def test():
    """Test cases """
    from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA

    keyAlice = PublicKey(RSA.generate(2048).publickey())
    keyBob = PublicKey(RSA.generate(2048).publickey())

    pbkm = PublicKeyMap()
    pbkm.addKey("Alice", keyAlice)
    pbkm.addKey("Bob", keyBob)
    print("After adding keys for Alice and Bob")
    print("public key for Alice = ", pbkm.getPublicKey("Alice"))
    print("keyname for keyAlice = ", pbkm.getKeyName(keyAlice))
    print("Keynames = ", pbkm.getKeyNames())
    print("PublicKeyMap=\n", pbkm)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, cryptosystem, private_key_value):
        Creates a new private key. Should not be invoked directly.
        Instead of using this constructor from outside of PloneVoteCryptoLib, 
        please use the class methods EGCryptoSystem.new_key_pair() or 
            cryptosystem::EGCryptoSystem-- The ElGamal cryptosystem in which 
                                           this key is defined.
            private_key_value::long     -- The actual value of the private key.
        public_key_value = pow(cryptosystem.get_generator(), private_key_value,

        self.cryptosystem = cryptosystem
        self.public_key = PublicKey(cryptosystem, public_key_value)
        self._key = private_key_value
 def __init__(self, cryptosystem, private_key_value):
     Creates a new private key. Should not be invoked directly.
     Instead of using this constructor from outside of PloneVoteCryptoLib, 
     please use the class methods EGCryptoSystem.new_key_pair() or 
         cryptosystem::EGCryptoSystem-- The ElGamal cryptosystem in which 
                                        this key is defined.
         private_key_value::long     -- The actual value of the private key.
     public_key_value = pow(cryptosystem.get_generator(), 
     self.cryptosystem = cryptosystem
     self.public_key = PublicKey(cryptosystem, public_key_value)
     self._key = private_key_value
 def toPublicKey(self):
     return PublicKey(self.privateKey.publickey())
class PrivateKey:
    An ElGamal private key object used for decryption.
        cryptosystem::EGCryptoSystem    -- The ElGamal cryptosystem in which 
                                           this key is defined.
        public_key::PublicKey    -- The associated public key.
    def __eq__(self, other):
        Implements PrivateKey equality.
        if(isinstance(other, PrivateKey) and 
           (other.cryptosystem == self.cryptosystem) and 
           (other.public_key == self.public_key) and  
           (other._key == self._key)):
            return True
            return False
    def __ne__(self, other):
        Implements PrivateKey inequality.
        return not self.__eq__(other)
    def __init__(self, cryptosystem, private_key_value):
        Creates a new private key. Should not be invoked directly.
        Instead of using this constructor from outside of PloneVoteCryptoLib, 
        please use the class methods EGCryptoSystem.new_key_pair() or 
            cryptosystem::EGCryptoSystem-- The ElGamal cryptosystem in which 
                                           this key is defined.
            private_key_value::long     -- The actual value of the private key.
        public_key_value = pow(cryptosystem.get_generator(), 
        self.cryptosystem = cryptosystem
        self.public_key = PublicKey(cryptosystem, public_key_value)
        self._key = private_key_value
    def decrypt_to_bitstream(self, ciphertext, task_monitor=None, force=False):
        Decrypts the given ciphertext into a bitstream.
        If the bitstream was originally encrypted with PublicKey.encrypt_X(), 
        then this method returns a bitstream following the format described 
        in Note 001 of the file:
            [size (64 bits) | message (size bits) | padding (X bits) ]
            ciphertext::Ciphertext    -- An encrypted Ciphertext object.
            task_monitor::TaskMonitor    -- A task monitor for this task.
            force:bool    -- Set this to true if you wish to force a decryption 
                           attempt, even when the ciphertext's stored public key
                           fingerprint does not match that of the public key 
                           associated with this private key.
            bitstream::Bitstream    -- A bitstream containing the unencrypted 
            IncompatibleCiphertextError -- The given ciphertext does not appear 
                                           to be decryptable with the selected 
                                           private key.
        # Check that the public key fingerprint stored in the ciphertext 
        # matches the public key associated with this private key.
        if(not force):
            if(ciphertext.nbits != self.cryptosystem.get_nbits()):
                raise IncompatibleCiphertextError("The given ciphertext is " \
                        "not decryptable with the selected private key: " \
                        "incompatible cryptosystem/key sizes.")
            if(ciphertext.pk_fingerprint != self.public_key.get_fingerprint()):
                raise IncompatibleCiphertextError("The given ciphertext is " \
                        "not decryptable with the selected private key: " \
                        "public key fingerprint mismatch.")
        # We read and decrypt the ciphertext block by block
        # See "Handbook of Applied Cryptography" Algorithm 8.18
        bitstream = BitStream()
        block_size = self.cryptosystem.get_nbits() - 1
        prime = self.cryptosystem.get_prime()
        key = self._key
        # Check if we have a task monitor and register with it
        if(task_monitor != None):
            # One tick per block
            ticks = ciphertext.get_length()
            decrypt_task_mon = \
                task_monitor.new_subtask("Decrypt data", expected_ticks = ticks)
        for gamma, delta in ciphertext:
            assert max(gamma, delta) < 2**(block_size + 1), \
                "The ciphertext object includes blocks larger than the " \
                "expected block size."
            m = (pow(gamma, prime - 1 - key, prime) * delta) % prime
            bitstream.put_num(m, block_size)
            if(task_monitor != None): decrypt_task_mon.tick()
        return bitstream
    def decrypt_to_text(self, ciphertext, task_monitor=None, force=False):
        Decrypts the given ciphertext into its text contents as a string
        This method assumes that the ciphertext contains an encrypted stream of 
        data in the format of Note 001 of the file, were message 
        contains string information (as opposed to a binary format).
            [size (64 bits) | message (size bits) | padding (X bits) ]
            ciphertext::Ciphertext    -- An encrypted Ciphertext object, 
                                       containing data in the above format.
            task_monitor::TaskMonitor    -- A task monitor for this task.
            force:bool    -- Set to true if you wish to force a decryption 
                           attempt, even when the ciphertext's stored public 
                           key fingerprint does not match that of the public 
                           key associated with this private key.
            string::string    -- Decrypted message as a string.
            IncompatibleCiphertextError -- The given ciphertext does not appear 
                                           to be decryptable with the selected 
                                           private key.
        bitstream = self.decrypt_to_bitstream(ciphertext, task_monitor, force)
        length = bitstream.get_num(64)
        return bitstream.get_string(length)
    def to_file(self, filename, SerializerClass=serialize.XMLSerializer):
        Saves this private key to a file.
            filename::string    -- The path to the file in which to store the 
                                   serialized PrivateKey object.
            SerializerClass::class --
                The class that provides the serialization. XMLSerializer by 
                default. Must inherit from serialize.BaseSerializer and provide 
                an adequate serialize_to_file method.
                Note that often the same class used to serialize the data must 
                be used to deserialize it.
                (see utilities/ documentation for more information)
        # Create a new serializer object for the PrivateKey structure definition
        serializer = SerializerClass(PrivateKey_serialize_structure_definition)
        # Helper function to translate large numbers to their hexadecimal 
        # string representation
        def num_to_hex_str(num):
            hex_str = hex(num)[2:]              # Remove leading '0x'
            if(hex_str[-1] == 'L'): 
                hex_str = hex_str[0:-1]         # Remove trailing 'L'
            return hex_str
        # Generate a serializable data dictionary matching the definition:
        prime_str = num_to_hex_str(self.cryptosystem.get_prime())
        generator_str = num_to_hex_str(self.cryptosystem.get_generator())
        data = {
            "PloneVotePrivateKey" : {
                "PrivateKey" : num_to_hex_str(self._key),
                "CryptoSystemScheme" : {
                    "nbits" : str(self.cryptosystem.get_nbits()),
                    "prime" : prime_str,
                    "generator" : generator_str
        # Use the serializer to store the data to file
        serializer.serialize_to_file(filename, data)
    def from_file(cls, filename, SerializerClass=serialize.XMLSerializer):
        Loads an instance of PrivateKey from the given file.
            filename::string    -- The name of a file containing the private 
                                   key in serialized form.
            SerializerClass::class --
                The class that provides the deserialization. XMLSerializer by 
                default. Must inherit from serialize.BaseSerializer and provide 
                an adequate deserialize_from_file method.
                Note that often the same class used to serialize the data must 
                be used to deserialize it.
                (see utilities/ documentation for more information)
            InvalidPloneVoteCryptoFileError -- If the file is not a valid 
                                               PloneVoteCryptoLib stored 
                                               private key file.
        # Create a new serializer object for the PrivateKey structure definition
        serializer = SerializerClass(PrivateKey_serialize_structure_definition)
        # Deserialize the PrivateKey instance from file
            data = serializer.deserialize_from_file(filename)
        except serialize.InvalidSerializeDataError, e:
            # Convert the exception to an InvalidPloneVoteCryptoFileError
            raise InvalidPloneVoteCryptoFileError(filename, 
                "File \"%s\" does not contain a valid private key. The " \
                "following error occurred while trying to deserialize the " \
                "file contents: %s" % (filename, str(e)))
        # Helper function to decode numbers from strings and 
        # raise an exception if the string is not a valid number.
        # (value_name is used only to construct the exception string).
        def str_to_num(num_str, base, value_name):
                return int(num_str, base)
            except ValueError:
                raise InvalidPloneVoteCryptoFileError(filename, 
                    "File \"%s\" does not contain a valid private key. The " \
                    "stored value for %s is not a valid integer in " \
                    "base %d representation." % (filename, value_name, base))
        # Get the values from the deserialized data
        inner_elems = data["PloneVotePrivateKey"]["CryptoSystemScheme"]
        nbits = str_to_num(inner_elems["nbits"], 10, "nbits")
        prime = str_to_num(inner_elems["prime"], 16, "prime")
        generator = str_to_num(inner_elems["generator"], 16, "generator")
        priv_key = str_to_num(data["PloneVotePrivateKey"]["PrivateKey"], 
                                  16, "PrivateKey")
        # Check the loaded values
        if(not (1 <= priv_key <= prime - 2)):
            raise InvalidPloneVoteCryptoFileError(filename, 
                "File \"%s\" does not contain a valid private key. The value " \
                "of the private key given in the file does not match the " \
                "indicated cryptosystem. Could the file be corrupt?" % filename)
        # Construct the cryptosystem object
        cryptosystem = EGCryptoSystem.load(nbits, prime, generator)
        # Construct and return the PrivateKey object
        return cls(cryptosystem, priv_key)
Exemple #6
class PrivateKey:
    An ElGamal private key object used for decryption.
        cryptosystem::EGCryptoSystem    -- The ElGamal cryptosystem in which 
                                           this key is defined.
        public_key::PublicKey    -- The associated public key.
    def __eq__(self, other):
        Implements PrivateKey equality.
        if (isinstance(other, PrivateKey)
                and (other.cryptosystem == self.cryptosystem)
                and (other.public_key == self.public_key)
                and (other._key == self._key)):
            return True
            return False

    def __ne__(self, other):
        Implements PrivateKey inequality.
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def __init__(self, cryptosystem, private_key_value):
        Creates a new private key. Should not be invoked directly.
        Instead of using this constructor from outside of PloneVoteCryptoLib, 
        please use the class methods EGCryptoSystem.new_key_pair() or 
            cryptosystem::EGCryptoSystem-- The ElGamal cryptosystem in which 
                                           this key is defined.
            private_key_value::long     -- The actual value of the private key.
        public_key_value = pow(cryptosystem.get_generator(), private_key_value,

        self.cryptosystem = cryptosystem
        self.public_key = PublicKey(cryptosystem, public_key_value)
        self._key = private_key_value

    def decrypt_to_bitstream(self, ciphertext, task_monitor=None, force=False):
        Decrypts the given ciphertext into a bitstream.
        If the bitstream was originally encrypted with PublicKey.encrypt_X(), 
        then this method returns a bitstream following the format described 
        in Note 001 of the file:
            [size (64 bits) | message (size bits) | padding (X bits) ]
            ciphertext::Ciphertext    -- An encrypted Ciphertext object.
            task_monitor::TaskMonitor    -- A task monitor for this task.
            force:bool    -- Set this to true if you wish to force a decryption 
                           attempt, even when the ciphertext's stored public key
                           fingerprint does not match that of the public key 
                           associated with this private key.
            bitstream::Bitstream    -- A bitstream containing the unencrypted 
            IncompatibleCiphertextError -- The given ciphertext does not appear 
                                           to be decryptable with the selected 
                                           private key.
        # Check that the public key fingerprint stored in the ciphertext
        # matches the public key associated with this private key.
        if (not force):
            if (ciphertext.nbits != self.cryptosystem.get_nbits()):
                raise IncompatibleCiphertextError("The given ciphertext is " \
                        "not decryptable with the selected private key: " \
                        "incompatible cryptosystem/key sizes.")

            if (ciphertext.pk_fingerprint !=
                raise IncompatibleCiphertextError("The given ciphertext is " \
                        "not decryptable with the selected private key: " \
                        "public key fingerprint mismatch.")

        # We read and decrypt the ciphertext block by block
        # See "Handbook of Applied Cryptography" Algorithm 8.18
        bitstream = BitStream()

        block_size = self.cryptosystem.get_nbits() - 1
        prime = self.cryptosystem.get_prime()
        key = self._key

        # Check if we have a task monitor and register with it
        if (task_monitor != None):
            # One tick per block
            ticks = ciphertext.get_length()
            decrypt_task_mon = \
                task_monitor.new_subtask("Decrypt data", expected_ticks = ticks)

        for gamma, delta in ciphertext:
            assert max(gamma, delta) < 2**(block_size + 1), \
                "The ciphertext object includes blocks larger than the " \
                "expected block size."
            m = (pow(gamma, prime - 1 - key, prime) * delta) % prime
            bitstream.put_num(m, block_size)

            if (task_monitor != None): decrypt_task_mon.tick()

        return bitstream

    def decrypt_to_text(self, ciphertext, task_monitor=None, force=False):
        Decrypts the given ciphertext into its text contents as a string
        This method assumes that the ciphertext contains an encrypted stream of 
        data in the format of Note 001 of the file, were message 
        contains string information (as opposed to a binary format).
            [size (64 bits) | message (size bits) | padding (X bits) ]
            ciphertext::Ciphertext    -- An encrypted Ciphertext object, 
                                       containing data in the above format.
            task_monitor::TaskMonitor    -- A task monitor for this task.
            force:bool    -- Set to true if you wish to force a decryption 
                           attempt, even when the ciphertext's stored public 
                           key fingerprint does not match that of the public 
                           key associated with this private key.
            string::string    -- Decrypted message as a string.
            IncompatibleCiphertextError -- The given ciphertext does not appear 
                                           to be decryptable with the selected 
                                           private key.
        bitstream = self.decrypt_to_bitstream(ciphertext, task_monitor, force)
        length = bitstream.get_num(64)
        return bitstream.get_string(length)

    def to_file(self, filename, SerializerClass=serialize.XMLSerializer):
        Saves this private key to a file.
            filename::string    -- The path to the file in which to store the 
                                   serialized PrivateKey object.
            SerializerClass::class --
                The class that provides the serialization. XMLSerializer by 
                default. Must inherit from serialize.BaseSerializer and provide 
                an adequate serialize_to_file method.
                Note that often the same class used to serialize the data must 
                be used to deserialize it.
                (see utilities/ documentation for more information)
        # Create a new serializer object for the PrivateKey structure definition
        serializer = SerializerClass(PrivateKey_serialize_structure_definition)

        # Helper function to translate large numbers to their hexadecimal
        # string representation
        def num_to_hex_str(num):
            hex_str = hex(num)[2:]  # Remove leading '0x'
            if (hex_str[-1] == 'L'):
                hex_str = hex_str[0:-1]  # Remove trailing 'L'
            return hex_str

        # Generate a serializable data dictionary matching the definition:
        prime_str = num_to_hex_str(self.cryptosystem.get_prime())
        generator_str = num_to_hex_str(self.cryptosystem.get_generator())
        data = {
            "PloneVotePrivateKey": {
                "PrivateKey": num_to_hex_str(self._key),
                "CryptoSystemScheme": {
                    "nbits": str(self.cryptosystem.get_nbits()),
                    "prime": prime_str,
                    "generator": generator_str

        # Use the serializer to store the data to file
        serializer.serialize_to_file(filename, data)

    def from_file(cls, filename, SerializerClass=serialize.XMLSerializer):
        Loads an instance of PrivateKey from the given file.
            filename::string    -- The name of a file containing the private 
                                   key in serialized form.
            SerializerClass::class --
                The class that provides the deserialization. XMLSerializer by 
                default. Must inherit from serialize.BaseSerializer and provide 
                an adequate deserialize_from_file method.
                Note that often the same class used to serialize the data must 
                be used to deserialize it.
                (see utilities/ documentation for more information)
            InvalidPloneVoteCryptoFileError -- If the file is not a valid 
                                               PloneVoteCryptoLib stored 
                                               private key file.
        # Create a new serializer object for the PrivateKey structure definition
        serializer = SerializerClass(PrivateKey_serialize_structure_definition)

        # Deserialize the PrivateKey instance from file
            data = serializer.deserialize_from_file(filename)
        except serialize.InvalidSerializeDataError, e:
            # Convert the exception to an InvalidPloneVoteCryptoFileError
            raise InvalidPloneVoteCryptoFileError(filename,
                "File \"%s\" does not contain a valid private key. The " \
                "following error occurred while trying to deserialize the " \
                "file contents: %s" % (filename, str(e)))

        # Helper function to decode numbers from strings and
        # raise an exception if the string is not a valid number.
        # (value_name is used only to construct the exception string).
        def str_to_num(num_str, base, value_name):
                return int(num_str, base)
            except ValueError:
                raise InvalidPloneVoteCryptoFileError(filename,
                    "File \"%s\" does not contain a valid private key. The " \
                    "stored value for %s is not a valid integer in " \
                    "base %d representation." % (filename, value_name, base))

        # Get the values from the deserialized data
        inner_elems = data["PloneVotePrivateKey"]["CryptoSystemScheme"]
        nbits = str_to_num(inner_elems["nbits"], 10, "nbits")
        prime = str_to_num(inner_elems["prime"], 16, "prime")
        generator = str_to_num(inner_elems["generator"], 16, "generator")

        priv_key = str_to_num(data["PloneVotePrivateKey"]["PrivateKey"], 16,

        # Check the loaded values
        if (not (1 <= priv_key <= prime - 2)):
            raise InvalidPloneVoteCryptoFileError(filename,
                "File \"%s\" does not contain a valid private key. The value " \
                "of the private key given in the file does not match the " \
                "indicated cryptosystem. Could the file be corrupt?" % filename)

        # Construct the cryptosystem object
        cryptosystem = EGCryptoSystem.load(nbits, prime, generator)

        # Construct and return the PrivateKey object
        return cls(cryptosystem, priv_key)