Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, database, dbConfig=None, pool=None, makePool=False):
        initialize the API instance
        - database can be both MySQl or SQLite

        - dbConfig can be a dictionary with the format
               'refreshPeriod' : 4*3600 ,
               'maxConnectionAttempts' : 5,
               'dbWaitingTime' : 10

        Passing only dbConfig, a SafeSession will be used for db connection.
        Passing a pool or setting makePool, a pool of SafeSession (SafePool)
        will be used, enabling a better multithread usage

        if database == "WMCore":
            from ProdCommon.BossLite.API.BossLiteDBWMCore import BossLiteDBWMCore
            self.bossLiteDB = BossLiteDBWMCore(database, dbConfig=dbConfig)
        elif pool is None and makePool == False:
            self.bossLiteDB = BossLiteDB(database, dbConfig=dbConfig)
            from ProdCommon.BossLite.API.BossLitePoolDB import BossLitePoolDB
            self.bossLiteDB = BossLitePoolDB( database, dbConfig=dbConfig, \
                                              pool=pool )
        self.db = None
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, database, dbConfig=None, pool=None, makePool=False):
        initialize the API instance
        - database can be both MySQl or SQLite

        - dbConfig can be a dictionary with the format
               'refreshPeriod' : 4*3600 ,
               'maxConnectionAttempts' : 5,
               'dbWaitingTime' : 10

        Passing only dbConfig, a SafeSession will be used for db connection.
        Passing a pool or setting makePool, a pool of SafeSession (SafePool)
        will be used, enabling a better multithread usage

        if database == "WMCore":
            from ProdCommon.BossLite.API.BossLiteDBWMCore import BossLiteDBWMCore
            self.bossLiteDB = BossLiteDBWMCore( database, dbConfig=dbConfig )
        elif pool is None and makePool == False:
            self.bossLiteDB = BossLiteDB( database, dbConfig=dbConfig )
        else :
            from ProdCommon.BossLite.API.BossLitePoolDB import BossLitePoolDB
            self.bossLiteDB = BossLitePoolDB( database, dbConfig=dbConfig, \
                                              pool=pool )
        self.db = None
Exemple #3
    def removeFinishedJobs(cls, group):
        remove all finished jobs from a specific group.

        jobs assigned: all jobs in the group


            session = BossLitePoolDB( "MySQL", pool=cls.params['sessionPool'] )
            db = TrackingDB( session )
            joblist = db.getAssociatedJobs()

            # in case of empty results
            if joblist is None:
                    "No finished jobs to be removed from query queues" )

            for pair in joblist:
                db.removeFromCheck( group, pair[0],  pair[1],  )
                #    "Removing jobs for group " + str(group) \
                #    + " with BOSS id " +  str( pair[0] ) + '.' \
                #    + str( pair[1] )\
                #    )
            logging.debug("Removed jobs from group %s" % str(group) )
            del( joblist )

        except BossLiteError, ex:
            logging.error( 'Failed to remove jobs from queues: %s ' % ex )
Exemple #4
    def addNewJobs(cls):
        include new jobs in the set of jobs to be watched for.

        jobs assigned: all new jobs.



            session = BossLitePoolDB( "MySQL", pool=cls.params['sessionPool'] )
            db = TrackingDB( session )
            joblist = db.getUnassociatedJobs()

            # in case of empty results
            if joblist is None:
                logging.debug( "No new jobs to be added in query queues")

            for pair in joblist:
                db.addForCheck( pair[0],  pair[1] )

                #    "Adding jobs to queue with BOSS id "\
                #    +  str( pair[0] ) + '.' + str( pair[1] )\
                #    )
            del( joblist )

        except BossLiteError, ex:
            logging.error( 'Failed to remove jobs from queues: %s ' % ex )
Exemple #5
class BossLiteAPI(object):
    High level API class for DBObjets.
    It allows load/operate/update jobs and taks using just id ranges
    def __init__(self, database, dbConfig=None, pool=None, makePool=False):
        initialize the API instance
        - database can be both MySQl or SQLite

        - dbConfig can be a dictionary with the format
               'refreshPeriod' : 4*3600 ,
               'maxConnectionAttempts' : 5,
               'dbWaitingTime' : 10

        Passing only dbConfig, a SafeSession will be used for db connection.
        Passing a pool or setting makePool, a pool of SafeSession (SafePool)
        will be used, enabling a better multithread usage

        if database == "WMCore":
            from ProdCommon.BossLite.API.BossLiteDBWMCore import BossLiteDBWMCore
            self.bossLiteDB = BossLiteDBWMCore(database, dbConfig=dbConfig)
        elif pool is None and makePool == False:
            self.bossLiteDB = BossLiteDB(database, dbConfig=dbConfig)
            from ProdCommon.BossLite.API.BossLitePoolDB import BossLitePoolDB
            self.bossLiteDB = BossLitePoolDB( database, dbConfig=dbConfig, \
                                              pool=pool )
        self.db = None

    def connect(self):
        recreate a session and db access

        # open Db and create a db access
        self.db = TrackingDB(self.bossLiteDB)

    def updateDB(self, obj):
        update any object table in the DB
        works for tasks, jobs, runningJobs

        # db connect
        if self.db is None:

        # update

    def updateRunningInstances(self, task, notSkipClosed=True):
        update runningInstances of a task in the DB

        # db connect
        if self.db is None:

        # update
        for job in task.jobs:

            # update only loaded instances!
            if job.runningJob is not None:
                job.updateRunningInstance(self.db, notSkipClosed)


    def declare(self, xml, proxyFile=None):
        register job related informations in the db

        taskInfo, jobInfos, rjAttrs = self.deserialize(xml)

        # reconstruct task
        task = Task(taskInfo)
        task['user_proxy'] = proxyFile

        # reconstruct jobs and fill the data
        jobs = []
        for jI in jobInfos:
            job = Job(jI)
            subn = int(job['submissionNumber'])
            if subn > 0:
                job['submissionNumber'] = subn - 1
                job['submissionNumber'] = subn


        for job in task.jobs:
            attrs = rjAttrs[str(job['name'])]
            self.getRunningInstance(job, attrs)

        # self.updateDB( task )

        # all done
        return task

    def declareNewJobs(self, xml, task, proxyFile=None):
        register job related informations in the db
        taskInfo, jobInfos, rjAttrs = self.deserialize(xml)
        jobRange = range(len(task.getJobs()) + 1)
        # reconstruct jobs and fill the data
        jobs = []
        for jI in jobInfos:
            # check if jobs is new
            if int(jI['jobId']) not in jobRange:
                job = Job(jI)
                job['taskId'] = task['id']
                subn = int(job['submissionNumber'])
                if subn > 0:
                    job['submissionNumber'] = subn - 1
                    job['submissionNumber'] = subn
        for job in task.jobs:
            if int(job['jobId']) not in jobRange:
                attrs = rjAttrs[str(job['name'])]
                self.getRunningInstance(job, attrs)

        # self.updateDB( task )

        # all done
        return task

    def saveTask(self, task):
        register task related informations in the db

        # db connect
        if self.db is None:

        # save task
        except TaskError, err:
            if str(err).find( 'column name is not unique') == -1 and \
                   str(err).find( 'Duplicate entry') == -1 and \
                   task['id'] is not None :
                task = None

        return task
Exemple #6
class BossLiteAPI(object):
    High level API class for DBObjets.
    It allows load/operate/update jobs and taks using just id ranges

    def __init__(self, database, dbConfig=None, pool=None, makePool=False):
        initialize the API instance
        - database can be both MySQl or SQLite

        - dbConfig can be a dictionary with the format
               'refreshPeriod' : 4*3600 ,
               'maxConnectionAttempts' : 5,
               'dbWaitingTime' : 10

        Passing only dbConfig, a SafeSession will be used for db connection.
        Passing a pool or setting makePool, a pool of SafeSession (SafePool)
        will be used, enabling a better multithread usage

        if database == "WMCore":
            from ProdCommon.BossLite.API.BossLiteDBWMCore import BossLiteDBWMCore
            self.bossLiteDB = BossLiteDBWMCore( database, dbConfig=dbConfig )
        elif pool is None and makePool == False:
            self.bossLiteDB = BossLiteDB( database, dbConfig=dbConfig )
        else :
            from ProdCommon.BossLite.API.BossLitePoolDB import BossLitePoolDB
            self.bossLiteDB = BossLitePoolDB( database, dbConfig=dbConfig, \
                                              pool=pool )
        self.db = None

    def connect ( self ) :
        recreate a session and db access

        # open Db and create a db access
        self.db = TrackingDB(self.bossLiteDB)

    def updateDB( self, obj ) :
        update any object table in the DB
        works for tasks, jobs, runningJobs

        # db connect
        if self.db is None :

        # update

    def updateRunningInstances( self, task, notSkipClosed=True ) :
        update runningInstances of a task in the DB

        # db connect
        if self.db is None :

        # update
        for job in task.jobs:

            # update only loaded instances!
            if job.runningJob is not None:
                job.updateRunningInstance(self.db, notSkipClosed)


    def declare( self, xml, proxyFile=None ) :
        register job related informations in the db

        taskInfo, jobInfos, rjAttrs = self.deserialize( xml )

        # reconstruct task
        task = Task( taskInfo )
        task['user_proxy'] = proxyFile
        self.saveTask( task )

        # reconstruct jobs and fill the data
        jobs = []
        for jI in jobInfos:
            job = Job( jI )
            subn = int( job['submissionNumber'] )
            if subn > 0 :
                job['submissionNumber'] = subn - 1
            else :
                job['submissionNumber'] = subn


        for job in task.jobs:
            attrs = rjAttrs[ str(job['name']) ]
            self.getRunningInstance( job, attrs )
            self.updateDB( job )

        # self.updateDB( task )

        # all done
        return task

    def declareNewJobs( self, xml, task, proxyFile=None ) :
        register job related informations in the db
        taskInfo, jobInfos, rjAttrs = self.deserialize( xml )
        # reconstruct jobs and fill the data
        jobs = []
        for jI in jobInfos:
            # check if jobs is new 
            if int(jI['jobId']) not in jobRange:
                job = Job( jI )
                subn = int( job['submissionNumber'] )
                if subn > 0 :
                    job['submissionNumber'] = subn - 1
                else :
                    job['submissionNumber'] = subn
        for job in task.jobs:
            if int(job['jobId']) not in jobRange:
                attrs = rjAttrs[ str(job['name']) ]
                self.getRunningInstance( job, attrs )
                self.updateDB( job )
        # self.updateDB( task )

        # all done
        return task

    def saveTask( self, task ):
        register task related informations in the db

        # db connect
        if self.db is None :

        # save task
        try :
        except TaskError, err:
            if str(err).find( 'column name is not unique') == -1 and \
                   str(err).find( 'Duplicate entry') == -1 and \
                   task['id'] is not None :
                self.removeTask( task )
                task = None

        return task