def testUnableToWrite(self): """ Can't write to disk """ # Verify that we're not root first... if os.geteuid() == 0: print "Can't run testUnableToWrite check if running as root" return # First override sendEvent rimpl = RRDImpl(self.dmd) evts = [] def append(evt): if evt['severity'] != 0: evts.append(evt) rimpl.zem.sendEvent = append # Store a value. As RRDImpl caches references to # previously stored writes, this allows us to go # behind the scenes to diddle with the underlying # RRDUtil object (stored in rimpl.rrd) self.assertEquals( rimpl.writeRRD(, '', '', 'ds_dp', 66), 66 ) self.assertEquals(len(evts), 0) # This will try to create a /.rrd file, which should fail for key in rimpl.rrd.keys(): rimpl.rrd[key].performancePath= lambda(x): "/" self.assertEquals( rimpl.writeRRD(, '', '', 'ds_dp', 66), None ) # Now check for our event... self.assertNotEquals(len(evts), 0)
def testUnableToWrite(self): """ Can't write to disk """ # Verify that we're not root first... if os.geteuid() == 0: print "Can't run testUnableToWrite check if running as root" return # First override sendEvent rimpl = RRDImpl(self.dmd) evts = [] def append(evt): if evt['severity'] != 0: evts.append(evt) rimpl.zem.sendEvent = append # Store a value. As RRDImpl caches references to # previously stored writes, this allows us to go # behind the scenes to diddle with the underlying # RRDUtil object (stored in rimpl.rrd) self.assertEquals(rimpl.writeRRD(, '', '', 'ds_dp', 66), 66) self.assertEquals(len(evts), 0) # This will try to create a /.rrd file, which should fail for key in rimpl.rrd.keys(): rimpl.rrd[key].performancePath = lambda (x): "/" self.assertEquals(rimpl.writeRRD(, '', '', 'ds_dp', 66), None) # Now check for our event... self.assertNotEquals(len(evts), 0)
def testThreshold(self): """ Exceed a threshhold """ rimpl = RRDImpl(self.dmd) evts = [] def append(evt): if evt['severity'] != 0: evts.append(evt) oldSendEvent = rimpl.zem.sendEvent rimpl.zem.sendEvent = append try: rimpl.writeRRD(, '', '', 'ds_dp', 99) self.assert_(len(evts) == 0) rimpl.writeRRD(, '', '', 'ds_dp', 101) self.assert_(len(evts) != 0) finally: rimpl.zem.sendEvent = oldSendEvent
class XmlRpcService(xmlrpc.XMLRPC): # serializable types PRIMITIVES = [ types.IntType, types.StringType, types.BooleanType, types.DictType, types.FloatType, types.LongType, types.NoneType ] def __init__(self, dmd): xmlrpc.XMLRPC.__init__(self) self.dmd = dmd self.zem = dmd.ZenEventManager self.impl = RRDImpl(dmd) def xmlrpc_sendEvent(self, data): 'XMLRPC requests are processed asynchronously in a thread' result = self.zem.sendEvent(data) if result is None: result = "none" return result def xmlrpc_sendEvents(self, data): return self.zem.sendEvents(data) def xmlrpc_getDevicePingIssues(self, *unused): zep = getFacade('zep') return zep.getDevicePingIssues() def xmlrpc_getDeviceWinInfo(self, *args): return self.dmd.Devices.Server.Windows.getDeviceWinInfo(*args) def xmlrpc_getWinServices(self, *args): return self.dmd.Devices.Server.Windows.getWinServices(*args) def xmlrpc_applyDataMap(self, devName, datamap, relname="", compname="", modname=""): """Apply a datamap passed as a list of dicts through XML-RPC. """ dev = self.dmd.findDevice(devName) adm = ApplyDataMap() adm.applyDataMap(dev, datamap, relname=relname, compname=compname, modname=modname) def xmlrpc_getConfigs(self, monitor, dstype): '''Return the performance configurations for the monitor name and data source provided. ''' def toDict(device, ds, dps=[]): '''marshall the fields from the datasource into a dictionary and ignore everything that is not a primitive''' vals = {} vals['dps'] = [] vals['dptypes'] = [] for key, val in ds.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(val, XmlRpcService.PRIMITIVES): if isinstance(val, basestring) and '$' in val: val = talesEval('string:%s' % (val, ), device) vals[key] = val for dp in dps: vals['dps'].append( vals['dptypes'].append(dp.rrdtype) # add zproperties for propertyId in device.propertyIds(): value = device.getProperty(propertyId) # _millis can't be serialized because it is long, so # we skip it to avoid an XML-RPC serialization error if isinstance(value, DateTime.DateTime): continue vals[propertyId] = value vals['device'] = vals['manageIp'] = device.manageIp return vals result = [] # get the performance conf (if it exists) conf = getattr(self.dmd.Monitors.Performance, monitor, None) if conf is None: return result # loop over devices that use the performance monitor for device in conf.devices(): device = device.primaryAq() for template in device.getRRDTemplates(): for ds in template.getRRDDataSources(): if ds.sourcetype == dstype: result.append(toDict(device, ds, ds.datapoints())) return result def xmlrpc_writeRRD(self, devId, compType, compId, dpName, value): self.impl.writeRRD(devId, compType, compId, dpName, value) # return something for compliance with the XML-RPC specification return "" def xmlrpc_getPerformanceConfig(self, monitor): ''' returns the performance configuration for the monitor provided, or {} if no collector with the name provided is located.''' result = {} fields = [ 'configCycleInterval', 'statusCycleInterval', 'eventlogCycleInterval', 'renderurl', 'renderpass', 'renderuser', 'winCycleInterval' ] # get the performance conf (if it exists) conf = getattr(self.dmd.Monitors.Performance, monitor, None) if conf is None: return result for field in fields: result[field] = getattr(conf, field, None) return result
def testGoodRRDSave(self): """ Sanity check to make sure that RRD stores work """ rimpl = RRDImpl(self.dmd) rimpl.writeRRD(, '', '', 'ds_dp', 66)
class XmlRpcService(xmlrpc.XMLRPC): # serializable types PRIMITIVES = [types.IntType, types.StringType, types.BooleanType, types.DictType, types.FloatType, types.LongType, types.NoneType] def __init__(self, dmd): xmlrpc.XMLRPC.__init__(self) self.dmd = dmd self.zem = dmd.ZenEventManager self.impl = RRDImpl(dmd) def xmlrpc_sendEvent(self, data): 'XMLRPC requests are processed asynchronously in a thread' result = self.zem.sendEvent(data) if result is None: result = "none" return result def xmlrpc_sendEvents(self, data): return self.zem.sendEvents(data) def xmlrpc_getDevicePingIssues(self, *unused): zep = getFacade('zep') return zep.getDevicePingIssues() def xmlrpc_getDeviceWinInfo(self, *args): return self.dmd.Devices.Server.Windows.getDeviceWinInfo(*args) def xmlrpc_getWinServices(self, *args): return self.dmd.Devices.Server.Windows.getWinServices(*args) def xmlrpc_applyDataMap(self, devName, datamap, relname="", compname="", modname=""): """Apply a datamap passed as a list of dicts through XML-RPC. """ dev = self.dmd.findDevice(devName) adm = ApplyDataMap() adm.applyDataMap(dev, datamap, relname=relname, compname=compname, modname=modname) def xmlrpc_getConfigs(self, monitor, dstype): '''Return the performance configurations for the monitor name and data source provided. ''' def toDict(device, ds, dps=[]): '''marshall the fields from the datasource into a dictionary and ignore everything that is not a primitive''' vals = {} vals['dps'] = [] vals['dptypes'] = [] for key, val in ds.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(val, XmlRpcService.PRIMITIVES): if isinstance(val, basestring) and '$' in val: val = talesEval('string:%s' % (val, ), device) vals[key] = val for dp in dps: vals['dps'].append( vals['dptypes'].append(dp.rrdtype) # add zproperties for propertyId in device.propertyIds(): value = device.getProperty(propertyId) # _millis can't be serialized because it is long, so # we skip it to avoid an XML-RPC serialization error if isinstance(value, DateTime.DateTime): continue vals[propertyId] = value vals['device'] = vals['manageIp'] = device.manageIp return vals result = [] # get the performance conf (if it exists) conf = getattr(self.dmd.Monitors.Performance, monitor, None) if conf is None: return result # loop over devices that use the performance monitor for device in conf.devices(): device = device.primaryAq() for template in device.getRRDTemplates(): for ds in template.getRRDDataSources(): if ds.sourcetype == dstype: result.append(toDict(device, ds, ds.datapoints())) return result def xmlrpc_writeRRD(self, devId, compType, compId, dpName, value): self.impl.writeRRD(devId, compType, compId, dpName, value) # return something for compliance with the XML-RPC specification return "" def xmlrpc_getPerformanceConfig(self, monitor): ''' returns the performance configuration for the monitor provided, or {} if no collector with the name provided is located.''' result = {} fields = ['configCycleInterval', 'statusCycleInterval', 'eventlogCycleInterval', 'renderurl', 'renderpass', 'renderuser', 'winCycleInterval'] # get the performance conf (if it exists) conf = getattr(self.dmd.Monitors.Performance, monitor, None) if conf is None: return result for field in fields: result[field] = getattr(conf, field, None) return result