Exemple #1
def rendercnxml(source, prestyles=()):

    stylesheets = list(prestyles)

    params = {}
    params['wrapper'] = 0

    doc = XMLService.parseString(source)
    result = XMLService.xsltPipeline(doc, stylesheets, **params)
    return result
Exemple #2
 def abstract_text(self):
     """The rendered abstract/summary text of content, by itself, stripped of markup.
     context = self.context
     source = getattr(context, 'getRawAbstract', None)
     source = source and source() or context.abstract
     if source:
         source = """<md:abstract xmlns="http://cnx.rice.edu/cnxml"
                                 xmlns:q="http://cnx.rice.edu/qml/1.0">%s</md:abstract>""" % source
         doc = XMLService.parseString(source)
         result = XMLService.xsltPipeline(doc, [CNXML_SEARCHABLE_XSL])
         return result
     return ''
Exemple #3
stylesheets = [stylesheet]

### for old CNXML (< 0.5) ###
doctype = getattr(context, 'doctype', None)
if doctype and doctype.find('0.5') == -1:
    from Products.CNXMLDocument import CNXML_UPGRADE_XSL
    stylesheets.insert(0, CNXML_UPGRADE_XSL)
### /upgrade ###

# Parse the source and grab the namespaces
doc = XMLService.parseString(source)
sourceNs = XMLService.listDocNamespaces(doc)

# Figure out our content types
has_math = MATHML_NS in sourceNs
params['doctype'], params['mimetype'], ns = context.content_type_decide(

# Transform source

result = XMLService.xsltPipeline(doc, stylesheets, **params)

# Set content-type
                                   "%s; charset=utf-8" % params['mimetype'])

# Prepend doctype
header = context.xmlheader(params['doctype'])

return header + '\n' + result
 def testDoubleTransform(self):
     """xsltPipeline must correctly perform double transform"""
     doc = XMLService.parseDoc(noNS)
     self.assertEquals(XMLService.xsltPipeline(doc, ['step1.xsl', 'step2.xsl']), 'Success')
 def testSingleTransform(self):
     """xsltPipeline must correctly perform single transform"""
     doc = XMLService.parseDoc(noNS)
     self.assertEquals(XMLService.xsltPipeline(doc, ['test.xsl']), 'Success')
 def testEmptyPipeline(self):
     """xsltPipeline must serialize original doc if pipeline is empty"""
     doc = XMLService.parseDoc(noNS)
     self.assertEquals(XMLService.xsltPipeline(doc, []), '<tag>Hello</tag>')
if not stylesheet:
    stylesheet = CNXML_XSL
stylesheets = [stylesheet]

### for old CNXML (< 0.5) ###
doctype = getattr(context, 'doctype', None)
if doctype and doctype.find('0.5') == -1:
    from Products.CNXMLDocument import CNXML_UPGRADE_XSL
    stylesheets.insert(0, CNXML_UPGRADE_XSL)
### /upgrade ###

# Parse the source and grab the namespaces
doc = XMLService.parseString(source)
sourceNs = XMLService.listDocNamespaces(doc)

# Figure out our content types
has_math = MATHML_NS in sourceNs
params['doctype'], params['mimetype'], ns = context.content_type_decide(has_math=has_math)

# Transform source

result = XMLService.xsltPipeline(doc, stylesheets, **params)

# Set content-type
context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Type', "%s; charset=utf-8" % params['mimetype'])

# Prepend doctype
header = context.xmlheader(params['doctype'])

return header+'\n'+result