Exemple #1
def thresh_Naka_Rushton_fndef(N=2, half_on=120, max_val=100, with_if=True,
    """Can specify strings or numbers for half_on and max_val arguments, in case of
    including parameters or other variables in the definitions.
    (Don't forget to declare those parameters, in that case.)

    Use the with_if=False case to ensure Jacobians can be calculated.
    Use sys_pars list to provide names of any model parameters or functions
      that will be declared elsewhere.
    assert N == int(N), "Provide integer N"
    extra_pars = []
    if sys_pars is None:
        sys_pars = []
    if not isinstance(half_on, str):
        half_on = str(half_on)
        Q = QuantSpec('h', half_on)
        # don't add model system parameters to function parameter list
        extra_pars.extend(remain(Q.freeSymbols, sys_pars))
    if not isinstance(max_val, str):
        max_val = str(max_val)
        Q = QuantSpec('m', max_val)
        extra_pars.extend(remain(Q.freeSymbols, sys_pars))
    if with_if:
        return (['x']+extra_pars,
            'if(x>0,%s*pow(x,%i)/(pow(%s,%i) + pow(x,%i)),0)' % (max_val, N, half_on, N, N))
        return (['x']+extra_pars,
            '%s*pow(x,%i)/(pow(%s,%i) + pow(x,%i))' % (max_val, N, half_on, N, N))
def test_nested_functions_diff():
    """Examples of differentiation using nested functions.

    This functionality is built in to Symbolic.prepJacobian


    func_ma_spec = (["p", "v"], "0.32*(v+54)/(1-exp(-p*(v+54)/4))")
    ma = Fun(func_ma_spec[1], func_ma_spec[0], "ma")
    ma_1 = Fun(Diff(ma, "v"), ["v"], "ma_1")
    func_mb_spec = (["v"], "0.28*(v+27)/(exp((v+27)/5)-1)")
    mb = Fun(func_mb_spec[1], func_ma_spec[0], "mb")
    mb_0 = Fun(Diff(mb, "v"), ["v"], "mb_0")
    func_ma_1_spec = (["p", "v"], str(ma_1.spec))
    func_mb_0_spec = (["v"], str(mb_0.spec))

    # artificial example to introduce time dependence
    rhs_m = "exp(-2*t)*(100-v) + ma(1, v)*(1-m)-mb(v)*m"
    jac_part = Diff(rhs_m, ["v", "m"])

    f = expr2fun(jac_part, ma_1=func_ma_1_spec, mb_0=func_mb_0_spec, ma=func_ma_spec, mb=func_mb_spec)
    assert remain(f._args, ["t", "v", "m"]) == []
    assert abs(norm(f(0, -50, 0.2)) - 8.565615) < 1e-6
    # alternative usage syntax
    assert abs(norm(f(**{"t": 0, "v": -50, "m": 0.2})) - 8.565615) < 1e-6
Exemple #3
def test_nested_functions_diff():
    """Examples of differentiation using nested functions.

    This functionality is built in to Symbolic.prepJacobian


    func_ma_spec = (['p', 'v'], '0.32*(v+54)/(1-exp(-p*(v+54)/4))')
    ma = Fun(func_ma_spec[1], func_ma_spec[0], 'ma')
    ma_1 = Fun(Diff(ma, 'v'), ['v'], 'ma_1')
    func_mb_spec = (['v'], '0.28*(v+27)/(exp((v+27)/5)-1)')
    mb = Fun(func_mb_spec[1], func_ma_spec[0], 'mb')
    mb_0 = Fun(Diff(mb, 'v'), ['v'], 'mb_0')
    func_ma_1_spec = (['p', 'v'], str(ma_1.spec))
    func_mb_0_spec = (['v'], str(mb_0.spec))

    # artificial example to introduce time dependence
    rhs_m = 'exp(-2*t)*(100-v) + ma(1, v)*(1-m)-mb(v)*m'
    jac_part = Diff(rhs_m, ['v', 'm'])

    f = expr2fun(jac_part,
    assert remain(f._args, ['t', 'v', 'm']) == []
    assert abs(norm(f(0, -50, 0.2)) - 8.565615) < 1e-6
    # alternative usage syntax
    assert abs(norm(f(**{'t': 0, 'v': -50, 'm': 0.2})) - 8.565615) < 1e-6
Exemple #4
def make_Jac(DS, varnames=None):
    if varnames is None:
        varnames = DS.funcspec.vars
    subdomain = {}
    fixedvars = remain(DS.funcspec.vars, varnames)
    for k in fixedvars:
        subdomain[k] = DS.initialconditions[k]

    jac, new_fnspecs = prepJacobian(DS.funcspec._initargs['varspecs'], varnames,

    scope = copy.copy(DS.pars)
    return expr2fun(jac, ensure_args=['t'], **scope)