Exemple #1
    def _findResults(self):
        """Put all matching links into self._results.
        # TODO: hier geht's weiter... :)

        context = utils.context(self)
        portal_catalog = getToolByName(context, 'portal_catalog')
        path = '/'.join(context.getPhysicalPath())
        contentType = 'AzPage'
        query = {'sort_on': 'sortable_title'}
        query['path'] = path
        query['portal_type'] = contentType
        if self.startLetter:
            query['getFirstLetter'] = self.startLetter
        if self.searchText:
            query['SearchableText'] = self.searchText
        if self.category and self.category != ['Alle Kategorien']:
            query['getSelectedCategory'] = self.category
        if self.zipcategory and self.zipcategory != ['Alle Bereiche']:
            query['getSelectedZipCategory'] = self.zipcategory
            results = portal_catalog.searchResults(query)
	except ParseTree.ParseError:
	    results = []
	if results is None:	# fix in case results is `None`
	    results = []
        self._results = results
Exemple #2
    def results(self):
        """Return results ordered by a..z.

        The results will be a list of dictionaries with keys 'letter'
        and 'lines'.

        Each result item will be a dictionary with a title and a link

        context = utils.context(self)
        membership = getToolByName(context, 'portal_membership')

        # check the necessary permissions on the folder not the object itself
        can_edit = membership.checkPermission(cmfperms.ModifyPortalContent, context)

        resultlist = []
        for item in self._results:
            # Grab the things we want from the item:
            dictItem = {}
            dictItem['title'] = item.Title
            dictItem['desc'] = item.Description
            dictItem['link'] = item.getURL
            dictItem['types'] = item.getObject().getSelectedEventtype
            dictItem['providers'] = item.getObject().getSelectedEventprovider
            dictItem['fee'] = item.getObject().getWekaeventFee
            dictItem['city'] = item.getWekaeventCity
            dictItem['startdate'] = item.getObject().getWekaEventStartDate
            dictItem['zipcode'] = item.getObject().getWekaeventZIP
        return resultlist
Exemple #3
    def _findResults(self):
        """Put all matching links into self._results.

        context = utils.context(self)
        portal_catalog = getToolByName(context, 'portal_catalog')
        path = '/'.join(context.getPhysicalPath())
        contentType = 'WekaEvent'
        reviewState =['published',]
        datefilter={'query':DateTime(), 'range': 'min'}
        query = {'sort_on': 'sortable_title'}
        query['path'] = path
        query['portal_type'] = contentType
        query['review_state'] = reviewState
        query['getWekaEventStartDate'] = datefilter
        if self.startLetter:
            query['getFirstLetter'] = self.startLetter
        if self.searchText:
            query['SearchableText'] = self.searchText
        if self.eventtype and self.eventtype != ['Alle Veranstaltungen']:
            query['getSelectedEventtype'] = self.eventtype
        if self.eventzip and self.eventzip != ['Alle Bereiche']:
            query['getSelectedEventzip'] = self.eventzip
        if self.eventprovider and self.eventprovider != ['Alle Anbieter']:
	        query['getSelectedEventprovider'] = self.eventprovider
            results = portal_catalog.searchResults(query)
	except ParseTree.ParseError:
	    results = []
	if results is None:	# fix in case results is `None`
	    results = []
        self._results = results
Exemple #4
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     utils.BrowserView.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
     self._results = []
     self.startLetter = self.request.get("startLetter", None)
     self.category = self.request.get("category", None)
     self.searchText = self.request.get("searchText", None)
     if self.startLetter or self.category or self.searchText:
     context = utils.context(self)
     self.context_url = context.absolute_url()
Exemple #5
 def results(self):
     """ """
     context = utils.context(self)
     putils = getToolByName(context, 'plone_utils')
     portal_catalog = getToolByName(context, 'portal_catalog')
     typesToShow = ['Publication']
     return self.request.get(
Exemple #6
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     utils.BrowserView.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
     self._results = []
     self.startLetter = self.request.get('startLetter', None)
     self.eventtype = self.request.get('eventtype', None)
     self.eventprovider = self.request.get('eventprovider', None)
     self.eventzip = self.request.get('eventzip', None)
     self.searchText = self.request.get('searchText', None)
     if self.startLetter or self.eventtype or self.eventprovider or self.eventzip or self.searchText:
     context = utils.context(self)
     self.context_url = context.absolute_url()
Exemple #7
    def zipcategories(self):
        """Return a list of zip code categories.

	Each category will be a dictinary with a title and a
	searchLink key

	context = utils.context(self)
	cats = list(context.getZipcategories())
	# Add 'all'
	cats.append('Alle Bereiche')
	return cats
Exemple #8
    def categories(self):
        """Return a list of categories.

        Each category will be a dictionary with a title and a
        searchLink key.

        context = utils.context(self)
        cats = list(context.getCategories())
        # Add 'all'
        cats.append('Alle Kategorien')
        return cats
Exemple #9
    def eventproviders(self):
        """Return a list of categories.

        Each category will be a dictionary with a title and a
        searchLink key.

        context = utils.context(self)
        cats = list(context.getEventproviders())
        # Add 'all'
        cats.append('Alle Anbieter')
        return cats
Exemple #10
    def results(self):
        """Return results ordered by a..z.

        The results will be a list of dictionaries with keys 'letter'
        and 'lines'.

        Each result item will be a dictionary with a title and a link

        context = utils.context(self)
        membership = getToolByName(context, 'portal_membership')

        # check the necessary permissions on the folder not the object itself
        can_edit = membership.checkPermission(cmfperms.ModifyPortalContent, context)

        letterCollectionMap = {}
        for item in self._results:
            firstLetter = item.getFirstLetter
            if not firstLetter:
            letterCollection = letterCollectionMap.get(
                firstLetter, [])
            # Grab the things we want from the item:
            dictItem = {}
            dictItem['title'] = item.Title
            dictItem['desc'] = item.Description
            dictItem['link'] = item.getURL
            dictItem['premium'] =item.getObject().getIsPremiumEntry
            dictItem['city'] = item.getObject().getOrgCity
            dictItem['zipcode'] = item.getObject().getOrgZIP
            dictItem['logo'] = item.getObject().getOrgLogo
	    if can_edit:
	        dictItem['edit_link'] = item.getURL() + '/edit'
            letterCollectionMap[firstLetter] = letterCollection
        lettersFound = letterCollectionMap.keys()
        output = []
        for letter in lettersFound:
            uppercaseLetter = letter.upper()
            lines = letterCollectionMap[letter]
            output.append({'letter': uppercaseLetter,
                           'lines': lines})
        return output
Exemple #11
    def categories(self):
        """Return a list of categories.

        Each category will be a dictionary with a title and a
        searchLink key.

        context = utils.context(self)
        cats = list(context.getGlossaryCategories())
        # Add 'all'
        cats.append("Alle Kategorien")
        results = []
        for cat in cats:
            item = {}
            item["title"] = cat
            item["searchLink"] = generateLink(self.context_url, "category", cat)
        return results
Exemple #12
    def _findResults(self):
        """Put all matching links into self._results.

        context = utils.context(self)
        portal_catalog = getToolByName(context, "portal_catalog")
        path = "/".join(context.getPhysicalPath())
        contentType = "glossaryItem"
        query = {"sort_on": "sortable_title"}
        query["path"] = path
        query["portal_type"] = contentType
        if self.startLetter:
            query["getDefFirstLetter"] = self.startLetter
        if self.searchText:
            query["SearchableText"] = self.searchText
            results = portal_catalog.searchResults(query)
        except ParseTree.Error:
            results = []
        if self.category and self.category != "Alle Kategorien":
            results = [r for r in results if self.category in r.getDefSelectedCategory]
        self._results = results
Exemple #13
    def results(self):
        """Return results ordered by a..z.

        The results will be a list of dictionaries with keys 'letter'
        and 'lines'.

        Each result item will be a dictionary with a title and a link
        context = utils.context(self)
        membership = getToolByName(context, "portal_membership")

        # acquire permissions from the parent folder
        # to avoid performance issues
        can_edit = membership.checkPermission(cmfperms.ModifyPortalContent, context)

        letterCollectionMap = {}
        for item in self._results:
            firstLetter = item.getDefFirstLetter
            if not firstLetter:
            letterCollection = letterCollectionMap.get(firstLetter, [])
            # Grab the things we want from the item:
            dictItem = {}
            dictItem["title"] = item.Title
            dictItem["link"] = item.getURL
            if can_edit:
                dictItem["edit_link"] = item.getURL() + "/edit"
            letterCollectionMap[firstLetter] = letterCollection
        lettersFound = letterCollectionMap.keys()
        output = []
        for letter in lettersFound:
            uppercaseLetter = letter.upper()
            lines = letterCollectionMap[letter]
            output.append({"letter": uppercaseLetter, "lines": lines})
        return output
 def getNavRoot(self):
     """ Override
     if not utils.base_hasattr(self, '_root'):
         self._root = [getApplicationRoot(utils.context(self))]
     return self._root[0]
Exemple #15
    def getAd(self, object=False, slot=None, template=None, ad_types=['Ad']):
        """Retrieve an ad from the ad manager
        context = utils.context(self)
        catalog_tool = getToolByName(context, 'ad_catalog')
        prop_tool = getToolByName(context, 'portal_properties')
        ad_states = prop_tool.promo_engine_properties.ad_states
        ads = []
        unique_objects = []
        unique_slots = []
        # get the ads based on the object's references
        if object:
            # try and except in case the object doesn't support references
                raw_object_ads = object.getBRefs('AdLocation')
                object_ads = LazyFilter(raw_object_ads, skip='View')
                # ads of a given type
                filtered_ads = [obj for obj in object_ads \
                    if obj.portal_type in ad_types]
                wf_tool = getToolByName(context, 'portal_workflow')
                # get ads of workflow states defined in the properties
                published_object_ads = [obj for obj in filtered_ads \
                    if wf_tool.getInfoFor(obj,'review_state',None) in ad_states]
                unique_objects = [item.UID() for item in published_object_ads]
            except AttributeError:
                # if the object doesn't support refs then set object to none
                # so we can still use slots on that object
                object = None
        # get the ads based the slot wanted
        if slot:
            query = {'portal_type':ad_types,
            slot_ads = catalog_tool.searchResults(query)
            unique_slots = [item.UID for item in slot_ads]
        # see if there is a call for a slot and an object and get the
        # unique results.  Otherwise get the unique_slots or unique_objects
        if object is not False and slot:
            # Check to see if the context given is None
            if object is not None:
                ads = [item for item in unique_objects if item in unique_slots]
                # we had no context. return empty.
                ads = []
        elif slot:
            ads = unique_slots
        elif object:
            ads = unique_objects
        # if there are ads then choose one and then get the object
        if ads:
            uidtool = getToolByName(context, 'uid_catalog')
            # TODO: could optionaly use some 80/20 type functionality here
            ad_uid = random.choice(ads)
            query = {'UID':ad_uid}
            ad_brains = uidtool(query)
            for brain in ad_brains:
                ad_obj = brain.getObject()
        # otherwise return and empty macro
            ad_obj = None
            macro = template.pt_macros()['empty']
            return macro

        # look for the context in the stack
        frame = sys._getframe()
            econtext = _marker
            while econtext is _marker and frame is not None:
                econtext = frame.f_locals.get('econtext', _marker)
                frame = frame.f_back
            if econtext is _marker:
                raise RuntimeError, 'Context not found'
            del frame
        econtext.setLocal('ad', ad_obj)
        macro = template.pt_macros()['view']
        return macro
 def getNavRoot(self):
     """ Override
     if not utils.base_hasattr(self, '_root'):
         self._root = [getApplicationRoot(utils.context(self))]
     return self._root[0]