def run_tests(): """Run the tests on the functions.""" # assert test with no message - used to see if the function works properly assert repeat_string("Python", 1) == "Python" # the test below should fail assert repeat_string("hi", 2) == "hi hi" assert repeat_string("bye", 4) == "bye bye bye bye" # TODO: 1. fix the repeat_string function above so that it passes the failing test # Hint: "-".join(["yo", "yo"] -> "yo-yo" # assert test with custom message, # used to see if Car's init method sets the odometer correctly # this should pass (no output) test_car = Car() assert test_car.odometer == 0, "Car does not set odometer correctly" # TODO: 2. write assert statements to show if Car sets the fuel correctly # Note that Car's __init__ function sets the fuel in one of two ways: # using the value passed in or the default # You should test both of these test_car = Car(fuel=10) assert test_car.fuel == 10, "Fuel not set correctly" test_car.fuel = 0 assert test_car.fuel == 0, "Fuel not set correctly" print(sentence_format('hello')) print(sentence_format('It is an ex parrot.'))
def main(): """Simulate driving of car object""" print("Lets Drive!") car_name = get_name() my_car = Car(car_name, STARTING_FUEL) menu_choice = str(display_menu()).lower() while menu_choice != "q": if menu_choice == "d": print("How many km's do you wish to drive? ") drive_distance = get_int_entry() if my_car.fuel - drive_distance > 0: print("Your car drove {} kms ".format(drive_distance)) my_car.odometer = my_car.odometer + drive_distance my_car.fuel = my_car.fuel - drive_distance print("Your car has travelled {} kms today".format( my_car.odometer)) else: print("Your car doesn't have enough fuel!") print(my_car) menu_choice = display_menu() elif menu_choice == "r": print("How many units of fuel do you wish to add to the car? ") amount_to_refuel = get_int_entry() print("Added {} units to the car".format(amount_to_refuel)) print(my_car) menu_choice = display_menu() else: print("Invalid menu choice, please try again.") menu_choice = display_menu() print("Good by the {} 's driver! ".format(