Exemple #1
from PositionHeatMap import readMeanListSdListFromFile
import os
import math
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import rc
import numpy as np

scenarioList = [1, 2]
# scenarioList = [8]
for scenarioNumber in scenarioList:
    holdingProbFile = "HoldingProb-Scenario{0}".format(scenarioNumber)

    resultMean1, resultSError1 = readMeanListSdListFromFile(

    fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(50, 12), dpi=80)
    # ax2 = fig.add_subplot(111)
    x_axis = range(0, 101, 10)
    plt.errorbar(x=x_axis, y=resultMean1, yerr=resultSError1, fmt='r-')
    # plt.ylim((0, ))
    plt.xlim((0, 100))

    # plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 360, 80))
    # for tl in plt.get_yticklabels():
    #     tl.set_color('r')
    font = {'size': 30}

    rc('font', **font)
    # for tick in mpl.axis.Axis.get_major_ticks():
Exemple #2
from PositionHeatMap import readMeanListSdListFromFile
import os
import math
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import rc
import numpy as np

scenarioList = [1,2]
# scenarioList = [8]
for scenarioNumber in scenarioList:
    holdingProbFile = "HoldingProb-Scenario{0}".format(scenarioNumber)    
    resultMean1, resultSError1 = readMeanListSdListFromFile("{0}.csv".format(holdingProbFile))
    fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(50, 12), dpi=80)
    # ax2 = fig.add_subplot(111)
    x_axis = range(0, 101, 10)
    plt.errorbar(x=x_axis, y=resultMean1, yerr=resultSError1, fmt='r-')  
    # plt.ylim((0, ))
    plt.xlim((0,100 ))

    # plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 360, 80))
    # for tl in plt.get_yticklabels():
    #     tl.set_color('r')
    font = {'size': 30}

    rc('font', **font)
    # for tick in mpl.axis.Axis.get_major_ticks():
Exemple #3
import os
import math
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import rc
import numpy as np

scenarioList = [1, 2]
# scenarioList = [8]
for scenarioNumber in scenarioList:
    withDeviceFile = "HotSpotsOverTime-Scenario{0}-{1}".format(scenarioNumber, "with device")
    withoutDeviceFile = "HotSpotsOverTime-Scenario{0}-{1}".format(scenarioNumber, "without device")
    with open("{0}.csv".format(withDeviceFile)) as withFile:
        with open("{0}.csv".format(withoutDeviceFile)) as withoutFile:
            resultMean1, resultSError1 = readMeanListSdListFromFile("{0}.csv".format(withDeviceFile))
            resultMean2, resultSError2 = readMeanListSdListFromFile("{0}.csv".format(withoutDeviceFile))

            fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(50, 50), dpi=80)
            # ax2 = fig.add_subplot(111)
            x_axis = range(1, len(resultMean1) + 1, 1)
            plt.errorbar(x=x_axis, y=resultMean1, yerr=resultSError1, fmt="r-", label="With Device")
            x_axis = range(1, len(resultMean2) + 1, 1)
            plt.errorbar(x=x_axis, y=resultMean2, yerr=resultSError2, fmt="b-", label="Without Device")

            plt.ylim((0, 4))

            # plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 360, 80))
            # for tl in plt.get_yticklabels():
            #     tl.set_color('r')
            font = {"size": 60}
Exemple #4
import os
import math
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import rc
import numpy as np

scenarioList = [1,2]
# scenarioList = [8]
for scenarioNumber in scenarioList:
    withDeviceFile = "HotSpotsOverTime-Scenario{0}-{1}".format(scenarioNumber, "with device")    
    withoutDeviceFile = "HotSpotsOverTime-Scenario{0}-{1}".format(scenarioNumber, "without device")    
    with open("{0}.csv".format(withDeviceFile)) as withFile:
        with open("{0}.csv".format(withoutDeviceFile)) as withoutFile:
            resultMean1, resultSError1 = readMeanListSdListFromFile("{0}.csv".format(withDeviceFile))
            resultMean2, resultSError2 = readMeanListSdListFromFile("{0}.csv".format(withoutDeviceFile))
            fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(50,50), dpi=80)
            # ax2 = fig.add_subplot(111)
            x_axis = range(1, len(resultMean1)+1, 1)
            plt.errorbar(x=x_axis, y=resultMean1, yerr=resultSError1, fmt='r-', label="With Device")
            x_axis = range(1, len(resultMean2)+1, 1)
            plt.errorbar(x=x_axis, y=resultMean2, yerr=resultSError2, fmt='b-', label="Without Device")
            plt.ylim((0, 4))

            # plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 360, 80))
            # for tl in plt.get_yticklabels():
            #     tl.set_color('r')