def fn_write_sparql_unless_exists(self, g, query, bindings_set, reqd_bound_vars) :
		read_bindings_set = self.axpress.read_sparql(query, bindings_set, keep_old_bindings = True)
		# only write if 
		if len(read_bindings_set) is 0 :
			# TODO get bound variables out of the write query
			print 'didnt find anything', prettyquery(query), prettyquery(bindings_set)
			bindings_set = self.axpress.write_sparql(query, bindings_set)
		else :
			print 'they already exist!', prettyquery(bindings_set)
			bindings_set = read_bindings_set
		return bindings_set
Exemple #2
    def register_translation(self, translation):
        # make sure all of the required keys are present
        required = ['input', 'output', 'name']
        missing = [key for key in required if key not in translation]
        if missing:
            raise Exception('translation is missing keys: %s' %

        if 'function' not in translation or translation['function'] == None:
            if 'multi_function' not in translation:
                translation['function'] = lambda x: x

        if 'input_function' in translation and translation[
                'input_function'] == None:
            del translation['input_function']

        translation['step_size'] = translation.get('step_size', 1)

        # parse any string expressions
        translation['input'] = self.parser.parse_query(translation['input'],
        translation['output'] = self.parser.parse_query(translation['output'],
        #p(translation['name'], translation['input'], translation['output'])

        ## hash the triples
        #translation['input']  = self.hash_triples(translation['input'])
        #translation['output'] = self.hash_triples(translation['output'])

        # figure out which variables are in both the input and output of the
        # translation
        invars = find_vars(translation['input'], find_string_vars=True)
        outvars = find_vars(translation['output'], find_string_vars=True)
        outvars = outvars.union(set(translation.get('add_output_vars', [])))
        #p('invars', invars)
        #p('outvars', outvars)
        translation['output_vars'] = outvars
        translation['constant_vars'] = list(invars.intersection(outvars))

        translation['in_lit_vars'] = find_vars(translation['input'],

        import inspect
        filename = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back.f_code.co_filename

        translation['filename'] = filename
        translation['id'] = self.next_translation_id()
        self.translations_by_name[translation['name']] = translation
        self.translations_by_id[translation['id']] = translation
Exemple #3
 def register_translation(self, translation) :
   # make sure all of the required keys are present
   required = ['input', 'output', 'name']
   missing = [key for key in required if key not in translation]
   if missing :
     raise Exception('translation is missing keys: %s' % prettyquery(missing))
   if 'function' not in translation or translation['function'] == None :
     if 'multi_function' not in translation :
       translation['function'] = lambda x:x
   if 'input_function' in translation and translation['input_function'] == None :
     del translation['input_function']
   translation['step_size'] = translation.get('step_size', 1)
   # parse any string expressions
   translation['input'] = self.parser.parse_query(translation['input'], reset_bnodes=False)
   translation['output'] = self.parser.parse_query(translation['output'], reset_bnodes=False)
   #p(translation['name'], translation['input'], translation['output'])
   ## hash the triples
   #translation['input']  = self.hash_triples(translation['input'])
   #translation['output'] = self.hash_triples(translation['output'])
   # figure out which variables are in both the input and output of the 
   # translation
   invars = find_vars(translation['input'], find_string_vars = True)
   outvars = find_vars(translation['output'], find_string_vars = True)
   outvars = outvars.union(set(translation.get('add_output_vars', [])))
   #p('invars', invars)
   #p('outvars', outvars)
   translation['output_vars'] = outvars
   translation['constant_vars'] = list(
   translation['in_lit_vars'] = find_vars(
     translation['input'], is_lit_var, find_string_vars = True
   import inspect
   filename = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back.f_code.co_filename
   translation['filename'] = filename
   translation['id'] = self.next_translation_id()
   self.translations_by_name[translation['name']] = translation
   self.translations_by_id[  translation['id'  ]] = translation
Exemple #4
	def register_translation(self, translation) :
		n = self.n
		# make sure all of the required keys are present
		required = ['input', 'output', 'name']
		missing = [key for key in required if key not in translation]
		if missing :
			raise Exception('translation is missing keys: %s' % prettyquery(missing))
		# parse any string expressions
		translation['input'] = self.parser.parse_query(translation['input'])
		translation['output'] = self.parser.parse_query(translation['output'])
		#print 'registering'
		#print translation['name']
		#print prettyquery(translation['input'])
		#print prettyquery(translation['output'])
Exemple #5
	def apply_translation_binding(self, translation, bindings, history) :
		n = self.n
		translation_bindings = []
		for binding in bindings :
			# print 'history',prettyquery([[t[0]['name'], t[1]] for t in history]),
			# print 'now',prettyquery([translation['name'], binding]),
			if [translation, binding] not in history :
				#print 'applying',translation['name']
				#print 'binding',prettyquery(binding)
				history.append([translation, copy.copy(binding)])
				# if this translation expects to be cached, use a cache
				if 'cache_expiration_length' in translation :
					output_bindings_list =, binding)
				else :
					# call the function
					output_bindings = translation['function'](binding)
					# make sure the output_bindings is a list of possible bindings.
					# this allows a plugin to simply modify the binding passed in
					# or return a new set if that is easier
					if output_bindings == None :
						output_bindings = binding
					if type(output_bindings) == dict :
						output_bindings_list = [output_bindings]
					else :
						output_bindings_list = output_bindings
				#print 'output_bindings_list',prettyquery(output_bindings_list),
				outtriple_sets = self.sub_var_bindings(translation['output'], output_bindings_list)
				#outtriple_sets = [x for x in outtriple_sets]
				#print 'outtriple_sets',prettyquery(outtriple_sets)
				print 'translation_bindings',prettyquery(translation_bindings)
		return translation_bindings
Exemple #6
 def search(self, query, new_triples, lineage = [], root = False) :
   follow guaranteed translations and add possible translations to the 
   this is somewhat of an evaluator ...
   @arg query is the query to start from
   @new_triples is a set of triples which are new as of the previous 
     translation.  This next translation must take them into account.  If they
     are not needed, then an earlier step could have gotten there already and
     the most recent step was unnecessary
   @lineage is a list of the steps we've taken to get here
   @return the compiled guaranteed path
   self.debug.p('query', query)
   # find the possible next steps
   steps = self.next_steps(query, lineage, new_triples)
   # remove any steps we've already taken
   steps = self.remove_steps_already_taken(steps, lineage)
   if self.show_dead_ends :
     steps = list(steps)
     if not steps :
       p('dead_end', query)
       p('lineage', [step['translation']['name'] for step in lineage])
   #steps = list(steps)
   # look through all steps recursively to see if they result in a 
   # solution and should be added to the compile_node, the finished 'program'
   for step in steps :
     self.debug.open_block((step['translation']['name'] or '<unnamed>') + ' ' + color(hash(step['input_bindings'], step['output_bindings'])) + ' ' + prettyquery(step['input_bindings']) + str(time.time() - self.start_time))
     # add this step to the lineage, but before that, add any new steps that
     # were injected by the step itself (in the case of a merged path)
     new_lineage = copy.copy(lineage)
     if 'new_lineage' in step :
       for s in step['new_lineage'] :
         if s not in lineage :
     new_lineage += [step]
     # if the new information at this point is enough to fulfil the query, done
     # otherwise, recursively continue searching.
     # found_solution is filled with the bindings which bind out_lit_vars from 
     # the query to literal values (strings, numbers, uris, etc)
     # TODO: found_solution might be able to return enough information to 
     # completely remove the partial solution step at the end of compilation
     found_solution = self.found_solution(step['new_query'])
     if found_solution :
       self.debug.p('last_step', step)
       self.debug.p('input', step['translation']['input'])
       self.debug.p('output', step['translation']['output'])
       return new_lineage
     else :
       # recur
       ret =['new_query'], step['new_triples'], new_lineage)
       if ret :
         return ret
Exemple #7
 def p(self, *args) :
     self.log('<xmp>' + ' '.join([
         prettyquery(arg) for arg in args
     ]) + '</xmp>', '')
	def execute(self, query, bindings_set = [{}], options = None) :
		if options is None :
			options = self.options
		subquery_lines = []		
		method = ''
		lines = query.split('\n')
		if len(lines) == 0:
			return []
		while len(lines) and lines[0].strip() == '' :
			lines = lines[1:]
		if len(lines) == 0 :
			return []
		while lines[-1].strip() == '' :
			lines = lines[:-1]
		def get_therest(position) :
			original_numspaces = len(lines[position]) - len(lines[position].lstrip())
			position += 1
			while position < len(lines) and \
						original_numspaces < len(lines[position]) and \
						lines[position][original_numspaces] in ['\t', ' '] :
				#print ':',repr(lines[position][original_numspaces])
				position += 1
			return position
		i = 0
		cur_position = 0
		compiled = []
		while cur_position is not len(lines) :
			end_position = get_therest(cur_position)
			these_lines = lines[cur_position:end_position]
			these_lines = [line.strip() for line in these_lines]
			sub_query = '\n'.join(these_lines)
			found = False
			for translator in self.translators :
				g =
				if g is not None :
					found = True
					bound_vars, query = translator.bound_vars(g)
					compiled.append((translator, g, bound_vars, query))
			if not found :
				raise Exception("Unknown command for block %s" % sub_query)
			cur_position = end_position
		reads = []
		writes = []
		new_compiled = []
		all_bound_vars = set()
		for translator, g, bound_vars, query in reversed(compiled) :
			reqd_bound_vars = bound_vars.intersection(all_bound_vars)
			new_compiled.append((translator, g, bound_vars, query, reqd_bound_vars))
			#if translator.is_read :
				#reads.append((translator, g, bound_vars, reqd_bound_vars))
			#else :
				#writes.append((translator, g, bound_vars, reqd_bound_vars))
		compiled = reversed(new_compiled)
		compiled = list(compiled)
		for translator, g, bound_vars, query, reqd_bound_vars in compiled :
			#print 'bound_vars', bound_vars
			#print 'reqd_bound_vars', reqd_bound_vars
			if 'intermediate-bindings' in options :
				print 'pre-bindings_set',prettyquery(bindings_set)
			bindings_set = translator.fn(g, query, bindings_set, reqd_bound_vars)
			if 'intermediate-bindings' in options :
				print 'post-bindings_set',prettyquery(bindings_set)
		return bindings_set
Exemple #9
    def search(self, query, new_triples, lineage=[], root=False):
    follow guaranteed translations and add possible translations to the 
    this is somewhat of an evaluator ...
    @arg query is the query to start from
    @new_triples is a set of triples which are new as of the previous 
      translation.  This next translation must take them into account.  If they
      are not needed, then an earlier step could have gotten there already and
      the most recent step was unnecessary
    @lineage is a list of the steps we've taken to get here
    @return the compiled guaranteed path

        self.debug.p('query', query)

        # find the possible next steps
        steps = self.next_steps(query, lineage, new_triples)

        # remove any steps we've already taken
        steps = self.remove_steps_already_taken(steps, lineage)

        if self.show_dead_ends:
            steps = list(steps)
            if not steps:
                p('dead_end', query)
                p('lineage', [step['translation']['name'] for step in lineage])

        #steps = list(steps)

        # look through all steps recursively to see if they result in a
        # solution and should be added to the compile_node, the finished 'program'
        for step in steps:
                (step['translation']['name'] or '<unnamed>') + ' ' +
                color(hash(step['input_bindings'], step['output_bindings'])) +
                ' ' + prettyquery(step['input_bindings']) +
                str(time.time() - self.start_time))

            # add this step to the lineage, but before that, add any new steps that
            # were injected by the step itself (in the case of a merged path)
            new_lineage = copy.copy(lineage)
            if 'new_lineage' in step:
                for s in step['new_lineage']:
                    if s not in lineage:
            new_lineage += [step]

            # if the new information at this point is enough to fulfil the query, done
            # otherwise, recursively continue searching.
            # found_solution is filled with the bindings which bind out_lit_vars from
            # the query to literal values (strings, numbers, uris, etc)
            # TODO: found_solution might be able to return enough information to
            # completely remove the partial solution step at the end of compilation
            found_solution = self.found_solution(step['new_query'])
            if found_solution:
                self.debug.p('last_step', step)
                self.debug.p('input', step['translation']['input'])
                self.debug.p('output', step['translation']['output'])
                return new_lineage
                # recur
                ret =['new_query'], step['new_triples'],
                if ret:
                    return ret
Exemple #10
def debug(name, obj=None):
    from PrettyQuery import prettyquery

    name = name.replace(" ", "_")
    print "%s<%s>%s</%s>" % (spaces, name, html_encode(prettyquery(obj)), name)
Exemple #11
def p(*args):
    from PrettyQuery import prettyquery

    print "%s%s" % (spaces, " ".join([prettyquery(arg) for arg in args]))
Exemple #12
 def p(self, *args):
         '<xmp>' + ' '.join([prettyquery(arg) for arg in args]) + '</xmp>',