def Affine(I_src, I_tar, cfOb): '''Function for finding and applyiing the affine between two image fragments, I_src and I_tar. Returns both images with the affine applied and the affine trasform''' if cfOb.affine == 'None': landmarks = pp.LandmarkPicker( [np.squeeze(I_src.asnp()), np.squeeze(I_tar.asnp())]) #will be forward from BFI to SSI for lm in landmarks: lm[0] = np.ndarray.tolist( np.multiply(lm[0], I_src.spacing().tolist()[0:2]) + I_src.origin().tolist()[0:2]) lm[1] = np.ndarray.tolist( np.multiply(lm[1], I_tar.spacing().tolist()[0:2]) + I_tar.origin().tolist()[0:2]) aff = apps.SolveAffine(landmarks) cfOb.affine = aff.tolist() I_src_aff = I_tar.copy() I_tar_aff = I_src.copy() cc.ApplyAffineReal(I_src_aff, I_src, cfOb.affine) cc.ApplyAffineReal(I_tar_aff, I_tar, np.linalg.inv(np.array(cfOb.affine))) return I_src_aff, I_tar_aff, cfOb.affine
def SubRegion(src_grid, sub_grid, def_grid): # The sapcing of the src image was changed, so we have to find the new spacing of the sub region reg_grid = ConvertGrid(src_grid, def_grid) spacing = (np.array(reg_grid.spacing().tolist()) / np.array( src_grid.spacing().tolist())) * np.array(sub_grid.spacing().tolist()) # Because we updated the spacing, the origin of the sub region will change and we have to find the new origin # The new origin is the upper left real coordinate of the subregion to extract pixel_origin = np.array(sub_grid.origin().tolist()) / np.array( src_grid.spacing().tolist()) upL_real = pixel_origin * np.array(reg_grid.spacing().tolist()) + np.array( reg_grid.origin().tolist()) # Now need to find the bottom right in real coordinates btR_real = (spacing * np.array(sub_grid.size().tolist())) + upL_real # Now that we have the top left and bottom right, we need to convert them to index corrdiantes of the deformation grid upL = np.floor((upL_real - np.array(def_grid.origin().tolist())) / np.array(def_grid.spacing().tolist())) btR = np.floor((btR_real - np.array(def_grid.origin().tolist())) / np.array(def_grid.spacing().tolist())) xrng = [int(upL[0]), int(btR[0])] yrng = [int(upL[1]), int(btR[1])] new_sub_grid = cc.MakeGrid( ca.Vec3Di(sub_grid.size()[0], sub_grid.size()[1], 1), ca.Vec3Df(spacing[0], spacing[1], 1), ca.Vec3Df(upL_real[0], upL_real[1], 0)) return xrng, yrng, new_sub_grid
def bb_grid_solver(source_image, affine): in_sz = source_image.size().tolist() in_sp = source_image.spacing().tolist() in_or = source_image.origin().tolist() C1temp = in_or[0:2] C1temp.append(1) C1 = C1temp C2 = np.array([in_sz[0] * in_sp[0] + in_or[0], in_or[1], 1]) C3 = np.array([in_or[0], in_sz[1] * in_sp[1] + in_or[1], 1]) C4 = np.array( [in_sz[0] * in_sp[0] + in_or[0], in_sz[1] * in_sp[1] + in_or[1], 1]) corners = np.matrix([C1, C2, C3, C4]) tCorners = affine * corners.transpose() bbMax = np.max(tCorners[:, 0:4], 1) bbMin = np.min(tCorners[:, 0:4], 1) dim = np.ceil(bbMax - bbMin) out_sp = (np.squeeze(np.array(dim)) / source_image.size()[0:3] ) # * (1/np.sqrt(2)) if out_sp[2] == 0.0: out_sp[2] = 1.0 out_sz = np.squeeze(np.array(dim)) / out_sp.transpose() out_or = np.squeeze( np.array(bbMin)) # Maybe needs to be the center of the image?? grid = cc.MakeGrid( [[0])),[1])), 1], [out_sp[0], out_sp[1], 1], [out_or[0], out_or[1], 0]) return grid
def ConvertGrid(I_src_grid, I_tar_grid): '''Given a source grid and target grid, returns a grid for the source that is in the world coordinates of the target grid''' nS = np.multiply( np.divide(I_tar_grid.size().tolist(), [float(i) for i in I_src_grid.size().tolist()]), I_tar_grid.spacing().tolist()) return cc.MakeGrid(I_src_grid.size(), ca.Vec3Df(nS[0], nS[1], nS[2]), 'center')
def main(): secNum = sys.argv[1] mkyNum = sys.argv[2] channel = sys.argv[3] region = str(sys.argv[4]) conf_dir = '/home/sci/blakez/korenbergNAS/3D_database/Working/Microscopic/confocal/src_registration/' side_dir = '/home/sci/blakez/korenbergNAS/3D_database/Working/Microscopic/side_light_microscope/src_registration/' save_dir = '/home/sci/blakez/korenbergNAS/3D_database/Working/Microscopic/confocal/sidelight_registered/' # DIC = '/home/sci/blakez/Reflect Affine/DIC_to_Reflect.txt' src_pt = conf_dir + 'M{0}/section_{1}/{2}/section_{1}_confocal_relation_with_sidelight.txt'.format(mkyNum, secNum, region) tar_pt = side_dir + 'M{0}/section_{1}/section_{1}_sidelight_relation_with_confocal.txt'.format(mkyNum, secNum) # SID = '/home/sci/blakez/Reflect Affine/sidelight_to_DIC.txt' src_im = common.LoadITKImage(conf_dir + 'M{0}/section_{1}/{3}/Ch{2}/M{0}_{1}_LGN_RHS_Ch{2}_z00.tif'.format(mkyNum, secNum, channel, region)) # tar_im = common.LoadITKImage('M{0}/{1}/Crop_ThirdNerve_EGFP_z16.tiff'.format(mkyNum, secNum)) # The points need to be chosen in the origin corrected sidescape for downstream purposes affine = load_and_solve(tar_pt, src_pt) out_grid = bb_grid_solver(src_im, affine) z_stack = [] num_slices = len(glob.glob(conf_dir + 'M{0}/section_{1}/{3}/Ch{2}/*'.format(mkyNum, secNum, channel, region))) for z in range(0, num_slices): src_im = common.LoadITKImage(conf_dir + 'M{0}/section_{1}/{4}/Ch{2}/M{0}_{1}_LGN_RHS_Ch{2}_z{3}.tif'.format(mkyNum, secNum, channel, str(z).zfill(2), region)) aff_im = ca.Image3D(out_grid, ca.MEM_HOST) cc.ApplyAffineReal(aff_im, src_im, affine) common.SaveITKImage(aff_im, save_dir + 'M{0}/section_{1}/{4}/Ch{2}/M{0}_01_section_{1}_LGN_RHS_Ch{2}_conf_aff_sidelight_z{3}.tiff'.format(mkyNum, secNum, channel, str(z).zfill(2), region)) z_stack.append(aff_im) print('==> Done with {0}/{1}'.format(z, num_slices - 1)) stacked = cc.Imlist_to_Im(z_stack) stacked.setSpacing(ca.Vec3Df(out_grid.spacing()[0], out_grid.spacing()[1], 0.03/num_slices)) common.SaveITKImage(stacked, save_dir + 'M{0}/section_{1}/{3}/Ch{2}/M{0}_01_section_{1}_Ch{2}_conf_aff_sidelight_stack.nrrd'.format(mkyNum, secNum, channel, region)) common.DebugHere() if channel==0: cc.WriteGrid(stacked.grid(), save_dir + 'M{0}/section_{1}/{2}/affine_registration_grid.txt'.format(mkyNum, secNum, region))
def show_files(filelist, sleeptime=.6): '''given a list of files, it shows all those images (Doesn't yet work for color images''' plt.figure() loadtimelist = [] if type(filelist) is not list: filelist = [filelist] for i in xrange(len(filelist)): fname = filelist[i] t = time.time() name = fname[fname.rfind('/'):fname.rfind('.')] Im = cc.LoadTIFF(fname, ca.MEM_HOST) print name, i cd.DispImage(Im, newFig=False, title=name) p = Popen(['xsel', '-pi'], stdin=PIPE) p.communicate(input="'" + name + ".png'" + ',\n') loadtime = time.time() - t loadtimelist.append(loadtime) time.sleep(sleeptime)
def Loader(cfOb, memT): '''Function for loading all of the images. All images get normalized between 0 and 1''' #Load Source Images bfiSrc = cc.LoadColorMHA( pth.expanduser(secOb.bfiSrcPath + cfOb.bfiSrcName), memT) ssiSrc = common.LoadITKImage( pth.expanduser(secOb.ssiSrcPath + cfOb.ssiSrcName), memT) ssiSrc /= ca.Max(ssiSrc) #Load Mask Image bfiMsk = common.LoadITKImage( pth.expanduser(secOb.bfiMskPath + cfOb.bfiMskName), memT) bfiMsk /= ca.Max(bfiMsk) bfiMsk.setGrid(bfiSrc.grid()) ssiMsk = common.LoadITKImage( pth.expanduser(secOb.ssiMskPath + cfOb.ssiMskName), memT) ssiMsk /= ca.Max(ssiMsk) return ssiSrc, bfiSrc, ssiMsk, bfiMsk
def ApplyAffine(Iout, Im, A, bg=ca.BACKGROUND_STRATEGY_PARTIAL_ZERO): '''Applies an Affine matrix A to an image Im using the Image3D grid (size, spacing, origin) of the two images (Input and Output) ''' # algorithm outline: Create a temporary large grid, then perform # real affine transforms here, then crop to be the size of the out grid ca.SetMem(Iout, 0.0) A = np.matrix(A) bigsize = [max(Iout.grid().size().x, Im.grid().size().x), max(Iout.grid().size().y, Im.grid().size().y), max(Iout.grid().size().z, Im.grid().size().z)] idgrid = ca.GridInfo(ca.Vec3Di(bigsize[0], bigsize[1], bigsize[2]), ca.Vec3Df(1, 1, 1), ca.Vec3Df(0, 0, 0)) # newgrid = Iout.grid() # not a true copy!!!!! newgrid = ca.GridInfo(Iout.grid().size(), Iout.grid().spacing(), Iout.grid().origin()) mType = Iout.memType() Imbig = cc.PadImage(Im, bigsize) h = ca.Field3D(idgrid, mType) ca.SetToIdentity(h) if isinstance(Im, ca.Field3D): Ioutbig = ca.Field3D(idgrid, mType) else: Ioutbig = ca.Image3D(idgrid, mType) # note: x_real' = A*x_real; x_real' given (input grid) # solution: x_real = A^-1 * x_real # where x_real = x_index*spacing + origin # and x_real' = x_index'*spacing' + origin' # x_index' is really given, as is both spacings/origins # and we plug in the solution for x_index' into applyH if A.shape[1] == 3: # 2D affine matrix x = ca.Image3D(idgrid, mType) y = ca.Image3D(idgrid, mType) xnew = ca.Image3D(idgrid, mType) ynew = ca.Image3D(idgrid, mType) ca.Copy(x, h, 0) ca.Copy(y, h, 1) # convert x,y to world coordinates x *= Iout.grid().spacing().x y *= Iout.grid().spacing().y x += Iout.grid().origin().x y += Iout.grid().origin().y # Matrix Multiply (All in real coords) Ainv = A.I ca.MulC_Add_MulC(xnew, x, Ainv[0, 0], y, Ainv[0, 1]) ca.MulC_Add_MulC(ynew, x, Ainv[1, 0], y, Ainv[1, 1]) xnew += (Ainv[0, 2]) ynew += (Ainv[1, 2]) # xnew and ynew are now in real coords # convert back to index coordinates xnew -= Im.grid().origin().x ynew -= Im.grid().origin().y xnew /= Im.grid().spacing().x ynew /= Im.grid().spacing().y ca.SetToZero(h) ca.Copy(h, xnew, 0) ca.Copy(h, ynew, 1) elif A.shape[1] == 4: # 3D affine matrix x = ca.Image3D(idgrid, mType) y = ca.Image3D(idgrid, mType) z = ca.Image3D(idgrid, mType) xnew = ca.Image3D(idgrid, mType) ynew = ca.Image3D(idgrid, mType) znew = ca.Image3D(idgrid, mType) ca.Copy(x, h, 0) ca.Copy(y, h, 1) ca.Copy(z, h, 2) x *= Iout.grid().spacing().x y *= Iout.grid().spacing().y z *= Iout.grid().spacing().z x += Iout.grid().origin().x y += Iout.grid().origin().y z += Iout.grid().origin().z # Matrix Multiply (All in real coords) Ainv = A.I ca.MulC_Add_MulC(xnew, x, Ainv[0, 0], y, Ainv[0, 1]) ca.Add_MulC_I(xnew, z, Ainv[0, 2]) xnew += (Ainv[0, 3]) ca.MulC_Add_MulC(ynew, x, Ainv[1, 0], y, Ainv[1, 1]) ca.Add_MulC_I(ynew, z, Ainv[1, 2]) ynew += (Ainv[1, 3]) ca.MulC_Add_MulC(znew, x, Ainv[2, 0], y, Ainv[2, 1]) ca.Add_MulC_I(znew, z, Ainv[2, 2]) znew += (Ainv[2, 3]) # convert to index coordinates xnew -= Im.grid().origin().x ynew -= Im.grid().origin().y znew -= Im.grid().origin().z xnew /= Im.grid().spacing().x ynew /= Im.grid().spacing().y znew /= Im.grid().spacing().z ca.Copy(h, xnew, 0) ca.Copy(h, ynew, 1) ca.Copy(h, znew, 2) Imbig.setGrid(idgrid) ca.ApplyH(Ioutbig, Imbig, h, bg) # crop Ioutbig -> Iout ca.SubVol(Iout, Ioutbig, ca.Vec3Di(0, 0, 0)) Iout.setGrid(newgrid) # change back
#else: # dir_mri = '/home/sci/crottman/korenberg/results/landmark/' dir_save = '/home/sci/blakez/results/elast_reg/block1_480/' SaveInMRICoords = True MRI_sz = [256] # list of sizes SaveInBFICoords = False SaveRGB = False SaveVE = False SaveBW = True SaveVF = False debug = False # load BFI slice and MRI_as_BFI slices BFI3D = cc.LoadMHA(dir_bf + 'block' + str(block) + 'as_MRI_bw_256.mha', ca.MEM_HOST) # B/W MRI3D = cc.LoadMHA(dir_mri + 'T2Seg.mha', ca.MEM_HOST) # Initialize Deformed 3D Volumes if SaveRGB: BFI_color3D = cc.LoadMHA(dir_bf + 'block' + str(block) + '_reg_rgb.mha', ca.MEM_HOST) BFIDef3D_RGB = ca.Field3D(BFI3D.grid(), BFI3D.memType()) ca.SetMem(BFIDef3D_RGB, 0.0) if SaveVE: BFIDef3D_VE = ca.Image3D(BFI3D.grid(), BFI3D.memType()) ca.SetMem(BFIDef3D_VE, 0.0) if SaveBW: BFIDef3D_BW = ca.Image3D(BFI3D.grid(), BFI3D.memType()) ca.SetMem(BFIDef3D_BW, 0.0) if SaveVF:
############################# imagedir = '/home/sci/crottman/korenberg/results/' + reg_type + '/' if reg_type in ['landmark', 've_reg']: fname_end = '_as_MRI_' + col + '.mha' else: fname_end = '_as_MRI_' + col + '_' + str(sz) + '.mha' if sz >= 512: mType = ca.MEM_HOST else: mType = ca.MEM_DEVICE if reg_type is not 'best': grid = cc.MakeGrid([sz, sz, sz], [256.0 / sz, 256.0 / sz, 256.0 / sz], 'center') blocks = ca.Field3D(grid, mType) ca.SetMem(blocks, 0.0) weights = blocks.copy() ca.SetMem(weights, 0.0) for i in xrange(1, 5): fname = imagedir + 'block' + str(i) + fname_end try: blk = cc.LoadMHA(fname, mType) except IOError: print 'Warning... block ' + str(i) + ' does not exist' continue blocks += blk weight3 = blk.copy() try:
plt.ion() plt.close('all') import PyCA.Common as common from PyCAApps import ElastReg import matplotlib.mlab as mlab import scipy import matplotlib.patches as patches memT = ca.MEM_DEVICE conDir = '/local/blakez/Backup/M13_01/data/microscopy/confocal/M13_01_B2_43_S5/zslice_tiles_00/C02/' #micDir = '/local/blakez/korenbergNAS/3D_database/Raw/Microscopic/Confocal/M13/M13-01-B2-10-S3/2016_10_13_17_45_10--M13-01-B2-10-S3 5x tiling/' #micOut = '/home/sci/blakez/M13_01/results/microscopic/intensityCorrected/test/' image = cc.LoadTIFF(conDir + 'M13-01-B2-43-S5-C2_Z0_tile_000.tif', memT) stack = np.zeros((512, 512, 420), dtype='uint8') for ii in range(0, 420): image = plt.imread( conDir + 'M13-01-B2-43-S5-C2_Z0_tile_{0}.tif'.format(str(int(ii)).zfill(3)), memT) stack[:, :, ii] = image fMask = ( stack > 1 ) # Can Adjust what is considered background by changing the comparison number f = stack * fMask m = np.sum(f, axis=2, dtype='float') / np.sum(fMask, axis=2, dtype='float')
import PyCAApps as apps import matplotlib import scipy import yaml from scipy import ndimage plt.ion() plt.close('all') import glob import json import sys import gc import os import os.path as pth cc.SelectGPU(2) def load_and_solve(target_points_file, source_points_file): target_points = np.loadtxt(target_points_file, delimiter=' ')[:, 0:2] source_points = np.loadtxt(source_points_file, delimiter=' ')[:, 0:2] landmarks = [] for pt in range(0, len(target_points)): landmarks.append( [source_points[pt].tolist(), target_points[pt].tolist()]) return apps.SolveAffine(np.array(landmarks)) def ConvertGrid(I_src_grid, I_tar_grid):
plt.close('all') import PyCA.Common as common from PyCAApps import ElastReg, SolveSpline, SplineToHField, DefPoint, IDiff livedir = '/home/sci/blakez/M15-01/Data/MRI/liveMRI/' # livedir = '/local/blakez/korenbergNAS/3D_database/Raw/MRI/in_vivo_MRI/M15/HARVEY_IN_VIVO/' # T2dir = '/home/sci/blakez/M13_01/data/MRI/' T2dir = '/home/sci/blakez/M15-01/Data/MRI/HARVEY_OSAMA_TOBLAKE/' ex = 'Korenberg09_MonkeyBrain_Korenberg09_MonkeyBrain_081815_Live_Harv__E16_P1_2.16.756.' SaveDir = '/home/sci/blakez/M15-01/Results/MRI/invivo_MRI/081815_E16/' memT = ca.MEM_DEVICE write = False # T2 = cc.LoadMHA(T2dir + 'T2Seg_roty-119_flipy.mha',memT) T2 = cc.LoadMHA(T2dir + 'T2_MRI.mha', memT) T2_mask = cc.LoadMHA(T2dir + '../M15_01_MRI_Full_Mask.mha', memT) T2 *= T2_mask # rotMat = np.load(T2dir + 'rotationMatrix.npy') # live = cc.LoadMHA(livedir + 'M13_01_live_MRI.mha',memT) live = cc.LoadMHA(livedir + 'M15_01_live_MRI_E16.mha', memT) live_mask = cc.LoadNRRD(SaveDir + 'M15_01_live_MRI_mask.nrrd', memT) live_mask.setOrigin(live.origin()) live -= ca.Min(live) live /= ca.Max(live) live *= live_mask with open(SaveDir + 'M15_01_LiveE16-T2_Landmarks.json', 'r') as f: landmarks = json.load(f)
def main(): # Extract the Monkey number and section number from the command line global frgNum global secOb mkyNum = sys.argv[1] secNum = sys.argv[2] frgNum = int(sys.argv[3]) write = True # if not os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser('~/korenbergNAS/3D_database/Working/configuration_files/SidescapeRelateBlockface/M{0}/section_{1}/include_configFile.yaml'.format(mkyNum,secNum))): # cf = initial(secNum, mkyNum) try: secOb = Config.Load( secSpec, pth.expanduser( '~/korenbergNAS/3D_database/Working/configuration_files/SidescapeRelateBlockface/M{0}/section_{1}/include_configFile.yaml' .format(mkyNum, secNum))) except IOError as e: try: temp = Config.LoadYAMLDict(pth.expanduser( '~/korenbergNAS/3D_database/Working/configuration_files/SidescapeRelateBlockface/M{0}/section_{1}/include_configFile.yaml' .format(mkyNum, secNum)), include=False) secOb = Config.MkConfig(temp, secSpec) except IOError: print 'It appears there is no configuration file for this section. Please initialize one and restart.' sys.exit() if frgNum == int(secOb.yamlList[frgNum][-6]): Fragmenter() try: secOb = Config.Load( secSpec, pth.expanduser( '~/korenbergNAS/3D_database/Working/configuration_files/SidescapeRelateBlockface/M{0}/section_{1}/include_configFile.yaml' .format(mkyNum, secNum))) except IOError: print 'It appeas that the include yaml file list does not match your fragmentation number. Please check them and restart.' sys.exit() if not pth.exists( pth.expanduser(secOb.ssiOutPath + 'frag{0}'.format(frgNum))): common.Mkdir_p( pth.expanduser(secOb.ssiOutPath + 'frag{0}'.format(frgNum))) if not pth.exists( pth.expanduser(secOb.bfiOutPath + 'frag{0}'.format(frgNum))): common.Mkdir_p( pth.expanduser(secOb.bfiOutPath + 'frag{0}'.format(frgNum))) if not pth.exists( pth.expanduser(secOb.ssiSrcPath + 'frag{0}'.format(frgNum))): os.mkdir(pth.expanduser(secOb.ssiSrcPath + 'frag{0}'.format(frgNum))) if not pth.exists( pth.expanduser(secOb.bfiSrcPath + 'frag{0}'.format(frgNum))): os.mkdir(pth.expanduser(secOb.bfiSrcPath + 'frag{0}'.format(frgNum))) frgOb = Config.MkConfig(secOb.yamlList[frgNum], frgSpec) ssiSrc, bfiSrc, ssiMsk, bfiMsk = Loader(frgOb, ca.MEM_HOST) #Extract the saturation Image from the color iamge bfiHsv = common.FieldFromNPArr( matplotlib.colors.rgb_to_hsv( np.rollaxis(np.array(np.squeeze(bfiSrc.asnp())), 0, 3)), ca.MEM_HOST) bfiHsv.setGrid(bfiSrc.grid()) bfiSat = ca.Image3D(bfiSrc.grid(), bfiHsv.memType()) ca.Copy(bfiSat, bfiHsv, 1) #Histogram equalize, normalize and mask the blockface saturation image bfiSat = cb.HistogramEqualize(bfiSat, 256) bfiSat.setGrid(bfiSrc.grid()) bfiSat *= -1 bfiSat -= ca.Min(bfiSat) bfiSat /= ca.Max(bfiSat) bfiSat *= bfiMsk bfiSat.setGrid(bfiSrc.grid()) #Write out the blockface region after adjusting the colors with a format that supports header information if write: common.SaveITKImage( bfiSat, pth.expanduser(secOb.bfiSrcPath + 'frag{0}/M{1}_01_bfi_section_{2}_frag{0}_sat.nrrd'. format(frgNum, secOb.mkyNum, secOb.secNum))) #Set the sidescape grid relative to that of the blockface ssiSrc.setGrid(ConvertGrid(ssiSrc.grid(), bfiSat.grid())) ssiMsk.setGrid(ConvertGrid(ssiMsk.grid(), bfiSat.grid())) ssiSrc *= ssiMsk #Write out the sidescape masked image in a format that stores the header information if write: common.SaveITKImage( ssiSrc, pth.expanduser(secOb.ssiSrcPath + 'frag{0}/M{1}_01_ssi_section_{2}_frag{0}.nrrd'. format(frgNum, secOb.mkyNum, secOb.secNum))) #Update the image parameters of the sidescape image for future use frgOb.imSize = ssiSrc.size().tolist() frgOb.imOrig = ssiSrc.origin().tolist() frgOb.imSpac = ssiSrc.spacing().tolist() updateFragOb(frgOb) #Find the affine transform between the two fragments bfiAff, ssiAff, aff = Affine(bfiSat, ssiSrc, frgOb) updateFragOb(frgOb) #Write out the affine transformed images in a format that stores header information if write: common.SaveITKImage( bfiAff, pth.expanduser( secOb.bfiOutPath + 'frag{0}/M{1}_01_bfi_section_{2}_frag{0}_aff_ssi.nrrd'.format( frgNum, secOb.mkyNum, secOb.secNum))) common.SaveITKImage( ssiAff, pth.expanduser( secOb.ssiOutPath + 'frag{0}/M{1}_01_ssi_section_{2}_frag{0}_aff_bfi.nrrd'.format( frgNum, secOb.mkyNum, secOb.secNum))) bfiVe = bfiAff.copy() ssiVe = ssiSrc.copy() cc.VarianceEqualize_I(bfiVe, sigma=frgOb.sigVarBfi, eps=frgOb.epsVar) cc.VarianceEqualize_I(ssiVe, sigma=frgOb.sigVarSsi, eps=frgOb.epsVar) #As of right now, the largest pre-computed FFT table is 2048, so resample onto that grid for registration regGrd = ConvertGrid( cc.MakeGrid(ca.Vec3Di(2048, 2048, 1), ca.Vec3Df(1, 1, 1), ca.Vec3Df(0, 0, 0)), ssiSrc.grid()) ssiReg = ca.Image3D(regGrd, ca.MEM_HOST) bfiReg = ca.Image3D(regGrd, ca.MEM_HOST) cc.ResampleWorld(ssiReg, ssiVe) cc.ResampleWorld(bfiReg, bfiVe) #Create the default configuration object for IDiff Matching and then set some parameters idCf = Config.SpecToConfig(IDiff.Matching.MatchingConfigSpec) idCf.compute.useCUDA = True = '/home/sci/blakez/IDtest/' #Run the registration ssiDef, phi = DefReg(ssiReg, bfiReg, frgOb, ca.MEM_DEVICE, idCf) #Turn the deformation into a displacement field so it can be applied to the large tif with C++ code affV = phi.copy() cc.ApplyAffineReal(affV, phi, np.linalg.inv(frgOb.affine)) ca.HtoV_I(affV) #Apply the found deformation to the input ssi ssiSrc.toType(ca.MEM_DEVICE) cc.HtoReal(phi) affPhi = phi.copy() ssiBfi = ssiSrc.copy() upPhi = ca.Field3D(ssiSrc.grid(), phi.memType()) cc.ApplyAffineReal(affPhi, phi, np.linalg.inv(frgOb.affine)) cc.ResampleWorld(upPhi, affPhi, bg=2) cc.ApplyHReal(ssiBfi, ssiSrc, upPhi) # ssiPhi = ca.Image3D(ssiSrc.grid(), phi.memType()) # upPhi = ca.Field3D(ssiSrc.grid(), phi.memType()) # cc.ResampleWorld(upPhi, phi, bg=2) # cc.ApplyHReal(ssiPhi, ssiSrc, upPhi) # ssiBfi = ssiSrc.copy() # cc.ApplyAffineReal(ssiBfi, ssiPhi, np.linalg.inv(frgOb.affine)) # #Apply affine to the deformation # affPhi = phi.copy() # cc.ApplyAffineReal(affPhi, phi, np.linalg.inv(frgOb.affine)) if write: common.SaveITKImage( ssiBfi, pth.expanduser( secOb.ssiOutPath + 'frag{0}/M{1}_01_ssi_section_{2}_frag{0}_def_bfi.nrrd'.format( frgNum, secOb.mkyNum, secOb.secNum))) cc.WriteMHA( affPhi, pth.expanduser( secOb.ssiOutPath + 'frag{0}/M{1}_01_ssi_section_{2}_frag{0}_to_bfi_real.mha'. format(frgNum, secOb.mkyNum, secOb.secNum))) cc.WriteMHA( affV, pth.expanduser( secOb.ssiOutPath + 'frag{0}/M{1}_01_ssi_section_{2}_frag{0}_to_bfi_disp.mha'. format(frgNum, secOb.mkyNum, secOb.secNum))) #Create the list of names that the deformation should be applied to # nameList = ['M15_01_0956_SideLight_DimLED_10x_ORG.tif', # 'M15_01_0956_TyrosineHydroxylase_Ben_10x_Stitching_c1_ORG.tif', # 'M15_01_0956_TyrosineHydroxylase_Ben_10x_Stitching_c2_ORG.tif', # 'M15_01_0956_TyrosineHydroxylase_Ben_10x_Stitching_c3_ORG.tif'] # appLarge(nameList, affPhi) common.DebugHere()
def Fragmenter(): tmpOb = Config.Load( frgSpec, pth.expanduser( '~/korenbergNAS/3D_database/Working/configuration_files/SidescapeRelateBlockface/M{0}/section_{1}/section_{1}_frag0.yaml' .format(secOb.mkyNum, secOb.secNum))) dictBuild = {} #Load in the whole image so that the fragment can cropped out ssiSrc, bfiSrc, ssiMsk, bfiMsk = Loader(tmpOb, ca.MEM_HOST) #Because some of the functions only woth with gray images bfiGry = ca.Image3D(bfiSrc.grid(), bfiSrc.memType()) ca.Copy(bfiGry, bfiSrc, 1) lblSsi, _ = ndimage.label(np.squeeze(ssiMsk.asnp()) > 0) lblBfi, _ = ndimage.label(np.squeeze(bfiMsk.asnp()) > 0) seedPt = np.squeeze(pp.LandmarkPicker([lblBfi, lblSsi])) subMskBfi = common.ImFromNPArr(lblBfi == lblBfi[seedPt[0, 0], seedPt[0, 1]].astype('int8'), sp=bfiSrc.spacing(), orig=bfiSrc.origin()) subMskSsi = common.ImFromNPArr(lblSsi == lblSsi[seedPt[1, 0], seedPt[1, 1]].astype('int8'), sp=ssiSrc.spacing(), orig=ssiSrc.origin()) bfiGry *= subMskBfi bfiSrc *= subMskBfi ssiSrc *= subMskSsi #Pick points that are the bounding box of the desired subvolume corners = np.array( pp.LandmarkPicker( [np.squeeze(bfiGry.asnp()), np.squeeze(ssiSrc.asnp())])) bfiCds = corners[:, 0] ssiCds = corners[:, 1] #Extract the region from the source images bfiRgn = cc.SubVol(bfiSrc, xrng=[bfiCds[0, 0], bfiCds[1, 0]], yrng=[bfiCds[0, 1], bfiCds[1, 1]]) ssiRgn = cc.SubVol(ssiSrc, xrng=[ssiCds[0, 0], ssiCds[1, 0]], yrng=[ssiCds[0, 1], ssiCds[1, 1]]) #Extract the region from the mask images rgnMskSsi = cc.SubVol(subMskSsi, xrng=[ssiCds[0, 0], ssiCds[1, 0]], yrng=[ssiCds[0, 1], ssiCds[1, 1]]) rgnMskBfi = cc.SubVol(subMskBfi, xrng=[bfiCds[0, 0], bfiCds[1, 0]], yrng=[bfiCds[0, 1], bfiCds[1, 1]]) dictBuild['rgnBfi'] = np.divide( bfiCds, np.array(bfiSrc.size().tolist()[0:2], 'float')).tolist() dictBuild['rgnSsi'] = np.divide( ssiCds, np.array(ssiSrc.size().tolist()[0:2], 'float')).tolist() #Check the output directory for the source files of the fragment if not pth.exists( pth.expanduser(secOb.ssiSrcPath + 'frag{0}'.format(frgNum))): os.mkdir(pth.expanduser(secOb.ssiSrcPath + 'frag{0}'.format(frgNum))) if not pth.exists( pth.expanduser(secOb.bfiSrcPath + 'frag{0}'.format(frgNum))): os.mkdir(pth.expanduser(secOb.bfiSrcPath + 'frag{0}'.format(frgNum))) #Check the output directory for the mask files of the fragment if not pth.exists( pth.expanduser(secOb.ssiMskPath + 'frag{0}'.format(frgNum))): os.mkdir(pth.expanduser(secOb.ssiMskPath + 'frag{0}'.format(frgNum))) if not pth.exists( pth.expanduser(secOb.bfiMskPath + 'frag{0}'.format(frgNum))): os.mkdir(pth.expanduser(secOb.bfiMskPath + 'frag{0}'.format(frgNum))) dictBuild[ 'ssiSrcName'] = 'frag{0}/M{1}_01_ssi_section_{2}_frag1.tif'.format( frgNum, secOb.mkyNum, secOb.secNum) dictBuild[ 'bfiSrcName'] = 'frag{0}/M{1}_01_bfi_section_{2}_frag1.mha'.format( frgNum, secOb.mkyNum, secOb.secNum) dictBuild[ 'ssiMskName'] = 'frag{0}/M{1}_01_ssi_section_{2}_frag1_mask.tif'.format( frgNum, secOb.mkyNum, secOb.secNum) dictBuild[ 'bfiMskName'] = 'frag{0}/M{1}_01_bfi_section_{2}_frag1_mask.tif'.format( frgNum, secOb.mkyNum, secOb.secNum) #Write out the masked and cropped images so that they can be loaded from the YAML file #The BFI region needs to be saved as color and mha format so that the grid information is carried over. common.SaveITKImage( ssiRgn, pth.expanduser(secOb.ssiSrcPath + dictBuild['ssiSrcName'])) cc.WriteColorMHA( bfiRgn, pth.expanduser(secOb.bfiSrcPath + dictBuild['bfiSrcName'])) common.SaveITKImage( rgnMskSsi, pth.expanduser(secOb.ssiMskPath + dictBuild['ssiMskName'])) common.SaveITKImage( rgnMskBfi, pth.expanduser(secOb.bfiMskPath + dictBuild['bfiMskName'])) frgOb = Config.MkConfig(dictBuild, frgSpec) updateFragOb(frgOb) return None
def RigidReg( Is, It, theta_step=.0001, t_step=.01, a_step=0, maxIter=350, plot=True, origin=None, theta=0, # only applies for 2D t=None, # only applies for 2D Ain=np.matrix(np.identity(3))): Idef = ca.Image3D(It.grid(), It.memType()) gradIdef = ca.Field3D(It.grid(), It.memType()) h = ca.Field3D(It.grid(), It.memType()) ca.SetToIdentity(h) x = ca.Image3D(It.grid(), It.memType()) y = ca.Image3D(It.grid(), It.memType()) DX = ca.Image3D(It.grid(), It.memType()) DY = ca.Image3D(It.grid(), It.memType()) diff = ca.Image3D(It.grid(), It.memType()) scratchI = ca.Image3D(It.grid(), It.memType()) ca.Copy(x, h, 0) ca.Copy(y, h, 1) if origin is None: origin = [(Is.grid().size().x + 1) / 2.0, (Is.grid().size().y + 1) / 2.0, (Is.grid().size().z + 1) / 2.0] x -= origin[0] y -= origin[1] numel = It.size().x * It.size().y * It.size().z immin, immax = ca.MinMax(It) imrng = max(immax - immin, .01) t_step /= numel * imrng theta_step /= numel * imrng a_step /= numel * imrng energy = [] a = 1 if cc.Is3D(Is): if theta: print "theta is not utilized in 3D registration" z = ca.Image3D(It.grid(), It.memType()) DZ = ca.Image3D(It.grid(), It.memType()) ca.Copy(z, h, 2) z -= origin[2] A = np.matrix(np.identity(4)) cc.ApplyAffineReal(Idef, Is, A) # cc.ApplyAffine(Idef, Is, A, origin) t = [0, 0, 0] for i in xrange(maxIter): ca.Sub(diff, Idef, It) ca.Gradient(gradIdef, Idef) ca.Copy(DX, gradIdef, 0) ca.Copy(DY, gradIdef, 1) ca.Copy(DZ, gradIdef, 2) # take gradient step for the translation ca.Mul(scratchI, DX, diff) t[0] += t_step * ca.Sum(scratchI) ca.Mul(scratchI, DY, diff) t[1] += t_step * ca.Sum(scratchI) ca.Mul(scratchI, DZ, diff) t[2] += t_step * ca.Sum(scratchI) A[0, 3] = t[0] A[1, 3] = t[1] A[2, 3] = t[2] if a_step > 0: DX *= x DY *= y DZ *= z DZ += DX DZ += DY DZ *= diff d_a = a_step * ca.Sum(DZ) a_prev = a a += d_a # multiplying by a/a_prev is equivalent to adding (a-aprev) A = A * np.matrix([[a / a_prev, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, a / a_prev, 0, 0 ], [0, 0, a / a_prev, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) # Z rotation ca.Copy(DX, gradIdef, 0) ca.Copy(DY, gradIdef, 1) DX *= y ca.Neg_I(DX) DY *= x ca.Add(scratchI, DX, DY) scratchI *= diff theta = -theta_step * ca.Sum(scratchI) # % Recalculate A A = A * np.matrix( [[np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta), 0, 0], [-np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta), 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) # Y rotation ca.Copy(DX, gradIdef, 0) ca.Copy(DZ, gradIdef, 2) DX *= z ca.Neg_I(DX) DZ *= x ca.Add(scratchI, DX, DZ) scratchI *= diff theta = -theta_step * ca.Sum(scratchI) # % Recalculate A A = A * np.matrix( [[np.cos(theta), 0, np.sin(theta), 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [-np.sin(theta), 0, np.cos(theta), 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) # X rotation ca.Copy(DY, gradIdef, 1) ca.Copy(DZ, gradIdef, 2) DY *= z ca.Neg_I(DY) DZ *= y ca.Add(scratchI, DY, DZ) scratchI *= diff theta = -theta_step * ca.Sum(scratchI) # Recalculate A A = A * np.matrix( [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta), 0], [0, -np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta), 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) cc.ApplyAffineReal(Idef, Is, A) # cc.ApplyAffine(Idef, Is, A, origin) # % display Energy (and other figures) at the end energy.append(ca.Sum2(diff)) if (i == maxIter - 1) or (i > 75 and abs(energy[-1] - energy[-50]) < immax): cd.DispImage(diff, title='Difference Image', colorbar=True) plt.figure() plt.plot(energy) cd.DispImage(Idef, title='Deformed Image') break elif cc.Is2D(Is): # theta = 0 if t is None: t = [0, 0] # A = np.array([[a*np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta), t[0]], # [-np.sin(theta), a*np.cos(theta), t[1]], # [0, 0, 1]]) A = np.copy(Ain) cc.ApplyAffineReal(Idef, Is, A) # ca.Copy(Idef, Is) for i in xrange(1, maxIter): # [FX,FY] = gradient(Idef) ca.Sub(diff, Idef, It) ca.Gradient(gradIdef, Idef) ca.Copy(DX, gradIdef, 0) ca.Copy(DY, gradIdef, 1) # take gradient step for the translation ca.Mul(scratchI, DX, diff) t[0] += t_step * ca.Sum(scratchI) ca.Mul(scratchI, DY, diff) t[1] += t_step * ca.Sum(scratchI) # take gradient step for the rotation theta if a_step > 0: # d/da DX *= x DY *= y DY += DX DY *= diff d_a = a_step * ca.Sum(DY) a += d_a # d/dtheta ca.Copy(DX, gradIdef, 0) ca.Copy(DY, gradIdef, 1) DX *= y ca.Neg_I(DX) DY *= x ca.Add(scratchI, DX, DY) scratchI *= diff d_theta = theta_step * ca.Sum(scratchI) theta -= d_theta # Recalculate A, Idef A = np.matrix([[a * np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta), t[0]], [-np.sin(theta), a * np.cos(theta), t[1]], [0, 0, 1]]) A = Ain * A cc.ApplyAffineReal(Idef, Is, A) # cc.ApplyAffine(Idef, Is, A, origin) # % display Energy (and other figures) at the end energy.append(ca.Sum2(diff)) if (i == maxIter - 1) or (i > 75 and abs(energy[-1] - energy[-50]) < immax): if i == maxIter - 1: print "not converged in ", maxIter, " Iterations" if plot: cd.DispImage(diff, title='Difference Image', colorbar=True) plt.figure() plt.plot(energy) cd.DispImage(Idef, title='Deformed Image') break return A
# for a in folderList: # print a #Load in the T2 image and downsample it to the resolution of the DW images #### T2_list = sorted(glob.glob(indir + 'T2DICOM_scan26/*')) refIm = dicom.read_file(T2_list[0]) PixelDims = (int(refIm.Rows), int(refIm.Columns), len(T2_list)) # PixelSpacing = (0.5,0.5,0.5) T2Array = np.zeros(PixelDims, dtype=refIm.pixel_array.dtype) for filename in T2_list: ds = dicom.read_file(filename) T2Array[:, :, T2_list.index(filename)] = ds.pixel_array T2MRI = common.ImFromNPArr(T2Array) T2MRI.setGrid(cc.MakeGrid(T2MRI.grid().size(), 0.5)) T2MRI.toType(ca.MEM_DEVICE) #Swap the axis of the images so they align with the gradient directions T2MRI = cc.SwapAxes(T2MRI, 0, 1) T2MRI = cc.SwapAxes(T2MRI, 0, 2) T2MRI = cc.FlipDim(T2MRI, 2) # T2MRI = cc.FlipDim(T2MRI,2) DWIgrid = cc.MakeGrid([120, 144, 120], 0.5, [0, 0, 0]) down_T2 = ca.Image3D(DWIgrid, ca.MEM_DEVICE) ca.Resample(down_T2, T2MRI) #### #Display the list # cc.WriteMHA(down_T2,outdir + 'Images/T2_downSample_to_DWImha')
# mType=ca.MEM_HOST mType = ca.MEM_DEVICE ds = 2 else: mType = ca.MEM_DEVICE ds = 1 plt.close('all') # Rigid Reg parameters theta_step = 0 t_step = 300 a_step = 0 maxIter = 2000 Imprev = cc.LoadTIFF(filelist[0], mType, ds) origin = [(Imprev.grid().size().x+1)/2.0, # origin for Affine matrix (Imprev.grid().size().y+1)/2.0, (Imprev.grid().size().z+1)/2.0] scratchI = ca.Image3D(Imprev.grid(), Imprev.memType()) scratchI2 = ca.Image3D(Imprev.grid(), Imprev.memType()) # initialize dictionary Adict = {'origin': origin} Adict[files.get_file_dist(filelist[0])] = np.identity(3) # if 'block1' in filelist[0]: # move first image in block 1 if block == 1: tcentx, tcenty = cc.CenterImage(Imprev) ca.Copy(scratchI, Imprev)
def main(): secNum = sys.argv[1] mkyNum = sys.argv[2] region = str(sys.argv[3]) # channel = sys.argv[3] ext = 'M{0}/section_{1}/{2}/'.format(mkyNum, secNum, region) ss_dir = '/home/sci/blakez/korenbergNAS/3D_database/Working/Microscopic/side_light_microscope/' conf_dir = '/home/sci/blakez/korenbergNAS/3D_database/Working/Microscopic/confocal/' memT = ca.MEM_DEVICE try: with open( ss_dir + 'src_registration/M{0}/section_{1}/M{0}_01_section_{1}_regions.txt' .format(mkyNum, secNum), 'r') as f: region_dict = json.load(f) f.close() except IOError: region_dict = {} region_dict[region] = {} region_dict['size'] = map( int, raw_input("What is the size of the full resolution image x,y? "). split(',')) region_dict[region]['bbx'] = map( int, raw_input( "What are the x indicies of the bounding box (Matlab Format x_start,x_stop? " ).split(',')) region_dict[region]['bby'] = map( int, raw_input( "What are the y indicies of the bounding box (Matlab Format y_start,y_stop? " ).split(',')) if region not in region_dict: region_dict[region] = {} region_dict[region]['bbx'] = map( int, raw_input( "What are the x indicies of the bounding box (Matlab Format x_start,x_stop? " ).split(',')) region_dict[region]['bby'] = map( int, raw_input( "What are the y indicies of the bounding box (Matlab Format y_start,y_stop? " ).split(',')) img_region = common.LoadITKImage( ss_dir + 'src_registration/M{0}/section_{1}/M{0}_01_section_{1}_{2}.tiff'. format(mkyNum, secNum, region), ca.MEM_HOST) ssiSrc = common.LoadITKImage( ss_dir + 'src_registration/M{0}/section_{1}/frag0/M{0}_01_ssi_section_{1}_frag0.nrrd' .format(mkyNum, secNum), ca.MEM_HOST) bfi_df = common.LoadITKField( ss_dir + 'Blockface_registered/M{0}/section_{1}/frag0/M{0}_01_ssi_section_{1}_frag0_to_bfi_real.mha' .format(mkyNum, secNum), ca.MEM_DEVICE) # Figure out the same region in the low resolution image: There is a transpose from here to matlab so dimensions are flipped low_sz = ssiSrc.size().tolist() yrng_raw = [(low_sz[1] * region_dict[region]['bbx'][0]) / np.float(region_dict['size'][0]), (low_sz[1] * region_dict[region]['bbx'][1]) / np.float(region_dict['size'][0])] xrng_raw = [(low_sz[0] * region_dict[region]['bby'][0]) / np.float(region_dict['size'][1]), (low_sz[0] * region_dict[region]['bby'][1]) / np.float(region_dict['size'][1])] yrng = [[0])),[1]))] xrng = [[0])),[1]))] low_sub = cc.SubVol(ssiSrc, xrng, yrng) # Figure out the grid for the sub region in relation to the sidescape originout = [ ssiSrc.origin().x + ssiSrc.spacing().x * xrng[0], ssiSrc.origin().y + ssiSrc.spacing().y * yrng[0], 0 ] spacingout = [ (low_sub.size().x * ssiSrc.spacing().x) / (img_region.size().x), (low_sub.size().y * ssiSrc.spacing().y) / (img_region.size().y), 1 ] gridout = cc.MakeGrid(img_region.size().tolist(), spacingout, originout) img_region.setGrid(gridout) only_sub = np.zeros(ssiSrc.size().tolist()[0:2]) only_sub[xrng[0]:xrng[1], yrng[0]:yrng[1]] = np.squeeze(low_sub.asnp()) only_sub = common.ImFromNPArr(only_sub) only_sub.setGrid(ssiSrc.grid()) # Deform the only sub region to only_sub.toType(ca.MEM_DEVICE) def_sub = ca.Image3D(bfi_df.grid(), bfi_df.memType()) cc.ApplyHReal(def_sub, only_sub, bfi_df) def_sub.toType(ca.MEM_HOST) # Now have to find the bounding box in the deformation space (bfi space) if 'deformation_bbx' not in region_dict[region]: bb_def = np.squeeze(pp.LandmarkPicker([np.squeeze(def_sub.asnp())])) bb_def_y = [bb_def[0][0], bb_def[1][0]] bb_def_x = [bb_def[0][1], bb_def[1][1]] region_dict[region]['deformation_bbx'] = bb_def_x region_dict[region]['deformation_bby'] = bb_def_y with open( ss_dir + 'src_registration/M{0}/section_{1}/M{0}_01_section_{1}_regions.txt' .format(mkyNum, secNum), 'w') as f: json.dump(region_dict, f) f.close() # Now need to extract the region and create a deformation and image that have the same resolution as the img_region deform_sub = cc.SubVol(bfi_df, region_dict[region]['deformation_bbx'], region_dict[region]['deformation_bby']) common.DebugHere() sizeout = [ int( np.ceil((deform_sub.size().x * deform_sub.spacing().x) / img_region.spacing().x)), int( np.ceil((deform_sub.size().y * deform_sub.spacing().y) / img_region.spacing().y)), 1 ] region_grid = cc.MakeGrid(sizeout, img_region.spacing().tolist(), deform_sub.origin().tolist()) def_im_region = ca.Image3D(region_grid, deform_sub.memType()) up_deformation = ca.Field3D(region_grid, deform_sub.memType()) img_region.toType(ca.MEM_DEVICE) cc.ResampleWorld(up_deformation, deform_sub, ca.BACKGROUND_STRATEGY_PARTIAL_ZERO) cc.ApplyHReal(def_im_region, img_region, up_deformation) ss_out = ss_dir + 'Blockface_registered/M{0}/section_{1}/{2}/'.format( mkyNum, secNum, region) if not pth.exists(pth.expanduser(ss_out)): os.mkdir(pth.expanduser(ss_out)) common.SaveITKImage( def_im_region, pth.expanduser(ss_out) + 'M{0}_01_section_{1}_{2}_def_to_bfi.nrrd'.format( mkyNum, secNum, region)) common.SaveITKImage( def_im_region, pth.expanduser(ss_out) + 'M{0}_01_section_{1}_{2}_def_to_bfi.tiff'.format( mkyNum, secNum, region)) del img_region, def_im_region, ssiSrc, deform_sub # Now apply the same deformation to the confocal images conf_grid = cc.LoadGrid( conf_dir + 'sidelight_registered/M{0}/section_{1}/{2}/affine_registration_grid.txt' .format(mkyNum, secNum, region)) cf_out = conf_dir + 'blockface_registered/M{0}/section_{1}/{2}/'.format( mkyNum, secNum, region) # confocal.toType(ca.MEM_DEVICE) # def_conf = ca.Image3D(region_grid, deform_sub.memType()) # cc.ApplyHReal(def_conf, confocal, up_deformation) for channel in range(0, 4): z_stack = [] num_slices = len( glob.glob(conf_dir + 'sidelight_registered/M{0}/section_{1}/{3}/Ch{2}/*.tiff'. format(mkyNum, secNum, channel, region))) for z in range(0, num_slices): src_im = common.LoadITKImage( conf_dir + 'sidelight_registered/M{0}/section_{1}/{3}/Ch{2}/M{0}_01_section_{1}_LGN_RHS_Ch{2}_conf_aff_sidelight_z{4}.tiff' .format(mkyNum, secNum, channel, region, str(z).zfill(2))) src_im.setGrid( cc.MakeGrid( ca.Vec3Di(conf_grid.size().x, conf_grid.size().y, 1), conf_grid.spacing(), conf_grid.origin())) src_im.toType(ca.MEM_DEVICE) def_im = ca.Image3D(region_grid, ca.MEM_DEVICE) cc.ApplyHReal(def_im, src_im, up_deformation) def_im.toType(ca.MEM_HOST) common.SaveITKImage( def_im, cf_out + 'Ch{2}/M{0}_01_section_{1}_{3}_Ch{2}_conf_def_blockface_z{4}.tiff' .format(mkyNum, secNum, channel, region, str(z).zfill(2))) if z == 0: common.SaveITKImage( def_im, cf_out + 'Ch{2}/M{0}_01_section_{1}_{3}_Ch{2}_conf_def_blockface_z{4}.nrrd' .format(mkyNum, secNum, channel, region, str(z).zfill(2))) z_stack.append(def_im) print('==> Done with Ch {0}: {1}/{2}'.format( channel, z, num_slices - 1)) stacked = cc.Imlist_to_Im(z_stack) stacked.setSpacing( ca.Vec3Df(region_grid.spacing().x, region_grid.spacing().y, conf_grid.spacing().z)) common.SaveITKImage( stacked, cf_out + 'Ch{2}/M{0}_01_section_{1}_{3}_Ch{2}_conf_def_blockface_stack.nrrd' .format(mkyNum, secNum, channel, region)) if channel == 0: cc.WriteGrid( stacked.grid(), cf_out + 'deformed_registration_grid.txt'.format( mkyNum, secNum, region))
str(sec).zfill(4)), ca.MEM_HOST) bfi_list.append(bfi_org) if sec == slicestart: inplane_grid = ssi_reg.grid() reg_list.append(ssi_reg) aff_list.append(ssi_aff) print "Registered Grid: " print ssi_reg.grid() print "Affine Grid: " print ssi_aff.grid() print "Added Section {0}".format(sec) else: stack_temp = ca.Image3D(inplane_grid, ca.MEM_HOST) cc.ResampleWorld(stack_temp, ssi_reg) reg_list.append(stack_temp) aff_list.append(ssi_aff) print "Added Section {0}".format(sec) print 'Attempting to make volumes' ssi_reg_vol = cc.Imlist_to_Im(reg_list) ssi_aff_vol = cc.Imlist_to_Im(aff_list) bfi_org_vol = cc.Imlist_to_Im(bfi_list) ssi_reg_vol.setSpacing( ca.Vec3Df(ssi_reg_vol.spacing()[0], ssi_reg_vol.spacing()[1], 0.030)) ssi_aff_vol.setSpacing( ca.Vec3Df(ssi_aff_vol.spacing()[0],
import PyCA.Core as ca import numpy as np import sys import PyCACalebExtras.Common as cc import PyCACalebExtras.Display as cd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.close('all') block = 3 # 1, 2, 3, 4 dir_in = '/home/sci/crottman/korenberg/results/landmark/' dir_out = '/home/sci/crottman/korenberg/results/ve_reg/' Imri = cc.LoadMHA('/home/sci/crottman/korenberg/results/MRI/brain_seg.mha') cc.SetRegionLT(Imri, Imri, 1.0, 20000) VEmri = ca.Image3D(Imri.grid(), Imri.memType()) cc.VarianceEqualize(VEmri, Imri, sigma=2.0) # # load landmark registered blocks # Ibfi = cc.LoadMHA(dir_in + 'block' + str(block) + '_as_MRI_bw.mha') # ca.Neg_I(Ibfi) # VEbfi = ca.Image3D(Imri.grid(), Imri.memType()) # cc.VarianceEqualize(VEbfi, Ibfi, sigma=2.0) # cd.DispImage(VEbfi, ca.MinMax(VEmri)) # load landmark registered pre-VEd block VEbfi = cc.LoadMHA(dir_in + 'block' + str(block) + '_as_MRI_ve.mha') ca.Neg_I(VEbfi) # cc.WritePNG(VEbfi, 'VEbfi_block' + str(block) + 'new.png', rng = [-2.8, 2.8]) # cd.DispImage(Ibfi)
import PyCA.Core as ca import PyCA.Common as common import numpy as np from PyCAApps import SolveSpline, SplineToHField import sys from BFI_reg_landmarks import get_new_landmarks # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # cc.SelectGPU() plt.ion() plt.close('all') BFIdir = '/home/sci/crottman/korenberg/results/blockface/' MRIdir = '/home/sci/crottman/korenberg/data/MRI/' for block in [1, 2, 3, 4]: grid = cc.LoadGrid(BFIdir + 'block{0}_grid.txt'.format(block)) sz = grid.size().tolist() sp = grid.spacing().tolist() o = grid.origin().tolist() print 'block' + str(block), 'size:', sz print 'block'+str(block), 'bound:', \ o, 'to', [(sz[0]-1)*sp[0]+o[0], (sz[1]-1)*sp[1]+o[1], (sz[2]-1)*sp[2]+o[2]] grid = cc.LoadGrid(MRIdir + 'T2_grid.txt'.format(block)) sz = grid.size().tolist() sp = grid.spacing().tolist() o = grid.origin().tolist() print 'MRI size:', sz print 'MRI bound:', \
MRIdir = '/home/sci/blakez/M15-01/Data/MRI/HARVEY_OSAMA_TOBLAKE/' MRI_fname = MRIdir + 'T2_MRI.mha' BFIdir = '/local/blakez/korenbergNAS/3D_database/Working/Blockface/self_registered/M15/' outdir = '/local/blakez/korenbergNAS/3D_database/Working/Blockface/T2_registered/Thin_plate_spline/M15/' # for block in [1, 2, 3, 4]: # fname = 'block{0}_reg_fillblanks_bw.mha'.format(block) # tmp = cc.LoadMHA(BFIdir + fname) # cc.WriteGrid(tmp.grid(), BFIdir + 'block{0}_grid.txt'.format(block)) # tmp = cc.LoadMHA(MRI_fname) # cc.WriteGrid(tmp.grid(), MRIdir + 'T2_grid.txt'.format(block)) # sys.exit() #BFIgrid = cc.LoadGrid(BFIdir + 'block{0}_grid.txt'.format(block)) #MRIgrid = cc.LoadGrid(MRIdir + 'T2_grid.txt'.format(block)) MRI = cc.LoadMHA(MRI_fname,ca.MEM_HOST) MRIgrid = MRI.grid() #MRIgrid = cc.MakeGrid(MRI.size(),MRI.spacing(),'center') #MRI.setGrid(MRIgrid) #BFI = cc.LoadMHA(BFIdir + 'M15_01_seg_crop_hd8.mha',ca.MEM_HOST) BFI_full = cc.LoadMHA(BFIdir + 'M15_01_hd8_VE.mha',ca.MEM_HOST) BFI = cc.SubVol(BFI_full, yrng=[146,626]) BFIgrid = cc.MakeGrid(ca.Vec3Di(480,480,2239),ca.Vec3Df(0.1185,0.1185,0.030),'center') BFI.setGrid(BFIgrid) #BFIgrid = BFI.grid() print MRIgrid print BFIgrid # print 'b4 memory', 480*480*874*4/1024./1024 *7 # 7 blocks, mem size # print 'mri memory', 256*256*256*4/1024./1024 *7 # 7 blocks, mem size # print 'mri big memory', 512*512*512*4/1024./1024 *7 # 7 blocks, mem size # print 'single mri ', 256*256*256*4/1024./1024
'~/korenbergNAS/3D_database/Working/MRI/Post-Mortem_MRI/Subject_to_Subject/M13/' ) M15dir = os.path.expanduser( '~/korenbergNAS/3D_database/Working/MRI/Post-Mortem_MRI/Subject_to_Subject/M15/' ) with open(M13dir + 'Affine/M13_01_MRI_affineLandmarks_affineApplied_3.txt', 'r') as m13: m13pts = [[float(v) for v in line.split()] for line in m13] with open(M15dir + 'Affine/M15_01_MRI_affineLandmarks_3.txt', 'r') as m15: m15pts = [[float(v) for v in line.split()] for line in m15] aff_M13 = np.load(M13dir + 'Affine/rotationMatrix.npy') M13_aff = cc.LoadMHA(M13dir + 'Affine/T2Seg_roty-119_flipy.mha', memT) M15 = cc.LoadMHA(M15dir + 'Affine/T2_MRI.mha', memT) M15_mask = cc.LoadNRRD( M15dir + 'Affine/M15_01_MRI_Full_Mask_lessBrainStem.nrrd', memT) M13_mask = cc.LoadNRRD( M13dir + 'Affine/M13_01_MRI_Full_Mask_lessBrainStem.nrrd', memT) M15_mask.setGrid(M15.grid()) M13_mask.setGrid(M13_aff.grid()) M15 *= M15_mask M13_aff *= M13_mask # Points in the M15 were chosen in Flipped Y coordiante system, so flip them back # for pts in m15pts: # pts[0]= 256-pts[0]