while ids:
				idserie = ids.pop()
				if idserie and len(idserie) == 2:
					id, idname = idserie
					# Handle encodings
					self.series = str_to_utf8(idname)
					logInfo("FS: Possible matched series:", self.series)
					if self.direction:
						# The future starts now
						page = 0
						if self.actual_year == self.year:
							# On realtime conditions we could start at page -1
							# But the proxy is caching every page for about 24 hours, so we start at page 0
							page = 0
							# We can retrieve the offset of every year to skip several pages
							page = 0
							# Sample
							year_base_url = EPISODEIDURL % (id, '')
							logDebug("FS: year_base_url: ", year_base_url)
							# Increment year by one, because we want to start at the end of the year
							year = self.year+1
							# Sample
							year_url = year_base_url+"jahr-"+str(year)
							logDebug("FS: year_url: ", year_url)
							from Plugins.Extensions.SeriesPlugin.plugin import buildURL
							response = urlopen( buildURL(year_url) )
							# Sample
							redirect_url = response.geturl()
							logDebug("FS: redirect_url: ", redirect_url)
								# Sample -14
								page = int( redirect_url.replace(year_base_url,'') )
								page = 0
					self.first_on_prev_page = None
					self.last_on_prev_page = None
					if page is not None:
						result = self.getNextPage(id, page)
						if result:
							return result
				name = self.getAlternativeSeries(name)
			return ( self.returnvalue or _("No matching series found") )
    def getNextPage(self, id):
        logDebug("WLP: getNextPage")

        url = EPISODEIDURLPRINT + urlencode({"s": id})
        data = self.getPage(url)

        if data and isinstance(data, basestring):
            data = self.parseNextPage(data)
            self.doCacheList(url, data)

        if data and isinstance(data, list):
            trs = data

            yepisode = None
            ydelta = maxint

            for tds in trs:
                if tds and len(tds) >= 5:

                    # print tds

                    xchannel, xday, xdate, xbegin, xend = tds[:5]

                    xtitle = "".join(tds[4:])

                    if self.actual_month == 12 and xdate.endswith(".01."):
                        year = str(self.actual_year + 1)
                        year = str(self.actual_year)

                    xbegin = datetime.strptime(xdate + year + xbegin, "%d.%m.%Y%H.%M Uhr")
                    # xend  = datetime.strptime( xdate+year+xend,   "%d.%m.%Y%H.%M Uhr" )
                    # logDebug("WLP:", xchannel, xdate, xbegin, xend, xtitle)
                    # logDebug("WLP:", datebegin, xbegin, abs((datebegin - xbegin)))

                    # Py2.6
                    delta = abs(self.begin - xbegin)
                    delta = delta.seconds + delta.days * 24 * 3600
                    # Py2.7
                    # delta = abs(self.begin - xbegin).total_seconds()
                    logDebug("WLP:", self.begin, "-", xbegin, "-", delta, "-", self.max_time_drift)

                    if delta <= self.max_time_drift:

                        logInfo("WLP: Possible match witch channel: ", xchannel)
                        if self.compareChannels(self.service, xchannel):

                            if delta < ydelta:

                                print len(tds), tds
                                if len(tds) >= 7:
                                    xepisode, xtitle = tds[5:7]

                                    if xepisode:
                                        result = CompiledRegexpEpisode.search(xepisode)

                                        if result and len(result.groups()) >= 3:
                                            xseason = (
                                                and result.group(2)
                                                or config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_season.value
                                            xepisode = (
                                                and result.group(3)
                                                or config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_episode.value
                                            xseason = config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_season.value
                                            xepisode = config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_episode.value
                                        xseason = config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_season.value
                                        xepisode = config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_episode.value

                                elif len(tds) == 6:
                                    xtitle = tds[5]
                                    xseason = config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_season.value
                                    xepisode = config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_episode.value

                                    # Handle encodings
                                xtitle = str_to_utf8(xtitle)

                                yepisode = (xseason, xepisode, xtitle, self.series)
                                ydelta = delta

                            else:  # if delta >= ydelta:
                                return yepisode

                            self.returnvalue = _("Check the channel name")

                        if yepisode:
                            return yepisode

                        if delta <= 600:
                            # Compare channels?
                            logInfo("WLP: Max time trift exceeded", delta)

            if yepisode:
                return yepisode

            logInfo("WLP: No data returned")

            # Nothing found
Exemple #9
    def getNextPage(self, id):
        logDebug("WLF: getNextPage")

        url = EPISODEIDURLATOM + urlencode({'s': id})
        data = self.getPage(url)

        if data and isinstance(data, basestring):
            data = self.parseNextPage(data)
            self.doCacheList(url, data)

        if data and isinstance(data, list):
            trs = data

            yepisode = None
            ydelta = maxint

            for tds in trs:
                if tds and len(tds) == 2:
                    xtitle, xupdated = tds
                    if xtitle is not None and xupdated is not None:
                        #import iso8601
                        xbegin = parse_date(xupdated)
                        xbegin = xbegin.replace(tzinfo=None)

                        #xbegin =  datetime.strptime(xupdated[0:-6], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S");

                        delta = abs(self.begin - xbegin)
                        delta = delta.seconds + delta.days * 24 * 3600
                        #delta = abs(self.begin - xbegin).total_seconds()
                        logDebug("WLF:", self.begin, '-', xbegin, '-', delta,
                                 '-', self.max_time_drift)

                        if delta <= self.max_time_drift:
                            result = CompiledRegexpAtomChannel.search(xtitle)
                            if result and len(result.groups()) >= 1:

                                xchannel = result.group(1)
                                logInfo("WLF: Possible match witch channel: ",
                                if self.compareChannels(
                                        self.service, xchannel):

                                    if delta < ydelta:
                                        # Slice string to remove channel
                                        xtitle = xtitle[:result.start()]
                                        result = CompiledRegexpAtomDate.search(

                                        if result and len(
                                                result.groups()) >= 1:
                                            # Slice string to remove date
                                            xtitle = xtitle[:result.start()]
                                            result = CompiledRegexpAtomEpisode.search(

                                            if result and len(
                                                    result.groups()) >= 1:
                                                # Extract season and episode
                                                xepisode = result.group(1)
                                                # Slice string to remove season and episode
                                                xtitle = xtitle[:result.start(

                                                result = CompiledRegexpEpisode.search(
                                                if result and len(
                                                        result.groups()) >= 3:
                                                    xseason = result and result.group(
                                                    ) or config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_season.value
                                                    xepisode = result and result.group(
                                                    ) or config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_episode.value
                                                        "WLF: wrong episode format",
                                                    xseason = config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_season.value
                                                    xepisode = config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_episode.value
                                                    "WLF: wrong title format",
                                                xseason = config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_season.value
                                                xepisode = config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_episode.value
                                            result = CompiledRegexpAtomTitle.search(

                                            if result and len(
                                                    result.groups()) >= 1:
                                                # Extract episode title
                                                xtitle = result.group(1)

                                                # Handle encodings
                                                xtitle = str_to_utf8(xtitle)

                                                yepisode = (xseason, xepisode,

                                                ydelta = delta

                                    else:  #if delta >= ydelta:

                                    self.returnvalue = _(
                                        "Check the channel name")

                            if yepisode:
                                return (yepisode)

                            if delta <= 600:
                                # Compare channels?
                                logInfo("WLF: Max time trift exceeded", delta)

            if yepisode:
                return (yepisode)

            logInfo("WLF: No data returned")

        # Nothing found
Exemple #10
    def getNextPage(self, id):
        logDebug("WLP: getNextPage")

        url = EPISODEIDURLPRINT + urlencode({'s': id})
        data = self.getPage(url)

        if data and isinstance(data, basestring):
            data = self.parseNextPage(data)
            self.doCacheList(url, data)

        if data and isinstance(data, list):
            trs = data

            yepisode = None
            ydelta = maxint

            for tds in trs:
                if tds and len(tds) >= 5:

                    #print tds

                    xchannel, xday, xdate, xbegin, xend = tds[:5]

                    xtitle = "".join(tds[4:])

                    if self.actual_month == 12 and xdate.endswith(".01."):
                        year = str(self.actual_year + 1)
                        year = str(self.actual_year)

                    xbegin = datetime.strptime(xdate + year + xbegin,
                                               "%d.%m.%Y%H.%M Uhr")
                    #xend  = datetime.strptime( xdate+year+xend,   "%d.%m.%Y%H.%M Uhr" )
                    #logDebug("WLP:", xchannel, xdate, xbegin, xend, xtitle)
                    #logDebug("WLP:", datebegin, xbegin, abs((datebegin - xbegin)))

                    delta = abs(self.begin - xbegin)
                    delta = delta.seconds + delta.days * 24 * 3600
                    #delta = abs(self.begin - xbegin).total_seconds()
                    logDebug("WLP:", self.begin, '-', xbegin, '-', delta, '-',

                    if delta <= self.max_time_drift:

                        logInfo("WLP: Possible match witch channel: ",
                        if self.compareChannels(self.service, xchannel):

                            if delta < ydelta:

                                print len(tds), tds
                                if len(tds) >= 7:
                                    xepisode, xtitle = tds[5:7]

                                    if xepisode:
                                        result = CompiledRegexpEpisode.search(

                                        if result and len(
                                                result.groups()) >= 3:
                                            xseason = result and result.group(
                                            ) or config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_season.value
                                            xepisode = result and result.group(
                                            ) or config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_episode.value
                                            xseason = config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_season.value
                                            xepisode = config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_episode.value
                                        xseason = config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_season.value
                                        xepisode = config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_episode.value

                                elif len(tds) == 6:
                                    xtitle = tds[5]
                                    xseason = config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_season.value
                                    xepisode = config.plugins.seriesplugin.default_episode.value

                                # Handle encodings
                                xtitle = str_to_utf8(xtitle)

                                yepisode = (xseason, xepisode, xtitle,
                                ydelta = delta

                            else:  #if delta >= ydelta:
                                return (yepisode)

                            self.returnvalue = _("Check the channel name")

                        if yepisode:
                            return (yepisode)

                        if delta <= 600:
                            # Compare channels?
                            logInfo("WLP: Max time trift exceeded", delta)

            if yepisode:
                return (yepisode)

            logInfo("WLP: No data returned")

        # Nothing found