def calculate_gradient(points, dps, cells_dic, polygon_bd):
    npoints = points.shape[0]
    D = np.zeros((npoints,1), np.float32)

    for npt in range(npoints):
        if npt not in cells_dic:
        cell = cells_dic[npt]
        poly = polygon(dps[cell])
        region = poly & polygon_bd
        D[npt] = region.area()
    return D
Exemple #2
def intersect_ray_polygon(ray, poly, scale, thresh=0.001):
    a = ray[0:2]
    b = ray[0:2] + scale * ray[2:4]
    c = [b[0] + thresh, b[1] + thresh]
    tri = polygon(np.array([a, b, c]))
    region = poly & tri
    npoints = region.nPoints()
    if npoints == 0:
        return []
    equal_thresh = 0.00001
    for ii in range(npoints):
        if np.sum(np.abs(region[0][ii] - a) > equal_thresh):
            return region[0][ii]
    return []
def Geojsonify(data, Type='Point'):

    # Determine which function to use
    if Type == 'Point':
        return point(data)

    elif Type == 'LineString':
        return line_string(data)

    elif Type == 'Polygon':
        return polygon(data)

        print("Error: Type has to be either Point, LineString, or Polygon")  
        if _iter % 20 == 0:
            plot_diagram(points, faces_pd, cells_dic, dps, dps_bd, points_bd, scale = 1.0)
    return new_h

def calculate_gradient(points, dps, cells_dic, polygon_bd):
    npoints = points.shape[0]
    D = np.zeros((npoints,1), np.float32)

    for npt in range(npoints):
        if npt not in cells_dic:
        cell = cells_dic[npt]
        poly = polygon(dps[cell])
        region = poly & polygon_bd
        D[npt] = region.area()
    return D

if __name__ == '__main__':
    npoints = 50
    points = np.random.random((npoints, 2))
    minxy = np.min(points, axis = 0) - 0.1
    maxxy = np.max(points, axis = 0) + 0.1
    scale = np.sqrt(np.sum((maxxy - minxy)**2))
    points_bd = np.array([[minxy[0], minxy[1]], [minxy[0], maxxy[1]], [maxxy[0], maxxy[1]], [maxxy[0], minxy[1]], [minxy[0], minxy[1]]])
    polygon_bd = polygon(points_bd)
    delta = (maxxy[0] - minxy[0]) * (maxxy[1] - minxy[1]) / npoints * np.ones((npoints, 1), np.float32)
    new_h = None
    new_h = discrete_optimal_transform(points, delta, polygon_bd, scale, new_h, learnrate = 0.05, max_iter = 2000, epsilon = 1e-5)

def power_diagram_2d(points, h=None):
    npoints = points.shape[0]
    if h is None:
        h = np.zeros((points.shape[0], 1), np.float32)
    pl = np.concatenate(
        (points, np.sum(points * points, axis=1, keepdims=True) - h), axis=1)
    hull = convexhull(pl)
    ind = hull.equations[:, 2] < 0
    nfaces = np.sum(ind)
    faces = hull.simplices[ind]
    dps = np.zeros((nfaces, 2), np.float32)
    dic = dict()
    for _face, cnt in zip(faces, xrange(nfaces)):
        dps[cnt] = face_dual_uv(pl[_face])
        left, right = _cmp(_face[0], _face[1])
        _dict_update(dic, '%d_%d' % (left, right), cnt)
        left, right = _cmp(_face[0], _face[2])
        _dict_update(dic, '%d_%d' % (left, right), cnt)
        left, right = _cmp(_face[2], _face[1])
        _dict_update(dic, '%d_%d' % (left, right), cnt)

    cells_dic = dict()
    flag_bd = np.zeros((npoints), np.int32)
    for _face, cnt in zip(faces, xrange(nfaces)):
        for pos in range(3):
            if _face[pos] in cells_dic:
            cell = [cnt]
            flag_bd[_face[pos]] = compute_cell(_face, pos, faces, dic, cell)
            cells_dic.update({_face[pos]: cell})

    dps_bd = np.zeros((np.sum(flag_bd), 2), np.float32)
    minxy = np.min(dps, axis=0) - 1.0
    maxxy = np.max(dps, axis=0) + 1.0
    scale = np.sqrt(np.sum((maxxy - minxy)**2))
    points_bd = np.array([[minxy[0], minxy[0]], [minxy[0], maxxy[1]],
                          [maxxy[0], maxxy[1]], [maxxy[0], minxy[1]],
                          [minxy[0], minxy[0]]])
    polygon_bd = polygon(points_bd)

    cnt = 0
    for ii in xrange(npoints):
        if flag_bd[ii]:
            flag_bd[ii] = nfaces + cnt
            cnt += 1
    cnt = 0
    for ii in xrange(npoints):
        if flag_bd[ii] == 0:
        cell = cells_dic[ii]
        for pp in faces[cell[0]]:
            if pp != ii and flag_bd[pp]:
                B_inx = pp
        for pp in faces[cell[-1]]:
            if pp != ii and flag_bd[pp]:
                C_inx = pp
        if ccw(points[ii], points[B_inx], points[C_inx]):
            face_num = cell[0]
            other_inx = B_inx
            cell.insert(0, flag_bd[ii])
            face_num = cell[-1]
            other_inx = C_inx
            cell.insert(0, flag_bd[B_inx])
        vec = points[ii] - points[other_inx]
        ray = np.array([dps[face_num, 0], dps[face_num, 1], -vec[1], vec[0]])
        point_inter = intersect_ray_polygon(ray, polygon_bd, scale)
        if point_inter == []:
            print 'intersect_ray_polygon error!'
        dps_bd[cnt] = np.array(point_inter)
        cnt += 1
    return dps, dps_bd, cells_dic, faces