Exemple #1
    def writeFwkJobReport( self, jobSpecId, exitCode, reportfilename ):

        write a fake reportfilename based on the status reported

        # create job report
        logging.debug("Creating report %s" % reportfilename)
        fwjr = FwkJobReport()
        fwjr.jobSpecId = jobSpecId
        if exitCode == 0 :
            fwjr.status = "Success"
            fwjr.exitCode = 0
        else :
            fwjr.exitCode = exitCode
            fwjr.status = "Failed"

        # store job report
Exemple #2
    def processCleanUpJobReport(self,statusCode):



        #  //
        # //  Generate a report
        #  //
        report = FwkJobReport()
        report.name = "cleanUp"
	report.status = "Failed" 
	if statusCode == 0 :
          report.status = "Success"
          for lfnRemovedFile in self.success:
            report.addRemovedFile(lfnRemovedFile, self.seName)    
        for lfnUnremovedFile in self.failed:
             report.addUnremovedFile(lfnUnremovedFile, self.seName)
        report.exitCode = statusCode
        report.jobSpecId = self.state.jobSpecNode.jobName
        report.jobType = self.state.jobSpecNode.jobType
        report.workflowSpecId = self.state.jobSpecNode.workflow

        #  //
        # // Ensure this report gets added to the job-wide report
        toplevelReport = os.path.join(os.environ['PRODAGENT_JOB_DIR'],"FrameworkJobReport.xml")
        newReport = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "FrameworkJobReport.xml")
        mergeReports(toplevelReport, newReport)
Exemple #3
def processFrameworkJobReport():
    Runtime tool for processing the Framework Job Report produced
    by CMsGen executables

    theJobReport = FwkJobReport()
    # If everything worked well set the success status
    # else record a failure and error
    if jobFailed == 0:
        theJobReport.status = "Success"
        theJobReport.exitCode = 0
    elif jobFailed == 1:
        theJobReport.status = "Failed"
        theJobReport.exitCode = 11111
        errDetail = theJobReport.addError(11111, "CmsGenFailure")
        errDetail['Description'] = "Error retrieving grid file"
    elif jobFailed == 2:
        theJobReport.status = "Failed"
        theJobReport.exitCode = 11112
        errDetail = theJobReport.addError(11112, "CmsGenFailure")
        errDetail['Description'] = "Error producing step 1 events"
    elif jobFailed == 3:
        theJobReport.status = "Failed"
        theJobReport.exitCode = 11113
        errDetail = theJobReport.addError(11113, "CmsGenFailure")
        errDetail['Description'] = "Error producing step 2 events"
    elif jobFailed == 4:
        theJobReport.status = "Failed"
        theJobReport.exitCode = 11114
        errDetail = theJobReport.addError(11114, "CmsGenFailure")
            'Description'] = "Error computing the number of produced events"
    elif jobFailed == 5:
        theJobReport.status = "Failed"
        theJobReport.exitCode = 11115
        errDetail = theJobReport.addError(11115, "CmsGenFailure")
        errDetail['Description'] = "Error making a link"
    elif jobFailed == 6:
        theJobReport.status = "Failed"
        theJobReport.exitCode = 11116
        errDetail = theJobReport.addError(11116, "CmsGenFailure")
        errDetail['Description'] = "Error preparing the executation"
        theJobReport.status = "Failed"
        theJobReport.exitCode = 11117
        errDetail = theJobReport.addError(11117, "CmsGenFailure")
        errDetail['Description'] = "General cmsGen Failure"

    if jobFailed == 0:
        file = open("nCmsGenEvents.txt", 'r')
        nEventsLine = file.readline()
        nEvents = nEventsLine.split('\n')
        totalEvents = nEvents[0]
        outputFileUnw = ""
        if generator == "alpgen":
            outputFileUnw = "%s.unw" % outputFile
        elif generator == "comphep":
            outputFileUnw = "%s" % outputFile
        elif generator == "madgraph":
            outputFileUnw = "%s" % outputFile

        if not os.path.exists(outputFileUnw):
            msg = "Output file Not Found: %s" % outputFileUnw
            raise RuntimeError, msg
        totalSize = os.stat(outputFileUnw)[6]
        totalEvents = 0
        totalSize = 0

    newFile = theJobReport.newFile()
    newFile["LFN"] = "None"
    if generator == "alpgen":
        #newFile["PFN"]         = "%s/%s" % (os.getcwd(),outputFile)
        newFile["PFN"] = "%s" % outputFile
    elif generator == "comphep":
        newFile["PFN"] = "%s" % outputFile
    elif generator == "madgraph":
        newFile["PFN"] = "%s" % outputFile
    newFile["Size"] = totalSize
    newFile["TotalEvents"] = totalEvents
    newFile["ModuleLabel"] = "cmsGen"

Exemple #4
if not os.path.exists(cfgFile):
    msg = "Cfg File Not Found: %s" % cfgFile
    raise RuntimeError, msg

if generator == "alpgen":
    jobFailed = alpGen()
elif generator == "comphep":
    jobFailed = compHep()
elif generator == "madgraph":
    jobFailed = madgraph()
elif generator == "sherpa":
    jobFailed = sherpa()
    # Create a dummy FwkJobReport
    theJobReport = FwkJobReport()
    if jobFailed == 0:
        theJobReport.status = "Success"
        theJobReport.exitCode = 0
        theJobReport.status = "Failed"
        theJobReport.exitCode = jobFailed
        errDetail = theJobReport.addError(jobFailed, "CmsGenFailure")
        errDetail['Description'] = "Failed to set up Sherpa Libs"
    msg = "Generator %s Not Found" % generator
    raise RuntimeError, msg
Exemple #5
def stageOut():

    Main function for this module. Loads data from the task
    and manages the stage out process for a single attempt

    state = TaskState(os.getcwd())

    workflow = WorkflowSpec()

    jobSpecFile = os.environ.get('PRODAGENT_JOBSPEC')
    jobSpecId = None
    if jobSpecFile is not None:
        jobSpec = JobSpec()
        jobSpecId = jobSpec.parameters.get('JobName')

    print workflow
    print state.taskName()
    print jobSpecId

    stageOutFor, override, controls = StageOutUtils.getStageOutConfig(
        workflow, state.taskName())

    toplevelReport = os.path.join(os.environ['PRODAGENT_JOB_DIR'],

    exitCode = 0
    #  //
    # // find inputs by locating the task for which we are staging out
    #//  and loading its TaskState
    for inputTask in stageOutFor:
        print "Attempting to stage out files for node %s" % inputTask
            inputState = getTaskState(inputTask)
            msg = "Loaded Input Task: %s " % inputTask
        except Exception, ex:
            msg = "Error load for TaskState for task %s" % inputTask
            msg += "%s\n" % str(ex)
            inputState = None
        print msg

        if inputState == None:
            # exit with init error
            # generate failure report in this dir, since cant find
            # input state dir
            inputReport = FwkJobReport()
            inputReport.name = inputTask
            inputReport.jobSpecId = jobSpecId
            exitCode = 60311
            errRep = inputReport.addError(
                60311, "TaskStateError")
            errRep['Description'] = msg
            inputReport.status = "Failed"
            inputReport.exitCode = 60311
            updateReport(toplevelReport, inputReport)
            print "TaskState is None, exiting..."
            return exitCode

            inputReport = inputState.getJobReport()
            msg = "Loaded JobReport for Task : %s\n" % inputTask
            msg += "File: %s\n" % inputState.jobReport
        except Exception, ex:
            msg = "Error loading input report : %s" % str(ex)
            inputReport = None
Exemple #6
            inputReport = None

        print msg
        if inputReport == None:
            msg += "Unable to read Job Report for input task: %s\n" % inputTask
            msg += "Looked for file: %s\n" % inputState.jobReport
            print msg
            inputReport = FwkJobReport()
            inputReport.name = inputTask
            inputReport.jobSpecId = jobSpecId
            exitCode = 60311
            errRep = inputReport.addError(
                60311, "InputReportError")
            errRep['Description'] = msg
            inputReport.status = "Failed"
            inputReport.exitCode = 60311
            updateReport(toplevelReport, inputReport)
            # exit with init error
            return 60311

            manager = StageOutReport(inputReport, override, controls)
        except StageOutInitError, ex:
            exitCode = ex.data['ErrorCode']
            errRep = inputReport.addError(
                ex.data['ErrorCode'], ex.data['ErrorType'])
            errRep['Description'] = ex.message
            inputReport.status = "Failed"
            inputReport.exitCode = ex.data['ErrorCode']
Exemple #7
def processFrameworkJobReport():
    Runtime tool for processing the Framework Job Report produced
    by CMsGen executables

    theJobReport = FwkJobReport()
    # If everything worked well set the success status
    # else record a failure and error
    if jobFailed == 0:
       theJobReport.status = "Success"
       theJobReport.exitCode = 0
    elif jobFailed == 1:
       theJobReport.status = "Failed"
       theJobReport.exitCode = 11111
       errDetail = theJobReport.addError(11111, "CmsGenFailure")
       errDetail['Description'] = "Error retrieving grid file"
    elif jobFailed == 2:
       theJobReport.status = "Failed"
       theJobReport.exitCode = 11112
       errDetail = theJobReport.addError(11112, "CmsGenFailure")
       errDetail['Description'] = "Error producing step 1 events"
    elif jobFailed == 3:
       theJobReport.status = "Failed"
       theJobReport.exitCode = 11113
       errDetail = theJobReport.addError(11113, "CmsGenFailure")
       errDetail['Description'] = "Error producing step 2 events"
    elif jobFailed == 4:
       theJobReport.status = "Failed"
       theJobReport.exitCode = 11114
       errDetail = theJobReport.addError(11114, "CmsGenFailure")
       errDetail['Description'] = "Error computing the number of produced events"
    elif jobFailed == 5:
       theJobReport.status = "Failed"
       theJobReport.exitCode = 11115
       errDetail = theJobReport.addError(11115, "CmsGenFailure")
       errDetail['Description'] = "Error making a link"
    elif jobFailed == 6:
       theJobReport.status = "Failed"
       theJobReport.exitCode = 11116
       errDetail = theJobReport.addError(11116, "CmsGenFailure")
       errDetail['Description'] = "Error preparing the executation"
       theJobReport.status = "Failed"
       theJobReport.exitCode = 11117
       errDetail = theJobReport.addError(11117, "CmsGenFailure")
       errDetail['Description'] = "General cmsGen Failure"

    if jobFailed == 0:
      file        = open("nCmsGenEvents.txt", 'r')
      nEventsLine = file.readline()
      nEvents     = nEventsLine.split('\n')
      totalEvents = nEvents[0]
      outputFileUnw = ""
      if generator == "alpgen":
          outputFileUnw = "%s.unw" % outputFile
      elif generator == "comphep":
          outputFileUnw = "%s" % outputFile
      elif generator == "madgraph":
          outputFileUnw = "%s" % outputFile
      if not os.path.exists(outputFileUnw):
          msg = "Output file Not Found: %s" % outputFileUnw
          raise RuntimeError, msg
      totalSize   = os.stat(outputFileUnw)[6]      
      totalEvents = 0
      totalSize   = 0
    newFile = theJobReport.newFile()
    newFile["LFN"]  	   = "None" 
    if generator == "alpgen":
        #newFile["PFN"]         = "%s/%s" % (os.getcwd(),outputFile)
        newFile["PFN"]         = "%s" % outputFile
    elif generator == "comphep":
        newFile["PFN"]         = "%s" % outputFile
    elif generator == "madgraph":
        newFile["PFN"]         = "%s" % outputFile
    newFile["Size"] 	   = totalSize
    newFile["TotalEvents"] = totalEvents
    newFile["ModuleLabel"] = "cmsGen"

Exemple #8
if not os.path.exists(cfgFile):
    msg = "Cfg File Not Found: %s" % cfgFile
    raise RuntimeError, msg

if generator == "alpgen":
    jobFailed  = alpGen()
elif generator == "comphep":
    jobFailed  = compHep()
elif generator == "madgraph":
    jobFailed  = madgraph()
elif generator == "sherpa":
    jobFailed  = sherpa()
    # Create a dummy FwkJobReport
    theJobReport = FwkJobReport()
    if jobFailed == 0:
       theJobReport.status = "Success"
       theJobReport.exitCode = 0
       theJobReport.status = "Failed"
       theJobReport.exitCode = jobFailed
       errDetail = theJobReport.addError(jobFailed, "CmsGenFailure")
       errDetail['Description'] = "Failed to set up Sherpa Libs"
    msg = "Generator %s Not Found" % generator
    raise RuntimeError, msg