Exemple #1
# Create a Protein Disease graph from the DB adapter 'OlegDB'

from ProteinGraphML.DataAdapter import OlegDB
from ProteinGraphML.GraphTools import ProteinDiseaseAssociationGraph

## we construct a base map of protein to disease just by creating the ProteinDiseaseAs

dbAdapter = OlegDB()
proteinGraph = ProteinDiseaseAssociationGraph(dbAdapter)

## the 'ProteinDiseaseAssociationGraph' object has helper methods, but we can also access the networkx graph directly it is created with:

print('Total nodes: %d' % len(proteinGraph.graph.nodes))

## we will want to filter by the proteins we are interested in, this list comes from a DB adapter, but any set will do
proteins = dbAdapter.loadTotalProteinList().protein_id
filterByProteins = set(proteins)

# using .attach will add edges from a DB as defined by the adapter,
# with this method we can create a graph of data, which can itself be saved, prevents the
# need from, rebuilding as we work on different diseases, perform analysis
# We've also filter by proteins we care about, in this case it is our original list


# networkx provides an api we can nodes from \n",
# here i exploit the unique features of each node to count them\n",
Exemple #2
    ## Db is PonyORM db (https://docs.ponyorm.org/api_reference.html).

    # Make TCRD as the default DB
    dbad = OlegDB() if args.db == "olegdb" else TCRD()

    pdg = ProteinDiseaseAssociationGraph(dbad)

    ## ProteinDiseaseAssociationGraph object has helper methods, but
    ## NetworkX methods also available.
    ## https://networkx.github.io/documentation/stable/reference/

    logging.info('Total nodes: %d; edges: %d' %
                 (pdg.graph.order(), pdg.graph.size()))

    ## Filter by proteins of interest; this list comes from a DB adapter, but any set will do.
    proteins = dbad.loadTotalProteinList().protein_id
    proteinSet = set(proteins)
    logging.info('Protein set: %d' % (len(proteinSet)))

    # Using attach() add edges from DB.
    # With this method create graph, which can be saved, avoiding
    # need for rebuilding for different diseases, models and analyses.
    # Also filter by proteins of interest, in this case it is our original list.

    except Exception as e: